• Published 22nd Apr 2012
  • 1,734 Views, 57 Comments

The Chronicles of a Travelling Brony - Raven Smite

My first story, which takes elements from multiple awesome stories on this site.

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The Date

Chapter Six
The Date

Ditzy was frantically digging through her closet, looking for something to wear for her date, while her roommate, Carrot Top, sat on her bed watching her with a slightly amused expression. "Why don't you just wear that red dress?"

"Huh? Ooh! This would be perfect! Thanks Carrot! I'm just so nervous! I haven't been on a date in forever!"

'I wonder if Raven is as nervous as I am? Nah, I'll bet he's probably been on quite a few dates in all of his immortal traveling...' She thought.


Raven was pacing nervously, "Oh crap! What do I do? What do I do? I haven't been on an actual date in over 3 millennia! Where should I take her? What do I wear?"

"Might I suggest one of your many suits, sir?" The electronic British voice from the previous chapter asked.

"But those are all made for humans! In case you somehow didn't notice, I'm kind of a pony and I'm going on a date as one!"

"I could easily alter one of them so that they fit you as an equine, sir."

"Would you? Thanks JARVIS, you're a lifesaver! I am so lucky that Tony let me have a copy of your hardware as thanks for saving him from that giant-ass crocodile! How he got into a fight with it in the first place I'll never know... Anyway, I don't know what I would do without you sometimes."

"You probably would have suffered some kind of panic attack every time you had to set up a new house because you couldn't find something specific... You really can be randomly OCD sometimes sir... I am, after all, the only computer with a large enough memory to be able to inventorize your entire Pocket Dimension."

The auburn pegasus chuckled, "Yes, you're probably right, as usual. How's that ponified suit coming along?"

"It's already done, sir." The slightly robotic voice replied as a section of the wall slid away to reveal a suit that looked quite nice if Raven did say so himself.

"Thank you, JARVIS." Raven said as he started to put on the suit.

"Shall I convert the Iron Man suit to match your new measure to as well, sir?"

"No. Instead, make a light copy of the suit, then convert the copy. I don't want to lose the original suit."

"Of course, sir. Is there anything I should include or take out of the copy?"

Raven thought for a bit, "Take out the flight boots, and change them to another pair of stabilizers instead. I have wings to keep me in the air now, but the stabilizers could always give me a nice push and make a conveniently effective weapon."

"Very well, sir." JARVIS replied. "I'll get to work on it right away. It should be done by the time you get back."

"Thanks again, JARVIS. I've got to get going now." And with that, Raven Smite spread his wings and flew off towards town square.


There were quite a few ponies around the Town Square. Some were walking home, and some were just enjoying the beautiful night. At the moment, Ditzy Doo was sitting on a park bench facing the fountain. She leaned back a bit, and closed her eyes with a soft sigh, 'Where is he? It's almost 8:00 and I don't want him to be late for our first date...' [*Giggle* TRIPLE RHYMES!!]

She opened her eyes, and found herself to be looking into the upside-down, orange-flecked, purple orbs of her date. "WAH!" She jumped up into the air and reflexively flapped her wings, quickly gaining a good 50 feet on the ground. She looked down when she heard laughing.

"Hahahahaha! Nice to see you too, Ditzy Doo! Haha!"

Ditzy looked at her date, who was currently floating upside-down in the air, still laughing. She tried to glare at him, she really did, but his laughter was so contagious that eventually, she joined in as well. After they laughed for a little bit, they both calmed down and landed on the ground.

Raven looked over at Ditzy, who was returning his gaze with a slight blush. She was wearing a very pretty red dress, and her mane had been straightned and braided. He was wearing a tan jacket with dark grey pants. Raven grinned, "You look really beautiful."

Ditzy blushed again, "Thanks. You look pretty good yourself."

Raven extended his hoof, "Well then, shall we go?"

Ditzy giggled and took his hoof, "Yes, let's."

As they walked through town, Ditzy asked where they were going. Raven just winked and replied, "You'll see. It's a surprise."

Eventually, they arrived at a restaurant, and the stallion at the front greeted them, "Hello. Welcome to the Golden Draconequuis. Do you have a reservation?"

"Yes." Raven answered. "We have the 8:15 reservation. Table for two under the name Mr. Smite."

After consulting his list for a short moment, the stallion smiled warmly, "Ah, yes. Right this way, Mr. Smite." And he led them to a booth near the back-middle of the restaurant. "Your waiter should be with you shortly."

It was a medium-sized restaurant, with tables in the middle and booths set up along the walls. There was a small dance floor and a stage set up with a with a band playing some light jazz music. Looking over at the stage, Raven got a devious grin on his face as he and Ditzy reached their table. Ditzy, seeing the grin, looked over at him, "What are you planning, Raven?" she asked suspiciously.

"Why, what ever could you mean, Ditzy?" Our auburn protagonist asked with clearly written mock-hurt and shock on his face, "I was just going to request a song of the band on stage!"

He went up to the stage and walked up to the band. On his way up there, he subtly reached into his Pocket Dimension and pulled out a few sheets of paper. When he reached the band, they looked at him, and finished up their song. "Hi, my name is Raven Smite. I'm here on a date and I would really like to impress her, do you think you could help me out?"

The band leader, an orange Pegasus colt with a sun-blonde, spiky mane, nodded and smiled, "Sure, kid, what do you need?"

Raven handed each of the band members a sheet of paper, "I was hoping you could play this song while I sing?"

They each looked over their papers, as if memorizing the notes, then nodded and went to their respective instruments, while Raven walked to the front of the stage and picked up the microphone. Then he stopped, and looked down at it, 'How the hell am I holding a cylindrical object with my hooves?' he wondered, but then he shrugged and chalked it up to latent pony magic.

"Hello, everypony!" he started into the microphone, "My name is Raven Smite, and this next song is dedicated to the lovely mare who my date tonight!"

The song started out with the guitar playing some chords, then some high, synth notes from the keyboard. Then, Raven started to sing.

I am the entertainer,
And I know just where I stand:
Another serenader,
And another long-haired band.
Today I am your champion.
I may have won your hearts.
But I know the game,
You will forget my name,
And I won't be here
In another year,
If I don't stay on the charts.

I am the entertainer,
And I've had to pay my price.
The things I did not know at first,
I learned by doin' twice.
Ah, but still they come to haunt me,
Still they want their say.
So I've learned to dance
With a hand in my pants,
And they rub my neck,
And I write 'em a check,
And they go their merry way.

I am the entertainer,
Been all around the world.
I've played all kinds of palaces,
And laid all kinds of girls.
I can't remember faces,
I don't remember names.
Ah, but what the hell,
You know it's just as well.
'Cause after a while
And a thousand miles,
It all becomes the same.

I am the entertainer,
I bring to you my songs.
I'd like to spend a day or two.
I can't stay that long.
No, I've got to meet expenses.
I got to stay in line.
Gotta get those fees
To the agencies.
And I'd love to stay,
But there's bills to pay,
So I just don't have the time.

I am the entertainer,
I come to do my show.
You've heard my latest record,
It's been on the radio.
Ah, it took me years to write it,
They were the best years of my life.
It was a beautiful song.
But it ran too long.
If you're gonna have a hit,
You gotta make it fit--
So they cut it down to 3:05.

I am the entertainer,
The idol of my age.
I make all kinds of money,
When I go on the stage.
Ah, you've seen me in the papers,
I've been in the magazines.
But if I go cold,
I won't get sold.
I'll get put in the back
In the discount rack,
Like another can of beans.

I am the entertainer,
And I know just where I stand:
Another serenader,
And another long-haired band.
Today I am your champion.
I may have won your hearts.
But I know the game,
You will forget my name,
And I won't be here
In another year,
If I don't stay on the charts.

When the song finished, the entire restaurant erupted into cheers and the stomping of hooves. Raven smiled and turned to the band leader, "Thanks for that, you really helped me out..."

"Maelstrom Whirlpool, weather Pegasus extrodinare, at your service!" the orange Pegasus introduced himself. "And these are my teammates, that's Raven Copywheel on the drums, and Cherry Blossom on the keyboard." he said, pointing to a dark blue unicorn with red eyes and a black mane that, to Raven, looked kind of like a duck, and a red earth pony with pink hair and green eyes.

"We're a band, but we also do a lot of other stuff, if you name it, we can probably do it, and if not, ask us again in a week and we'll have learned how to do it! We go by the name of Team 7, so if you need us, feel free to look us up!" Raven nodded and walked off the stage, while Team 7 resumed the light jazz they were playing earlier.

Raven returned to his table and Ditzy looked at him amazed, "Where did you learn to sing so well?"

Raven smirked, "There are a few things you pick up when you're an immortal, Inter-Dimensional Taveller..."

Ditzy looked like she was about to say something, but the waiter arrives then, "Good evening, sir and madam, the owner of this fine establishment would like to give you your meals free of charge for such an amazing performance." he spoke in a French accent, "What can I get you two to eat?"

"I'll have the Hay Carrot Salad and a glass of water." Ditzy replied.

Raven got a playful gleam in his eye and he turned to the waiter, "Je vais avoir le même, mais avec du cidre à la place."

The waiter looked shocked, but then he smiled widely, "Ah! Vous parlez français? Magnifique! Je n'ai pas encore rencontré quelqu'un qui pourrait effectivement parler ainsi!"

Raven looked a little startled as well, and responded, still speaking French, "En fait, je croyais que vous étiez simplement en utilisant un faux accent, et j'ai parlé en français à plaisanter sur vous. Désolé."

The waiter laughed, "No harm done, sir! Your food will be ready shortly." and he walked to the next table.

Ditzy looked over at Raven, "What was that all about?"

Raven looked at her and winked, "Just ordering my food and maybe making a friend."

The rest of the diner went along relatively uneventful, with Ditzy and Raven making small talk to get to know each other better. When they finished eating, they went for a walk around town and just enjoyed the beautiful night as well as each other's company. Eventually, they arrived at Ditzy's house. Turning to Raven, Ditzy smiled and said, "Thanks for taking me on this date, Raven. I really enjoyed it."

Raven smiled back, "Sure, Ditzy. I enjoyed it too." He turned to leave, "Good night."

"Raven, wait!"

"What is i-mph!?" Raven's question was interrupted by Ditzy's lips meeting his own.

After a few seconds, Ditzy pulled away, and with a quick, "Goodnight." went inside and closed the door.


WHOO! FINALLY DONE!!! This took me FOREVER to type. I already have it written down, I just needed to transition it from paper to electronic device of choice with whatever minor changes I perceive for it. This last bit was written on my iPod... And it was fucking torture!! Anyway, I hope you people recognize the three newest characters I put in literally on a whim! With any luck, they should be making appearances in later chapters... It was originally going to be Octavia and Viva La Vida, but this song just fit better, and I didn't feel like making Octavia a unicorn to handle all of the instruments... Also, somewhere in the next two chapters, certain characters from my favorite fighting series will be appearing... A statue with a raven, a fish-boy with control over water and a voice in his head, a cloth climber, and a vampire... I wonder who will figure it out first... But for now, this is Raven Smite, signing out!

Onwards and Upwards: ALLONS-Y

Comments ( 9 )

God... It's been a MONTH?! I have got to stop procrastinating... Oh, well, ENJOY!!

Raven you sly dog... :raritywink:

Okay...:rainbowlaugh: That was hysterical! And I think I picked up a few things in there... Like maybe a Naruto reference? Copywheel? Hair of a duck? You totally put Sasuke in your story! And Team 7... Did you maybe get that idea from my Sector 7?:ajsmug: This is just me guessing though. Anyways, that was a good chapter, and I can't wait for the next one!:yay:

1114387 more than just Sasuke, my friend...

I could make a list of what's wrong here, but pretty much everything has been said. Long story short: find an editor.

1115139 I am an editor...:ajbemused: but if you would like to volunteer your services, feel free!:twilightsmile:


You wrote "he get's" in the description. You're an editor, you say?

1115173Autocorrect at work, my friend

1115135 yeah, i saw Sakura and Naruto himself. they are Ninja team Nr. 7 after all

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