• Published 22nd Apr 2012
  • 1,734 Views, 57 Comments

The Chronicles of a Travelling Brony - Raven Smite

My first story, which takes elements from multiple awesome stories on this site.

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A New Face In Town

This chapter is dedicated to a fallen comrade: Ice, also know as Brice Kilmurray, has killed himself due to hate and pressure... This is the reason we love and tolerate; to try and countteract all of the bad stuff. But, sometimes, even a Brony falls to the force of hate...
R.I.P. Brice Kilmurray, May your soul be in Equestria for the rest of eternity...


Raven Smite was walking by Sugarcube Corner when he had an apostrophe. ’I think you mean an epiphany...’ [Hush you!]

He was looking for somepony with a large area of land he could buy, and Pinkie Pie knew everypony in Ponyville. He should just ask Pinkie if she knew anypony with open land he could buy! But first, he needed a job... Maybe he could get a music gig with Vinyl Scratch. Where does she live, though? Yet another thing he would have to ask Pinkie. He shrugged and entered the candy-colored sweet shop. “Hey Pinkie Pie!”

The pink party pony smiled at the auburn pegasus, “Hi, Raven! What can I get for you? How about a slice of pie? Or a cupcake! Oh wait, I forgot. You don’t like cupcakes! That reminds me, I still haven’t thrown you a party. Where’s your house? I’m going to throw you a great party! It’ll have balloons and streamers and punch and cake and -MMPH!” Again, she was cut off by Raven stuffing her mouth, although this time it was with a cake.

“PINKIE! Calm down! Jeez, you never stop talking, do you? Anyway, I don’t really like parties; large crowds of ponies make me uncomfortable. And besides, I don’t even have a house yet. That’s why I came here; to see if you knew anypony with a large plot of land, preferably by the Everfree Forest, and I also need a job so I can buy aforementioned land from them. Do you know anypony that could help me?”

Pinkie thought for a bit, then nodded, “Yeah! Fluttershy actually owns most of the land over there, so you should talk to her first. As for a job, there is a job board in the middle of town that most ponies use when they need some spare bits. You could use that until you find a more permanent occupation.”

Raven nodded, “Fluttershy and job board, got it. Thanks Pinkie!”

Pinkie got a slightly glazed look in her eyes again, then she blinked and giggled quietly, “Hehehe... #ZLT... That’s both funny AND true! Bye Raven!” And he walked out of the bakery, once again ignoring the strange ramblings of the earth pony...

...Only to run head first into another colt, and sent them both on their tails.

“Oww... Insert witty one-liner about a large motor vehicle here...” Raven said with a slightly pained grin.

“Huh? Oh my Celestia! Did I hurt you? Are you okay? Here, let me help you up. I’m sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going. Please don’t be mad at me!”

Raven felt himself being pulled up and looked over to see a dark gray pegasus stallion, looking at him with concern, and a hint of fear. He was, as just stated, a dark gray pegasus. His mane was black with light blue streaks in it and he had dark green eyes. His cutie mark was a bird pointed straight down... a sparrow, Raven assumed. He actually looked quite familiar, but Raven just couldn’t place it...

“Oh! Shadow Breeze! It’s great to see you again! Did you just get back from your trip? How was Detrot?”

Huh?! Oh, hi Pinkie Pie. Yeah, I just got back and it was okay. I was wondering if I could get a few cupcakes for me and Fluttershy. I want to surprise with me being back and a small picnic.”

Throughout the entire conversation, Raven just stood there, shocked. ’Holy shit!’ he thought, ’Shadow Breeze isn’t just some OC that someone thought up. He’s an actual pony! And it would seem he’s Fluttershy’s coltfriend, no less!’

He cleared his throat, “Excuse me, but did you say your name was Shadow Breeze?”

Shadow turned to the dark red pegasus he had run into. “Yes, that’s me. Sorry for walking into you, I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.”

Raven waved it off, “It’s fine. I’m Raven Smite, by the way. Anyways, I wwas wondering if you could help me. I’m trying to find Fluttershy’s house, but I don’t know where it is. Can you help me out?”

Shadow nodded, “Sure, I’m heading there right now. What do you need from Fluttershy? Do you have a sick pet or something?”

Raven chuckled, “No, nothing like that. I heard she owns most of the land by the Everfree Forest, and I want to buy some of it to build my house on.”

“Well, then I’m sure my Shy will be able to help you with that! Since she doesn’t need all of the land in the first place, and nopony else wants to live by the Everfree, added on to the fact that you’re new in town and don’t have a house, she’ll probably let you have it for a really low price, if not free.”

“Really?!” Raven asked incredulously, “But I though Rarity was the Element of Generosity?”

Shadow let out a small laugh, “Oh yeah, I heard about that! Jeez, you leave for a couple of months on a business trip and you back to find that suddenly your marefriend and her friends are the Elements of Harmony, and have saved Equestria twice! So anyway, tell me about yourself.”

Raven shook his head, “Nuh-uh, you first!”

Shadow sighed a bit, “Alright, but there isn’t much to tell. I woke up in the Everfree Forest one day about 5 months ago. Fluttershy found me after I had been attacked by a manticore. She nursed me back to health, and along the way, a relationship kind of formed. After I got better, we started dating and now we’re coltfriend and marefriend. About two months ago, I was summoned by order of Princess Celestia to attend to some breakout in Detrot. I’m a healer pony, you see. I used to travel around, but now I’ve settled down here in Ponyville. The reason I had to go to Detrot was because there was a serious breakout of the Feather Flu, but something had happened and earth ponies and unicorns were catching it as well. As it turns out, it was only a slight bit of food poisoning and a large amount of overreacting. Anyway, I was able to get back sooner than expected, so I plan on surprising Fluttershy.”

Raven nodded, “Seems legit. Now I suppose you want to hear my story?”

At Shadow’s nod, he continued, “Well, I am the student of Princess Luna, granted a form of immortality by an old unicorn before she had been cursed by Nightmare’s influence. After she became Nightmare Moon, I started travelling. I’ve been travelling the entire world, more than just Equestria, for the past 1000 years. Just recently, I had heard that she was freed from the Nightmare’s influence, so I travelled here to Ponyville to thank the heroes that saved my teacher. Hehe, it’s kind of funny; I’ve only been here for a few days and already so much has happened. I’ve met both Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie, I’ve met The Doctor, I may have developed feeling for Ditzy, I’ve kicked some serious flank, and I’ve done all of this before even having a permanent place of residence!”

Shadow raised an eyebrow, “Ditzy? As in Ditzy Doo? Sure, she’s a nice mare, but why her?”

Raven showed a little grin, “Simple, because Ditzy Doo is best pony!” At Shadow’s gasp, he raised his front right leg, “Brohoof?”

Shadow Breeze fell back on his haunches, “What? But, how? Are you-?”

“Human?” Raven interrupted, “Why, yes. I am in fact! Also, judging from your reaction, I’d say you’re human too! Am I right?”

Shadow looked a bit bewildered but slowly nodded, then he sighed, “Yes, I am a human, a Brony, even. I was finally setting up my own FiMFiction account and I had just clicked the verification link in the email when there was a bright flash of gold light, and I found myself in the middle of the Everfree Forest. I wandered around for a few days until I was attacked by that manticore. It got in a lucky swipe along my side before I got out of Everfree, and when I did, I found myself right outside of Fluttershy’s cottage. I was barely able to get up to the door and used the last of my strength to knock before I passed out from bloodloss. I woke up 4 days later, fully healed. Now, all I have to show for it is this scar.” He said as he turned to the left to show three jagged lines, about two and a half inches long each, going horizontally down his right side, just under his wing.

“Oww...” Raven hissed through clenched teeth, “That must have hurt like a Cupcakes...”

Shadow shuddered, “I hope to Celestia not... I STILL have nightmares from that evil story...”

Raven just chuckled, “Well, I didn’t even flinch when I first read it. Didn’t puke, didn’t stop reading, nothing. Hell, on a scale from one to ten with ten being the worst thing imaginable, Cupcakes only rates at about a two!” He laughed, then looked over at a wide-eyed Shadow, “I am immortal, my friend. With immortality comes many things; insanity, ADHD, creativity, high pain tolerance, and a very strong stomach. I have seen all 3 August Underground movies, and those only rank at a 5, maximum on the scale! Why, one time I- Oh! We’re here!” He stopped suddenly, realizing they were right in front of Fluttershy’s cottage.

Shadow Breeze walked up and knocked on the door. “W-who is it?” A timid voice asked from the other side.

Shadow grinned and replied, “Just a grey shadow of the night, looking for his golden angel light. OOF!” He was barely able to finish his sentence before the door was thrown open and he was tackled by a happy yellow blur.

“SHADOW!” Fluttershy yelled from her perch on top of her coltfriend.

“Good to see you too, love. Now, before you do anything, I have a friend here who would like to buy some of the land by the Everfree Forest.” He said, gesturing to Raven Smite.

Fluttershy looked over at the auburn pegasus and smiled sweetly, “I’m terribly sorry, but we’re closed right now. If you would like to talk about business, we will re-open in about 3 hours.” And she walked back into the cabin, dragging a grinning Shadow Breeze behind her.

Raven’s eyes were wide with shock, then he shook his head and chuckled as he walked away, “Damn, I knew I should have gone first...”


It had been about a week since Ditzy had been put into the hospital. Several ponies had come to visit her, but not the one she was hoping for. She was finally being released today, and she was going to look for the colt who had saved her. ‘I wonder why he didn’t visit me again... Maybe Twilight knows where he is.’ The mail-mare thought as she flew off to the library.

After flying for a bit, she arrived at the giant, hollow tree that held so many books. She walked in to see Twilight reading a book. “Hi Twilight!” she greeted.

Twilight looked up from her book and smiled at the gray mare, “Hi, Ditzy! So, you finally got released from the hospital?”

“Yep! I was wondering if you could help me though. I’m looking for Raven Smite. He hasn’t come to visit me in the hospital, and I wanted to thank the pony that saved my life.”

Twilight frowned slightly in confusion, “Why wouldn’t he visit you? Did he say anything when you two last talked?”

Ditzy thought for a second, but then shook her head, “Nope, nothing that hinted at him not visiting me again... I just kissed him on the cheek and thanked him for saving me.”

Twilight let out a small gasp, “You KISSED him? Oh no. Ditzy, I think I know why he hasn’t visited you while you were in the hospital. You see, when he had just started out travelling, an old unicorn both blessed and cursed him...”

Ditzy sat there and listened as Twilight told her about Raven’s immortality, his loss, and how he didn’t want to ever feel that loss again. ’I hope Raven forgives me for this, but she needs to know.’ Twilight thought as she looked over at Ditzy to see her crying.

“It’s all my fault! I drove him away! He probably hates me right now!” The gray pegasus sobbed.

“It’s alright, Ditzy. You didn’t know. I bet if you go talk to him, you can work it out.”

Ditzy sniffled a bit, “But I don’t know where he lives. That’s why I came here in the first place; to see if you knew.”

Twilight gave her a small smile, “Yeah, he built himself a house near the edge of the Everfree Forest. Nopony’s quite sure why, though. He just said he needed a large area.”

Ditzy brightened up at hearing this, she nodded, “Thanks Twilight, I’ll go there right now!” And she flew off towards the forest.

She landed in front of the house closest to the strange forest. It was a regular two-story house, with red brick walls, a few windows and a door. It was actually kind of small, to be honest. ’I thought Twilight said he got a house with a large space? If that’s so, then why build such a small house?’ Ditzy thought, a little confused.

She shrugged, she could just ask him later. She walked up to the door, and knocked.


Josh was in a dojo- like room. He was wearing a white Gi with a black belt. The belt had 5 golden stripes on it, signifying that he was at the highest level he could be, on par with the masters that had taught him... Well, maybe not all of the masters...

Facing him was another man. He was about 6’3”, with orange-red hair and beard. He was very muscular, and his eyes burned with a ferocity and will to fight. He was wearing a black Gi, but his belt was gold, with a solid black stripe running through the middle of it. It was a one-of-a-kind belt, given to the only man to have surpassed ALL of the masters. Then, he spoke, “It would seem we meet again, my student. Tell me, are you ready to have your ass beaten into the ground again?”

Josh smirked back, “Not this time, Master Norris. I have some new moves that I’ve gotten from the inhabitants of this universe.”

“Oh?” Chuck Norris quirked an eyebrow, “And what could the people of this universe have taught you that you think would be useful enough to beat me?”

“Who ever said anything about them being people?”

There was a sign of confusion on the man’s face, then it gave way to understanding, and finally a slight glint of amusement in his eyes, “So, you finally got sent here? Good for you, my student. Now, I believe we have wasted enough time talking. It’s time to show me what you have learned from these ponies.” He stated as he dropped into a stance.

Josh’s smirk widened, “With pleasure.” He replied as he dropped low. He put his legs behind him in something akin to a runner’s crouch. He put his hands in front of him as a guard and lowered his head. Then, Josh shot forward.


I need a bit of help from you guys. Does anypony out there know how to save a .gif and then post one in a comment?