• Published 28th Jun 2015
  • 657 Views, 24 Comments

Bass and Double Bass - Solent Spray

You don't expect a meeting of the minds and music to come together quite like this.

  • ...

Musical Friends

Well, I think that this is the place.

Octavia was standing in front of a slightly run down apartment building in Canterlot's Warehouse District. It had been two weeks since her and Vinyl had met each other and a lot had changed, even though she hadn't seen Vinyl since then both been in constant communication through both social media and texting. But that wasn't the biggest shock that had happened over the past two weeks for Octavia; that was Professor Songnote showing up at Octavia's house out of nowhere begging to speak to Vinyl.
It hadn't been easy for Octavia to explain to Songnote that Vinyl 'wasn't within reach' for her to contact and to talk down her parents from calling the police. Eventually the Professor had been convinced to leave the Melody’s household with the promise that if Songnote wrote a letter for Vinyl, Octavia would deliver it, it may have just been in her mind but Octavia was sure that Songnote had made a point of following her over the couple days after her sudden appearance in Pointville in the hope that Octavia would lead her to Vinyl.

But Octavia couldn't dwell on that now, taking a deep breath in Octavia walked into the apartment building and up towards where Vinyl had texted her room was. After reaching Vinyl's apartment room she knocked on the door. Octavia got no answer, puzzled Octavia knocked again; this time more forcefully.
Again, no answer. She couldn't even hear any signs of movement or life inside the apartment, now more confused and slightly annoyed Octavia looked at her watch, it read half past nine in the morning. As much as Octavia wanted to stand in an dilapidated apartment's hallway for the rest of the day (which she didn't even in the slightest), Octavia needed to see Vinyl again. So giving up all pretense of subtlety Octavia started pounding the down the door in the hope that Vinyl or someone would open up.

The hammering of Vinyl's apartment entrance lasted around about two to three minutes before Octavia finally heard movement on the other side, and the door was finally opened by......someone. Octavia had no idea who person was. She was female, a head taller than Octavia, she also looked like she was around 26-27 years old, her hair was draping down to her shoulders with two coloured lines going through it (bright orange and soft yellow) and was in complete bed-head mode, her eyes half-lidded with sleep were a nice shade of emerald staring blearily at Octavia, she also appeared to have a tattoo of a microphone twinned with a clipboard on her left wrist, Octavia couldn't see anything else of the girl as she was currently wrapping a blanket around herself. The blanket also appeared to be the only thing the girl was wearing.


"Look, as I told you last night Meltdown, F-Off before I get Heavy to make you F-Off!" The girl pointed as much as she could with the blanket around her at Octavia. Octavia was stunned for a moment both to the current state of dress of the girl and her accusing tone.

"Who's Meltdown?"
The girl blinked, then tried to rub the sleep from her eyes.

"Oops...errr, sorry wrong person. Wait...why are you banging down my friend's door then?"

"I'm looking for Vinyl Scratch. I'm Octavia Melody, you would be?"
Sadly the only part of what Octavia had said that had registered with the stranger was her name…

"Octavia??? The classical musician, Octavia???"

"Yes, why?"
Again sadly Octavia's question went unanswered, as the girl finally realised that she was wearing nothing but a blanket. She squealed and blushed, embarrassed.

"Errr, why don't you come inside."
Octavia hesitated.

"Look we got off on the wrong foot, I'm Passion Stripe. Would you please like to come inside?"
Passion Stripe! Octavia knew that name, Vinyl had reference her name in a few of her texts.

"Ok, ummm...Would you like me to wait outside for you to get changed?"

“No, no. I’ll show you the kitchen.”
Passion turned back inside and allowed Octavia to follow her. The apartment itself was normal and basic; three doors lead off from the main room (presumably to two bedrooms and a bathroom), however the main room which was itself had seeming everything else an actual house would need such as a small dining table off towards the side, a couch in the middle, a desk complete with chair in the near corner and a kitchen area stuffed at the back of the room. It was actually amazing to Octavia how all of it had been arranged into such a small room.

“Help yourself to anything in the kitchen, I’ll just be 15 minutes. Ok?”

“Alright, thank you”
And with that Passion Stripe disappeared through one of the closed doors, a minute later the sound of running water could be heard from the room that Passion had just entered. Octavia meanwhile took a look around the apartment. Huh, could use some flowers But with nothing else to do, Octavia put the kettle on and went to go search the cupboards for a couple of coffee mugs.

After a while Octavia heard one of the doors open behind her. Presuming it Passion coming back, she turned around to face her.

“Passion, I made a couple of coffee’s for-”
But it wasn't Passion Stripe who was standing in the room with her; the stranger was male, roughly the same height as Passion Stripe, he looked slightly older than Octavia, his black hair was cropped short and similarly to Passion’s was in complete bed-head mode, he had a tattoo of headphones imprinted on his right shoulder, yawning with his eyes closed he made way towards the kitchen unaware of Octavia. But the most eye catching detail of him was that he was complete nude.
Octavia let out a small eep, blushed and covered her eyes all at the same time.

“Hey Passion, smells like you put the coffee on. I hope that you made two cause you took all the blanket again!”
It was after that, the stranger finally opened his eyes to look upon Octavia who had her hand over her eyes and supporting a heavy blush. Through Octavia couldn't see it, the male performed a double take on who had thought was Passion Stripe.

“WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!!!” he yelled at Octavia.
Luckily before Octavia could respond one of the doors opened at that point for Passion Stripe to walk out, her hair was still damp from the shower but thankfully she was wearing clothes this time.

“Heavy, stop shouting at our guest! And put some damn clothes on!” Shouted Passion at who was now presumably Heavy Note. With all the commotion happening in her apartment, Vinyl came charging out of her room expecting the worst.

“What’s going on!? Heavy, put some damn clothes on!!!”

Author's Note:

I rushed this at the airport, I hope this good enough!!!