• Published 28th May 2017
  • 378 Views, 1 Comments

When Two Worlds Meet - Darkness 1

2 years after the events of Darkness Night, something goes missing in the Crystal Castle, and its up to Twilight, her friends, and the now-reformed Darknesss, to find out what's missing, and to fiqure out how to get what was lost, back

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The Death Of Darkness

As the dust settled, everypony began looking around, and they all began to see grass, trees, and other plant life, sprout forth from beneath the ground, and in a few moments time, the entire area, was no longer desert, but a beautiful landscape, with them all now standing in middle of a grassland, with the city a little ways behind them. Twilight said, "Does anypony see Darkness?"

Rarity pointed in front of her, and said, "There! Is that him?" Everypony looked to where Rarity was pointing, and out a ways ahead of them, was a battered, limping figure, with black and red armor, and a katana.

Twilight said, "Yeah, that's Darkness, but..something's wrong...."

Fluttershy said, "He looks badly hurt."

Twilight said, "Let's go, and heal his wounds." At the same time, they heard the rush of wings and the glimpse of a blue-ish mare with a sparkling mane, as it landed not too far away from Darkness, and began trotting towards him.

Snowshy said, "Is that who I think it is?"

Twilight gasped, and said, "It's Princess Luna! Let's go!" Everypony began to trot towards Darkness, as he continued to limp towards them. When he saw Luna, he smiled, his sword fell out of its straps, a little ways behind him, seeing as the straps had been badly burnt and Darkness began to falter, and began to fall, and Luna got there, just in time, and caught Darkness in her hooves, as she sat down, and layed him on her lap.

Darkness said to her, "Luna....I'm glad you're here...I'm glad I got to see you..at least one more time....Are the others okay?"

Princess Luna said, "What are you talking about? We'll have you healed up soon. And yes, the others are fine, they should be here shortly."

Darkness said through heavy breaths, "Good, good, I'm.....I'm glad they made it...I'm so glad.."

Princess Luna said, "Save your strength, my dear, the others will be here."

Darkness put a hoof on her face, and brushed it a little, and said, "I have to say this, because I may not get another chance to, but when our children are born, I don't want my legacy, my deeds, to make them feel less of themselves, and for good or for evil, their path, their destinies, will be up to them. So please, let them choose what they want to do with it, okay?" Darkness then put his hoof back down, and put it on his chest.

Luna said, "Okay, I will."

Darkness said, "Although, however, As much as I would love to see them, and cherish each and every day with them, it was just not meant to be, and I want you to tell them, how sorry I....am for that....I wish I could be there....I would rather they don't choose the path of evil...but if it comes to that....what must be done...must be done....somepony like Bolverk....must never come to emerge again....okay?"

Luna said with tears, "What are asking me, is to go against our children, if they go evil. How can I do that?"

Darkness said, "You, will not be the one that does, I am telling...you if it ends up that way...somepony must rise up...and put down the evil.."

Luna said, "I can only hope, that our children, choose a good path then." Darkness only nodded, and both of them, began to hear hooves, coming their way.

Everypony got there, shortly after, and once they were all there, Darkness smiled, and said, "I'm glad....you all made it..."

Twilight said to Princess Luna, "How is he?"

Princess Luna said, "From the looks of it, badly injured, from the inside out. But he'll be fine, once we get him to a hospital and use some of these."

Princess Luna took out some purple potion, and opened the bottle, and Darkness held out a hoof to stop her from pouring it on his wounds, and he said, "Don't....you only make it worse..."

Princess Luna said, "Are you crazy? Just take this, and you'll be better soon."

Darkness said, "I'm afraid, that's.....not meant to be.....I've been injured and afflicted by the soul flame, there is no cure..I'm afraid..this....is where my journey...ends."

Princess Luna put away the potion, and said, "The soul flame? Perhaps potions won't work then, maybe a spell will..."

Darkness said, "No...! That will only make it worse, the spell, was made, to make anything that might remedy the injuries, the soul flame causes, to only speed up the process, making the injured one die faster..."

Princess Luna began to sob loudly, and began to cradle Darkness, and said, "No! I won't believe it! There has to be something!"

Darkness held up a hoof, wiped away her tears, and gave her a loving look, as they kissed, and he said, "It's the truth, it's only a matter...of time... But...before I pass...there is something...that I must do....Please....Snowshy...Twilight...come here and step forth..."

Snowshy and Twilight did as Darkness had asked, and he said, "Come closer." They did, and he said, "For you, my sister, I give you...this...it is the 'Stone Of Transformation', it's a stone, I forged, back...when we was in the Crystal Empire, from...a rare metal...called Rainbow ore..I had been saving it for something special...I couldn't think of anypony better...than to give it to you....Once you touch it....it will be connected to your mind...and it transform into whatever you need...a weapon...armor...anything you could ever need..."

Snowshy took the stone, and said through tearful eyes, "Thank you, brother, I'll take good care of it."

Darkness nodded, and said to Twilight, "For you, Twilight....ugh! I have for you, 'The Staff Of Arvak'....This staff once belonged to the mad sorcerer, who made the holy sword...It has the ability, to enhance the user's magic power, and learning ability....Use with caution, and use wisely....Twilight....or you'll end up mad...like Arvak."

Twilight took the staff humbly, and with a shaky voice, said, "I'll be careful, thank you."

Darkness said, "The rest of you, come here....I have things for you too." Snowshy and Twilight stepped back, as the others came to Darkness's side, and he said to Lunar Ebony Blade, "For you, I give you 'The Boots Of Ogron'....they speed you up, as you trot, but also as you swing your...sword."

Lunar Ebony Blade took the boots, and said, "Thank you."

Darkness looked at Applejack and said, "For you, I give the horseshoes, and rope, of a famous sorcerer pony farmer....with them....it will help..you...do farm tasks...that are otherwise...too much for one pony to handle...the rope will never break, and the horseshoes...will never rust."

Applejack took the horseshoes, and the rope, and sadly said, "Thanks Darkness."

Darkness then spoke to Fluttershy, as he said, "For you, I give you....what was once...a monster book...but I remade it....to contain..all the info on every....creature in Equestria....all known ones....and unseen ones....."

Fluttershy said through her tears, "Darkness....thank you.."

Darkness then said, to the remaining three, "Pinkie Pie....I give to you....'The Organizer's Chart', it once....belonged to a famous party planner in the sorcerer pony capital, who only went by the name of....'The Organizer'. With it...you'll never lose track of any and all parties you have planned. To you, Rainbow Dash....I give you the lance, sword...and armor...of Commander Hurricane herself....I found out....two years...ago...that you are a descendant of her...and when I found out....I found these things..with a note saying...'Please pass this on to my descendant', the armor will never...rust...scratch...bend...or melt....use them well.... And for you, Rarity...I give you the robe, and crown of Princess Platinum herself....I also found out...that you are a descendant of her, and I found these items for you....with a note that said, 'Pass this on to heir of the throne of the ice kingdom'....it also came with a map, as to where this kingdom is located....it is up to you..what you do with your heritage..." Each one took their items, and tearfully thanked Darkness, and took a step back, as Darkness looked back at Princess Luna lovingly.

Princess Luna looked back at him, with much affection, and was still sobbing, and Darkness said, "My dear....don't cry..."

Princess Luna said, "How can I not? I'm losing you, at there's nothing I can do to help you!"

Darkness said calmly and in a loving, soothing tone, "My time with you....has felt like millions of years worth of memories....my life may end here.....but yours does not...none of yours do.....I may be gone soon...but look at what you've gained...all of you.."

Princess Luna said, through the tears, "And what is that? I'm losing the one thing....I cared for most! The one thing I cherish the most!"

Darkness said, "You all....have....a future now...you all have a tomorrow.....you all still live." Darkness put a hoof, on Princess Luna's face, wiped away her tears, and said, "You...,must live....for our children....if nothing else....continue to live...for me...."

Princess Luna said, "But I can't live without you!"

Darkness said, as he drew her in, and kissed her, and she lifted her head back up, so he could speak, "You can...because I will always be with you....when I pass...I give my soul to you....my soul...with turn to a indestructible crystal....I will live on, through the memories we shared, and the lives we all saved today."

Princess Luna began to sob harder, and said, "But it won't be the same, without you actually there! I wanted to spend an eternity with you!"

Darkness said, "And so did I....but that is not meant to be.....fate seems to have other plans for me..." Darkness ushered the others close, and he said, "I...want you all....to do the same....keep on living...for me...for your friends....for everypony.... and for this world....because it....is under your protection now.....keep it...safe...so that one day....all species of ponies....may someday...all get along...and accept each other one....day." Darkness's breath began to grow short, as he raised a hoof, and said, "My...friends....my sister..........my dear....sweet Luna....continue to live....live strong.....and thank you...all for......everything.....I leave the rest to you all...my dear.....my sister.........my friends....." Darkness's hoof slowly lowered, and then fell to the left, as Darkness drew his last breaths, and died, in Luna's hooves, and as Darkness's head grew limp in her lap, as everypony lowered their heads, and mourned the loss of their friend, as Luna held Darkness close, crying uncontrollably, and rocking back and forth. And as if the planet mourned the loss, the sun was a bit less brighter, than it usually was, Darkness's soul, then turned into a beautiful, transparent, see-through rainbow-colored crystal, and landed in front of Princess Luna.