• Published 28th Jun 2015
  • 657 Views, 24 Comments

Bass and Double Bass - Solent Spray

You don't expect a meeting of the minds and music to come together quite like this.

  • ...

Canterlot Music

Vinyl had kicked the the door open with such force, she was honestly surprised that it hadn't come off it hinges. All the shock and fear that she had felt from hearing 'her' voice again was gone, Vinyl knew what had replaced them with though; pure white hot fury.
Looking around in the hall she had just entered, she noticed there was only two other people in the hall, they both expressions of complete shock (though seeing as Vinyl had quite literally kicked her way into the room, that was to be expected). Both of them she recognised; the first person Vinyl saw was on a slightly raised platform as the girl she had walked into from earlier she looked worse than before, even close to tears and she seemed to be trying to hide behind her instrument and the other Vinyl recognised the woman who had turned her back on Vinyl 3 years ago.

Vinyl had expected her to be different, to change over the missing years but she hadn't. She hadn't changed not in appearance or in her attitude of self-superiority and entitlement over others, in Vinyl's eyes she was exactly the same she since the day she kicked Vinyl out to live on the streets. Vinyl had made a promise to herself 3 years ago to never forgive this person for what she did and how much it had affected her. The person standing before Vinyl was her mother; Virtuous Songnote.

“What do you think are doing!? This is a closed audition!” Songnote snarled at Vinyl.
Huh, figures that you would forget your own daughter. Vinyl thought as she ignored Songnote’s question. Walking straight past her without even a glance towards her mother, Vinyl approached the stage towards the girl from earlier.

Octavia had just experienced the shock of her life when the entrance had been slammed open and the girl with blue highlighted hair had marched through, it was the girl from the bus station! She’s here!?!? Did she come back to help me!?!?

“What do you think are doing!? This is a closed audition!” Songnote was snarling the question at the girl. Who had promptly ignored Songnote and walked straight passed her onto the stage towards Octavia. The girl stood next to her on stage, Octavia tried to find her voice.

“Umm….hello again?”
The girl replied by opening her satchel and withdrawing what Octavia hoped she had in her possession; Octavia’s string bow. Octavia’s eyes widen as she saw it she couldn't believe it. Octavia was on autopilot as took her possession, as her mind was thrown into a loop of disbelief. How!? Why would she help me!?
Octavia noticed that the girl was scribbling something down a piece of paper, as soon as she had finished she past it to Octavia.

“Are you ok??? You lost this back at the train station, and I wanted to give it back to.”

“Thank-You, I don't what I would have done without it.”
The girl took back the paper, wrote something down again, then past it back.

“Hey, I know what it's like to misplace music instruments.”

“I said that this is a closed audition, and I am telling you to leave!” Songnote shouted at the pair. The girl scowled and rolled her eyes.

“Ignore her, she's always been a bitch.”

“Umm….hello again?”
Vinyl pulled out the girl’s string bow from her satchel. Vinyl watched slightly amused as the girl’s eyes widen in surprise as she recovered her bow. Vinyl’s anger was directed at her mother not towards Miss Bowtie.
Wait, she still doesn't know sign language. I’ll have to write to talk to her, Vinyl pulled out a piece of paper and a pen from her satchel she scribbled down her 'words' down and passed the paper over the classical musician.

“Are you ok??? You lost this back at the train station, and I wanted to give it back to.”

“Thank-You, I don't what I would have done without it.”
Vinyl took back the paper, wrote her next reply then past it back.

“Hey, I know what it's like to misplace music instruments.”

“I said that this is a closed audition, and I am telling you to leave!” Songnote shouted at the pair. Vinyl scowled and rolled her eyes.

“Ignore her, she's always been a bitch.”
The girl chucked at that, then posed a question quietly to Vinyl so the Professor (who was eavesdropping) wouldn't hear.

"Don't suppose you know a Canterlot-born musician? Professor Songnote won't accept anything else."
Vinyl resisted the urge to roll her eyes again instead she turned to look at her mother incredulously. A trick question, seriously!?!?!?

"Sorry, but there isn't one. None of the old classical musicians where ever born in Canterlot."

"Ohh....." The girl looked crestfallen. But an idea has just struck Vinyl, she wrote a question for the girl and pass the paper over.

"Were you born in Canterlot???"

"Well, yeah. Canterlot General. But I don't see how will help.....Ohhhhh...Now I get it" "What should I play?"

"Play naturally, lead and I'll follow." Vinyl wrote, then withdrew her laptop and launchpad.

I know that girl but where from......

"Don't suppose you know a Canterlot-born musician? Professor Songnote won't accept anything else." Whispered Octavia, so Professor Songnote wouldn't hear Octavia asking for help. I'll take any help I can get at the moment!
But the girl turned to look at Professor Songnote incredulously. She seemed to be asking a question towards her, but she didn't say anything instead the girl re-wrote and pass the her paper back to Octavia.

"Sorry, but there isn't one. None of the old classical musicians where ever born in Canterlot."

"Ohh....." Octavia's hope that her audition could be salvaged had just been crushed. But the other girl was writing furiously on her paper again, then passed it over.

"Were you born in Canterlot???"

"Well, yeah. Canterlot General. But I don't see how will help.....Ohhhhh...Now I get it" Octavia had just been given a miracle, Songnote had asked an impossible question for Octavia and the girl had given her an answer. Octavia could just start playing notes from her music sheets like she had planned but then she had too switch it up from there or just completely make something up on the spot.

"What should I play?"

"Play naturally, lead and I'll follow."
The girl wrote, then withdrew out her satchel; a laptop and an electronic pad. That looks like that has way too many buttons on it, but right now I'm not going to complain about anything. Octavia was going to question what the girl had wrote, but she didn't time, seeing that Songnote was now glaring at the pair on stage Octavia chose to trust the girl next to her in that she knew what she was doing. She's going to help me perform!?!? Umm..... music notes won't help then, I'll have to improvise.

Octavia let her mind go blank. Then she pulled her bow across the D string of her instrument; a low note rumbled a crossed the hall, transferring to A string; a second lower note sounded out, back to D string; repeating the first note but of less time as Octavia immediately switched up G string; a higher note, back to D string then to A string then down to E string. E string again, A string, E string, D string, G string, A string, D, G, A, E, G, E, E, G, D.......
Then as she reached the height of her note, a C Note suddenly sounded out from behind her, quickly followed by an C sharp, an F sharp note, then an F sharp rapidly followed,. Octavia could only take a quick glance behind her to see her musical partner join in the performance. The girl was playing the electronic buttoned square, but from what Octavia could hear; it sounded like a full grand piano. The music from her partners machine was blending perfectly with Octavia's own instrument. It sounded heavenly.

Who is she???

Octavia's hands were flying across her double bass is if the were possessed, but still she kept in time and in tune with the strange girl, she was preforming with. She risked a glance at Professor Songnote, and what she saw surprised her so much Octavia nearly lost rhythm with her instrument and the whole song; Songnote wasn't looking at her but at the other girl, the one Octavia was performing with. The expression that Octavia could read was a clear as day from Songnote, it was a mixture of disbelief, pride and guilt.

Octavia couldn't explain it, but saw knew in that instance that Professor Songnote knew the girl that Octavia was playing with.


Vinyl played her heart out; not for her mother who was listening, not her music partner who was surprising able to keep up with Vinyl's tempo, but Vinyl played for herself and herself alone. Determined in her goal of..................
......Vinyl didn't know anymore, she didn't care anymore. All that mattered was the music. Her's and her partner's music. Blended seamlessly into one perfect song. The clash of two musicians who should never ever mix, who should never ever meet. But somehow did, and was now making the most out of this one impossible chance.

No, it can't be......

As the duet between Octavia and the girl finished; the last note for the improvised song playing into the background finished. All three of people stood in the hall waiting on baited breath for one of the others to say something. After a couple of minutes (which seamed like hours to everyone) Songnote finally spoke. But not in her usual direct to the approach aspect, not in her scathing demeanor or tone, not even in her body language could anything be seen of the previous impenetrable impervious Professor Virtuous Songnote.

"V-v-v-vinyl......" Virtuous croaked.

Songnote's voice was complete gone, if it had been complete robbed of it power (of which it had). Octavia didn't know what to say, she didn't what to do, she didn't know anything of what just happen between her and her partner finishing their performance and Professor Songnote choking out a name that Octavia didn't recognize. Octavia suddenly felt a poke in her shoulder as 'Vinyl' had written down another sentence.

"Please read this aloud: A performance from V. Scratch and (Your Name); TWO Canterlot-born musicians!"

"A performance from V. Scratch and O. Melody; TWO Canterlot-born musicians!"

Octavia packed up her equipment and followed her music partner out of the double doors leading out of the hall. However on the way on her out, Octavia could hear briefly Professor Songnote, completely break down into the start of tears.

Author's Note:

Another chapter done and this was easily the hardest chapter to write out of the entire story. I would just like to point out that I'm not a music student or study music or have any connection to music at all. (Apart from listening to chart shows on radio)

So yeah, I had to do some major background research to even approach this chapter in the right way, I hope that it makes sense. The chapter and my ramblings!
Also I hope that your guys enjoy the video, it was the closest I could get to what Vinyl and Octavia were performing. I found it two days ago and re-wrote the entire ending for 'Canterlot Music' to fit it in.
(You have no idea how close the title was to being named 'Bad Blood'!)

Ohh, almost forgot. If people have any desire to see my interpretation of Octavia's backstory, just leave it in the comments and I'll write it up for the next chapter. Also any questions about any part of the story, just leave them in the comments as well.