• Published 28th Jun 2015
  • 658 Views, 24 Comments

Bass and Double Bass - Solent Spray

You don't expect a meeting of the minds and music to come together quite like this.

  • ...

(Post-Chapter) 3 Years Before

Damn, I really hate winter...
It was the only beginning of November and in Heavy Note's opinion it was already too cold. He was standing outside of a disused warehouse in the warehousing district of Canterlot, the underground music scene had pretty much finished for the year as pretty much everybody would be thinking about the upcoming holidays such as Christmas and Hearth's Warming. Heavy Note was scouting out a couple of places for the events coming in the new year; the main one being the New Year Eve raving party which last year ran for 15 straight hours. It was one hell of a party.
Ok, Heavy focus. Only a couple more places to check out.
Taking another look at the warehouse, Heavy contemplated.
This one doesn't look to bad. Easily reachable, looks like a large space inside. I'll take a walk around, try to get a feel for the place...

One quick trip later and Heavy Note was satisfied.
Yeah, I think that this should be good enough. Maybe then the organiser will finally let me date her hot assistant. God, Passion Stripe is gorgeous...
Heavy Note was too busy fantasising about Passion Stripe that he didn't notice a small movement close behind him. Someone was coming up Heavy; sizing him up looking to see if he had anything of value, slowly and very careful a small hand inched closer to his jean's back pocket where he kept his wallet. The hand had almost lifted Heavy's wallet out of the pocket until it caught on a loophole, a brief tug and it was free but not without Heavy finally realising what was going on.
Heavy whipped around his hand reaching down instinctively to his now empty pocket, looking up he saw a small figure running away from him at full pelt towards the warehouse's alleyway.
What the fu! He has my wallet!!!

Heavy gave chase towards the figure sprinting away, he was gaining ground on the person with step. The chase oddly went around the outside of the warehouse, not once did the thief try to run completely away from the building. Heavy had caught to a mere five steps behind the thief until they rounded a corner. The thief had made it around and Heavy set to follow until he misjudged how much he had to slow down by, with this Heavy went skidding past the turn and then tripped, swearing profusely Heavy picked himself back up and tried the turning again. To look down a deserted alleyway.
What the f...
Even with the lead he had just giving the person he was chasing down, he still should be able to see them running down the alley. Which meant only one thing; whoever they were was now hiding somewhere in the alleyway.
Gotcha, Bitch!!! No where to run now.
Slowly, watching and listening to any movement or sounds Heavy Note proceed down the alleyway in search of the thief, he had gotten roughly halfway down the alley when he came across his wallet lying on the ground. Picking it up, Heavy immediately became puzzled as he noticed something his cards, his money both paper and coins; none of it was missing, everything was still there.
Why would someone go to the trouble of stealing a wallet then to be chased down to then drop it with everything still inside?
Heavy then noticed movement in the corner of his eye, looked down to his right, he spotted a small pale white hand lifting a piece of tarp next to the warehouse, crouching down he stared in the direction and was greeted with a pair of shocked red irised eyes looking back at him. The eyes and the hand immediately vanished.

"Hey, Wait!" Heavy called out to the disappearance.

Pulling back the tarp in search for the person, slightly surprised Heavy Note revealed a concealed small entrance into the warehouse being curious he crawled in. Heavy expected an empty warehouse to greet him but he was wrong, slightly off to the entrance that Heavy had crawled through was a small (for lack of a better word) camp; but it was really a just a small messy collection of blankets popped up by few pieces of wood, small trinkets were scattered here and there and in the middle of the mess was the unsuccessful supposed thief of Heavy Note's wallet. Heavy Note had been wrong when assuming that that the person had been male.
The 'thief' was female; she was small and mousy, she looked to Heavy Note like she was barely even 14 to 15 years old, her dark auburn hair framed her face even though it was unkempt and dishevelled beyond belief matted with dirt and grime of living rough it looked like it hadn't been properly washed in weeks, her clothes looked like that they were very fashionable a long time ago were effectively rags covering her (they also looked like it was the girl's only outfit after Heavy had glanced his eyes around her 'tent'), she was virtually skin and bones even so her white gaunt hands were clutching desperately to a deflated mud brown satchel in her hands like her life depended in it, but what struck Heavy the most was her eyes (the only colour on her that looked like it didn't come from the streets); her wild red irised eyes looking at Heavy in complete and utter fear. Heavy Note took a step back subconsciously and the girl relaxed, but only slightly.
Think Heavy think! You just caught a thief who turned out to be a girl who is now scared to death of you. Umm.....I got nothing.

"Ummm.....hi?" Heavy Note responsed to the girl's defensive position.
The girl flinched and tried to recoil back into her makeshift camp pile.

"Woah hey, look I'm not trying to hurt you. I'm just looking for...answers..." Heavy finished rather haphazardly.
The girl shook her head furiously, then pointing at Heavy then to back to the entrance to which both had come through. Heavy quickly glanced at the entrance and briefly considered his options; leave and don't look back or......

His mind was made up, he would not abandon this girl whoever she was. Shaking his head, looking back towards her Heavy readdressed the girl.

"I'm sorry but I can't do that."
The girl shook her head with renewed vigour pointing at Heavy then to the entrance/exit several times, she looked like she was beginning to hyperventilate.

"Hey, what's your name?" Heavy asked trying to stop from the girl from crying.
The girl responded with yet more head shaking.

"Woah, hey I'm trying to be a friend here."
Yet even more violent head shaking.

"Look I'm trying to help you here! The least you can do is talk to me!" Heavy cried somewhat exasperatedly.
The girl pointed to her throat then opened her mouth and tried to pronounce a couple of words, yet no sound came out. Heavy sighed, his patience had just worn out.

"Ok, I'll leave you alone."
Heavy made to get up but stopped as soon as he felt a pull at his jeans, the girl had reach out one of her hands to the bottom of his jeans and her other hand was scribbling in the dust of the mostly disused warehouse to form a sentence.

"No please don't go!"
Heavy paused, she was looking up at him with hope filled begging eyes.


"I'm mute I can't physically talk. I'm sorry..."

"Right then, why did you take my wallet?" Heavy asked, finally he was getting somewhere.

"I was am hungry, please I didn't to cause any trouble!"

"Well, you did cause me trouble!" Heavy's temper was getting the best of him. "And now because of you this entire warehouse is now unuseable!!!" He shouted into the girl's face, she cringed at his tone and taking her hand off of his jeans drew back into her shell of a campsite clutching her satchel for comfort. Heavy knew immediately that he had gone too far; as he had systemically scared the poor girl to death with his entrance to then giving her hope when he had tried to talk only to be snatched away from her when his temper had flared at her.

Heavy Note sighed in resignation.

"What's your name?" Heavy repeated to the girl.
The girl drew in a deep breath to try and steady herself and then shakenly wrote.

"Vinyl. Vinyl Scratch"

Author's Note:


(Revised - 08/09/2015)

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