• Published 22nd Apr 2012
  • 1,734 Views, 57 Comments

The Chronicles of a Travelling Brony - Raven Smite

My first story, which takes elements from multiple awesome stories on this site.

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A Slight Backstory







“... Oh! Hello Princess Celestia!”

“WHERE?!” Twilight’s eyes went wide and she shot up from the couch.

She looked around to see that she was indeed sitting on the couch of the library.

Looking to her right, she saw Raven Smite sitting there, smirking at her.

“What happened?” The purple unicorn inquired.

Raven, still smirking slightly, replied, “You fainted when I told you that I was basically immortal. I’ve been trying to wake you for the past 10 minutes.”

Twilight blushed embarrassed that she had fainted. “So, how are you immortal? The only immortal beings I know of are Discord and the princesses...”

Raven sighed, “It’s not exactly immortality. I can still die, it’s just that I don’t stay dead.”

The unicorn looked puzzled, “You don’t stay dead? How does that work?”

Raven thought back to his first experience with dying...

Flashback: TF2

Josh was dressed as a Scout, and he was affixing the Engineer with a look of disbelief. “You did what now?”

The Engineer looked excited, “I made a miniature version of the machine that respawns us everytime we die! It’s just a prototype, but I’ve tested it on myself and it works perfectly! I made a slightly more upgraded version, and I want you to have it!”

Josh looked a little wary, “How does it work?”

The Engineer went into lecture mode, complete with a pointer and a self drawing dry-erase board to animate what he was saying. “It works exactly like the respawn device, but it integrates itself completely with the user’s body, so when you respawn, it’s in the same body you died in! This is still just a Beta version, so I’ve taken the liberty to equip a type of ‘Inter-Dimensional Automatic Updater’ that will notify you when a better version is available, and then subsequently update it.”
He was about to ask if it has been tested yet, but he was interrupted by his head being blown open by a sniper taking an easy shot. Ten minutes later, he stood up and looked at the Engineer with bewilderment. “Did that really just happen?”

The Engineer nodded, a grin splitting his face.

Josh was still impressed that none of the TF2 cast was surprised at him being a Traveller. It must have something to do with the servers...

“It can also log up to 5 Fast Track Links to your favorite universes and dimensions. You just pull up the menu and choose where you want to go and it will teleport you to the last known location in that specific reality. As I update it, this list will be able to hold more and more links. It also comes a physical form of these dog tags.” The Engineer continued as he held up said pair of dog tags.

Josh couldn’t stop grinning, this thing was awesome! “I’d love one! Thanks man! Oh, by the way, call me Josh, all my friends do.”

The Engineer smiled, “Call me Vechz! Vechz Davidson.”

Josh laughed, “It’s nice to meet you, Vechz Davidson!” His receiver beeped, and he looked down at it. “Well, looks like it’s time to go for now, but before I do...” Josh pressed one of the dog tags hanging around his neck, and a menu popped up, he moved the dog tag around a bit, and a list with TF2 on it and four empty slots appeared. “There, now I have a fast track right back here! By Vechz!” And with that, there was a bright flash of pink light, and he was gone.

Flashback End

Raven shook his head, “It’s an old form of magic. It’s not accessible to modern day unicorns...”

Twilight’s face fell, “Oh well, I was really hoping for a new spell to learn...”

“Trust me, you don’t want to know this spell. It was cast on me by an old unicorn who’s life I had saved, but I was unable to save her husband. She was both grateful and furious, and she said to me, ‘You deserve both a reward and punishment for what you have done. So here, TAKE BOTH!’ And then her horn glowed a very bright white light and the next thing I knew, I was waking up in the castle in my room. It wasn’t until a Manticore attacked me did I discover exactly what had happened. At first, I was overjoyed! I couldn’t stay dead! I’m immortal! But then, the next day, my loved one was killed in an accident. I couldn’t live without her, so I tried to take my own life, only to come back a few minutes later. I fell into a depression after that, and it was during this time I found out that not only will I not die, I wouldn’t age either, so I would outlive anypony if I fell in love again...” Raven finished as he looked over at Twilight, who was crying silently, but still listening.

“After that, my teacher became Nightmare Moon, her sister sealed her into the moon, and the rest is history.”

It wasn’t entirely far from the truth; after he had gotten back from the TF2, his girlfriend, Gazz, had gone there to get a PRD as well. But, when she got there, a sniper had shot her before her code could fully integrate with the Main Respawn Device, she could not come back to life. In a blind rage, Josh had gone to 17 separate TF2 universes and dismantled the MRD, before slowly and painfully slaughtering each and every person there. Now, every time Josh went to a new universe/ reality/ dimension, he would always make a gravestone for her, on the day she died. This way, it was as if she were travelling with him.

Breaking out of his thoughts, Raven turned to look at Twilight to see that she had cried herself to sleep. Looking around to make sure nopony else was there, he shifted into a unicorn and picked her up with magic. He carried her up to her room and laid her in bed. He turned out the lights and as he walked out the door, he spoke, “Good night, Twilight Sparkle.”

As he was walking towards his temporary home, a tent he had set up in a clearing near the Everfree Forest, he was passing an alleyway when he heard noises coming from it. Deciding to investigate, Raven trotted into the alley, where he saw three pegasi stallions surrounding a knocked out mare. “Hehehe. Now that the bitch has finally stopped struggling, let’s have some fun with her.”

As Raven got closer, he saw it was the three flankholes who were harassing Rainbow Dash in the Sonic Rainboom episode! Raven never did like them. Seeing as they were closing in on the still unidentified mare, Raven acted fast. He jumped in between them and her, “Excuse me, gentlecolts, but I think there has been some sort of mistake here...”

The one with basketballs for a cutie mark slurred, “No mishtake here! We wash jusht about to have shome fun with thish shlut here!”

Raven just stood there, “Well, that’s where you’re wrong, and if there is one thing I hate more than murderers, it’s rapists, so I’m going to have to stop you.”

The three drunken idiots laughed like, well, drunken idiots, “Oh yeah? And what are you going to do to shtop ush?”

Raven smirked, “This” And he morphed into his human form.

Now the stallions were scared, “What ARE you!?” The one with a dumb-bell for a cutie mark asked, frightened.

Josh grinned as a slightly clever yet still over-used idea snuck into his head. ‘Skyrim can suck it.’ He thought. “I am the one they fear: Dovahkiin; Dragon-Born! FUS RO DAH!!!”

The three dumbflanks were blown away by his shout. They caught themselves in the air and flew off to Cloudsdale.

Josh smirked as he turned back into Raven. He turned around to help the injured mare, and gasped when he saw the seven bubbles for a cutie mark, “DERPY!!”


Whiteness. That’s what those crossed amber eyes opened up to. Whiteness and brightness (rhyming! Lol!). ‘Am I dead?’ Derpy thought. She looked around and spotted an EKG. She sighed, ‘Okay, I’m not dead. I’m just in a hospital. Wait, why am I in a hospital? The last thing I remember was those three pegasi from Cloudsdale cornering me in that alley. Was I... raped?’ She started crying softly at the thought of what those three had done to her. “ZZZ- Huh? Whazzat?” A sleepy voice in the room made her start.

She looked over, and saw that pegasus who had helped her earlier. What was his name? Raven something? He seemed to be waking up from sleeping in the chair. Had he been with her this whole time?

Raven finally blinked the sleep from his eyes and looked over to see Derpy awake and looking at him... and the ceiling above him... “Oh, good. You’re awake. You gave me quite a scare there. The doctors say you have a concussion and a few bruised ribs. Those brutes did a number on you. Luckily I found you before they could do anything, uh, explicit, to you. Are you okay, Derpy?” He asked as he walked up to the bed.

Her eyes started to tear up again as what he said sunk in, and she threw her hooves around him and started sobbing into his shoulder. She hadn’t been raped! He had saved her! “Thank you.” she spoke quietly through the tears, “Thank you so much for saving me!”

Raven was stunned for a second, but then he smiled gently and wrapped his hooves around her and hugged her back, “Shh! It’s okay. You’re safe now. I won’t let anypony hurt you, Derpy.”

Eventually, Derpy calmed down and broke the hug, but not before kissing Raven on the cheek, “Thanks again, Raven.”

Raven was stunned at the kiss, but he smiled and replied, “Anytime Derpy.”

“Please, call me Ditzy Doo. All of my friends do.” And with that, she layed back down and fell asleep nearly instantly. Raven stood there for a few minutes, just looking at her sleep. [~Creeperr!~] ‘SHUT UP! DAMN YOU! AND STOP MAKING ME BREAK THE FOURTH WALL! THAT’S PINKIE’S JOB! Anyway, she kissed me! Why did she kiss me? I mean, I know WHY she kissed me but, WHY did she kiss me? It’s not like I really enjoyed it... Even if I did, I swore to never love again after what happened to Gazz. [Cliché!] LUNA DAMNIT! SHUT THE BUCK UP NARRATOR! But, she is very beautiful... I need to take my mind off of this... I think I’ll start building my house!’ And with that in mind, he left to find a good area of land.

-Chapter Three End-