• Published 28th Jun 2015
  • 658 Views, 24 Comments

Bass and Double Bass - Solent Spray

You don't expect a meeting of the minds and music to come together quite like this.

  • ...

Amending Bridges

“Wait, what’s happening here???” Heavy Note said seriously confused at the entire situation he had found himself in. But before his question could be answered, Heavy found himself kicked into the bathroom by Passion Stripe.

“CLOTHES!!! NOW!!!!!” Shouted Passion, even though she was literally next to him.

“Ok, ok. Damn it Passion.”
Whilst this was happened, Vinyl moved over into her kitchen to Octavia who still had her eyes covered. Vinyl turned Octavia around so her back would be facing the bathroom door (just in case Heavy wanted to get beaten up by Passion again), she then removed Octavia’s hand from her eyes so could Octavia could see again.

“Vinyl! It's good to see again, ummm I've met your friends, they seem interesting.”
Vinyl quickly grabbed a notepad and a pen, left on the kitchen counter by Passion Stripe.

“It's great to see you again as well, Tavi! I'm sorry about that, usually Heavy is a little more discreet……”

“Don't worry about it, it's nothing I haven't seen before.”
Vinyl smirked, while Octavia just realising what she said, blushed deeply.

“Ooo, Tavi. I didn't know you had a wide side!!!”

“Shut up, you know I didn't meant it like that!”

“Tell me, Little Miss Innocent. Long board or short board?” teased Vinyl.
Octavia blushed even harder, and turned her head away from her smirking friend.

“I’m not answering that.”

“Long Board and Vinyl stop teasing Octavia. I think that she doesn't need you to be...well to be you.” Passion Stripe’s voice floated across the room to Vinyl and Octavia, thankfully she had returned from abusing Heavy Note, Vinyl pouted in mock sadness.

“Boo! Booooo! Passion, Boo!!! No fun, Booooo!!!!!”
Passion Stripe rolled her eyes and ignored Vinyl in favour of getting two more coffee mugs out of the kitchen cupboards and putting the kettle back onto boil.

“I do have a question through: Octavia, why are you here so early? It's not like we are ungrateful but I thought that Vinyl said that you two would be meeting around ‘bout 2ish?” Passion asked thoughtfully.

“Yeah, I was kinda of wondering that myself.”

“Ummm, well I wanted to make sure that I wasn't followed.” Replied Octavia, a little sheepishly.
Passion and Vinyl looked at Octavia, both with equally confused expressions, Octavia sighed.

“Look, it's a long story…” Started Octavia.

“I can't believe that Songnote would stoop so low as to try a follow you, Tavi. Oh, wait….no I can believe that!” Vinyl wrote angrily. Her temper had slowly risen as Octavia had explained what had happened over the past two weeks, but Vinyl’s anger towards her mother had spiked considerably when Octavia had said that she had been followed by her for roughly three days.
All four of them were now sitting around a table with mugs of coffee for each of them, Heavy had come back (this time with clothes on) and apologised to Octavia. Octavia herself had just finished explaining, Vinyl looked like she was ready to kick something while Passion looked sympathetic and Heavy was deep in thought.

“Vinyl, by the sounds of it. Songnote is pretty desperate to contact you.” Replied Heavy Note.

“I don't care. She left me to die. She is a heartless bit-“

“Do you really want to finished that sentence?” Heavy said while raising an eyebrow.
Vinyl’s hand shook to write the last two letters, then deciding against it Vinyl threw the pen down in disgust.

“Vinyl, I don't expect you to forgive her just like that but she is your mother.” Passion Stripe spoke up looking straight at Vinyl.

WAS! She was my mother!”

“Vinyl, when Songnote arrived at my house she wasn't the same as she was back at the Music Academy, the Professor hadn't slept in days and it looked like she had been crying for longer, I barely recognised her.” Octavia replied.

“Good! She deserves it!”

“Please, Vinyl……” Asked Octavia as she reached out to Vinyl from across the table.
Vinyl expression was one of anger and annoyance, but even she could see that Heavy, Passion and Octavia had a point. God, damn it……

“Fine, fine. I'll give her a chance, but one chance and one chance only!”
Vinyl sighed and looked back at Octavia.

“Tavi, you mentioned that she wrote a letter for me?”
Octavia nodded and retrieved Songnote’s letter from her bag and past it over.

“Could you guys give me a minute. I want to read it alone first.”
Passion and Heavy both moved over back to the kitchen, but Octavia hesitated.

“Tavi, I promise that I won't rip it up before reading it”
Octavia still didn't look convinced, but gave Vinyl the table anyway as she followed Passion and Heavy into the kitchen.
Vinyl looked at the letter addressed for her, in short it was a mess. The handwriting was nothing like what Vinyl remembered from her mother’s calligraphy, there were words crossed out and scribbled over and the entire thing was littered with dried watermarks; Vinyl guessed that those were her mother's cried tears.

Dear Miss Scratch Vinyl Scratch Vinyl
I know that I don't will never deserve contact you or see you again.
I know that I will never deserve to call myself your mother.
I know that I will never deserve another chance.
I was am was wrong.

But I want need you to know is that I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I failed you. I was a terrible truly-god awful mother to you, I didn't accept you for how you were are. I was so concerned about my own reputation that I didn't consider how far I pushed you away. That's what lead to the worst decision I have ever made in my entire life, leaving abandoning you.
What's even worse is that it took me two months after that to finally realise what I did. Two months!!! It took me two months to realise that I was the worst parent in the world. I tried begged your father to help me search for you, eventually he left with his mistress that I didn't even know about, another thing that messed screwed up. He took everything and moved to San Francisco, he left me with nothing. Because that's what I deserved; nothing.

I thought that you were dead. I thought that our my decision had killed you. My stupid fucking decision! For the past three years my life has been a joke hell; my cheating husband and my lost daughter. When I saw you again, I couldn't believe that me of all people had been given a second chance.
I don't ever deserve a second chance with the way I treated you, but please all I want need to know is that you are safe!!! Even if you never want to see me again, please Vinyl I'm asking begging you!

I love you, even though it took me a long time to realise it but I still will always love you.
You were are my daughter.
I am sorry.

Your Mother
Virtuous Songnote

Fresh tears hit Virtuous’ letter to mix with the ones that had long since dried. Vinyl couldn't read anymore but it didn't matter she had reached the end, she felt a hand on her shoulder. Looking up through her red tear-strained eyes; Octavia had moved back to comfort Vinyl. Vinyl stood up and hugged Octavia for comfort as she cried silent tears in her shoulder.

“It's going to ok, Vinyl.” Octavia said soothingly.
In the moment Vinyl knew that Octavia was right; everything was going to ok.

Author's Note:

Another weekend, another airport. But this time I'm home, and just like my holiday ending so is this story.
Bass and Double Bass is done. But before I press the complete story button, I will be uploading a couple of Post-Chapters to round this whole thing off.

I just wanted to say thanks. Thank-You for supporting and reading!
Ohh, btw Bass and Double Bass will be getting a sequel but it won't be ready for sometime, as I want to try something different, delving back into Equestria's past.