• Published 3rd May 2014
  • 2,710 Views, 61 Comments

Into the Void - Shadowflame38

[2nd Person person fic between Anon, Luna, and a mystery mare currently unnamed]

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Chapter 10-"Reliving the Past Part III"

Into the Void

Chapter 10
Reliving the Past Part III

As the three of you make your way towards the dining hall you continue to go over the day’s events with random chuckling confirming its success. After making your way down a long flight of spiraling stairs you come to a small corridor, straight ahead of you is another set of spiraling stairs and to your right is a long hallway with multiple doors. “Where does that lead?” You ask pointing towards the other stair case.

Luna and Melvin turn to you. “That’s Celestia tower, you see the two of us designed this castle from scratch and with the help of magic we were able to make the home we always wanted. And ever since we were small fillies we’ve wanted to live in our very own castle, so when we designed our bedrooms we figured why not put them high above the rest of the castle in large towers. We didn’t see it when we were up in my room but there is actually a large balcony that connects both mine and Celestia’s tower. The view is amazing; remind me to show you after dinner.” Luna states making her way over to you with a smile.

“Awesome, I still haven’t had the chance to watch the sunset with youuuuu I mean yeah I bet the view is amazing.” You say sheepishly grabbing the back of your head.

Luna simply smiles at the idea and lightly chuckles at your embarrassment. “Yes the view is quit lovely, now shall we make our way to the dining hall before everypony starts to worry?”

Luna turns and starts making her way down the hall followed by you and Melvin. Melvin jabs you in the arm lightly as you continue to make your way to dinner. “You know Anon you don’t have to hide your feelings from Luna, she already knows you have feelings for her and will gladly return them. Take it from an old fool like myself; don’t let petty things like thoughts of rejection or “what if” questions cross your mind. If there is somepony you like at least make your feelings known and if they say no than who cares, at least you proved it to yourself that you had the guts to try and fail rather than never try at all. Besides I don’t think Luna would reject you, actually I think the only reason that she hasn’t asked you already is simply because she is unsure if you are ready.”

You let out a deep but quite sigh. “I know Melvin and its true I do love Luna and as horrible as this might sounds she isn’t the Luna I know. I don’t know if you know of my circumstances about how I arrived here but as far as Starswirl is concerned I traveled back in time. And apparently once I answer a question in my heart I’ll be able to return to my own time, and since I don’t know what that question is I might discover the truth any minute and be sent back. I couldn’t bear the thought of leading Luna on and then suddenly vanishing, she would be heart broken.”

Melvin pats you on the shoulder. “I understand your concern Anon and respect your judgment in the situation. But I’ve known Luna long enough to know that when it comes to any circumstance she has all the angles figured out and understands that not every situation has a good and bad outcome. And that sometimes you need to look closer and find the truth you seek. I’m sure Luna understands that you could vanish at any moment and it seems to me that she doesn’t care, she likes you Anon and wants to spend time with you.”

You get to the end of the hall and turn left down another when suddenly Luna stops in front of you. “Luna what’s wrong?” You ask going to her right looking down the hall. At the end of it you see Celestia standing there with an irritated look on her face.

“Anon when I tell you too, turn and run as fast as you can.” Luna states just above a whisper.

Celestia dawns an almost creepy smile and slowly makes her way towards you. “Luna, Anon how was your tour of the castle?”

“It was quit lovely actually sister, how was your meeting with the representatives? Follow my lead.” Luna says quietly slowly starting to back up.

Celestia continues to walk towards you. “It was quit lovely actually, I showed them around the many corridors and finally ended up in the sitting area for some tea, it was quit relaxing. But there is one thing I would like to discuss with you?”

“Oh and what might that be?” Luna asks with the two of you continuing to back down the hall.

Celestia stops and places a hoof to her chin. “Oh it’s nothing to pressing.” Celestia dawns an evil grin and looks your way. “WHERE IS THAT PIANO?” She shouts taking off into the air and heading straight for you and Luna.

“RUN!!!” Is all Luna could say as the two of you turn and take off down the hall. You look back after a few seconds and realize that there’s no outrunning Celestia when she’s flying.

“She’s gaining on us there’s no way we can outrun her like this.” You state turning the corner and continuing to run down another hall with Celestia gaining closer every second.

Luna looks behind her and sees her sister shortening the distance between the two of you. “Your right we only have one option, how do you feel about flying?”

You look at Luna with a quizzical expression. “Fly, I can’t fly how wou?” You start to ask but are suddenly picked up by Luna’s magic and placed on her back. “Luna no I’m too big for you and I’m gona fall off” You yell.

Luna turns and looks at you with a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry Anon, I promise I won’t drop you, now hang on.” Suddenly Luna turns towards an open window and gallops towards it. You look down just in time to see the floor of the castle disappear beneath you. You immediately shut your eyes and lunge forward trying to grasp anything you can. Finally your arms latch on to something and you hold on with dear life. “Anon it’s all right you can open your eyes.” You hear Luna say in the most sincere voice.

You open your eyes and the sight before you is almost breathtaking. Below you can see what you assume is the Everfree forest stretching for miles. You look up and see millions of stars and the moon high in the sky glowing bright over the land of Equestria. “Wow this is amazing.”

“It is quite beautiful isn’t it; I’ve always rather enjoyed the night. There’s just something so peaceful about it, so calming, like it’s a part of me. How are you faring Anon?” Luna states with the **whoosh** **whoosh** noise of her wings flapping the only sound you can hear.

“I think I’m okay, I’m not a big fan of heights but gota say that I’ve never felt safer than right now, here with you in the glow of the moonlight.” You say turning red having realized what you just said.

Luna dawns a large grin as her heart skips a beat at the statement. “As I said I would never allow anything to happen to you. But if you feel comfortable, would you mind loosening your grip, it is quit difficult to fly like this.”

You look down and realize that you still have a death grip on Luna’s neck. “Oh sorry, like I said heights really aren’t my thing and everything happened so fast I just, sorry. How are you able to carry me anyway, I’m as tall as you?”

Luna chuckles at your remark. “Don’t be sorry it’s quit all right and the reason I’m able to carry you is due to a spell Starswirl taught me that makes anything on my back as light as a feather and I don’t blame you, but it was the only way I could think of to get away from my sister.”

“Who says you got away from me?” Celestia states looking down on you and Luna.

“How the, how long have you been flying above us, when how?” You say trying to wrap your brain around the fact that you didn’t hear or see Celestia catch up to you.

Celestia chuckles to herself. “Oh I’ve been here for quit sometime, but didn’t want to interrupt your conversation. It was just so sweet to hear the two of you go back and forth, why Lulu it was just so touching.”

Luna lets of a surprised gasp. “How dare you sister, we promised to never use those names again.” She states angrily while you chuckle quietly to yourself.

Celestia bursts out laughing while continuing to fly above you. “Ooops”

You almost break into laughter with her for how flustered Luna just got over a simple nickname when suddenly something comes to mind. “Come now Tia it’s not nice to poke fun at others.”

Luna bursts out laughing and Celestia stops and dawns a serious look and you swear you see her eye twitch. “What how did, ohhhhh you’ll pay for that.” Celestia shouts angrily as she makes a beeline for you and Luna.

“Oh shit, here she comes Luna go.” You say looking back and noticing how fast Celestia is closing the distance between the two of you.

Luna begins to beat her wings faster and you both start flying at an incredible speed despite carrying you on her back. “You can’t outrun me Luna; even without Anon you know I would still catch you!” Celestia shouts closing the distance.

Luna banks and makes her way back towards the castle. “She’s right, Celestia is just as fast as I am and carrying you I doubt we’ll be able to outrun her.”

You look around and notice the waterfall flowing down from the back of the castle into a large river below. “Head down there maybe we can hid in the waterfall.”

Luna notices what you mean and heads that way with a heated Celestia not far behind. As you get closer to the falls the shadow of the mountain gives you some slight camouflage as you try and blend into the shadows. As you fly down the falls you notice a small outcropping of rocks at the base of the falls, you point to the spot and Luna nods in agreement. Luna touches down on the rocks and you dismount her and simply wait quietly for Celestia to pass by. Suddenly she appears just in front of the two of you on the other side of the flowing water hovering in place.

An idea quickly forms in your mind and you remember something that Luna once told you. “Hey Luna can you hear me?” You think hoping that she is.

Luna turns to you and looks at you with a quizzical expression. “Yes I can, how did you know I could read your thoughts?”

A devilish grin dawns your face. “Something you told me you could do in the past, or the future whatever. You told me that you and Celestia could cast a spell on somebody that would allow you to read their thoughts and since I haven’t spent any time with Celestia I guessed that you might have cast that spell. Anyway don’t you think Celestia is a bit hot headed right now, don’t you think she could use a little cooling off?”

“Gahh where did you two go, when I find you Luna so help me.” Celestia states growing agitated at not being able to find us.

Luna thinks for a moment until the realization of what you where insinuating hit her. “Yes your right she could use a little cooling off, on the count of three then.”

1….2….3 Suddenly you and Luna burst through the water fall surprising the hell out of Celestia who turns around just in time to get tackled out of the air. The three of you all go crashing into the cool stream. You’re the first to surface followed closely by Luna and finally Celestia who is still dawning a “what the fuck just happened” look. You and Luna look at each other and burst out laughing while Celestia tries to put the pieces together as to what just happened. Celestia dawns an incredibly pist off look and glares at you and Luna. “What on earth where you two thinking, what if one of us had gotten hurt?”

You notice that Celestia is frazzled about what just happened and her mane certainly shows it being completely soaked and disheveled. “Sorry Celestia, Luna and I just thought you needed to cool off.”

“Yes, it seemed that you were being quit hot headed a few moments ago and thanks to Anon you seemed to have calmed down.” Luna states making her way towards you.

Celestia still irritated by what just happened starts to calm down and slightly chuckles at the entire situation that just unfolded before her. “Oh I see so it’s Anon's fault that I am now soaked is it?”

You smile proudly, “well I can’t tak.”

“Yes” Luna quickly interrupts you.

You look to Luna with mouth agape, “traitor.” You pull your arms together and large wave of water crashing against Luna’s face.

She looks to you with a grin. “Oh it is ON!” She states using her wings to splash you back. As the two of you continue to splash each other back and forth completely forgetting about another pony that is present. Celestia uses this to her advantage and with her magic takes control of the flow of the waterfall and directs it at you and Luna. Suddenly the two of you are completely engulfed in a large wave of water, after a few seconds the water recedes and you and Luna are left standing there looking at each other with dumfounded expressions.

You look over and see Celestia chuckling to herself in the water having just completely drenched you and Luna. “Oh my, it seems I might have over done it, I am so sorry.” She states continuing to chuckle to herself. You and Luna look at each other and dawn devilish smiles. Celestia opens her eyes and notices the two of you making their way towards her. “Oh the two of you think you can take me do you? Well bring it on!”

After about another ten minutes of splashing and tackling each other into the water the three of you finally decide it’s time to head back to the castle. “Hop on Anon it will be much quicker to fly back” Luna says kneeling down so you can climb on.”

You hop on and secure yourself just behind her wings. “Ready when you are.” Luna takes off into a gallop and with a few beat of her wings the two of you are air born with Celestia flying right next to you. After a minute of flying the three of you land in the courtyard and you hop off Luna.

“Where have the three of you been all this time? We were starting to worry.” You hear a familiar voice ask from behind you.

You turn and notice Chrysie standing there looking the three of you over. “We just went out for a little while; it’s kind of a long story.” You state scratching the back of your head.

Chrysie starts to giggle at the sight of the three of you. “It’s certainly a story I wish to hear, know why don’t the three of you go get cleaned up, and then meet the rest of us in the dining hall.”

The three of you look at each and starting laughing. Celestia and Luna’s hair is a complete mess and all three of you are dirty from the constant thrashing in the water. “Come, let us go and clean ourselves up and then have some dinner, I don’t know about the two of you but I’m starving.” Celestia states making her way towards the nearest door.

The three of you reenter the castle and after a few twists and turns you end up back in the corridor that leads to Celestia and Luna’s bedrooms. Celestia makes her way towards one of the doors and uses her magic to open it. The three of you enter and you’re stunned at the sight before you, probably the biggest bath you have ever seen, bigger than most in ground swimming pools at least. “Wow”

“This is Celestia and I’s personal bath, the water is kept at a constant warm temperature thanks to magic and is full of different herbs to help you relax. This is probably one of our favorite rooms in the entire castle.” Luna states making her way over to a large counter on the far side of the room.

“Well I’ll just wait outside for when the two of you are done.” You state turning towards the door when suddenly it slams shut in front of you.

“Nonsense Anon you can simply bathe with us, it will take far less time for all of us to get clean at once.” Celestia states using her magic to work a shower to clean the dirt off of her hooves.

“Yeah uhh no, I don’t have a bathing suit and there’s no way I’m getting in there naked.” You state trying to open the door but to no avail.

Luna makes her way back over to you. “You do realize we don’t wear clothes right Anon? I mean aside from our shoes and chest piece.”

The idea of wearing clothes finally dawns on you, you’ve already explained why you wear clothes once but completely forgot that was to a different Luna and Celestia. “You see unlike ponies I have no way to conceal my privates or stay warm. Yes I understand that ponies walk around naked but you can hide your privates and you have your fur to keep you warm. But humans don’t have either of those, if I walked around naked all the time it would basically be me flashing everyone all the time and in the winter I would end up freezing to death. Plus where I’m from it’s socially wrong to walk around in the nude.”

“Anon we’re sorry we didn’t know this was such an awkward situation for you but we promise you that we don’t mind. Also I noticed that you didn’t have another pair of clothes with you when you came so if you take those ones off I can use a spell to clean them for you. If you can’t undress in front of us there is a curtain over there along with some towels, simply strip off your clothes and wrap yourself in one.” Celestia states pointing to a corner of the room that has a small curtain hanging down.

“Thanks, I’m sorry to be such a pain especially when you make the completely valid point about everyone being naked but it’s just something I need to adjust too.” You say making your way over to the curtain and drawing it closed.

“Do not worry Anon, remember we don’t know at all what it’s like where you came from so please do not hesitate to speak up if we do something wrong.” Luna states rinsing off her hoofs with the shower Celestia used.

You strip down to your birthday suit and grab one of the ridiculously large towels and wrap it around your waste almost twice. You grab your nasty clothes that you have been in for almost two days and head back into the open bath. Suddenly the clothes in your hand dawn a golden yellow glow and levitate over to Celestia. She closes her eyes and her horn begins to glow, suddenly your clothes shine a bright white light and as sudden as it appeared it was gone leaving your clothes sparkling clean. “Thanks Celestia I appreciate it.” You state making your way over to her to grab your clothes when they suddenly vanish.

Celestia chuckles at your agape mouth while stepping into the warm bath. “Do not worry Anon, your clothes are unharmed. But if you want them back you need to wash your body first, no sense putting clean clothes on when your body is filthy. Now come let us clean ourselves up and then I shall return your clothes.”

“But ugh that is so not fair.” You state crossing your arms and eliciting a chuckle from both Celestia and Luna.

“You might as well give up and enjoy the bath Anon, there’s no arguing with my sister.” Luna states stepping into the bath.

“Man this is so unfair” You head over to the steps and start to make your way in. The bath is the perfect temperature and after a few steps you’re in up to your chest. You feel the warm water begin to work away the unknown aches you had in your back, you dive under, the warm water on your face feels like heaven. You come back to the surface with a relaxed smile on your face when you suddenly realize the sounds of chuckling in front of you. You open your eyes and see Luna and Celestia looking at you with smiles. “What?” you ask.

“Oh nothing, it just seems that your enjoying yourself despite all the complaining you where doing a few moments ago.” Celestia states with a chuckle.

Your face begins to turn red at the realization that she’s completely right. “Yeah yeah, you got me this feels awesome, is there any soap around?”

Luna points in your direction. “It’s right behind you, use whatever you like.”

You turn around and notice the couple of bottles of different shampoo resting on the side of the tub. You make your way over and start looking over the different types, after popping the cape of each one to try and figure out what each one actually was you finally decide on one that smells like strawberries and start lathering yourself up. After you finish adding the soap and rinsing yourself off you finally conclude that you are the cleanest you’re going to get. Noticing that it has become quite you turn and around and notice Luna and Celestia looking at you. “What?’

“What are those things at the end of your arm?” Luna asks pointing to your hand.

“What you mean my hand; well yeah uhh what do you want to know?” You ask dumfounded that there asking about it.

Luna makes her way over to your side of the tub. “Well how does it work, I mean it seems to work almost like a hoof but it has those small extremities.”

You hold your hand out in front of you and wiggle your fingers. “Well the small nubs are called fingers and they allow me to pick stuff up and many other things, why are you asking me this all of a sudden?”

“Are they soft?” Celestia asks joining her sister.

“Yeah they are where is this coming from why are you interested in them all of a sudden, you had all day to ask me about them why now?” You ask starting to get a little worried.

Luna and Celestia look at each other with guilty faces and Luna turns back to you. “We were wondering if you wouldn’t mind helping us apply the shampoo to our manes. You see it’s quit difficult and unpleasant with hooves and since the reason our manes are so disheveled is mostly because of you we were hoping you would make it up to us by helping us?”

“You want me to help to wash your hair, yeah why not. All you had to do was ask and by the way it isn’t entirely my fault that your manes are messed up.” You state with a smile.

“We know that’s why we said it wasn’t entirely your fault.” Celestia states with a giggle.

“All right so what kind of shampoo do the two of you want?” You ask turning to the bottles behind you.

“I would like midnight breeze please.” Luna states turning around.

“And I would like sunrise bliss.” Celestia states joining her sister.

You grab both of the shampoos and make your way over to the two sisters. You squirt some midnight breeze into your hand and begin to lather it into Luna’s mane eliciting a few “that feels wonderful” from her as. You continue to work on her mane until your satisfied that the entirety of it is lathered with shampoo and rinse off your hands. “All right your all set Luna, Celestia your turn.” Luna dunks her head under the water rinsing off the soap as you work on lathering Celestia’s mane. “All right you’re all done to Celestia.” You state rinsing off your hands as she cleans the soap from her mane. You turn back around after placing the bottles back on the side of the tub and notice how much better their manes look.

“Ahh much better thank you Anon, that was wonderful.” Celestia states making her way towards the stairs.

“Yes thank you, that felt amazing perhaps you could give me a message sometime with those magical hands of your?” Luna states following her sister out of the tub.

“No problem I figured it was the least I could do after causing all the trouble today.” You state making your way over to the side of the tub. You grab the side and hoist yourself out and back onto your feet. You hear a squee come from behind you and you turn around to see both Luna and Celestia starring at you with hooves over their mouths, “what?” You ask until you realize where there starring, the thought begins to cross your mind and is confirmed when you look over and see your towel floating on the surface of the water in the tub. You quickly cover yourself with your hands and jump behind the curtain. “You saw nothing, where are my clothes?”

You hear Celestia and Luna chuckling to each other before Celestia speaks up. “Look behind you.” You turn around and notice your clothes hanging on a hook all nice and clean.

“Seriously, my clothes where here the entire time?” You state in an irritated voice.

“Naturally, but how else where we going to get you to give us a head message?” You hear Luna state with a giggle.

“Well if you had simply asked I might have been inclined to give you a normal message but I don’t know now.” You say grabbing your clothes and dressing yourself. You hear an irritated grown come from the sisters realizing you were right. Finally fully dressed and feeling fresh as a daisy you draw back the curtain and see Luna and Celestia waiting for you by the door.

The three of you exit the bath and make your way towards the dining hall. After a few minutes the three of you enter through a large door into the dining room. In the middle of the room is a large table big enough for eight ponies, behind the table on the far wall is a large fireplace, to your right is a large window overlooking the forest and to your left is a small door with a pony entering through it pushing a cart full of food. Chrysie, Starswirl, and Melvin are all sitting at the large table talking amongst themselves. “My goodness where have the three of you been, we’ve been waiting almost an hour?” Starswirl asks pointing to the large clock above the fireplace.

“Come now Starswirl; allow them to all be seated before you start drilling them with questions.” Chrysie states winking at the three of you trying to hush the old pony.

The three of you make your way over to the table; you take your seat in the middle with Celestia sitting to your left and Luna sitting to your right. “Know Anon how was your day; I assume Luna and Celestia have been showing you around the castle?”

“Yes, the castle and the area surrounding it are really cool, I particularly like the waterfall.” You state as the events of the night begin to replay in your mind eliciting a small chuckle from you, Luna and Celestia.

“I see well I’m glad you are starting to adjust, know let’s see what the chefs have prepared for us tonight shall we.” Starswirl uses his magic to lift the covers off of the many serving plates in the middle of the table. The first thing you see that you recognize is spaghetti, there’s also a large salad, some kind of sandwich with what looks like flowers and some large rolls. “Well this looks amazing as always, now don’t be shy everypony dig in.”

Finally realizing just how hungry you are you grab a decently sized portion of spaghetti and one of the large rolls and begin digging in. After you polish off your spaghetti you make yourself a salad and realize it’s the best tasting one you’ve ever had and after Starswirl explained that the vegetables are all fresh from today and that the dressing is completely natural, you can deduct why. After dinner everyone moved to a small sitting area down the hall with large couches and sofa’s. There you go over the day’s events starting with the pranking of Celestia’s guests and ending with the late night swim. Starswirl found the pranking of his friends particularly funny. After about a half an hour Luna succumbed to the day’s events and the warm food in her stomach and collapsed onto your shoulder.

“It seems somepony had a fun day.” Starswirl says pointing to Luna sleeping peacefully on your shoulder with a large smile on her face. “Why don’t you take her on up to bed Anon.”

“I also brought up a pillow and blanket and placed them on Luna’s sofa in her room, I figured you would be more comfortable in there than in some random guest room on the other side of the castle.” Stated Chrysie with a smile.

“Thank You,” you say in a whisper. You stand up still holding Luna up with your arms moving her as little as possible. Once you rise to your feet you reach down and carefully pick Luna up in a cradle like fashion, her legs are curled up close to her body and her head is nestled just under your neck. After you secure one hand behind her neck and the other just above her butt you make your way back to her room. After a couple of minutes you reach the bottom of the stairs leading up to her room and sigh. “It’s a good thing you’re so light or I would have to wake you up.”

Suddenly you hear strange noise; you look down and notice its Luna quietly snoring in your arms. “But you look so damn cute right now it would be a crime to wake you up.” Another adjustment to make sure your grip is still strong and you start your accent. After about five minutes of climbing you finally reach the top and push open her door. You enter the dimly lit room and close the large door behind you. You wait a few seconds to allow your eyes to adjust so that you don’t trip over anything and send Luna flying out of your arms and onto the floor. Satisfied that you can see you make your way over to her bureau and take off her shoes and chest piece and place them neatly on top.

After you make your way over to her bed and draw back the covers, you lay her down as gently as possible and slowly cover her up. After she’s all tucked in you turn to try and find the sofa when you suddenly hear “Anon” whispered. You turn around see that Luna is still asleep but is mumbling something. You smile and turn back around and spot the sofa on the other side of the room, you make your way over and take off your shoes. You grab the pillow and blanket and lay down on the incredible soft sofa. “God this thing is bigger and comfier than any bed I’ve ever owned. Man I’ve only been here one day and seems like it’s been a week, and I’m no closer to finding out what I’m supposed to learn. Maybe tomorrow will bring more answers; at least I hope it will.” You lay there pondering what could possibly be the question you need answered until the day’s events finally catch up with you and you drift off to sleep.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, I'm really sorry this chapter took forever to come out. Honestly I'd like to say that it was because of the new job I mentioned in my last chapters notes but its not. The truth is I didn't get that job, I was supposed to and then the day I was supposed to be told when I was starting I got told something came up and I wasn't needed instead. So to be honest I was depressed for a little while and couldn't bring myself to write mainly because the chapter would have sucked if I attempted to write anything and I don't ever plan on releasing a chapter just to release another chapter (if that makes sense). I'm only going to release a chapter when it's the best I can make it.

So on that note I actually did get another job and am starting that on Friday (weird day to start but whatever)and with this one I actually get home at like 4 in the afternoon so unless I have to work at my other job I will have plenty of time to write chapters in the afternoon. So after I get situated look forward to chapters coming sooner, like I said sorry this one took so long but the past month has just sucked.

So stick with me like I said before no matter how long it takes for a chapter to come out there will always be another unless I die or something which would suck because then no one would no how the story ends:twilightoops:.

So until next time,

Comments ( 9 )

Great chapter, a few grammar errors using know for now, but overall fantastic!:pinkiehappy:
Looking forward for more, and congratulations on getting a new job.

5074866 Thanks and I've said in the past that grammar is my worst writing trait, has been since school. It's gotten a lot better than it used to be but I'm still going to make a simple mistake every once in awhile. Glad your enjoying the story and thanks for the follow:twilightsmile:.

Keep up the good work can't wait for more. Congrats on the job.

5078477 Appreciate it, and I'm glad your still enjoying. Unless something comes to mind before hand, the next chapters gona be cool (as long as I can write it cool that is):twilightsmile:.

Are you kidding me this story is great one of my top faves. :rainbowdetermined2:

So if any of you jump on this page and wonder why its now rated "Teen" check the description.

Hey guys,

Since not all of you follow me I figured this would be the best place to give you an update. First I just want to apologize for not updating into the void. The few of you that read my blog where probably expecting a new chapter on thanksgiving, but unfortunately I didn't get any days off for the holiday (seriously I woke up and have to shovel my driveway, then I had to clean my house, then I went to dinner, and then I came home and got ready for work since my part time job is at my local gamestop and we opened at midnight). So yeah been really busy, I'm supposed to have this Saturday off so I'm going to try and write a chapter or two but I don't want to promise anything in case I get called in. Believe me when I say I'm not giving up on my story ( I like it as much as you guys hopefully do) and have come up with some cool stuff that I can't wait to write about. So that's pretty much it for now, again I'm sorry for the lack of updates but I promise another chapter is coming soon.


<==To Be Continued==

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