• Published 28th May 2017
  • 378 Views, 1 Comments

When Two Worlds Meet - Darkness 1

2 years after the events of Darkness Night, something goes missing in the Crystal Castle, and its up to Twilight, her friends, and the now-reformed Darknesss, to find out what's missing, and to fiqure out how to get what was lost, back

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The Journey To The Desert

Darkness calmly said, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, everypony, let's not start just jumping to conclusions here, with whatever has threatened Equestria this time. And how do any of know, that this new threat, has anything to do with that mad pony anyways?"

Snowshy said, "Perhaps, you might to want to look outside the window."

Darkness went over to the nearest window, and looked outside, shocked him, as he said, "No way, that's not possible." Darkness couldn't say anything else, as he continued to look outside in horror, he saw the entire ground, had rather large cracks springing up everywhere, with a green glow coming out from the cracks. Darkness turned around, went back to everypony and said, "Okay, okay, there's a reasonable explanation to this, that glow, it looks like a changeling attack, right?"

Everypony looked at him, and said nothing, and Snowshy said, "I know you would rather not believe that it's him, but it's not the changelings, the changelings, if you would've looked closer, at the cracks that are forming, don't look like, walking skeletons, wearing ancient armor, do they?"

Darkness paused, and said, "Okay, I'll look closer." Darkness went back to the window, and looked closer at the cracks, and sure enough, he could clearly see, that all sorts of skeletons, and half-rotten corpses of all sorts of ancient warriors, from the looks of it, were beginning to climb up through the cracks. Darkness left the window, and went back to everypony, and said, "Okay, this is bad, but Bolverk, was sucked in through that vortex, as the gate collapsed on itself, and sealed itself, so I still don't think it's possibly him."

Everypony thought about it, and Rainbow Dash said, "Yeah, you're right, Darkness, maybe we wrong, but who could be possibly could be doing this? That much is clear, somepony is using some sort of spell or something...like...."

Rainbow Dash was cut off, as an all too familiar laugh, echoed in the air, and then, the spiritual figure of Bolverk appeared before them all, and he said, "Hahahaha! That's right, I'm using the forbidden spell, 'Army Of The Dead'! I tried bringing my army back, by bringing them from the past, but you, Darkness, and the rest of your pitiful 'friends', got in my way, and foiled my plans! Not this time you will! This is only the beginning! Soon, I will return to my 'original state'!"

Darkness said, "That's not possible either!"

Bolverk only laughed maniacally, and said, "It is! And there is no way you can stop me! Muwahahahaha! Ahahahaha!" Bolverk then disappeared from their sight, as his voice and laughter, echoed and faded away.

Darkness said, "Okay, correction, it looks like it is clearly Bolverk after all, this is not good."

Rarity said, "Hold on a second, I have a question, what did he mean by 'original state'?"

Applejack said, "I was kind of wonderin' that myself."

Darkness said, "Bolverk plans to not only just raise an army of the dead, but also, to return to his physical body. If he succeeds that, he will try to break the seal, that keeps his physical body, within the throne room, of the capital of the sorcerer ponies, but the thing is..."

Twilight said, "What is it?"

Darkness said, "The sorcerer pony capital, was destroyed, except for the throne room, which was sealed, before the city was stormed, and it's location has been forgotten, luckily, I happen to have a map, in my book here, for some reason, I had feeling, that one of you might have questions to something, so I brought the diary along." Darkness opened the book, as he started to flip through pages and said, "Hmm...let's see here...ah! Here we are!" Darkness pulled out, a very old-looking map, and held it out before everypony, as everypony looked at it. Darkness said, "As you can see, this is a map of Equestria, during the time of the sorcerer ponies, my mother, as she was escaping the city, ran into a dying historian pony, who gave her the map, as he said, "History must be preserved'. Anyways, if I'm correct, let's see here......" Darkness began moving his hoof across the map, and then he stopped, and pointed to a location on the map, and said, "Yes! There it is! This is where the capital was, and if I match the location, with a map of the Equestria of today..." Darkness dug out another map, from his pack, and held it out with his magic, and began to overlay the map he just dug out, over the other one, and he said, "There we go, according to this, the location, is what you all call today 'The San Palomino Desert'."

Rainbow Dash said, "Ugh! Why did it have to be a desert?"

Darkness said, "I take it you don't like deserts?"

Rainbow Dash said, "Do you? The extreme heat, sand everywhere, no water....."

Rarity said, "Not to mention, it would be hard on my hooves, and ruin them!"

Darkness put away the maps, and said, "Well, I don't really like it either, but like it or not, that's where we are heading, we need to get to the capital, before Bolverk does, and destroy what's left of his physical body, it would be best to pack a lot of water with you, we need to go, as soon a possible, or well......."

Twilight said, "Or what?"

Darkness sadly said, "Or there won't be anypony left alive, if Bolverk succeeds."

Twilight said, "Oh."

Princess Celestia said, "We cannot let some ancient mad pony, ruin our lives, and take them away from us, on behalf, of Canterlot, and Equestria, take these with you."

Nopony had realized, that everypony from Canterlot, Ponyville, and The Crystal Empire, was standing in the room, as they all, now stepped forward, and began giving Darkness and the others, as much water as they could carry, and Darkness asked Celestia, "How long have they been standing there?"

Princess Celestia said, "I called everypony, that could show up,for this worldwide emergency, I'm glad I did, I figured that this was problem, everypony needed to know. Plus, with that undead army rising out there, I figured that everypony needed a safe place, to stay until they are taken care of."

Darkness said, "I get it, a good idea, because well, we kind of needed the help, and yeah, everypony needs a safe place to hold out, until we take care of this threat."

As everypony now had plenty of water, Princess Celestia said, "Now, go, and get to that capital, before Bolverk does, we, no, all of Equestria is leaving all our hopes, with you."

Darkness and the others began to set out, as Darkness said to everypony in the room, "Yeah, no pressure now, but I promise you all, my friends, my sister, and myself, we will do all that we can, to stop Bolverk, and his army."

Everypony began cheering them all on, as they continued out of the castle, and down through Canterlot, and as they came to outskirts of Canterlot, they all felt the ground to shake violently, as numerous fallen warriors, began to climb out of the cracks, and were coming right at them, and Darkness said, "We don't have time for this! Everypony! Cut through them, and trot as fast as you can until we get to the desert!" Everypony did as Darkness suggested, and trotted, alongside Darkness, as fast they could, as the violent shaking of the earth only got worse, as they all heard Bolverk's laughter echo through the air, the closer they got to the desert. After two days time, and fighting numerous undead on their way to the desert, they had finally reached the outskirts of the desert. Darkness stopped, looked around and said, "Everypony, take a break for a while, looks like we beat Bolverk, I don't see his spirit anywhere, of course, that doesn't mean to say that he isn't far behind. Besides, we are not going anywhere, till we figure how to get past that." Darkness pointed to the area, in the middle of the desert, and everypony saw what Darkness was pointing at: a massive, powerful, violent whirling sandstorm, encircling a huge area.

As Twilight was still catching her breath, she said, "I take it...that's the capital...right?"

Darkness said, "It sure looks that way."

Twilight asked, "Any ideas how we are going to get past that?"

Darkness said, "Come to think of it, there is a story, that the three tribes, told each other, throughout the generations, but has been forgotten over the years, but if I remember correctly, it went like this: When the great city fell, and was stormed, it's mad ruler, dethroned, betrayed by his own kind. The gods punished the ones that had caused so much pain in the land, by cursing their beloved city, by making sure nopony could ever enter its boundaries ever again. And thus, as long as there remains nothing living in the city, it can never be entered from the outside."

Rainbow Dash said, "So you mean, we came all this way for nothing?!"

Darkness said, "No, not exactly, I just didn't think that story had any truth to it either."

Twilight said, "You should know better than that by now."

Darkness said, "Maybe, I'll see if I can't work on that, after this is all over." Darkness sighed, and said, "Well, it seems, we have to wait for Bolverk, to actually return to his physical body after all. However, once he does, the curse will lift, and we can enter what you all know it as 'The Forgotten City', and destroy Bolverk, before he can find a way to break the seal. Nopony after the war, called it by its true name. The three tribes, did their best, to forget my kind, and its cities, ever existed. In a way, I don't blame them, but it's still kind of sad."

Rainbow Dash said, "Great....now we got to wait...wonderful."

Darkness said, "Look, I'm not thrilled by the idea either, but unless, you have some kind of way to make us invincible from that whirlwind, I'm all ears for any ideas."

Rainbow Dash said, "No, I don't..I was just saying..that now we got to wait."

Darkness said, "I get it, waiting for somepony, that puts everypony in danger, to do the one thing, we originally set out to stop, we now have to wait for him accomplish. And from the looks of it, we don't have to wait long, look!" Darkness pointed to his far right, and everypony looked, and to the far right, high in the sky, was Bolverk. Darkness said, "Everypony! Hide! The last thing we need, is for him to see us! He doesn't know we are here yet!" Everypony said nothing, they all just quickly found a place to hide, as Bolverk had the feeling, he was being watched, and he stopped, looked around, and when he saw nothing, he continued, went through the whirlwind, and out of sight. Everypony came out of their hiding place, and Darkness said, "Whew...okay....that was a little too close for comfort. Any moment now..."

Cracks began to form behind them, and the greenish glow, began to pour out, and Rarity said, "The whirlwind better come down soon, or we may not see another tomorrow, because it looks like too many for us to handle!"

Darkness said, "Come on..." A deafening crash rang out through the air, as the whirlwind, died down, and the city rose slowly from beneath the sand and once the sand and debris settled, Darkness said, "Everypony! Now! Go! I'll slow them down!"

Everypony went, except for Lunar Ebony Blade, as he stood alongside Darkness, and said, "Mind if I help?"

Darkness said, "Why not. Let's drive them back, and trot for it!" Lunar Ebony Blade nodded, drew out his sword, as Darkness drew out his, and together, they drove the army back, as Lunar Ebony Blade blasted them, with massive volleys of purple lightning, as Darkness slashed and mowed down any of the undead, that foolishly stood in his way. Darkness and Lunar Ebony Blade stood back a little, and Darkness said, "That'll have to do. Let's catch up with the others!" Lunar Ebony Blade said nothing, and went to go catch up with Twilight and the others, as Darkness did the same. It wasn't long, before they both caught up with the others, and they all stopped, as they had reached the main gate, that lead into the city. Darkness stood in front of everypony, and said, "Hold on just a second."

Rainbow Dash said, "Oh! Come on! Bolverk's going to break the seal!"

Darkness said, "It's a very powerful seal, even though it is fading, but don't worry, I'll make this quick. We are about to face the physical form of Bolverk, and it will not be so easy, as it was defeating him, in his spiritual form, even though it will take some time, for him to return to his full power, his sword, the 'Nightmare's Revenge', will make him, a fearsome foe. If we are to succeed, we must not falter, we must give it all we got, or he will win, and all of Equestria, will be powerless, to stop him. Okay everypony, ready?" Everypony had very serious faces on, and nodded, and Darkness took a deep breath and said, "Alright, here we go!" As Darkness finished speaking, he and the others, pushed open the main gates, and went into the city.