• Published 28th May 2017
  • 378 Views, 1 Comments

When Two Worlds Meet - Darkness 1

2 years after the events of Darkness Night, something goes missing in the Crystal Castle, and its up to Twilight, her friends, and the now-reformed Darknesss, to find out what's missing, and to fiqure out how to get what was lost, back

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The Final Showdown

As everypony cleared the throne room doors, the doors automatically shut themselves hard, as a voice from somewhere in the room said, "Welcome to your ancestral home, Darkness." Everypony knew who it was, as everypony looked, around, and saw that the throne room, was very large, and Darkness just pointed to the back of the room, which could not be seen because they were so far away.

Rainbow Dash began to get nervous, and said, "I don't like this guys, this room, gives me the creeps."

Rarity said, "I don't like it either, but keep it together, all of Equestria is counting on us."

Rainbow Dash nervously laughed and said, "Yeah...heh heh....no pressure. Yeah keep it together, yeah sure, got it." Nopony said anything else, as they made their way down the room, and down what looked like a red carpet, with gold stripes, what was left of anyway. Slowly, they had made their way to the back of the room, where they came upon the throne itself as the remains of the four elder sorcerer ponies, lay in front of it: it was a large throne, with the entire throne, made out out of, what looked like onyx, and decorated, with rather large statues of gold-plated armored statues standing at the sides of the throne, as the throne itself, was covered in massive swords, and various skulls over it, as a slumped figure sat in the throne. As everypony got closer, they all saw it was the remains of Bolverk, half way rotted away, the eyes were gone, and he was wearing ornate red armor, and a sword, was clutched in one of his hooves, with a closed eye, in the middle of the blade.

Everypony knew what the sword was, and just about that time, Bolverk's spirit came through a nearby wall, and said, "You're too late! In a few moments, I will arise again, and cut down your friends, and once I'm done with them, I'll cut you down! Because thanks to you, you broke the seal for me. I should've known, that such an easy spell, that kept me shut in here. But soon, that will all change, along with your world! Yes! Soon, the world will know what true terror is! When I'm done with your pathetic world, those that do manage to survive, will either bow to me, or I shall kill them all! hahahaha!" As he finished speaking, nopony said anything, as Bolverk went into his body, and a green light began to glow from within Bolverk's body, and the slumped body, began to move, as Bolverk, put away his sword, got up from his throne, and stood before them, as he said, "Darkness, I offer you, one last time, join me! Think of all the possibilities! We, you and I, are gods, before the rest of this pathetic world! They should be kneeling before us! Help me dominate this world, and I shall see to it, the utopia, we both desire! Bow before your king, and swear your allegiance to me!"

Darkness said as he barred his teeth, and said through them, "I have...no KING! I do not owe any allegiance to you! You were gone, long before I was born! And I will never betray my friends! My friends and I will stop you, this ends right here! Right now!"

Darkness drew his sword, and got into fighting position, as everypony else did, as Bolverk laughed, and said, "Very well, you give me no choice then! I have given you the chance of a lifetime! And you stubbornly refused it! Fine! As king of the sorcerer ponies, I hereby charge you all with treason, and getting in the way, of the rebuilding of this great nation! Today, this is where you shall all fall, and join your ancestors!" And Bolverk drew his sword, and readied himself.

Darkness said, "Not while we all draw breath! You must be stopped! We will see to that, we have to!"

Bolverk laughed, and said, "Desperate, are we? Fine, come at me then!" Everypony let out a war cry, as they all charged at him, as Bolverk himself, stood still, with no expression on his half-rotten face. And as everypony began to try to strike, he simply held up his sword, and the fiery red eye opened, and let out burst of energy, that deflected all their attacks, and pushed them back.

Twilight said, "Wow, that sword is powerful! How we going to get past that?"

Darkness said, "I think I have an idea, everypony, leave this to me!"

Rainbow Dash said, "Are you crazy? Bolverk will tear you apart!"

Darkness said, "I just remembered something, only a sorcerer pony, can defeat a sorcerer pony, and unless, you have the same banishing spell, embedded into your elements of harmony, or your sword, Lunar Ebony Blade, I afraid the rest is up to me."

Twilight said, "What about your sister?"

Darkness said, "Because she had her horn removed, she is only half sorcerer pony. I'm sorry guys, but the rest, lies in my hooves now, please, hold off the army, and keep them out of this room."

Rarity began to say, "But..."

Darkness said, "Just go! Just all of you, trust me, just this once, please!"

Everypony began to back away a little and they went to the middle of the room, as Rainbow Dash called out and said, "You better win, you hear me?! You have to!"

Darkness said to himself, "I know."

Bolverk only mockingly laughed, and said, " A one-on-one battle eh? It would seem, your 'friends', know when to retreat, from a battle, they cannot win, and neither can you, even with that sword, and the spell, it will do you no good."

Darkness said, "Shut up already, and let's end this." Bolverk said nothing else, as the two, matched blow for blow, strike for strike, slash for slash, blocking each other's attacks, as they were fighting all around the back of the room, at a very fast speed.

This went on, for what felt like forever, until finally, Bolverk flew back, and said, "Enough of this already! Fine, if I can't kill you, with sword, I'll kill you the 'other way'!" And with that, he held out a hoof, and a purple flame, appeared within it, and Bolverk thrust the flame, into himself, as he became engulfed with the flame.

Darkness said, "You got to be kidding! Another forbidden spell? The 'Soul Flame'?" Bolverk only smirked, and began casting the soul flame even more, and began shooting at Darkness, as Darkness quickly dodged them, all over the room, at this point. Everypony else, had to move back, but then the throne room doors burst open, as wave of the undead army, tried to pour through, and everypony else, were forced to defend themselves, and began to try to keep them away from Darkness and Bolverk.

Bolverk laughed maniacally, and said, "Dance, Darkness dance!" And Bolverk began to shoot soul flame fireballs, into the air, and in random areas in front of him, Darkness dodged them, one after the other, and then with everything he had, he began to try to throw his sword, and Bolverk said, "Stop!" Everything except for Bolverk, stopped, as Bolverk went over to Darkness and said, "Didn't know I could do that, did you? Like you, I was chosen, long ago, by the gods, to protect time. For all your gifts, even you can still be affected by time itself! Ahahahaha! I will enjoy killing you!" Bolverk then unfroze time, and raised his sword, for the killing blow at Darkness. Darkness knew Bolverk had the ability all along, and simply quickly turned around, and used the momentum, of his sword, and thrust his sword, into Bolverk's skull. Bolverk was surprised, and said, "Ugh! How...is this possible? Darkness said nothing, as he screamed in rage, and was suddenly engulfed in a blue flame, and thrust his sword harder, into Bolverk's skull. Bolverk said, "Ugh! No way! Impossible! 'The Holy Blue Flame'? That's not possible! Not even I could achieve that!"

Darkness's blue flame around him, only grew bigger, as even his eyes and sword, were now, covered in the blue flame, as Darkness gave it everything he had, and pushed the sword deeper into Bolverk's skull. Bolverk dropped his sword, as his own blood came forth from the wound, and he said, "If.....I will die again...and be permanently banished from the mortal realm.....so....shall...you!" Everypony else managed to drive off, the army, for now, as they all turned around, and saw what was going on. Bolverk screamed in anger, and shot the soul flame at Darkness, and pushed him off of him, as Darkness was pushed back.

Bolverk saw the others, and began to try cast the flame at them, but was beat down, by Darkness, and as the two locked and grinded swords, Darkness yelled out, "RUN!!! Get out of here!"

Twilight said, "We are not leaving without you!"

Darkness said, "If you don't, once Bolverk dies, the whole place, will coming down!"

Snowshy started to say, "But brother..."

Darkness said, "Please! I beg you! As my friends, Go!" And with that, Darkness summoned a force field, and pushed them all out, and blocked them from entering the room.

They others began to retreat as Twilight said, "Just get out of here, once Bolverk's taken care of, okay? Let's celebrate once it's all over, okay?" Darkness gave a nod, and Twilight left with the others, as Darkness was pushed back by Bolverk again, as Bolverk casted a massive blast of soul flame, and aimed it Darkness. Darkness continued to charge again, and was hit with the soul flame, Darkness screamed out in pain, and in rage, as the blue flames, only grew bigger, and Darkness continued his advance.

Bolverk increased the size and power of the soul flame, but Darkness kept on moving, and then with a violent leap, buried his sword, into Bolverk's skull, as Bolverk began to weaken, he raised his sword, but Darkness put his blade through the eye of Bolverk's blade, killing the sword's powers and Bolverk's army of the dead spell began to dissipate, as Bolverk said, "Damn you!.....You are coming with me!"

Bolverk began to focus all his remaining power, and shot it all himself, causing the magic within him, to explode, as the entire room, Darkness and Bolverk, were covered in a powerful soul flame explosion, as the castle began to collapse.

Meanwhile the others, were still in the castle, and when they saw the castle was beginning to crumble, Twilight said to herself, "He's done it." She then addressed everypony, and said, "We need to get out of here!" Nothing more was said, as everypony trotted like they have never trotted before, as falling debris, and parts of the ceiling fell everywhere, in front of them, beside them, and all around them, as they all dodged the falling parts of the castle, and when Twilight saw the exit, she said, "We are almost there!" Everypony dashed through the doors, which had been burst open by the undead army, and began to continue trotting down the cliff, as the cliff itself began to cave in, and then Twilight saw the gap. and when everypony came to it, she said, "Everypony! Jump!" Everypony with every bit of effort, jumped over the large gap, and turned around, as they watched, the cliff, and the castle, crumbled, and fell into the caved-in hole, a massive wave of dust covered most of the area ahead of them, up, and then they all saw the purple explosion gush up, as it rose high into the sky, and blew up in a massive, tower-like way, even higher in the sky.

And Rarity said, as they watched the explosion, and as everything around them was either on fire, by a normal flame, or was on fire by the soul flame, "Do you think..he made it out?"

Twilight said, "He had to of, I didn't see him fall into the hole."

Pinkie Pie said, "So where is he?"