• Published 18th May 2012
  • 2,518 Views, 210 Comments

Crimson Dawn (you-create-it) - Dark0592

Comments ( 64 )

Well it's your call so go ahead :twilightsmile:.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I will be sad to see this fic go, but here's hoping you keep writing!:pinkiehappy:

Keep Discord as a baby sitter that was golden.

nooooooooooooooooooooo, this was a awsome fic, oh well, can you pretty pretty please keep the queen chrysilis daughter oc please, she was cool.

will it be totallly obliterated and trowed to oblivion or it will be just remade:fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad:

961665 remade, the OCs I was given will most likely stay though, they were really good. I'll be remaking mine as well as most of the story to make it more like Night, AKA epic.
961551 I'll delete this when I start the rewrite, but the story isn't gone. jsut this 'version' of it


Oh, okay. PARTY TIME CELEBRATING A BETTER VAMPONY STORY WOOHOO!!!!!!!:pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

961726 if you like vampire fics my most recent one, Scarlet high, is my humanized one

No, thank you. I don't read fics where the characters are human normally. HiE, okay, PoE (Ponies on Earth), sure, but strict they-are-humans-with-the-same-names-as-ponies? Sorry, but I'll wait. :pinkiehappy: no offense intended.

961791 that's how I felt before writing Tartarus High lol, at least give it a look. couldn't hurt to look

Thats cool. I'll defiantly read the revised version :pinkiehappy:

...that awkward moment when I'm rereading to get back into the storyline a bit and I'm pissed at myself for stopping it right there...

I demand more vamponies!

962419 read scarlet high : P

NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! i love this store..................but if it must go please keep writing and let us know so we can read the rewrite.

I dun care if it's "half-assed", it's a great story. I look forward to the re-write, but I have saved this version, just for my own anal completionists sake.

963373 well I have dawn talk like that because she's like 'the badass' and it kind of fits her character, and I use 'mommy' and 'daddy' to add a bit of 'dafaq?!' because this badass is acting like a child. as for the japonese, yeah I was on an anime and manga spree at the time so I couldn't get it out of my mind lol.

nooo wait rewritten? very well then sir or madam keep going

seedwell.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/swblog-viral-postpics-112811e.jpg wallpaper4me.com/images/wallpapers/oldspice-683016.jpeg

I am pissed now! I wannted more!

First thought: :pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp: NOOOOO!
after reading the whole thing: YAY! rewrite! it'll take for bucking ever, but yay!
ANYWAY! remember, I, your bottomless idea bucket, am still, frighteningly, in business with no sign of slowing down, and I NEED someone to make use of me before all of the ideas explode! Remember, design is no problem for me, and i can come up with plot point, filler, fight scenes, and various other bits and pieces like nopony's business! the only problem for me is putting them into a coherent story, especially seeing how Pony vs. Pony is dragging on and on... anyway! don't forget about me!
how in the hell did i not notice this for two whole weeks? I've been looking for something to do! AND you published a new thing. wtf. why do i alays miss these things? I'm gonna follow you as a whole now just in case.

1048123 lol, I need to finish the finale for tartarus high and get some of scarlet high progressed before I start the rewrite, and I'm actually moving away from fimfiction atm and moving on back to Naruto for a fic so it might take a while. I do know that I'll need a few OC's, possible weapons for anyone and also possible armor types. if you got anything PM them and when I do decide to start it I'll have it

what i thought about this story was it was alright but it is a bit to fast like when dawn was sparing with Selina than when the fight ended they started getting into a relationship then after that it moves to 5 years later and now Selina is Dawn's marefriend and they have scars on their bodies. So what i'm trying to say is just try to slow down the story a bit because sometimes people want to know how exactly things went with those two and the other ponies. (just a suggestion) :twilightsmile:

1215626 at the time I was going to have flashbacks, but as of a while ago this story is cancelled. I will rewrite it eventually if I ever get to it, but I'll delete it then

1217637 o ok well i am looking forward to the rewritten one then for i'm sure its going to be just as good as Crimson Night but hey who knows it might be even better. :pinkiehappy::yay:

Well then... disregard most my comments. Work on giving your characters tiny flaws and perks in thoughts. Let them misunderstand little things in conversations and let those misunderstandings go unsolved (at least until later on). A simple mistake can make all the difference in the world and everyone making perfect sense of everything gets a little boring sometimes.

i thought you said this story was going to restart...

it hasn't happened

1399025 that's kind of explained in some of my most recent blog posts... i'm moving away from writing fanfiction for a while to hopefully get a novel written up and published

please work on the rewrite this fic is awesome !! :yay::yay:

i agree with everyone, please continue and start the rewrite for this story, it was rather entertaining / interesting reading this sequal.

so much for deleted within the next week.

If you remove this then I'll feel the need to crawl in a hole and die.

Don't kill my happiness.:fluttercry:
This is a great story and I love Sythes (I am not using a pc to write this)

I need this for good laughs.
I love the way Dawn vents, you just can't let it go you feel the need to break something.:pinkiecrazy:

So what's the status of this story? Are you still in the process of re-writing this, or has it been quietly cancelled? I just finished reading the first story and this sequel, I thought they were awesome. I hope this story eventually continues.

2538685 I actually recently started the rewrite, it just hasn't gotten more than a page in the past week...

any news on updates?

Any news on the rewrite?

2945343 I'm working on a rather big project at the moment so not for a little while.

2945706 Well however long it takes i'm sure it'll be worth the wait.

Okay so far im loving this but I cant help but point out that this entire thing seems to have a theme slightly centered around something of a mix between The 13 Court Guard Squads and the Sertie of Bleach and the DWMA of Soul Eater.........Anyone else c this?

3087474 dwma maybe a little bit, but i dunno what the other two are

3088524 The other two are from Bleach, The 13 Court Guard Squad's and the Seritie(spelling for it sucks) are where the soul reapers live and train in

3089745 well I just came up with it as I went. if it resembles anything it's coincidence and minor inspiration from the things I've seen, not just the DWMA

I would never accuse a fellow Writer of any such thing.....I merrly watch to much anime and pointed out the coincidence
By the way have you come up with the name the story is going to be when you re do it?

3097702 well then you probably shouldn't say anything at all, because that's what it came off as

so is this story permitly dead?

3368016 I do plan on rewriting it eventually

you r soo cruel!! :flutterrage: it was just getting good!!:raritycry::raritycry:

3626529 believe it or not the rewrite is in the works. I may not have touched it in a few months but it isn't dead.
one day when I have much less on my plate and finally get around to finishing/rewriting/cancelling most of the stories that need it then I'll come back to this.
when that is though? no idea

3629348 :pinkiesad2:*sniff* ok, that should get me through for now...i liked how the story was goin.

:pinkiehappy:hope the rewrite if goin to be better:facehoof:i think i need to calm down n lay off the caffein...too much goin through my head:pinkiegasp:maybe you could make a party and have pinkie come over and then it could be a 'rewiten best story ever' party!!!!!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

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