• Published 28th May 2017
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When Two Worlds Meet - Darkness 1

2 years after the events of Darkness Night, something goes missing in the Crystal Castle, and its up to Twilight, her friends, and the now-reformed Darknesss, to find out what's missing, and to fiqure out how to get what was lost, back

  • ...

A Happy Reunion And The Truth

As the mane six were returning to Twilight's castle, they all saw that Darkness had gotten there first, and he was standing there, talking, to some mare, in deep conversation, with a look of softness on his face. It was very apparent that he knew this pony rather well. He saw the others approaching, hugged the mare and turned around, and so did the mare and waited for the others arrival. Rainbow Dash was the first to get to the castle, as she flew rather fast, landed in front of Darkness, ignoring the mare beside him and shot the question, with much skepticism, " Alright! Who's the stranger Darkness!?"

Darkness shook his head, and said, " There is no need to alarmed or for concern, and don't you think that's rather rude Rainbow Dash? This 'stranger you just called happens to be my long lost sister, you jerk!"

Rainbow Dash backed up, with her head down, and said rather sadly, " I-I I'm sorry Darkness, I was just trying to look out for you..." She turned to Darkness's sister, and said, " I am very sorry Darkness's sister, I was just trying to protect Darkness from getting hurt anymore, I may not know much about him, but I get the feeling that Darkness has suffered enough already, and continues to suffer under many torments and nightmares..."

Darkness's sister nodded and said in calming tone, " It's okay, Rainbow Dash, I understand, and I'm very glad to hear that my big brother has friends that are doing their very best to protect him. My name is Snowshy, by the way. He may not look it, he may not even show it, but you are right, he has suffered enough already, I don't want him to suffer anymore, he deserves happiness for once."

At this point, Rainbow Dash was on the verge of crying, as she rushed and hugged Snowshy, " Thank you..."

Snowshy hugged back and Rainbow Dash backed up, and Snowshy addressed Darkness, " So, big brother, these are 'the amazing friends' you cant stop talking about and praising? They are all good ponies, they are very great friends, I can tell by the looks on their faces and how Rainbow Dash acted."

Darkness shyly said, " Umm....Yes these are my friends, I trust them with my life, and I haven't told you yet but they all together helped me get rid of at least one of my torments and sorrows. Uh...sister...quit it! You are going to make me blush in front of my friends!"

They all just laughed, and Applejack said, " Darkness, we all knew, deep down, that you really cared about us, we just had a tough time trying to see that when you expressed it in a way none of us are quite used to. We still are kind of having some troubles interpreting it all, come to think of it."

Rarity rolled her eyes, and said, " Geez, you really are so honest.."

Darkness was the one to say something now, and he said, " That's good, I'd rather hear what's truly on all of your minds, rather than you all hiding the truth of how you feel."

Snowshy nodded, and said, " My big brother is right, and yeah, he does have a rather complicated way of expressing his emotions, that kind of happens after so many years of pain and anguish, and sadness beyond what anypony should've have to go through. He's gone through it all so long....., he's forgotten what it feels like to have emotions, feelings, friends and happiness. He's been without so many things for so long....his recovery will be a slow one. That's why I've been looking out for him from a distance, so he doesn't get into a friendship that will make his suffering much worse than it already is."

For the very first time, tears began to well up in Darkness's eyes, and all he could say was, " You guys...sister...."

They all came together, and they all put their hooves on Darkness, and Snowshy said, " We are all here for you big brother, please, don't suffer anymore on your own, your friends and myself will help you find the happiness you have long forgotten. We want to help you, but you have to trust your friends, and continue to trust me. I think I speak for everypony here, we would never hurt you, if anything, protect you to best of our abilities."

At this point, Darkness was sobbing uncontrollably, as he hugged them all tightly, and they all hugged back, and Darkness said through the tears, " I'm sorry, but just let me cry........just....just....just...this once! Thank you everypony....I'm so glad I met you all my friends....and I'm so happy to know I have a little sister looking...out for me.." Darkness couldn't say anymore, as he buried his head under the hugs, and continued to sob.

They all just stood there, continuing to hug Darkness, and Twilight said, " It's okay Darkness, take the time you need, this is your moment."

After a while, Darkness lifted his head, and they all let go of him and backed up, and he wiped the tears from his face, and said, " I think I feel better now, and a little strange, a comforting feeling..."

Snowshy said, " That's normal for somepony who's gone through so many traumatic events, it just goes to show that the feelings you thought you lost forever, are all, one by one, coming back, this is going to be hard for you, but you're not alone this time, we are all here with you."

They nodded with great joy, and Darkness looked around at his friends, his little sister, and he realized something, and he said, " You're right, sister, I'm not alone, not anymore. Thank you all again so much, in time, I hope to regain all my emotions, and feelings back someday, and with all your help, that dream, is no longer impossible! Finally, after so long...I'll be whole again...someday. I know it will not be easy, but I can conquer whatever it is with my friends, and my sister, by my side, fighting beside me, supporting me. I only hope that someday I can return the kindness and caring you all shown today and continue to do so."

Snowshy said, " The only thing we all want to see is to see you smile the way you used to, before everything."

Everypony nodded happily, and Fluttershy said, " Your sister's right, that's what we all wish for you."

Darkness nodded in gratefulness, and said, " I swear to you all, I will accomplish that, no matter what it takes!"

Snowshy said with a smile, " Now there's the determined big brother I used to know!"

Darkness said, " One step at time, one day at a time, one year at time, I will get there, and I want you all to be there when it finally happens."

Applejack said, " You know we will be! There's no way I'd miss something like that, you are like family to all of us now, and I'm sure you're happy to know you have a sister you didn't know you had. By the way, why do you say that?"

Snowshy replied, " I think I can explain that... You see, when my big brother was born, he did not know that our mother was pregnant with two children, not one, as our mother's diary suggested. You see, shortly after my brother was born, he remembers his mother talking to him, asking to promise to keep the evil he had been cursed with, the color of his coat and mane is what the curse had changed it to, and he was asked to keep the evil contained, and never falter against it. She had a read an prophecy containing one of her soon-to-be-born children. I'm pretty sure you all know that prophecy, it was talking about my brother, a stallion that would rise from the depths of a forest and lay waste to the lands, turn it into desert, enslave any survivors, and make them suffer as he had earlier in life. This coming evil had a name, it is the incarnation of evil itself, known only as ' Darkness Night, The Ultimate Evil'."

She continued, " Our mother went to great lengths to prevent this tragic disaster, hence the katana, the armor, the diary, her colt's promise, and from a distance, spiritual protection. However, our mother, did not die after giving birth to Darkness, the one that had been given such a huge destiny, a rather heavy burden right at birth, he is also the chosen hero of the gods, hence why he only has a first name, depending on the path he chooses when the evil in banished, will determine his true fate, his destiny, and give him his final, and true second name. Anyways, our mother had simply passed out from exhaustion, she heard the cries of her newborn, she could feel his sadness, and it grieved her deeply. Darkness had cried himself to sleep, but that was when our mother regained her strength, went into labor with me, and I was born two days after Darkness was. It was my birth that killed our mother, but not before she told me everything I have just told you all, I remember it clearly, she crawled towards me, and she said, ' If you can understand me, listen carefully.' And then she began to tell me what I have already said, when she had finished, she looked me deep in the eyes, and said ' You will understand this one day, but I want you to stay away from you big brother, until the right time presents itself, but I also want you to promise to look out for him, but do not reveal your true identity, until the evil within him is banished, please promise me! Now, go!'. Snowshy solemnly looked at the ground, and said, " Our mother, then with all the strength she had left, pushed me near the exit of the forest, and then she took a couple more breaths, with many tears, and said, ' Go Snowshy! Go!' And then she collapsed and moved no more..." Snowshy then looked up again, and said, " I don't know how long I crawled, and through all the tears, I had found the exit and rolled out of the Everfree Forest, and it was then I rolled into my future adoptive parents. They had been strolling the outskirts of town, discussing where they was going to adopt a filly, when I came rolling out of the forest, and into them."

Snowshy said, " As you can imagine, they were rather startled and shocked to have a newborn filly just roll into them. They both guessed that my true mother was dead, besides they could tell, with how hard I was crying. They took me, and they both said, 'The gods of Equestria has blessed us with a filly in need of parents.' They raised me as though I was their own, but they had suspicion of what I really was: a sorcerer pony of ancient lore and legend. Please understand what I'm about to say next, they did, what they did, to protect me. They knew as well as anypony, the world was not yet ready for something this powerful to come back into the world, so they did the only they could: they had the doctor secretly do a procedure to remove my horn completely and cover the stub with my mane. They did this, because they did not want me hunted down and killed. Yes, I remember the pain vividly, but I understood. They did what they had to, they really didn't want to, but they had little choice, it was either the horn gets removed or I would get taken away from them. They did this because someponies had seen me when I walked all over town with my adoptive parents and began to put together a hunting party. So when they stormed the house, they found me, with no horn, and turned right around and left, thinking nothing of it, apologized, gave compensation for their intrusion, and dismissed the whole thing as if they all were seeing things and might have been a little overly paranoid over nothing, little did they know, they were right all along, I was a sorcerer pony. Now, I am an 'enhanced version' of a pegasus, with a life cycle of sorcerer pony."

Snowshy looked around and all except Darkness was puzzled by this and she said, " What I mean by 'enhanced pegasus', is that despite my horn being removed, I still have some power, and I use this power through this, my element of harmony."

Darkness was the one that spoke this time, and he said, " Okay, I have three questions: first one is, I know when I was first...reformed, you kept calling me brother, I, at the time, I had dismissed this as nothing more than an emotional moment for all us, for those that fought, and for me, for finally being free from Darkness Night, I have to ask though, why didn't you tell the truth about all this? Why reveal all this now? And seeing as your element of harmony only works when you love a soulmate of yours, how can you still use yours, when Shylight is dead? You may or may not know this, but as I journeying with my friends here, when we were at the waterfall, we all made a stop into the forest, and after coming to terms with one of my torments, and listening to our mother's last wishes, before she finally left for the spirit realm, we all made camp, as my friends rested, I took a stroll through the forest, I might as well have been walking down a path of sorrow, as I remembered one sad memory after another, when it was in that moment I stumbled upon the remains of Shylight, the holder of the seventh element of harmony. From what I could see, not only was he in pieces, but I could see singed trees, and burning grass, in a wide circle around Shylight, and his element of harmony was in pieces...shattered, and scattered everywhere. I knew exactly what had happened, the fool, had attempted time travel, by using and binding the power of his element of harmony, to open a portal...idiot. His attempt was successful however, I couldn't clearly tell where the portal had opened, but my guess is, whatever he saw when he came out on the other side of the portal wasn't exactly pleasant or what he had in mind. As he turned around to return to the present time, his element of harmony exploded from the stress of time was putting upon it. Let me make this perfectly clear: an element of harmony cannot be used this way, because you have no control of what time you will go to, and it is only a one-time thing, and you will not be able to go back, to try and return to the present time, will only result in your annihilation. I once told Shylight about the wonders and mysteries of time travel, perhaps this is my fault, but it became his life's work, his obsession, it was driving him mad, that was the major reason why he stayed in the forest, his mind was no longer stable, but he never told anypony about his secret 'project'. However, Shylight was able to return to the present time, but definitely not alive, it was at the moment, as he probably was just about to exit the portal, when his element of harmony exploded, and blew him and his element of harmony to pieces. In the end, a mad fool, got exactly what he deserved, a mad fool's death. But don't worry, I buried his remains and what was left his element of harmony, once a element of harmony has been torn apart like that, there is no repairing that and I made sure to all that find his gravestone, I put a warning on there to all those who attempt what he did, and it says: ' TO THE TRAVELER THAT FINDS THIS GRAVE, THIS PONY DIED, MESSING WITH A POWER THAT SHOULD BE RESPECTED AND LEFT ALONE. DEAR TRAVELER, LEARN FROM THIS MAD FOOL, ALL THOSE THAT ARE NOT CHOSEN TO TRAVEL THROUGH TIME, WILL ONLY END UP LIKE THIS FOOL. DO NOT FIDDLE WITH TIME, IF YOU VALUE YOUR LIFE, RESPECT IT, AND MOVE ON."

As Darkness finished, Snowshy spoke, " Yes, brother, I knew about Shylight's death, my element of harmony showed me what happened, and your guess is right, that is exactly what he did. To answer your questions, I couldn't tell you then, because it just wasn't time, and besides, you just got freed from Darkness Night, all that would've been a bit much don't you think? And I can still use my element of harmony, because I found my true soulmate, so it is okay."

Darkness said, " After hearing all of this, it all makes sense why there were so many tears on the first pages of our mother's diary.......she knew since the first day I was born, she knew what was going to happen, and went to every extent to make you were protected from it all, and that I would face my destiny head-on."

Snowshy said, " You're right, she wanted you to have courage, we all want that for you too, don't falter now, together, we have a world to save!"

Everypony else said, "YEEEEAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!"

Darkness motioned for everypony to quiet down, and he said, " Wait! I just thought of something, I thought you retired from hero work, and went to go live a quiet life, sister?"

Snowshy smiled, and said, " I was actually wondering when you was going to ask that, but it is okay, there many other things that needed discussing before this. I like you, Darkness, began to feel the disturbances in the air, the wind, the animals have all gone into hiding, the entire world seems to be....I don't know how to put it....afraid and tense. Whatever it was, it was giving me the chills, so I went into a personal investigation myself. Because everypony knows that you never leave Luna and your castle, or your study. And I didn't want to contact you yet, something was still off about you, like you had shut all emotions off. I started in the forest where I lived, not the Everfree Forest, there is another forest, it's known as the 'Sacred Grove', but that info is not important right now. I came up with little info, and all I could get out of any of the animals as I traveled, was this, 'IT R-R-RETURNS! WE ARE DOOMED!!....IT RETURNS!! THE LAND WILL BLEED!!!......' Every animal I spoke to kept saying this over and over, and every animal that said this, went into hiding and refused to speak any more. At this point, I was getting rather worried myself, and then I heard that after two years, Darkness was going to go to Ponyville, a week before Luna and Darkness's wedding. Also, at the same time, I had heard something had been stolen at the Crystal Castle, and that some strong magical barrier, that nopony can break, had appeared at the entrance to the castle. I figured to myself I must gather all the info I can before Darkness gets here. The other thing I found out is some old pony historian told me that it is an ancient, foreboding, evil, with a mind of insanity and madness, a heart of greed and conquest, filled with vengeance. And it will not enslave anything, it will kill....everything. After he told me this his eyes grew wide with fear, and died of a heart attack. Darkness!! We cannot let this disaster happen!"

Darkness said, " I know, sister, none of us intend to let this terrible event pass, but now we know for sure it is definitely something ancient, now we just have figure out how far back to go, but we can figure this out later we have a more pressing task at hand."

Twilight spoke, after being silent for a while, " You're right Darkness, we do, but what about those visions, you have been having?"

Darkness said, "I haven't seen any more, since, I went to Zecora's place, and I can figure all that out, at a later time, it's not all that important, we have an empire to save."

Snowshy asked Darkness, " Brother, are you and your friends going to the crystal castle? If so, I wish to come with, it's about time I came out of retirement anyways. Besides, I will not stand by while all of you risk your lives for the sake of Equestria!"

Darkness said, " As a matter of fact, yes sister, that is where we will be heading, and I was going to ask you to come along, if you want to. It just wouldn't be the same without you around, besides, this way, we can catch up on all the years ago that have been missed due to everything before."

Snowshy simply smiled and said, " Thank you Darkness."

Rarity said, " I think speak for everypony else here, but we wouldn't have it any another way darling."

Darkness said, " Alright then, everypony ready?" Everypony nodded with fierce determination, and Darkness said as he looked with a new sense of strength and smile, out to the road ahead, " Okay! Let's go! Let's get on that train!"

Everypony else said, " YEEEEAAAHHHH!" And they all trotted, together, altogether as friends.