• Published 28th May 2017
  • 377 Views, 1 Comments

When Two Worlds Meet - Darkness 1

2 years after the events of Darkness Night, something goes missing in the Crystal Castle, and its up to Twilight, her friends, and the now-reformed Darknesss, to find out what's missing, and to fiqure out how to get what was lost, back

  • ...

Inside The Crystal Castle Part 2

Step by step, Applejack and the others slowly, but surely, entered the throne room, and everypony stopped, and looked around with their eyes, everypony dared not to get off the path, and risk, a rather horrible death. Applejack spotted it first, and she pointed it out, and said, " Everypony! Look! There it is! It's on the throne!"

Snowshy said, " Well, brother, that was a good guess, are you sure you don't know what's going on here?"

Darkness said, " No, I just started of thinking of the obvious places first."

Snowshy said, " Yeah, that makes sense, sorry for doubting you brother."

Darkness said, " It's fine, I'm used to it, by now...."

Applejack said, " I hate to interrupt, but how are we going to get that crystal? I'm guessing flying up there is bad idea, right?"

Darkness said, " You would be right, one of us will have to get on the throne and get as close as we can to a window, and throw the thing, be careful, though, it might be set with traps."

Applejack said, " Good thinkin, Darkness, shucks, I'll go get it, I know my way around here anyways, the rest of you, just stay where you are."

Rarity said sarcastically, " Oh, yeah, sure, very funny Applejack, no rush, it's like we're all going to die or anything!"

Applejack said, " Would you calm down? And have a little faith while you're at it." Applejack didn't say anything else, as she slowly, got to the throne chair, picked up the crystal carefully, and stood still for couple of seconds. When nothing happened, she got off the chair, and went to an area that way away from the rest of the group, and she said, " Okay, here goes nothin." And with that, Applejack threw the crystal as hard as she could, in front of her, and the crystal shattered, and the darkness opened up a small glimmer of light, proving to the others, that Applejack had hit a window. All of sudden, a violent rush of air came out of nowhere, and rushed out of the window, and it took the darkness with it, and then it all dissipated, leaving behind the room the way it once was before the spell was cast.

Rainbow Dash cheered and said, " Good guess and good job Applejack, I never doubted you!"

Rarity scoffed, and said, " Is that so, Rainbow Dash? You were the one that was most worried that Applejack wasn't going to hit a window."

Rainbow Dash said, " I don't know what you are talking about Rarity."

Everypony laughed, and Darkness said, " Okay, now that the castle is back to normal, we should be able to open the castle doors now."

Everypony went back to main entrance of the castle, and Rainbow Dash got to the doors first, but they wouldn't budge, and she said, " What's going on? I can't open them! It's like they are locked!!"

Twilight gasped, and said, " Oh! I just remembered, Shining Armor was telling me, that he cast a new spell that he's been working on and perfected, and the day, that everything went wrong in here, he cast a spell on the entire castle, that makes the castle lock itself, when there are evil threats are within it's walls, and it will also lock itself if something gets stolen. So if the doors, are still locked, then that means..."

Darkness finished her sentence, and said, " Then something's missing, but I'm not sure what. But we already took care of the 'Forbidden Spell', what is the castle trying to tell us?"

Snowshy said, " I suppose we should look around for clues, maybe we'll find something."

Fluttershy spoke, " I agree with Snowshy."

Darkness said, " That seems to be the best course of action, we should start looking then and spread out, we'll find out what's going here, faster, that way." Everypony nodded, and spread out, and two hours later, everypony heard a scream, and Darkness said to himself, who was in the main corridor, " That sounded like.....Twilight! It sounded like it came from....the throne room!" He turned around and trotted as fast as he could, and he could hear in the distance, that the others heard it as well, and were all heading as fast they could in the same direction. They all got there at the same time, and almost ran into each other, and they all looked around the throne room, and found Twilight with a look of shock on her face, in the top right corner of the throne room, that was closest to the throne room chair.

Everypony rushed to her, and Pinkie Pie said, " What's wrong Twilight? Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

Twilight looked at them all with much shock, and worry on her face and said, " I'm fine, but I think I know why we can't leave yet."

Darkness said with concern, " Okay, Twilight, we're listening."

Twilight calmed down a little, sat down, and said, " I also just remembered, a couple days before everything happened, and you Darkness, came to Ponyville, I got a letter from Princess Cadence, telling me that she had ordered her guards to move the mirror that is also a portal to the human world, to have it moved to the throne room, within eyesight, so that way, if anything tried to come through, she would see it, but to also prevent anypony from stealing the mirror. So the guards moved it right beside the throne room chair, to the right of it. She told me this, in case, I wanted to visit, that way I would know where it's new location was. As I came in here, I remembered that, I looked around, and it's not here. And I remember visiting the castle the same day I got the letter, and it was right here, and then I went home, and then a couple days later, nopony could get into the Crystal Castle, and the mirror is not here!"

Darkness sat down, with one hoof on his chin, and said, " Hmmmm....now it makes sense why we can't leave, this 'mirror' belongs here, and the castle knows that, but apparently somepony of high power stole it, and then cast a powerful magic barrier, and a 'Forbidden Spell, just to cover their tracks, and to keep out anypony that might try to investigate the situation."

Snowshy began to look around and tapped Darkness on the shoulder, and said, " Twilight's right, the mirror's gone, but it feels like, it's not even in this dimension, like it's almost...."

Twilight gasped again and said, " Like it's been taken to the human world! Oh no! What are we going to do? What are we going to do?"

Twilight began to fret, and walk around in small, frantic circles, and Darkness said, " Calm, down, Twilight, everything will be fine."

Twilight said, " No! You don't understand, without the mirror, we cannot get to the human world! It was our only means of getting there! Without it, we're stuck here!"

Darkness said, " I see, but we can still go there."

Twilight looked Darkness dead in the face, and said, "How?"

Darkness said with a smirk, " Me, I can get us there, just tell me what this 'human world', looks like, and I can take us there."

Snowshy asked, " How can you do that?"

Darkness said, " Simple, seeing as I am the 'chosen one', and also a chosen 'time protector', I can not only travel through time, whenever I please, but I can also create and close portals to different worlds, and dimensions, it came with being a 'time protector'. I'm sorry everypony, I should've told you all sooner, I just didn't want you all to fear me, and think less of me....so I kept my 'special powers' a secret from you all, including you, Snowshy."

Everypony was stunned, and little hurt, and Snowshy said, " So, you're saying, you didn't trust us enough, to tell us what you could and couldn't do, in case we might need your help someday? I thought you trusted us all, I guess I was wrong."

Darkness said, with sadness, " No, it's not like that, I just didn't want you all to distance yourselves from me, if you knew I could do that..."

Snowshy said, " Now, why, brother, would we think that? Your powers make you who you are, they are a part of you, and you don't use them for evil, you have a good heart, we all know you would never do anything to hurt anypony."

Darkness said, " I'm sorry, I just didn't want to lose any of you as friends, I also didn't want to lose my sister."

Rarity said with scoff, " Like that's going to happen, we would never abandon you, Darkness, you're our friend, I, for one, think it's very cool, that you can do that. Instead of fearing your powers, embrace them, and trust us, as we have always trusted you."

Darkness said, " Thank you all...I wish I would've told you sooner now, I don't know what I was thinking...."

Rainbow Dash said, " Well, no time, like the present, you can always tell us now, what can you really do?"

Darkness nodded, and said, " I owe you all an explanation, and yes, you're right, Rainbow Dash, there is no time like the present."

Darkness took a deep breath, and said, " I can do many things, I have the entire history of the world, and events in my head, up to my birth, my mother documented and wrote down everything she discovered, and the four elder sorcerer ponies, contributed all their knowledge, as well, which, with all that together, these five ponies, were among some the most proficient minds that knew history, so I got the chance of a lifetime, to learn the history of the world, all the way up to my birth, from there, I don't really know much of the history of the world from that point on, I stayed within the forest most of the time, I didn't come out, except for the years, I tried to go to school, which ended in disaster. Also, I can time travel, to anytime, to anyplace, I do this, by taking my consciousnesses, my soul, and casting a magic barrier around myself, and sending my consciousness and my soul, to any time. For places, I simply make a portal, and take my body and all, wherever I want to go, the same goes for different worlds, and dimensions. And well, you all know the rest of what I can do, I am a master at fighting with the sword, I am also very proficient in history and my personality is a unique one, which I have difficulties trying to express myself, and well, that's pretty much it, the rest is just small stuff, I just told you all the major things."

Applejack said, " Wow, Darkness, that is impressive, I didn't know you could do all that."

Twilight said, " I'm pretty sure, no matter how hard I tired, could I just send myself to different world or dimension, it's a unique skill, that only you can do, and I agree with what Rarity said earlier, you should embrace your talents Darkness, don't fear them, or they will control you."

Everypony agreed, and Darkness said, " You guys really are the best friends a pony like me could ever ask for, and the best sibling ever as well."

Twilight said, " That's what friends are for!"

Snowshy said happily, " We got your back, brother!"

Darkness said, " Okay, thank you all, really, so, what is this 'human world' like? And what is a 'human'?"

Twilight said, " It might be better to explain when we get there, but only myself, you and Snowshy can go, if the others go, there would be consequences, for two of the same kind of...uh...humans in the same dimension, is not a very good idea."

Darkness said, " I understand that, very well then." Darkness stopped for a moment and then said, "Alright, now that we know that the mirror been stolen, and now that we know where it's at, shall we go get back what belongs in this world?"

Snowshy said, " Sure, but can you actually take us all with?"

Darkness said, " Well, it will a bit of challenge, but I've done crazier things, we have no choice, now do we?"

Snowshy said, " I suppose not, will it hurt any of us?"

Darkness said, " No, just as long you all hold on tight to each others hooves, the first time, traveling this way, can be quite, how can I say this, 'quite a rush'. So hold on tight, and DO NOT let go of each other's hooves okay?"

Snowshy said, " I just had to ask, didn't I?"

Darkness said, " You all will be fine, but Twilight, be sure to hold on to my right hoof, you'll be my guide, to tell what I'm looking for, it can also get very loud traveling at the speed of light, so speak loudly, okay? And somepony can hold my other hoof, if they want."

Twilight said, " Okay, but I tend to grip excessively when I get nervous."

Darkness said, " I'll keep that in mind, now that is settled, everypony, grab each other's hooves tightly, and form a small circle" Everypony did as Darkness asked, and he said, " Ready? Okay, one, two, three, here we go!" Darkness's cutie mark began to glow, as well, his eyes and horn, as he closed his eyes, and focused, and many strange circles, and 40 stars, with many points, and other strange shapes, began to form around the group, as it all moved, slowly, at first, around the group, and then it all moved faster and faster, beneath all their hooves, and then it all began to glow brightly, and then in a flash, Twilight, Snowshy, and Darkness were gone from the crystal castle, and the last thing they all heard was the others telling them good luck.