• Published 28th May 2017
  • 377 Views, 1 Comments

When Two Worlds Meet - Darkness 1

2 years after the events of Darkness Night, something goes missing in the Crystal Castle, and its up to Twilight, her friends, and the now-reformed Darknesss, to find out what's missing, and to fiqure out how to get what was lost, back

  • ...

The Search For The Ebony Blade

Seconds later, they were back traveling at the speed if light, back to their home, Equestria, as everybody was holding on to each other's hands. Darkness said, " Alright! We've been through this before, well, except for Lunar Ebony Blade. So Lunar Ebony Blade, just hold on, the first time traveling this way, can be kind of rough!"

Lunar Ebony Blade only said, " Okay!"

Moments passed by, and Darkness could see Equestria, and he headed for the portal, and he said, " Alright! We are almost there! Prepare yourselves!" And with that, Darkness slowed down, a little, and went through the portal, and everything went white. Seconds later, everypony regained their vision, and could see they were coming in fast to the floor of the castle, and Darkness said to himself, " Finally, I got my wings back, so I'm not going to crash-land this time." He slowed down, and spread his wings out, and softly landed back on the castle floor, and the others were not too far behind him, except, for Lunar Ebony Blade, who was having troubles with his wings, and landed roughly on the castle floor.

Twilight put down the mirror and turned around to Lunar Ebony Blade, and said, " Are you alright?"

Lunar Ebony Blade said, " I'm fine, I'm just not used to this."

Darkness said, " You'll adjust, and I am so glad to be back home! Ugh! That was the worst dimension, I have ever been to! Never again! Ever!' At that moment, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy were coming down the hall to greet them.

Pinkie Pie got there first and said, " Welcome back! We were worried you wouldn't come back! Are you okay? Did you find the mirror? Who's your new friend? What's his name? Whys?...."

Darkness put a hoof to Pinkie Pie's mouth, and said, " Easy, Pinkie Pie, calm down, and yes, I'm glad to see you all too. As far as our new friends is involved..."

Twilight explained, " He's a human, that wanted to come along with us, just before we was just about to leave, but perhaps he should speak for himself.." Lunar Ebony Blade, a tall, steely- gray pony, that had steely-gray eyes, a black brushed back, and relaxed mane. He also had black hooves, a black spiky tail, and he also had rather large wings for a pegasus and a cutie mark that had a white moon with a blurry sword going across the moon at an angle.

Lunar Ebony Blade, stepped forward and said, " My name is Lunar Ebony Blade, and as I told them, I came with them, because I had always felt I was meant to do more than what my life was like, and something told me that they had something to do with it, I can't explain it, it's just a feeling I have, plus, I have a strange feeling you guys might be able to decipher what the writings on this piece of paper says, and what it means."

Applejack went over to Lunar Ebony Blade, and said, " Well, it's good to meet you, Lunar Ebony Blade, and I hope we can help you, but right now, we are in the middle of a crisis.. And did you guys get the mirror?"

Darkness pointed to the mirror, and said, " Twilight and Snowshy found it."

They all sighed with relief and Rarity said, " That's good, now it can go back where it belongs."

Darkness said, " Indeed, let's return the mirror to its rightful place, Twilight, if you wouldn't mind." Twilight nodded, picked up the mirror, headed to the throne, and the rest followed her.

She went to the right side of the throne chair, and put the mirror in the corner, within eyesight, as if there was somepony was on the throne chair, and Twilight said, " There, the mirror is back where it belongs, we should be able to leave the castle now."

Just then, they all heard a distant 'click', and the creaking of large doors opening, and Darkness said, " Speaking of, looks like the castle has already began to unlock itself, let's go, and let Princess Cadence and Shining Armor, know what's going on." They all said nothing, as they headed towards to exit of the castle, to find Princess Cadence, and Shining Armor, waiting for them, and they rushed to greet Darkness and the others.

Princess Cadence said, " Are you all alright? I can assume you all found the mirror, otherwise, you would still be trapped in here. It startled us at first, when the doors began to open...." Princess Cadence stopped, because she had noticed Lunar Ebony Blade, and she said, " Who's the new pony?"

Twilight said, " We are all fine, and this is Lunar Ebony Blade, he joined us for his own reasons."

Princess Cadence said, " Well, Lunar Ebony Blade, if Twilight says you are okay, then I can accept that. Let me introduce myself, I am Princess Cadence, and this is my husband, Shining Armor, we are glad to meet you."

Lunar Ebony Blade just said, " Good to meet you both."

As they all stepped outside into the town of the Crystal Empire, Twilight gasped, and said, " Oh! I almost forgot!" She then turned to Lunar Ebony Blade, and said, "You mentioned something about ancient writings on the piece of parchment? In our world, what we write on is called parchment, so that's what it is now."

Lunar Ebony Blade said, " Yeah, I did mention the old writings, do you know somepony that can help?"

Both Twilight and Snowshy turned to Darkness, and looked at him, and Snowshy said, " Well, I can't think of anypony better, that knows, 'ancient writings', than Darkness."

Twilight said, " Darkness, can you help him?"

Darkness said with a scoff, " Fine....I suppose, but it would be better to do this in the library, we should head there."

Princess Cadence said, " Well, good luck, myself and Shining Armor better get in the castle, and check for any damage, thank you all for your help , thank you Darkness."

Darkness said, " I'm just glad we all figured it out. Now, let's go to the Crystal Library, shall we everypony?" Everypony nodded in agreement, and they all headed for the Crystal Library.

A couple moments later, they all entered the Crystal Library, and Darkness turned to Lunar Ebony Blade, and said, " The parchment, give it to me please, and I'll see if I can't decipher what is says."

Lunar Ebony Blade put a hoof in his pouch, and dug out the old parchment, and handed it out to Darkness, and said, " Here you go."

Darkness examined it, and said, " Well, this is very old.....hmmm." He took the parchment, and sat down at a nearby table, and so did everypony else. Darkness then dug out his mother's diary, and began flipping pages, until he found what he was looking for, and said, " Here we go, the dictionary of all known languages, new and old." He began to look at the parchment, then dug out a fresh piece of parchment, then looked back at the old parchment, then the diary, and scribbled down a few words. Darkness repeated this step, for two hours, until he closed the diary, gave back the old piece of parchment back to Lunar Ebony Blade, and had a very serious look on his face, and only said, " Hmmmmmmm......well, this is interesting...I never would've thought...."

Rainbow Dash couldn't take it anymore, and she said, " Well? Could you read it? What did it say?"

Darkness said, " Oh, sorry, I spaced out there for a moment, well you won't believe this, but our friend here, but Lunar Ebony Blade: you are part of a very old royal family line and an old legend, and more importantly, you have been chosen by gods of Equestria, to inherit, a legendary sword, a sword only known as 'The Ebony Blade', now where it's located, and what this sword does the parchment didn't say. But it did mention something about, ' the land to east and northeast of the frozen north, is the land of the royal family.' Whatever that means."

Everypony thought about for a while, and Twilight said, " You know, the sounds awfully like the Crystal Mountains, doesn't it to you all?"

Snowshy said, " It does, and do you think that's where we should head?"

Darkness said, " Well, it's a start, and with nothing else to go on, I suppose it can't hurt, and besides, Lunar Ebony Blade, will need something to defend himself, there's no telling what lies ahead of us from here on out. I say that, because of us fixing the problem in the castle, I'm getting a 'bad omen', feeling, and I don't like it."

Snowshy said, " I got the same feeling, something has been stirred."

Darkness said, " But that can wait, 'bad feelings', can wait until after we get Lunar Ebony Blade here something to defend himself with. Besides, I personally am a little curious about this 'legend', this is one legend, I have dismissed as nothing more than an old mare's tale, we will see if there's any truth to it. Now---arghhhh!" In a large amount of pain to Darkness's head, he slumped off the table, and put a hoof on his head, as everypony rushed to his aid, and in that moment, he began to hear the ominous voice from before this whole journey was started.

The voice said, " Well, well, Darkness, I see you managed to recover the mirror and return it back to it's rightful place. YOU FOOL!! MWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I laugh at you, Darkness, not only did you all fall for it, but you all have helped me realize my glorious resurrection, that much sooner, and soon....the resurrection of my army will be at my hoof tips! And you all will get to live to witness YOUR FAILURE!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! AHAHAHAHA!" And with that, the voice faded, and the pain went away.

As Darkness stood back up, and sat back down into his chair at the table, he found everypony looking at him, and Snowshy asked, " Brother? Are you okay? What just happened? You just kind of passed out."

Darkness said, " I did? Huh...well, anyways, I heard that strange voice again. It seems us fixing the problem at the Crystal Castle, and returning the mirror, has somehow helped out, this unknown enemy. Anyways, the voice really sounds like a stallion, he kept talking about 'his resurrection', and 'the resurrection of his army', as well, and then the voice faded."

Rarity spoke, " This is not good, how much time do you think we have Darkness?"

Darkness said, " That's a good question, it's too unclear right now. All we can do, for the moment, is find Lunar Ebony Blade, his weapon, and then we should have a clearer idea of what's going on, by then. Hopefully we can figure it out by then..."

Snowshy said, " You and me both brother."

Darkness paused, and said, " Oh! That reminds me, that old parchment, also kept talking about something, 'When the time strikes midnight, follow the path of moonlight, for the chosen heir, to realize his destiny.' I'm not really sure what that means, but I have a good feeling, once we get to the Crystal Mountains, that the moonlight, might show us the way to the Ebony Blade."

Applejack said, " Well, at least it's a start, it's better than nothing."

Darkness said, " You're right. Well, everypony, we should head out tomorrow, so I'll go to the inn, pay the fee for tonight, and when you are ready for bed, go to the inn. However, don't stay up too late, we have a very long trip ahead of us, the Crystal Mountains, are treacherous, at this time of the year, and the road to those mountains, haven't been used in centuries, so this trip could take some time. Anyways, rest up, and I'll shall see you all tomorrow." As he finished speaking, Darkness got off his chair, and walked to exit of the library, and went out of sight.

Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity, were the first to leave the table, as they left the library and headed for the inn, while the others still sat at the table, and Twilight then turned to Lunar Ebony Blade, and asked, "I was going to ask, are you sure you still want to pursue this 'Ebony Blade'? The Crystal Mountains, are going to treacherous, as Darkness had explained."

Lunar Ebony Blade said, " I'll still go, some treacherous mountain, will not stop me, especially now that I know that I am the heir to not only a legendary sword, but to my very own kingdom, I'll do whatever it takes, to get through this."

Twilight said, " Okay, but I wanted to make sure you understand the dangerous, this trip will be."

Lunar Ebony Blade said, " I understand the danger, but still, I must go, you heard Darkness as well, I will need something to defend myself, it's like he has a feeling that things will only get worse from here on out. Also, why do you all let Darkness make all the decisions, and let him lead you guys?"

Snowshy said, " That's actually a good question, I follow his lead, because..well..how to put it..."

Twilight finished Snowshy's sentence, and said, " Because we all believe in him, we all have faith in him, plus, he is a sorcerer pony, his powers are way beyond our own. If there is anypony to count on, in times of trouble, it's Darkness, he can defend us, if we can't defend ourselves. Plus, he way older than any of us, so he knows what needs to be done to avoid disasters in times like this, and because he fought against Darkness Night, in his mind, by himself, for many years, before finally succumbing to Darkness Night's evil."

Snowshy said, " Yeah, what Twilight said, I couldn't think of a clear to explain it."

Lunar Ebony Blade said, " Okay, that makes sense, I guess I should've known it was something like that, okay, that's all I needed to know."

Everypony then got up from the table, and Twilight said to Lunar Ebony Blade, " Well, we are all going to inn, Darkness probably has our rooms paid for, so we was all thinking, of just staying there to talk for a while, and then head to bed, you should probably get some rest, it's been quite a day for you, I can imagine."

Lunar Ebony Blade said, " Sure, I'll come with." Everypony then left the library and headed for the inn, where they all talked until it turned dark outside, and one after another, headed for bed.