• Published 3rd May 2014
  • 2,711 Views, 61 Comments

Into the Void - Shadowflame38

[2nd Person person fic between Anon, Luna, and a mystery mare currently unnamed]

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Chapter 4-"Introductions"

Into the Void

Chapter 4

You open your eyes and take in your surroundings. You don’t notice anything from your room, or anything for that matter. You look up, down, left, and right and still nothing but darkness surrounds you.

“Seriously why am I back here again, I thought the only reason I was here was because of some weird connection. So why am I awake in this dream world again.” you say aloud to yourself.

Suddenly you hear foo-hoof steps approaching. You look around but see or hear no one. Suddenly Luna appears out of nowhere and stops right in front of you. She looks tired, her mane is disheveled and messy and her eyes look bloodshot and droopy. You approach her with shock evident on your face. “Luna are you all right what’s the matter?”

Just as you are about to reach out and pull her into a hug she suddenly walks forward and fazes right through you. You stand there in shock at what just happened, you immediately spin around to chase after her and figure out exactly what’s going on but are immediately shocked at what you see. Before you now stands a set of very large old wooden doors, or at least what used to be a set of wooden doors. The left side has large holes all throughout it and the right sides top hinge is broken to the point where the other door is hanging half open and looks like it could snap off and fall at any time.

Luna continues towards the door, she stops and here horn suddenly glows its dark blue color. Suddenly the left door glows the same color as her horn and opens. Luna stops her magic once the door is adequately open and continues on inside. “Luna wait” you yell chasing after her. You enter through the doorway but realize it’s so dark that you can’t see anything, suddenly Luna’s horn glows and a light starts to emit from the tip like the one she used when the two of you where trapped in the dream world. You reach out to grab Luna and try and get her attention but your hand only fazes through her body.

“Ok seriously Luna what’s going on, this isn’t funny” you say but she has already started walking down what looks to be a long hallway. You take off down the hall after her; suddenly the hallway opens up into a great hall illuminated in a bluish light.

You look around and notice the many passages branching off from this room, each leading to another part of wherever you are. There where holes in the ceiling, large columns of stone lay across the ground and smashed through large archways leading to other passages. “Man what happened to this place?” On the other side of the room is a small pedestal with two large thrones, one with a large moon engraving and the other a sun. Large banners line the ceiling, one side has multiple white banners with gold trim and a silhouette of a white alicorn and large sun. “Is that supposed to be Celestia?” On the other side are large blue banners with a darker blue trim and a dark blue alicorn with a large moon. “Hey is that supposed to be you Luna, on those banners?”

After marveling at your surroundings you notice it is starting to become darker and realize that Luna is on the other side of the room. Running after her to catch up you notice Luna has stopped just before the stairs leading up to the thrones. Approaching you realize Luna has sat down and is crying, tears falling from her eyes and landing on the floor in front of her. “I am so sorry sister, we worked so hard together on this castle with all of our friends. Now look at it, look what I did to our beautiful home. We where meant to rule in harmony and I destroyed everything out of nothing but jealousy. Perhaps I belong here; I don’t deserve my subjects love. They trusted me once and I destroyed that trust, how will I ever gain it back. I should just disappear, everypony would be better off without me around. Even my return has ruined someone I hold dears life, Anon I‘m so sorry I drug you from your home, from your life and now I might not be able to send you back. You where so kind and understanding and I‘ve ruined your life.” Luna states as she begins to cry again.

You reach out to try and grab Luna but no luck. “Luna no, that’s not true. God why won’t you answer me, please Luna just talk to me.”

……non……….ake….. P

“Luna please, you haven’t ruined my life I promise. Please just say somethiNG, ANYTHING!! You yell back tears starting to form in your eyes.

..Ano….. wak……up

You reach out to grab her again but suddenly start to feel yourself being dragged away by an invisible force. “LUNA, NO LUNA WAIT, LUNA!!”


Suddenly your eyes spring open and you only catch a glimpse of something followed by a loud **Thud** before you jolt upwards in bed with sweat poring down your face. You look over and see Twilight laying on her backside look up at you with concern and a slight hint of fear.

You jump out of bed. “Oh god, I’m so sorry Twilight. Are you ok?” You state reaching out your hand to help her up. She takes your hand and you pull her up and back onto all fours.

“Am I ok, what about you Anon? You where yelling in your sleep, is everything ok.” She states concern evident on her face.

“Yeah I’m ok, it’s just that was the first real dream I’ve had since I started seeing Luna in that dream place. But this felt different; it wasn’t like a normal dream. At first I thought I had awoken in that world again but when Luna showed up it was as if she couldn’t even see me, like I wasn’t there. And instead of just nothing like usual there where these old ruins that suddenly appeared once Luna appeared. Luna went in and I followed her thinking she was just ignoring me or something but I don’t know. It was like she couldn’t see or hear me and every time I tried to touch her, my hand just went right through her. It just felt oddly real but also fake at the same time, any ideas what it could mean?”

“Well to be honest Anon, I don’t know. It could just be a simple nightmare but it‘s hard to be sure. I’ve done some research on dreams before but nothing extensive, and you being a different species might make it even harder. I think we should send a letter to Princess Celestia and ask her about it, maybe she might know something.” She states with a concerned tone.

“Are you sure we should, I’m sure Celestia has more important things to do than to worry about me and some nightmare I had. Besides is she even awake yet?” You ask looking at the clock on the wall and seeing that it’s only 6:00 AM.

Suddenly the room begins to brighten. Outside the sun is rising high above the land of Equestria signaling a new day.

“She is now. Anon don’t worry, this is something that seems to be really bothering you. Besides Celestia and I are your friends and we care about you, and when a friends in need you don’t just sit back and watch, you act. Even if it’s the smallest thing you should still try to help in any way you can. Tell you what, I’ll go wake Spike up and prepare some breakfast for all of us while you go clean up. Then we can send the letter to Celestia and I’ll take you to meet all my friends, sound good?” Twilight states beaming a big smile.

You reach out and pull an unsuspecting Twilight into a hug. “Thank you Twilight. Your right it’s probably nothing but just to be sure we might as well mention it to Celestia. You know you’re a great friend Twilight, I’ve only known you for about 24 hours and you’ve already given me a place to stay, clothes, and are treating me like we’ve been friends for years. You, Luna and Celestia are the first real friends I’ve had in pretty much my entire life, I can’t thank you all enough.” You say releasing her from the hug.

“Your very welcome Anon and I promise after tonight your going to have many more friends. Now go get ready while I go wake up a grumpy dragon.” She states while heading for the door.

You think about that for a moment until you remember that Spike is a baby dragon. “Yeah she wouldn’t be saying that if he was grown.” You grab some clean clothes out of your dresser and head for the bathroom, in the haul you hear Twilight yelling at Spike to get up from her room.


“Awww come on Twilight, five more minutes” You hear Spike grown out.

You only chuckle as you close the door to the bathroom behind you. You grab a fresh towel from the closet and after placing that and your clothes on the counter you hope in the shower. After you’re nice and clean you exit the bathroom after leaving it the same way it was when you went in. You enter your room and toss your dirty clothes in a small hamper Twilight has set up for you by your closet. Finally ready for the day you head out of your room and down the hall. You enter the large living area and see spike sitting at the table scribbling something on a scroll while Twilight uses her magic to cook something on the stove. You approach Spike and notice what he’s writing.

“Twi--Light-- Spar--kle. There all done Twilight, want me to go ahead and send it?” Spike asks setting his quill down.

“Just a moment Spike, we should wait for Anon so that he can look over it. I want to make sure we didn’t miss anything. So we’ll just wa- Oh Anon I didn’t see you come in.” Twilight states turning around and noticing you standing next to Spike.

“Yeah sorry I didn’t want to interrupt you, morning Spike.” You say with a smile as the little dragon turns to notice your presence.

“Morning Anon, hey I just finished writing the letter to Princess Celestia, I hope she can help. Are you ok, I heard you yelling in your sleep last night. “He asks with concern while handing you the letter.

“Yeah don’t worry about it man, I should be ok. I’m sure it was just a nightmare but Twilight want’s to double check with Celestia just to be sure. Hopefully she knows what it might be and maybe even a way to stop it so I don’t keep waking you guys up, sorry about that by the way.” You state grabbing the back of your head.

“Anon like I said, don’t worry about it. It‘s not your fault and neither me nor Spike blame you.” Twilight states turning towards you with Spike nodding his head in agreement. “So is there anything we should add to the letter before we send it?” She asks.

You look down at the letter addressed to Princess Celestia and begin to read it to yourself.
Dear Princess Celestia

I am sure that this is nothing serious but I wanted to ask for your advice in the matter none the less. Last night Anon had a terrible nightmare to the point where I entered his room to find him yelling and screaming in his sleep. Once awake he informed me that he was having a dream much like his previous ones but this one was about Princess Luna. But instead of communicating with Princess Luna it seemed as if he was watching events take place that to him felt as real as if he was there. Anon does not seem to make much of this but I fear this might be something more than just a nightmare.

Your Faithful Student,
Twilight Sparkle

You finish reading the letter and hand it back to Spike. “No everything seems to be there, thanks again Twilight, and to you Spike for writing out the letter.”

“Think nothing of it Anon, Spike go ahead and send the letter.” Twilight states turning back towards the stove.

Spike rolls the scroll up and holds it out in front of him. Suddenly he takes a deep breath and blows a green flame, incinerating the scroll. You stand there dumbfounded at what just happened. “Ahh Spike, why did you just burn the scroll, I thought you where going to send it to Celestia with like magic or something?”

Twilight turns back to you and Spike levitating a plate and laughing at your comment. “No he didn’t burn the scroll, Celestia placed a spell on Spike that allows him to send letters and scrolls directly to her with that green flame. The flame is completely harmless and only Spike is allowed to do it.” Twilight states while sitting down at the table and placing the plate in the center.

Your eyes grow almost as big as Twilights as you see the greatest breakfast every before you. “Are those pancakes?” you state taking your seat between Twilight and Spike.

Twilight and Spike giggles at your sudden excitement and with her magic Twilight dishes out two plate sized pancakes to each of you. “Hey Anon, want some syrup?” Spikes asks holding a mason jar full of the sticky syrup that makes pancakes even better than they already are.

“Are you kidding, nothing makes them better.” You state with a huge grin while covering every clear part of your pancakes. “Twilight you want some syrup too?”

“Yes thank you Anon, go ahead and dig in. We have a busy day ahead of us, I’m going to introduce you to my friends and while doing that I’m going to give you a tour of Ponyville.” She states with a smile and using her magic to pour syrup over her pancakes.

You grab your fork and start to dive into your breakfast. After about the third bite you realize that there is something else in the syrup. “Hey Twilight is this apple cinnamon syrup?”

Twilight turns to you and a sudden look of shock and concern dawns on her. “Oh my gosh, I’m sorry I should have said something. Are you allergic to apples or cinnamon? Or maybe those two things are like daisy‘s and hay and they don‘t sit well with humans. Great Twilight just great only day two and you’ve already hurt Anon, great job way to go.”

You quickly reach over and grab her hoof in an attempt to break her tirade. “Twilight its ok. No I’m not allergic to apples or cinnamon or anything that I know of. Actually to tell you the truth this is the best syrup I’ve ever had and I was just simply wondering where it came from. I’m sorry for freaking you out.” You state retracting your hand and grabbing another bite of the delicious breakfast.

Twilight’s starts to blush from embarrassment. “Hehe sorry, I was just worried that maybe you weren’t able to have that stuff. I should have asked before allowing you to drench your food in it. And as to your question, that’s homemade sweet apple acres apple cinnamon syrup. It’s famous for being one of the best syrups in Equestria. The farm is actually right her in Ponyville and run by one of my best friends, Applejack, and her family.” Twilight states using her magic to levitate another bite to her mouth.

“Well I’d love to meet her and give my compliments for one of the best things I’ve ever eaten.” You state polishing off one of your pancakes.

Twilight seems to notice something about you when you eat and gets a nervous look on her face. “He- hey Anon, can I ask you a question?”

You look up and notice the look on her face and immediately drop your fork. “Yeah sure Twilight what’s wrong?”

Twilight begins to fidget in her seat in an attempt to word her question properly. “Well I noticed when you where eating, well to be more specific when you took a bite of your food, I noticed you have sharp teeth and I was wondering what they were for?

It starts to dawn on you that pony’s are herbivores meaning they don’t eat meat. “All right Anon stay calm, I’m sure Twilight knows what this means but I’m sure she just wants to know where you stand on the subject.” You think to yourself contemplating how to word your answer.

“Well instead of trying to dance around it, I might as well explain the whole thing which you’ll probably want to take notes for.” Twilight’s face seems to brighten with her smile at a chance to learn more about you. She levitates a quill and notepad over, ready to write. “Well basically humans are omnivores meaning that instead of just getting our nutrients and energy from plants and grains. We can also get our nutrients from meat as well.”

Twilight stops writing and looks up at you with both shock and horror evident on her face at the sound of you eating meat. “So, humans also eat other animals. Like cows and chickens, that’s horrible how could you do that? Do you eat ponies to?”

“No no Twilight, I would never eat a pony. I’m sorry to say that there are some humans who do that but I have never nor will I ever eat a pony for as long as I live. I would rather die first. But I will admit that I’ve eaten both beef and chicken before. I’m sorry Twilight but it’s just how humans have adapted over the centuries of living. Twilight listen to me, I promise you that I will never harm another animal unless it attacks me first and gives me no choice. Besides it’s not like humans have to eat meat to survive, we can get plenty of nutrients from stuff like rice, eggs, milk, etc… Don’t worry Twilight I’m not going to hurt anyone unless I can help it, you have my word.” You state resting a hand on her hoof.

Twilight looks down at your hand and back up at you and a small smile appears on her face. “Well even though you can’t change your past, I believe you when you say you won’t hurt anypony. Thank you Anon, I’m sorry I brought this up in the middle of breakfast but I noticed them last night and wanted to make sure. If anypony asks about them don’t worry, you won’t have to defend yourself on your own.”

“Thanks Twilight, now lets finish eating so I can meet your friends.” you state beaming a smile.

You Twilight and Spike finish your food and clean up the kitchen. You glance at the clock and notice its only 7:50. “So what time are we heading out?” You ask Twilight placing the last plate back in the cupboard.

Twilight glances at the clock at back at you. “We can head out whenever you’re ready, just let me grab my saddlebag and we can go.”

“All right cool, let me go wash up.” You say heading down the hall towards the bathroom. After washing off your face and using one of Twilights brushes to flatten out your hair you head over to your room to grab one more thing before you go. You check by your bed, nothing. Under the bed, nothing. Inside the small wardrobe, nothing. “What the hell where are they” you say allowed looking in every possible place they could be.

Twilight comes into your room with a puzzled look on her face. “Anon what’s the matter, did you lose something?”

“Yeah Twilight, where are my shoes?” You state pulling yourself off the floor.

Twilight seems to ponder for a moment. “Actually I don’t think you arrived with any shoes, the only thing you had on when we brought you to the library was your torn up shirt and pants. You had socks but like your shirt where destroyed for some reason. I’m sorry Anon.”

“Nah it’s not your fault, those shoes where pretty much worn out anyway. But what am I going to do I can’t walk around barefoot all the time, especially when winter comes around. Wait you guys have winter right?”

Twilight giggles at your question. “Yes we have winter here, and I don’t know what we can do about getting you a pair of shoes. Hmmm maybe Rarity can make you a pair.”

“Rarity? Oh the one who made my clothes; yeah that’s a great Idea. Hey do you think we can go visit her first, I need to thank her for the clothes she made me. Still can’t believe she got them to fit perfectly on the first try with only measurements.”

Twilight turns and starts to head for the door. “Well she is one of the best clothes maker’s in Equestria. Of course we can go see her, I’m sure she’s going to love the fact that you like them some much. Now come on let’s go meet everypony.”

You follow Twilight down the hall and stairs towards the front door. You notice Spike on the other side of the room sweeping the floor. “Hey Spike you coming too?” you ask pointing towards the door.

“Nah I’m good, I gota stay here and get my chores done. Besides somepony has to watch the library in case our one customer a week shows up.” Spike states snickering at the end.

You look over to Twilight who’s giving Spike the deadliest 1000 yard stare ever. “We’ll talk about this later Spike.” Twilight states through gritted teeth.

Twilight opens the door and you follow her out. All you can hear is Spike laughing behind you as you close the door.

You turn around from the door and are astonished at what you see. The area is so colorful; everything is vibrant and pops out like watching something in HD for the first time. All the buildings and setting makes you think of an old 1800’s style countryside. Looking around you notice that Twilights home is on the edge of town, ahead of you is a road leading down the middle of town, and to the left and right are roads that you assume stretch along the outside. You also notice the plethora of ponies going about their business; there are unicorns, and earth pony’s walking about and pegasi flying high in the sky. All the ponies sporting there own kind of cutie mark and different color coat, some are blue, red, yellow, green, and there’s even a gray Pegasus flying about.

“Wow” is all you could say at the sight before you.

“Are you ok Anon?” Twilight asks looking up at you with concern.

“Yeah I’m ok it’s just there’s a lot of ponies out here, up till now I’ve only seen you, Celestia, and Luna. So this is a bit of a shock to finally see all these ponies.

“Are you ok, do you want to go back inside? You can take as much time as you need Anon, we don’t have to rush.” She states putting a hoof on your side.

You look down to Twilight and smile. “Thanks Twilight, but I’ll be ok. I’m going to be living here from now on so I gotta get used to being around these ponies, especially if I’m going to be living here with you.”

Twilight returns your smile and sets her hoof back on the ground. “All right, but if we need to stop or if you simply want to go back don’t hesitate to say something. I’m sure it might be a little scary at first but I promise you that everypony is very nice.”

“All right, well shall we go.” you state holding your hand out motioning Twilight to lead the way.

“Yeah let’s go.” She states starting to walk with you close beside her.

You begin your walk down the center path. You notice some ponies stopping what there doing and starring in your direction, you simply dawn a happy grin and wave towards them. Some even wave back but most just watch you go by and then continue what they where doing.

“Twilight is everything ok, I thought you said Princess Celestia told everyone I was here.” You state in a quit tone so only you and Twilight can hear.

Twilight looks up at you. “Yes she did Anon, but this is the first anypony has seen you. They know of your arrival but none know what you look like. Don’t worry after they get to know you they’ll want nothing more than to be your friend.”

“If you say so.” You state continuing down the path and returning a few more waves. After a couple of minutes you notice a strange looking building in the distance. “Twilight, is that a giant gingerbread house?”

Twilight looks ahead and notices the building you’re talking about and starts to giggle. “Oh that’s Mr. and Mrs. Cakes bakery, Sugercube Corner. They make some of the best sweets in all of Equestria. It’s also where my friend Pinkie Pie lives and works and since it’s on our way to Rarity’s shop I figured we could go there first.”

“All right cool. Man if there deserts are anything like there building design this is going to be my new favorite hangout place in Ponyville.” You state rubbing your stomach.

You and Twilight approach the bakery, just before you get to the steps a pony comes bouncing out of the front door. “Wow, she is literally bouncing with every step, she isn’t even walking, literally bouncing the same exact height off the ground with every movement.” You think to yourself.

The bouncing pony notices you and Twilight standing there looking at her and stops mid bounce eyes wide as if she just remembered something important. She sits there hovering at eye height with you not moving a muscle. While hovering there you notice she is bright pink earth pony with a cotton candy looking style mane and tail that is a slightly darker shade of pink, she also has three balloons as a cutie mark and smells like baked good. “How the hell is she literally hovering there without any movement, seriously that’s creepy.” You think.

“Uhh hi.” you say.

Suddenly the pink pony gasps and without touching the ground takes off like the roadrunner from those old cartoons leaving a small cloud of dust where she once stood.

You look down at Twilight with a confused look. “What the hell was that?”

“Ahehehe that was Pinkie Pie. She’s a little strange but she’ll do whatever it takes to bring a smile to anypony’s face. She’s also one of my best friends and the element of laughter.” Twilight states scratching the back of her head. “Well I’m sure you’ll get a chance to formally meet her later, come on let’s head over to Rarity’s shop.”

You and Twilight continue down the path, a couple minutes later you come across a large park where there are tons of pony‘s some big and small walking around and playing. “This is Ponyville Park where fillies and adults come to play and just relax.” Twilight states as you continue your walk towards Rarity’s.

Soon you come across a small fountain which you can only assume is the center of the park “WATCH OUT.” You look up and before you even have time to think about reacting, a Pegasus slams into you sending you both to the ground.

You lay there on the ground coughing having the wind suddenly knocked out of you. You try to stand up but notice there is something slightly heavy on your chest. You look up and notice a cyan blue Pegasus with a rainbow colored gruff looking mane. The cyan colored pony finally picks her head up and shakes the dust kicked up from your tumble to the ground of her face. “Rainbow Dash what are you doing, why did you slam into Anon like that.” Twilight states standing next to the two of you with an irritated and worried look on her face.

“What are you talking about Twilight, I didn’t run into anypony. Besides I’ve almost got a super cool new move down, luckily this soft piece of dirt I landed on broke my fall otherwise I would have probably injured something.” Rainbow states stretching her wings.

“Your right Rainbow you didn’t land on anypony, you landed on Anon the human. Ughh get up, Anon are you ok. I’m sorry about her.” Twilight asks with a worried expression.

Rainbow suddenly realizes that the soft piece of dirt she’s supposedly on is slightly lumpier than usual. She suddenly turns her head and looks you directly in the eyes; her face goes from cyan blue to fire engine red in a split second. “Hi, um I’m glad your ok from your fall but would you mind getting off me so I can stand back up.” You say with a smile.

Rainbow takes a second to realize where she was and in less than a second jumps off you and into the air. She lands next to you and extends a hoof to help you up. “Ahehe, sorry about. I didn’t mean to you know run into you like that.” She states as you take her hoof and stand back up on your own two feet.

“It’s ok, no harm done. By the way my names Anon.” you state reaching out your hand.

Rainbow jumps into the air and hovers at eye level with you. She grasps your hand and gives a firm shake. “Names Rainbow Dash, fastest flier in Equestria.” She states in a proud tone.

“Well Rainbow Dash it’s nice to meet you. So what was this trick you where working on before we suddenly met.” You state with a smirk.

Rainbow rubs the back of her head nervously again. “Ahh yeah again sorry about that, I was working on a new trick for my Wonderbolts tryout and a strong gust of wind kicked up. You wana see the trick, it’s the least I could do after running into you.” Rainbow states with a glean in her eye.

“Are you kidding, that sounds awesome.” You state excitedly. Rainbow immediately takes off high into the sky faster than anything you’ve ever seen before. She suddenly turns and starts her decent back towards you and Twilight at an alarming rate. Then at the last second she pulls up and a streak of rainbow follows her brushing just over your head.

She lands back next to you and Twilight with a look of triumph on her face. “Haha I did it, I perfected my filly flash.”

“Wow Rainbow that was amazing.” Twilight states mouth agape.

“Yeah that was awesome, you had me worried but when you pulled up that was so cool.” You state in a gitty tone.

“Yeah I’m awesome I know. They don’t call me Rainbow and Dash for nothing. Anyway I gota go take care of a few stray clouds. It was nice meeting you Anon, see ya later Twilight.” Rainbow states taking off into the sky.

“Sorry about that Anon, she’s always doing stuff like that. The first time I met her she slammed into me and then proceeded to destroy my mane. Took me almost a week to get all the knots out. That was Rainbow Dash one of my other best friends and also the element of loyalty. She may seem like everything is about her, but you won’t find a more loyal friend then Rainbow. You ok Anon?” She states looking you over.

“Yeah don’t worry Twilight, like I said I’m fine. I’m jus glad she didn’t get hurt; she probably would have broken something if she hit the ground instead of me. Man that move was awesome; hey what did she say she was practicing for? The Wonderbolts who are they anyway?” You ask turning to her.

“The Wonderbolts are an elite flying squad of pegasi who perform amazing aerial acrobatics to crowds of thousands of ponies. There considered to be the best fliers in Equestria and its Rainbow’s dream to one day join them.” She responds.

“Wow that sounds awesome, kind of like the Blue Angels back where I’m from. Man I’d love to see one of their shows one day.” You state as you and Twilight continue your walk towards Rarity’s shop.

Twilight looks up at you. “What are the Blue Angels?”

“Well there an elite group of pilots who perform daring stunts and tricks for crowds kind of like the Wonderbolts.” You state.

Twilight dawns a confused look. “Wait how do they do that, I thought you said humans can’t fly. How could they perform those types of tricks without any wings?”

“They use these giant machines called airplanes. I don’t know exactly how they work but they essentially have these giant engines in them that spin propellers so fast that it can give the planes lift which in turn allows them to lift off of the ground. There are even ones that don’t use propellers like jet engines that produce so much force that it looks like they are flying with just fire shooting out the back. Like I said there’s way more technicality to it but I have no idea how it all works, I just wish there was a way to show you.”

“Ok so it’s not you humans that fly, it’s these machines. You just simply operate them. I see well yes I still have no idea how these machines work but it’s fascinating that your species has found a way to fly without wings.” She states scribbling something in a notebook.

“Do you seriously carry a notebook around with you all the time?” you ask.

Twilight looks up at you confused. “Of course I do. What if a situation arises like right now where I need to record something but have no means to do it? I could miss out on valuable information.”

You hold your hands out in a defeated fashion. “All right, sorry I didn’t mean anything but I was simply curious. Anyway where are we now?” You ask as the two of you have stopped in front of a strange looking building.

Twilight looks up from her notepad and sees that you have arrived. “Ahh were here. This is Carousel Boutique, Rarity’s home and place of business.

You look the building over and notice the name definitely fit’s the building. The buildings structure is in the shape of an old carousel with a large bottom that gets skinner as it goes up ending at its highest point with a red flag. The middle section has a small balcony with two visible silhouettes of pony’s surrounding it like a carousel horse. You and Twilight approach the door when it suddenly opens and a yellow pony steps out.

She is a cream yellow Pegasus with a bright pink mane and tail and has three small pink butterflies for her cutie mark. She turns towards you and Twilight and jumps at the sight of you letting out a small “Epp.”

“Oh I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you. My names Anon.” You say kneeling down to her height with a smile and stretching out your hand.

She only seems to back away from you out of sheer terror. Twilight walks up next to you. “Fluttershy it’s ok, this is Anon. Anon wouldn‘t hurt a fly I promise.”

She seems to calm down a little bit and reach out and shakes your hand with her hoof. “My names Fluttershy.” She barely squeaks out.

“It’s nice to meet you Fluttershy. Like Twilight said I promise I won’t hurt you.” You state with a smile in a calm voice.

She lets go of your hand. “It was nice to meet, I gota go.” She immediately takes off down the path leading towards town.

“Twilight am I really that terrifying. The way she was looking at me it was like I hurt her or something.” You say in a depressed tone.

“Twilight turns to face you with a warm smile. “Don’t worry Anon, that was Fluttershy. Her name says everything about her. She’s the kindest pony you’ll ever meet but also one of the shyest. She was the same way when I first met her but she quickly became one of my best friends who also happens to be the element of kindness. Don’t worry she’ll come around, she just needs a little more time that’s all.”

“Well we where planning on meeting Rarity first but it seems we’ve managed to meet almost all of my friends except Rarity and Applejack. Are you ready to finally meet Rarity?” Twilight asks with a giggle.

“Absolutely, lead the way.” You reply with a smile.

Twilight turns and knocks on the door. “Come in.” You hear in a sing-song British style manner.

Twilight opens the door and the two of you enter the Boutique eager to find out what could possibly happen next.

Author's Note:

Hey guys sorry the comment I posted last Thursday made it seem like I was going to get the chapter out over the weekend. But here it is, this is only part 1 of "Introductions" and part 2 should be coming some time next week. Hope you guys enjoy the new style with character dialogue too. I like it better and am probably going to stick with this style.

Hope you guys enjoy the chapter and don't worry, after the next chapter we'll have all the big introductions out of the way and something I'm really excited to wright about is coming.

Until next time,