• Published 22nd Apr 2012
  • 1,734 Views, 57 Comments

The Chronicles of a Travelling Brony - Raven Smite

My first story, which takes elements from multiple awesome stories on this site.

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Meeting Some Locals


Raven Smite was walking down the streets of Ponyville. After talking with the princesses last night, they had come up with a sufficient cover story for him. He was the student of Princess Luna, taken on before she had become Nightmare Moon, and, before she had actually turned evil, she bestowed upon him the gift of immortality for some overly good deed he did. After she had become Nightmare Moon, Raven had set out to learn different trades by travelling the world and learning from not just ponies Equestria, but the Gryphons in the mountains, and the zebras on the plains. He was even capable of performing some magic, as his mother was an alicorn and his father was a unicorn, so he had more magical capabilities than most, despite him being a pegasus. The princesses had even been kind enough to offer him a house in town, but he politely refused, saying he preferred to build his own residencies. So, he was walking down the street when Raven saw a light brown/dark tan stallion wearing a bowtie who had an hourglass for a cutie mark. Smirking, he approached the pony and tapped him on the shoulder.

The stallion turned around, and his eyes widened when he saw Raven. “You know who, and what I am?” Raven questioned.

The pony nodded, “I will only this: I know where and when she is, I also know the current location of the TARDIS, but I can’t tell you either of these things as they are fixed in time for now. All I can tell you is she is safe.”

The pony opened his mouth to speak, “How do I know all of this? It’s because we’ve already had this conversation.”

The Doctor (as you should all know by now, otherwise go start watching Doctor Who NOW!) dumbfounded, just nodded and Raven smirked and trotted away.

As Raven was trotting away from the still slightly-shocked Doctor, he heard small noises of crying coming from nearby. Looking around, he spotted a pony sitting in an alleyway, crying. He walked over to her, and instantly recognized her; the bubbles cutie mark, the light grey coat, that beautiful bleached blonde mane, those adorable crossed golden eyes, ‘Well I’ll be damned,’ Raven thought, ‘It’s Derpy Hooves! but, why is best pony crying?’

“Hey, are you alright?” Raven asked as he walked up to the crying mail-mare.

“Sniff! No, I was going to deliver this package to Rainbow Dash, but I accidently dropped it and now it’s all ruined! (SO tempted to put smashed... Must... Resist... Rhyming...) And now Rainbow Dash will be mad and yell at me!” She started to tear up again.

“Hey, hey! There’s no need to cry! Here let me see it and I’ll fix it up!” He smiled and opened the slightly dented cardboard box. Inside was a Wonderbolts clock, or rather, the broken remains of one. Muttering something about Déjà Déjà vuu, and his author ripping off better stories [OI!], Raven discreetly reached into his pocket dimension and produced a screwdriver. After a bit of tinkering, the clock was good as new, and Raven put it back in the box and re-taped it shut. “There we go! It’s like it was never broken!” He hoofed the box back to Derpy, who was beaming, “Thanks mister! You really helped me out! I’m Derpy Hooves, by the way! Would you like a muffin?”

Raven grinned back at the cross-eyed mail-mare, “It is lovely to meet you, Derpy! My name is Raven Smite, and yes, I would love a muffin!”

Derpy beamed and pulled out a small black remote-like object with a button on it. She handed it to Raven. “Here. This is a Muffin Button. It’s how I always get my Muffins. The Doctor made it for me! He says that when I push the button, it opens up a small wormhole to a different dimension that has muffins growing on trees! I just have to think about what type of muffin I want, press the button, and that muffin appears! I have two, so you can have this one. Thanks again for helping me!” She said as she hugged him and took off to deliver her package.

Raven looked down at the Muffin Button in his hoof. Then, a wide grin split his face as he pressed the button. A muffin popped out of nowhere and landed in his other hoof. Still grinning, he pocket-dimensioned the remote and walked away, chewing on a muffin. ‘Sweet! I got a Muffin Button! TFSGoku can suck it!’ he thought as he continued walking, totally unaware of a pink blob following him through the streets. That is, until said pink blob appeared in front of him, hanging upside down on... nothing...

“GAAAAHHH!!” Raven yelled as he sprang back. Pinkie Pie looked at the new pony she had seen earlier and smiled, “Hi! I’m Pinkie Pie! Are you new? Would you like a cupcake? There my special cupcakes, I give them to all new ponies in Ponyville! You must be new because I’ve never seen you before and I know everypony in this town! What’s your name? Oh! Is it -MMPH!” The pink one’s rant was stopped short by Raven putting his hoof her mouth. “In order: yes, NO! Absolutely no cupcakes! They make me sick, any other sweets are fine but NO CUPCAKES! And finally, my name is Raven Smite.”

Pinkie Pie nodded happily, when her eyes suddenly gained a glazed-over look on them and she looked up to the sky. The, she nodded, and looked back at him, “So, you’re a self-insert of the author to spice up the canon storyline... Well, I’ve got a party to plan! See you later, Josh!”

Raven just stared after the pink earth pony. He had read about her powers over The Fourth Wall, but he never thought they were THAT extensive! Shaking his head, he turned and headed for the library.

When he arrived, he knocked on the door and heard a voice from the inside, “WHY does everypony keep knocking?! It’s a PUBLIC library!”

Raven just chuckled and when she opened the door, he answered, “It’s probably because this is also somepony’s home, and nopony wants to accidentally intrude.”

Twilight blushed when she realized she had spoken louder than she had meant to. “Well, it doesn’t really matter, in any case. I’m Twilight Sparkle, how can I help you?”

Raven’s eyes lit up with realization, ‘Thank you acting classes!’ “Ah! So you’re Twilight Sparkle! The student of Princess Celestia? Good, then I’ve found the right place!”

Twilight looked at the pegasus in front of her, “How do you know me? Have we met before?”

The auburn pegasus looked at her and smiled, “Allow me to introduce myself; I am Raven Smite, the student of Princess Luna.” He finished with a little bow.

Twilight was thoroughly flabbergasted. She never knew Princess Luna had a student! “I didn’t know Princess Luna had taken on a student. When did she take you on? It must have been recently, considering she’s been sealed in the moon for the past millenium.”

Raven looked slightly sheepish, “Actually, she took me on a student before she had become Nightmare Moon...”

Twilight just stared, “WHAT!?” she shouted, “That’s not possible! That would make you over 1000 years old! There’s no way that could be true unless-”

“I was immortal? Well, I kind of am...” he chuckled.

Twilight Sparkle did the only thing possible for her at that moment: *THUD!*

She fainted...