• Published 28th Jun 2015
  • 657 Views, 24 Comments

Bass and Double Bass - Solent Spray

You don't expect a meeting of the minds and music to come together quite like this.

  • ...

For Want of a Bow

Stress; Octavia had that in abundance at the moment, unfortunately that seemed to be the only thing that Octavia had a abundance of at all. She was had just arrived to the Canterlot Music Academy located in Celestial Square and surprise, surprise; she was late (again). Her bus had predictably had gotten stuck at every single traffic light possible on its journey.
I-i'm o-on-only h-ha-half a-a m-min-minute l-la-late
Practically running through the Academy's atrium and straight up the large staircase towards the main hall, causing some of the staff milling about to raise their eyebrows and tut disapprovingly as well as getting a few curious stares from other auditionees in the process. Octavia ignored them completely as she whizzed past all of them only focused on her destination in front of her.

"I-I'm h-h-here!!!" Octavia cried, as she burst into the room; in a state of complete disarray and gasping for breath.

"You're late." A sharp female voice said dripping with contempt and disdain, sounding out from Octavia's left hand side. "And I'm sure that you do know that I certainly do not appreciate tardiness from anyone, especially someone who has a 'promising' career in music"
Octavia turned towards the sound of female's voice, then froze upon seeing who it was. The voice was coming from a music professor who Octavia had known from reputation only until now. Unfortunately that known reputation consisted of too many musical students being chewed up and spat back out by this professor, Octavia had even heard rumors of students refusing to play any instrument after having a 'interview' with this professor. Standing before her was Professor Virtuous Songnote, one of the most high standing Professors in Canterlot; as well as the entire country of Equestria. A high-standing Professor meant high expectations for pupils and students. And for Professor Songnote; high expectations meant perfection and nothing else.
Octavia suddenly wished she hadn't of turned around now.

"Well now, I am still waiting. I do not appreciate being gawked at by a so-called music student from some low-class village outside of Canterlot either. You show up late to an entry audition, you don't appear to have made any effort towards the formal dress and then attempt to pretend you are either mad, idiotic or trying to have a joke at my expense." "I, for one, am not pleased."
Thankfully Octavia managed to regain some senses after that sharp comment from Professor Songnote.

"I'm sorry, Mrs Songn-"

"Pro-fess-or" snarled Songnote

"Professor! I'm sorry, Professor Songnote, but if you just give me one chance I'm sure that I could impress you."
Songnote snorted and curled her upper lip with disdain.

"Oh, I doubt that very much Ms Melody. But I'm feeling generous today, so go ahead and 'impress' me."
Octavia had to ignore another comment made about her and her abilities, her future as a musician was on the line. Everything will be fine Octavia, all you have to do is play for one of the most demanding and hard to please music professors in the entire country, no pressure what so ever......help......

Moving over to the stage, Octavia unpacked her instrument and equipment, all the while she could feel the hard eyes from the Professor boring into her. While Octavia was unpacking two things became apparent very quickly. One; she seemed to have more music sheets than she remembered bringing and Two; her bow for her double bass was missing. Octavia was ready to have a panic attack, already taking in quiet shallow breaths as not to alert Professor Songnote that Octavia was now even more prone to collapsing on the ground in some sort of seizure/coma.
She looked back at the excess of music sheets she had bought, Octavia didn't recognise half of them; some of them where hers definitely but others looked like a complete mess; notes were everywhere, scribbles, crossings out, one music sheet looked like it had been entirely used for doodling and what looked like several games of Tic-Tac-Toe. The accident at the Train Station......that girl......she must have my music bow and I have her music sheets......that's must have been why she was waving......she wanted my attention......she was trying to...to...to......help...
Gulping, Octavia turned back to Professor Songnote.

"P-P-Professor, I don't appear to have my string bow. W-Would I be able to borrow another?" asked Octavia, knowing the answer before she had even asked the question. It would be a no straight away.
Well maybe not straight away, probably be given a lecture first and then a flat-out no. Songnote looked at Octavia incredulously, as if Octavia had asked her whether or not she liked to the music genre of dubstep.
After what to Octavia seemed like an eternity, Songnote spoke.

"You're telling me that not only do you arrive late and under-dressed and make this serious music audition into some kind of personal joke. You have not even bothered to bring the necessary equipment in which to play!?"

It would have been better if Songnote had shouted but instead she had chosen to lace her voice with a much contempt and belittlement as humanly possible.

"And pray tell, if I was to give you a bow, what would you 'grace' me with Ms Melody. With a performance of 'Yakety Sax' in G Minor, perhaps?"

"I was going to perform one of Mozart's compositions." answered Octavia, trying desperately to recover the situation.
Professor Songnote looked like Octavia had just spat in her face.

"Was I not clear on the rules? Only musical compositions from outstandingly well-known Canterlot-born composers are valid to be auditioned. I expected you to do classical music some justice. I expected you to work hard, be bold and to have wowed me"

"B-b-but I thought that Mozart was a well-known Canterlot composer......" Octavia stuttered quietly, the only part from that lecture she could grasp at.

"Canterlot-Born!" Songnote snorted in disgust. "Expressly in my opinion; your 'experience' in such matters, I find quite lacking. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was originally born Salzburg before moving to expand classical music in Canterlot with such performances as his 'Requiem Mass in D minor', 'Piano Sonata No.11' and his 'Symphony No.41' to name but a few."

"But that is beside the point, any 'real' student of the classical arts would have known that! I ask for professionalism from any student willing to study music, I asked for a well-known Canterlot-BORN composer! Am I making myself absolutely, one hundred percent, crystal clear?"

"yes......" squeaked Octavia from the barge of abuse she was receiving. Octavia was even reduced to trying to hide behind her double bass.

"I doubt that very much; as what I find from you is-"


Author's Note:

'Requiem Mass in D minor', 'Piano Sonata No.11' and 'Symphony No.41'

Those are real compositions from Mozart, I have no idea what they actually sound like. To be honest I just picked them because their titles stood out for me.
Mozart was actually born in Salzburg but he never moved to Canterlot because that reason is fairly obvious. Hopefully this is just a little knowledge to hopefully keep the story grounded and believable.

I based Professor Virtuous Songnote's personality off of Mrs Harshwhinney from the MLP show, I hope this helps to visually the character. Only the personality though, not the appearance.


Yakety Sax