• Published 28th May 2017
  • 377 Views, 1 Comments

When Two Worlds Meet - Darkness 1

2 years after the events of Darkness Night, something goes missing in the Crystal Castle, and its up to Twilight, her friends, and the now-reformed Darknesss, to find out what's missing, and to fiqure out how to get what was lost, back

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A Sorcerer's Vision, Part 1

"When two world's meet, the reformed sorcerer will need to choose between two different fates..." Darkness opened his eyes, meditating in his study, as he did at this time of the day. He sighed, and said, "If only I could see more, this is only part of it, I know it, oh well, I guess there's always tomorrow, although I would like to get to the bottom of this..."

Just then, his study room door opened, and in walked Luna, and Luna asked Darkness, "Did you have that vision again? Has you found out anything new?"

Darkness shook his head, and said, "Sadly, no, it's still just a portal-like vision, and that phrase again."
Luna came towards Darkness, kissed and hugged him, "You shall figure it out, after all you are a sorcerer pony after all, the last one of your kind."

Darkness grew saddened by that and said, "Yeah, I know, don't remind me, it's still a very lonely feeling knowing I am the only one of my kind left but I feel like its my duty to set things right now for all my ancestors and rewrite history as it happened and not some assumption."

Luna said, "You shouldn't worry now, because you are not alone anymore, you have friends now, Twilight, Spike, and the rest of her friends in Ponyville, and, you have me as well. And I will help you accomplish these things but you must remember it must be done for more than just that."

Darkness smiled, and hugged and kissed her back, and said, " I know, I know, I understand, you're right as always. However.....hmph..... I have no need for such things... I have you my love, this castle with you and I have this study, and I have all the books that I am writing to fix history so everypony will know the truth about what really has happened not only during the times of my kind, the sorcerer ponies, but during the very beginning of all things. "

Luna said, " Stubborn, as always, but perhaps you should visit them, after all, you haven't seen them since..."

Darkness put a hoof on her mouth and said, "Please don't say it, those days, I'm still struggling with, I still blame myself for what happened."

Luna said, "Then visiting your friends would be good for you then, and perhaps you can finally forgive yourself for what happened two years ago. You know nopony ever blamed you for what happened, everypony knew it wasn't you, it was Darkness Night, and he has been vanquished, and his remains have been split apart, and are in very well protected and strictly guarded areas." Darkness said nothing, he just had his head down, deep in his thoughts, a deep sadness in his eyes.

Luna said, "I shall prepare a transport for you to go to Ponyville tomorrow, and it's alright we still have a couple of weeks before we need to start any preparations for the wedding."

Darkness said, "But I...."

Luna said, "No buts, you need to go see your friends, whether you call them that or accept them as that or not, and besides, they might be able to help you make more sense out that vision of yours. Plus, it would be good for you to get out of this study, you spend a bit too much time here, gaining knowledge, and studying is good, and fixing history is admirable but spending half the day here, and the other half during the night you spend with me, you need a break from all these books, and you could use the fresh air as well."

Darkness smiled, hugged her, and said, "I could use some fresh air, I guess, and as far as the rest of what you said...pffttt...I don't......need......silly....things...such...as...friends.... And yeah, I suppose Twilight might be able to help me figure this out, something about this vision tells me, this is way bigger than what happened two years ago. You're also right, it's true, perhaps I spend too much time in this study."

Luna said "Then it's settled, but I have to ask, could you spend the night awake with me and watch me raise the moon?"

Darkness said, "Of course dear, I'll sleep on the way to Ponyville, I never sleep during the night. The night is way too beautiful to miss." Luna smiled, and the two walked out of Darkness's study, and went to the open balcony of Luna's castle of night, and as the sun fell out of sight, Luna raised her head, and with her magic raised the moon. The stars appeared, the moon rose, and the two watched the night together until morning came, where by that time, Darkness had packed some things, and got on the transport to Ponyville Luna had prepared for him.

Luna stood back in the distance, with a concerned and saddened, tearful expression on her face, and she said, "May the moon and sun, free you from your burdens, my love. With all my heart, I pray for your sadness to end, I just want to see you smile full of hope and happiness. Celestia, Twilight and friends........help him......."

By midday, he had arrived at Ponyville, he thanked his transporters, and walked the to now crystal tree castle and home of Twilight. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, Twilight came rushing towards Darkness and said, "Darkness! Oh, thank Celestia you're here! I tried to send you a letter, but, I'm still working on sending letters with my magic, without Spike being here."

Darkness said, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on a second.......,where's Spike?"

Twilight responded, "I let him go on a vacation with some of his dragon cousins for a couple of months. He just found out about them, and don't worry, they won't harm him. And as far things go on around here, I'll be fine, I have my friends, helping me out, until, he comes back."

Darkness said, "Okay, good, whatever I guess, now what's got you riled up? Make it quick, I don't have much time to spare."

Twilight said in grave tone, "Somepony has stolen something from the Crystal Palace!"

Darkness asked with a smirk, "Somepony stole something and you don't know what it is? That doesn't sound like Twilight Sparkle at all, she almost always knows what's going on....almost."

Twilight said with frustration, "This is not the time to be funny."

Darkness said, "Fine....I see you have no sense of humor anyways."

Twilight sighed and said with a look of concern, "No, I'm sorry, I caught up in the moment...... and are you okay, Darkness? You don't seem like you care about any of us......"She stopped as Darkness had given her a dark look. and she said" But....um....anyways, I was told if I happen to find you, that you are to see Princess Celestia immediately. And once your done, come on over to my house, and we shall discuss this matter further."

Darkness said in his usual way, "Uh oh, Princess Celestia wants to see me, what did I do now?"

Twilight laughed and Twilight said, "You didn't do anything, it's just Princess Celestia wanted to talk to you first before you came see me."

Darkness said, "Very well, I'll go see what the Princess wants. Oh, by the way, could you take my things to your house for the moment till I find a place to stay? Just be careful with those things, a lot of what's in there is extremely fragile."

Twilight said with a smile, "Of course! And you can just stay at my castle, there's plenty of room, it's not like I'm going to be using all those rooms, and what's in these bags?"

Darkness rolled his eyes and said, "Right now, that's none of your business, if I allow it, you'll find out soon enough, now I better get going, before Princess Celestia starts sending down her royal guards next." With that being said Twilight took Darkness's bags, and took them to her castle, while Darkness flew off to Canterlot to see Princess Celestia.

An hour later, Darkness arrived at the gates of Princess Celestia's castle, and guards barred his path and said, "Halt! what is your business here...." As soon as they recognized who it was, they immediately unblocked his path opened the doors and stepped back and said, "My apologies, Darkness."

Darkness said, "No need for that, you"re just doing your job. So no offense taken, so now that the formalities are over, move aside, I have business to attend to." The guards saluted him and quickly stepped aside, and Darkness walked through the door,

As he walked down the long hallway, he looked to the throne chair, and there he saw Celestia sitting scribbling away on some piece of parchment, as she always did, and as Darkness got closer, she noticed his approach, sealed the parchment, gave it back to the servant, and dismissed him.

As he finally stood in front of her, he began to bow, and she stopped him, saying, "You have no need to do that, I should be doing that to you, it seems you have already forgotten that."

Darkness said, "Hmph, maybe I have." Before anymore was said, Princess Celestia ordered all guards in the room and at the doors to leave and shut the doors. Once they all had left and the doors were shut, Darkness was the first to ask, "So, what is it that you wanted to talk to me about? I have little time to waste."

Princess Celestia said in a serious tone, "Well, as you know, Twilight has already told you that something has been stolen from the Crystal Palace, but that problem is, we don't know who has done it or what was stolen. On top of that, the Crystal Palace is inaccessible, it's like somepony has used some sort of magic, a very powerful magic that is, to seal the entrance to the castle. It is a magic unlike anything I've ever seen, Princess Cadence, Twilight, and myself have already tried to disarm whatever kind of spell it is, we have tried every sealing, disarming, or unblocking spell we know, and nothing has worked. We even tried using all three of our powers combined, but to no avail, we all came up with the same results. From what Twilight has been able to find out, is that the spell is an ancient one, and we only know of one pony who is very proficient in the ancient ways....you. However, we know full well it wasn't you, for you have been in Luna's castle of night since the defeat of Darkness Night."

Darkness said, "Great....I see, now it makes sense why Twilight is in a state of panic."

Princess Celestia said, " But that's not all...it seems, the world is out of balance once again, but this time it's different, it's only affecting the princesses, nopony else seems affected by it....,it's not like like it was two years ago, something else is wrong, it feels very foreboding and old, but distant, and nopony has any idea what it could be. So I ask, can you feel it?"

Darkness stood for awhile, and he felt as well, but stronger that what Celestia has just described, and replied, "I do, I feel it, it feels.......familiar somehow....it's almost like I know it.......however, what it could be is unclear. It feels like it's from a rather far away location, which is making it rather hard to find."

Princess Celestia said, "This is troubling, if you want, we could use your help in helping us gain access to the Crystal Palace, and finding out what the cause of this disturbance is. I cannot order you to do any of this, for you are above us all, so I ask you, Darkness, will you help us?"

Darkness said, "Hmph, why wouldn't I? I owe this world my life, it seems I have no choice, and I"ll start off by stopping by Twilight's castle, and doing some research, and maybe find an answer to a vision I've been having lately."

Princess Celestia asked, "Vision?"

Darkness said, "Yes, for a while now, it's a vision that shows me some sort of magic portal-like object, and a phrase that is only partially complete."

Princess Celestia said, "Twilight might be able to help with that."

Darkness said, "I am sorry Princess, but I have much research to do if I am to get to the bottom of these problems, so I must be going, as soon as I finish, I shall head to the Crystal Palace, and see what I can do about opening up the entrance to the Crystal Palace."

Princess Celestia said, "You're right, but please try to hurry, I don't know how much time we have to spare, and yes, as soon as you are ready, I would like you to take Twilight and her friends along with you. You will need all the help you get. Now, go, and may the sun and the moon watch over you."

Darkness said, "Thank you, princess. But I watch over myself" And with that, he turned around and headed back to Twilight's castle to begin research.

As Darkness left, Celestia looked out the window sadly, and a couple tears flowed out of her eyes as she said, "Now Luna, my sister, I understand why you said he is suffering......I hope the same as you do sister....may Twilight and her friends help free him from his torment...I can only hope."