• Published 28th May 2017
  • 377 Views, 1 Comments

When Two Worlds Meet - Darkness 1

2 years after the events of Darkness Night, something goes missing in the Crystal Castle, and its up to Twilight, her friends, and the now-reformed Darknesss, to find out what's missing, and to fiqure out how to get what was lost, back

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Into The Human World Part 2

As Twilight and Snowshy entered the school, Snowshy asked Twilight, " Where should we start looking?"

Twilight said, " Good question, I have no idea. I suppose we should ask around, see if anyone's seen it, we know it's in this world somewhere, just where?"

Snowshy said, " Okay, I'll go this way, and ask everyone this way."

Twilight said, " Then I'll go this way, and start asking around, and we'll meet up back here, okay?"

Snowshy said, " Sounds good." Nothing more was said, as Snowshy went left and Twilight went right, and as Snowshy was walking, she thought to herself, " I wonder if brother's having any luck?" Meanwhile, Darkness was walking around in what looked like to him, a coliseum, only without the building, as he was walking around, he overheard one human saying something about, ' a soccer field', he assumed he was walking in this area.

He said, " Well, a ' soccer field', I assume that's some kind of sport, oh well, I'm not here to learn ' human customs', I suppose, I should ask around, ugh, I can't wait to get back to Equestria, I need to stop talking to myself, and probably not say that so loud." He walked over to the human nearest him, and he said, " Uhhh, hello, I was just wondering, my friends and I are looking for something.."

The human interrupted Darkness, by first laughing out loud, pointing at his armor, and said, " Well, if you're looking for the renaissance fair, I afraid, that's not for another eight months! But, how can I help you? What are you looking for?"

Darkness did his best to ignore the rude humor of the human, and he said with a little annoyance, " My friends and I are looking for a mirror, it has a purple frame, and gems embedded into it, I think, if my friend described it to me right, but have you seen this item?"

After the human got done laughing, the human said, " A mirror with a purple frame....let me think.....ummm, I afraid not, if you weren't wearing the strange armor, and the scary-looking sword, I would tell you to go inside the school, and ask around, but you might have security called on you, so if your friends don't wear the same thing you do, I would wait for them to find what you are all looking for, sorry."

Darkness sighed with aggravation, and said, " Thank you for assistance, anyways human, I'll have to wait on friends then..."

The human said, " Wow! You even talk kind of funny! Are you acting like that or are you really...?"

Darkness said, " It is none of your concern, human." And Darkness walked away from the human, and went back to the statue, and sat down, and Darkness said, " Well, I guess, I have no choice but to wait here, damn, this stinks. I really hope Snowshy and Twilight are having way better luck." And with that, Darkness looked up at the sky, and back down to the ground, and got ready to take a nap, and he said, " Well, at least sleeping is still kind of the same..." And with that, Darkness dozed off, as another human stopped for a moment, stared, and then went inside the school.

Hours later, Snowshy and Twilight met back up at the entrance of the school, they both stopped, and Snowshy asked, " Did you find out anything, Twilight?"

Twilight sighed, and said, " Nothing, you?"

Snowshy said, " I have a few leads, but they point to either the unidentified items that Principal Celestia keeps in her office, or the gym backstage, a couple humans were telling me, sometimes, some things get lost or misplaced back there, and everyone forgets about it until someone comes along and asks for certain things every now and then."

Twilight said, " Well, let's go pay Principal Celestia a visit, and she if she knows anything."

Snowshy nodded, and Twilight lead the way, and as they were walking, Snowshy looked behind her to look outside, and saw Darkness napping beside the statue, and she gave out a sigh of relief, and she said quietly to herself, " Whew, thank Celst- I mean thank goodness he's okay, I was afraid, he might do something brash, to get out of this world, I'm glad he'd didn't, and decided to stay put instead."

Twilight said, " Anything wrong, Snowshy?"

Apparently, Snowshy had stopped walking without realizing it, and Twilight had finally noticed Snowshy wasn't following, and Snowshy shook her head, and said, " No, everything's fine, I was just wondering about some things, but nothing to worry about though, it's all fine."

Twilight said, " Okay, let's go, the sooner we find that mirror, the better, I'm not sure Darkness can stand much more of this world. Personally, I actually don't mind this world."

Snowshy said nothing, she just followed Twilight and said quietly to herself, " So you were concerned about Darkness too, he really does have good friends."

Minutes later, they had arrived at Principal Celestia's office door, the door was closed, so Twilight knocked on the door, and a voice answered from inside, "Enter." They opened the door, and walked inside, and the voice said, " Please, close the door behind you, if you wouldn't mind." Snowshy closed the door, and as they looked around, the voice said, " Please, sit down, I'll be with you in minute." They sat down in the seats in front of a rather large desk, but as they looked, they was no one behind the desk, and then from underneath the desk, came out Principal Celestia, and as she saw Twilight, she said, " Oh! Twilight! So good to see you again! I thought I wouldn't see you again for a while, but good to see you anyways. Oh and sorry about that, I was just trying to hook up my new computer, the board of education thought it was time for me to upgrade my old computer. I see you brought a new friend with you, what's your name? Are you here to enroll? Or are you here on other business?"

Twilight spoke, " There are actually three of us, the other one is waiting outside on school grounds, because...well....because of what he wears, and we'll leave it at that, and no, we are not here to enroll."

Snowshy said, " It is nice to meet you, Principal Celestia, I am Snowshy, sister to my brother, who waits outside for us."

Principal Celestia said, " Stays outside on school grounds for what he wears, huh? I won't ask, so if none of you are here to enroll, what does bring you here?"

Snowshy said, " We are looking for an item that was stolen from our world, a mirror, the one that allows us to come to this world, and we need to find it, before it's too late. It's not a very big mirror, and it has a purple frame, we was wondering, if you have seen it or know anything about it?"

Principal Celestia said, " I knew you were from Twilight's world, I could tell. A mirror, huh? The same one that allows you all to come into this world? Then, how did you get here? Never mind, that's not important right now, a stolen mirror...give me second, let check my unidentified item list here....." Moments later, Principal Celestia said, " Ah, here we are, yes, I found this on school grounds, 'a strange mirror with a purple frame, and a very clear reflection..' I put it in the gym backstage, because it wouldn't fit in my office, you should check back there, I put an off-limits sign on it, so it should still be there. You can take it, I hope it's the one you're looking for."

Snowshy and Twilight looked at each other and Snowshy said it first, " That sure sounds like.."

Twilight finished the sentence, " The mirror we are looking for!"

They all stood up and Celestia held out her hand, shook Twilight's and Snowshy's hand, and said, " Good luck, and come back soon, you are all welcome here, and oh, Snowshy, I would like to meet your brother, but tell him to wear something more 'school appropriate', next time, okay?"

Snowshy said, " I will, and thank you for all your help."

Principal Celestia said, " Glad to be of help, see you all another time, make sure to close the door behind when you leave, I got to finish getting these wires hooked up..."

Celestia then disappeared from sight, as she went back underneath her desk, and Snowshy and Twilight left her office, and closed the door, and Twilight said, " Well, we are almost there, then it will a matter of how to figure out to get back home."

Snowshy said, " Yeah, we'll figure that out, once we get the mirror, anyways, lead the way to the gym backstage, Twilight."

Twilight nodded, and said, " It's this way." They went down a long hall on the right, made a left and then a right turn as they walked into a large, open space, that was the gym, and Twilight pointed, and said, " The stage is up there, what we are looking for is behind that curtain."

Snowshy said, " Yeah, I see the curtain, let's go." They went to the stage, climbed up on it, and went behind the curtain.

Twilight said, " Wow! There's a lot of stuff back here, let's get looking, it shouldn't be too hard to find."

Snowshy nodded, and they spread out, and began searching backstage, and it wasn't long before Snowshy yelled out, " Twilight! Over here! I found it!" Twilight rushed over, looked at Snowshy had found: sure enough, it was the mirror they had been looking for.

Twilight said, " Okay, I'll carry the mirror, now let's head back to Darkness, he's probably going nuts right now." Snowshy only nodded, and the two carefully got the mirror off the stage, and Twilight carried it the rest of the way back to Darkness, and Twilight said, " I assume Darkness is still where we saw him last, is he, Snowshy?"

Snowshy said, " He is, I'll probably have to wake up though, I think saw him napping."

Twilight sighed, " Thank goodness, at least he didn't do anything brash." Snowshy laughed, and said, " I see you were thinking the same thing." Nothing more was said, as they made their way back to Darkness.

Moments later, Snowshy and Twilight had made it back to Darkness, and sure enough, Darkness was still napping, fast asleep now, at this point, Snowshy bent down, and tugged at his armor, and said, " Brother, hey, wake up! We found the mirror."

Darkness opened his eyes and got up groggily, and said, still half-asleep, " That's good, now let's figure out how to get the heck out of this stinking world and back home." When Darkness woke up fully, Snowshy and Darkness stood back up, and Twilight put down the mirror, and Darkness said, " Wait, I have an idea, I once overheard from a human, that you, Twilight, used the power of your element of harmony, even with this world, having no magic, how did you do that? Perhaps, we could try the same thing, to activate my powers, just long enough, to get us back home."

Twilight said, " The bonds and friendships, I made with my human friends, which look a lot my friends, in Equestria, used our friendship feelings that we had for each other, and concentrated on that, for a common goal. It's worth a try."

Darkness said, " Alright, everyone, and someone, grab the mirror, and hold each other's hands, and do as Twilight just said, I just hope this works..."

Snowshy said, " You and me both, brother, we all hope it works, otherwise, we are going to be stuck here, for quite a while."

Twilight picked up the mirror and Darkness said, " Yeah don't remind me..."

At that moment, a voice yelled out, " WAAAAAAIIIIITTTT!!!!" Everyone looked, and saw it was a human, and the human said, " My name is Lunar Ebony Blade, and I want to come with you guys."

Twilight was about to speak, and Darkness held up a hand, and said, " No, let me handle this."

Twilight nodded and said, " Okay."

Darkness turned to Lunar Ebony Blade, and said, "Why, in whatever you humans say in this world, would you want to come with us? What we have to do, is extremely dangerous, and there may or may not be no way back to this world for you. And besides, what is your talent anyways, Lunar Blade?"

Lunar Ebony Blade began to explain, "I don't know why, but ever since I was born, I've always felt like I was meant to do more than just...this." And he held out his hands towards the school, and then put his hands down, and continued, " Ever since I saw you Darkness, for the first time out here, something within me told me, that whatever I was meant to do, had something to do with you and your friends, and I don't mind if there's not a way back here for me, and I don't mind the danger. And as for my talent, I don't really know, I was just given this really old piece of paper, by my mother, and she told me, that my father wanted me to have it, he died in a horrible accident, anyways, I can't read the paper, it's written in a language that nobody seems to know or decipher, and something just tells me, it may be connected to you guys in a way, I think."

Darkness looked at the others, and said, " Well? What do you guys think? Should we take him along?"

Snowshy said, " I see no harm in it, besides, the more help we have, the better."

Twilight said, " I agree with Snowshy, we should take him along."

Darkness sighed, and said, " Fine, but don't come crying to me, Lunar Ebony Blade, if you don't get the results your are looking for. Now, if there are no further interruptions, everyone, and you too Lunar Blade, come over here, and hold someone's hands, and focus on your friendship that you have just made."

Lunar Ebony Blade said, " Okay." And he came over, and did as Darkness had instructed. Everybody closed their eyes, and focused, for a while, nothing happened, and then Darkness could feel his powers, and he wasted no time, and he began to use his powers. It wasn't long before his eyes grew white, and what had happened in the Crystal Castle began to happen on the courtyard, the strange symbols began to appear, and began to slowly rotate around them beneath their feet, and then it began to speed up, and then in a flash, Snowshy, Darkness, Twilight, and Lunar Ebony Blade were gone from the human world."