• Published 3rd May 2014
  • 2,710 Views, 61 Comments

Into the Void - Shadowflame38

[2nd Person person fic between Anon, Luna, and a mystery mare currently unnamed]

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Chapter 9-"Reliving the Past Part II"

Into the Void

Chapter 9
Reliving the Past Part II

As the sound of multiple ponies draws ever closer you start to slightly panic, trying to figure out what exactly happened. “Luna knows who I am so why did she freak out and run away, and why did she look different?” You remember reading what you thought was just a passage in a book and then there was a flash and boom you were here. “So what the hell was that spell? God damn it, if I could remember it I could probably try and figure out how I got here.” You look around the room and it looks exactly like it did before, except maybe a little cleaner, but the atmosphere seems slightly different. Suddenly the hoof steps stop, whoever was making them had just arrived.

“Luna, Celestia, stay here.” You hear from what sounds like an older pony, suddenly you hear what sounds like the pony coming towards you and bells? You look towards the doorway when suddenly a gray pony with a somewhat long white beard, a blue cape with stars and a moon embroidered on it, and a large blue witch type hat matching the cape with a golden bell just at the tip. You try not to laugh as the pony approaches you and with every step he takes the bell atop his hat lets out a small **Ding Ding**. He stops just in front of you and seems to eye you up and down when suddenly he breaks out into a full blown belly laugh.

That slight panic you were feeling before is suddenly growing as you realize this pony is laughing at you maniacally with you still pinned to the floor. The top of the ponies head just under the brim of his hat begins to glow and suddenly the holding spell vanishes and you are able to move freely. “What the hell is going on, first Luna freaks out and runs off pinning me to the floor, and then this crazy bearded pony comes in and starts laughing at me and then releases me?” You think to yourself as you hear what you can only assume are the rest of the ponies coming towards you. Seconds later Luna, Celestia, and a dark pink alicorn with light blue hair who you know you’ve seen but can’t seem to remember her name, appear in the doorway with shocked expressions.

“Starswirl, what are you doing, why did you release him. For all we know he could attack and destroy us all any second?” Luna shouts looking between you and the bearded pony next to you.

The bearded pony finally stops his laughter and takes a deep breath. “Come now Luna is that anyway to speak to your future lover?”

“FUTURE WHAT?” Was all that was uttered between you, Luna, and Celestia with the mystery mare only smiling.

“Woops probably shouldn’t of said that, this old mind just seems to say what it wishes sometimes.” Starswirl finishes with another laughing fit.

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN FUTURE LOVER, WHO EVEN IS THIS, WHAT THE HAY IS GOING ON?” Luna shouts hoping someone will enlighten you and the rest on the situation.

“Now everypony calm down, this is Anon and he happens to come from a time far into the future seeking answers to a question in his heart. Anon I know this must seem incredibly strange to you but you and I have actually met before.” Starswirl states looking to you with a smile.

“I’m sorry but I don’t ever remember meeting you, to be honest I don’t even know where here is. One minute I was reading a book in this very room, then there was a bright light and suddenly Luna is screaming at me and pins me to the floor with her magic. Luna, Celestia do you really not remember me? Luna don’t you remember me sa.” You try to continue but are cut off by Starswirl.

“Anon stop, you can’t reveal anything to any of us do you understand, if you do you could cease to exist all together. I know this is all incredibly confusing but listen to me very carefully. The spell that brought you here was a spell that I created long ago, before your arrival in Equestria. This might be a bit of a shock to you Anon but that spell has actually brought you back in time, so none of the events that have happened in your past have actually happened yet, do you understand what I’m telling you, you cannot tell any living soul as to the events that will come to pass.” Starswirl finishes with a stern look and tone in his voice.

“So you’re telling me that I’ve traveled through time? HOW THE HELL IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE, I DON’T HAVE MAGIC?” You yell still trying to wrap your brain around everything that has happened.

“Calm yourself Anon; it’s going to be all right. Everything happens for a reason and this was meant to happen. Now the spell that brought you here is one of my own, but fear not you can return to your own time as long as you play out the spell. Once the conditions of the spell play out you shale return to the exact moment you left.” Starswirl finishes with a smile.

“Ok great so how do I get back home? What do I need to do?” You ask eager to return to your own time.

“Anon the conditions to which you are able to return are your own; the spell brought you here so that you could answer the question that resides in your heart. Once that question has been answered you will be pulled back to your time, but until then you are stuck here.” Starswirl finishes turning back towards the others.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean, I don’t know what you’re talking about, are you telling me I could be stuck here forever if I’m not able to do this? Wait a minute; it sounds to me like you know what it is I’m looking for?” You state with panic evident in your voice.

Starswirl lets out a slight chuckle. “Come now Anon you make it sound like it’s impossible. Yes I know the answer to which you seek but I am not going to reveal it to you, that is something you must discover on your own. Now you can’t reveal us the details on how you arrived in Equestria but why don’t you tell those who don’t know you who or even what you are.”

“Well since I’m going to be here for a while I might as well answer your questions. Wait a minute how is it that you and I have met Starswirl, I don’t ever remember meeting you, plus I think I’d remember meeting someone dressed as ridiculously as you.” You hear giggles echo through the other three in the room and receive a slight glare from the bearded pony.

“I’ll have you know that this is a ceremonial robe worn by unicorn elders that not only enhances our magic but is actually quite comfortable and warm. And as to how we have met, who do you think wrote all those journals and books you found in the library. I have traveled through time on multiple occasions and the last time I was able to make the jump I actually met you in the far future. Unfortunately because these spells require so much magic and are still not completely finished there are some side effects. In fact I am only in my early 30’s but because I have traveled through time on multiple occasions, it has sped up my aging process to where I am now. You see Anon I know everything that you know and more, and I know how much everypony is going to need you, especially Princess Luna and Celestia. Now please sit and explain exactly who you are.” Starswirl finishes by levitating cushions under everypony and taking a seat.

You take your seat along with everyone else; suddenly the question you’ve been rattling around in your brain since you arrived here finally hits you with an answer. “Excuse me but are you a princess to?” You ask the dark pink mare sitting next to Luna and Celestia.

The pink alicorn lets out a slight chuckle. “Oh Excuse me for my rudeness but my name is Chrysie, it’s a pleasure to meet you Anon. And no I am no princess; I am merely Celestia and Luna’s godmother.”

The sudden name and appearance suddenly hits you. “Wait I know you, I .” You begin to state but are again cut off my Starswirl.

“Remember what I said Anon, you can’t reveal anything from your time no matter what it is.” Starswirl finishes

You begin by telling them exactly what you are and where it was that you came from leaving out the whole saving Luna within the dream world part. Once finished you look up and see everyone starring back at you with slight confusion, well everyone except Starswirl that is. “I’m sorry I can’t explain more, there is so much I would love to tell you that might make the future better for you all but.”

“Anon please, it is quit all right, as Starswirl stated before everything must happen for a reason, whether it’s in the future, past or present you mustn’t reveal things that could make you cease to exist here in Equestria. I’m am sure I speak for Luna and myself in wanting to know exactly how you arrived in Equestria, but we also don’t want to change events that have not come to pass yet.” Celestia states rising from her cushion.

Luna stands beside her sister and dawns a bright smile. ”Indeed Anon, as much as we would like to learn about what happens to us in the future. I would hate to see something awful happen to you in the process, besides it sounds to me like you play an important role for both Celestia and I where you come from and I would hate to interfere with destiny.”

Starswirl places a hoof on your shoulder and smiles at you. “Precisely, now why don’t you and Luna take a tour of the castle while I, Celestia, and Chrysie shall return to the main hall and wait for our guests to arrive.”

You look towards the others and notice a sly grin on Chrysie as she looks between you, Luna, and Celestia. You are about to ask what she’s smiling about but she turns and follows Celestia and Starswirl out of the small sitting room leaving only you and Luna standing there. “So you and I are to be future lovers, how is it that a princess of Equestria becomes swayed by such a strange creature?” Luna states walking around you and stopping right in front of you.

“Welll, III...” You stop and take a deep breath. “To be honest with you where I’m from we aren’t together, I don’t even know how to respond to your question without revealing something that I shouldn’t.” It pains you to say this, especially knowing the answer you want to tell her but can’t, for the simple fact that she isn’t the Luna you know.

Luna dawns a slightly disappointed expression. “I see well, let us commence with the tour of the castle.” She states exiting the room and motioning for you to follow. The first room you ended up in was the main library only this time it had a lot more books and was nice and clean. “This is where my sister and Starswirl like to geek out over old tomes and books about spells and blah blah blah….yawn.” She states followed up by the two of you laughing at the prospect of Celestia sitting here eyes glued to the pages of some random book.

You exited through another door and into a long hallway leading back to the main throne room. Exiting the hall you realized that you and Luna where on the second level overlooking Celestia and a group of ponies speaking to one another. “Ugh Celestia is giving her boring speech about how we finished the castle and how it will be a beacon of harmony throughout Equestria.

You laugh at Luna’s remark and look out over the large room noticing three ponies, one was a unicorn, one was a pegasus, and the other you can only assume was an earth pony. “So who are they supposed to be?”

“They are all emissaries for each of the pony races of Equestria. The unicorn is Clover the Clever and her name definitely fits her well, she was one of the few ponies to study under Starswirl alongside myself and Celestia. The Pegasus is Private Pansy; to be honest I really don’t know how she even made it into the pegasus weather brigade, being one of the highest strung ponies I have ever met. And lastly we have Smart Cookie, she doesn’t know a whole lot about much except farming but without her and the rest of the earth ponies all of Equestria would starve.” Luna let out a hushed giggle and looked to you with an evil grin. “Hey do you want to see some of the special additions I put into the design of the castle?”

“What kind of special additions are we talking about?” You ask with a confused look.

“The kind that will allow us to scare the cutie mark’s right off of everypony.” She states in a slightly evil yet playful voice.

You return her evil grin with one of your own. “Oh hell yeah, if I can even make Celestia flinch, I’ll be happy. Lead the way”

Luna jumps up with you close behind and makes her way over to a painting. Her horn begins to glow and the painting moves to reveal a secret passage. “Come quickly, we must hurry after them.” After a few moments of walking down the long corridor you come to a skinny hallway just big enough for the both of you to fit through. Low towards the ground you notice that there are a series of small holes every few feet along the wall. You kneel down and look through one and notice the hallway with all of the old pony armor lining both sides of the hallway. Off in the distance you hear the sound of Celestia and her envoy drawing closer towards you and Luna. You look over and see Luna peering through one of the holes and snickering to herself.

“Luna what are we supposed to do here?” You ask trying to figure out what exactly she’s giggling about.

“Shhh, here look through this hole and watch.” She states pointing to the hole closest to the one she’s peering through. You look through and see Celestia pass by followed my Clover the Clever and Smart Cookie. Next you notice that Private Pansy is slightly behind looking at every piece of armor praying that it won’t move. Just as she is about to pass us Luna reaches her hoof through the hole and barely grazes Private Pansy’s leg which is all she needed to do because before your brain could even register that she had touched her, Pansy disappeared.

You look up through the hole and see her completely defying gravity by attaching herself to the high ceiling with nothing but her hoofs. Suddenly it registers to you and you burst out into a hushed laughter, looking over you see that Luna is doing her best to keep herself quite knowing that if Celestia finds the two of you then your fun would be over. “Wow I gota hand it to her, the Private can certainly jump.” You state trying to calm yourself.

“She certainly can, come we must move to the next area.” She states walking to the end of the hall and through another small passage with you close behind. Soon enough you come to a small room with a painting. Luna hops up on her bag legs and looks through the eye holes of the painting, on the other side you can hear Celestia talking to the group about something. Luna hopes down and turns to you. “All right I think I have an idea of how we can get Smart Cookie but I’m going to need your help.”

You dawn an evil grin. “Of course just tell me what I need to do.”

Luna giggles to herself knowing what’s about to happen. “All right, Smart Cookie is just on the other side of this wall, but what she doesn’t know is that this wall spins. So what I’m going to do is spin the wall around which will grab her and spin her along with it. What I need you to do is simply stand here in the dark and say something creepy or simply laugh, and then I will spin her around back with the rest of the group.”

“Yeah I can do that come on lets hurry before they move on.” You state standing back against the wall. Luna walks over to the small passage way on the other side of the room, her horn begins to glow and the room is shrouded in an eerie darkness. Suddenly the wall spins and a pony is sitting before you. You put on the deepest creepiest voice you can manage. “HAHAHA welcome to my domain.” Suddenly the wall spins back before Smart Cookie can even process what just happened, the room becomes lighter again and all you can see is Luna lying on her back in a muffled giggling fit. You begin laughing yourself and join her in the small passageway.

“Oh my, that was great, did you see the look on her face. It was priceless; I don’t think she was even able to register what was going on until she spun back around to the other side. Come let us hurry, we still need to get Clover the Clever before the tour is finished.” She states wiping the tears from her eyes and continuing down the passageway with you close behind.

An hour has passed and neither you nor Luna have been able to successfully scare Clover the Clever. “Man I thought we had her with the mirror spell but just like every other time she just counters it. I guess this just proves that Starswirl trained her well.” Luna states in a defeated voice as the two of you make your way down another dimly lit corridor. Soon you and Luna emerge from the corridor through another wall painting and back into one of the main corridors of the castle. “I suppose we should continue with the tour from before.”

“Ah come on Luna that was a lot of fun, I mean we even managed to get Private Pansy again with the whole moving of the painting eyes. Plus I still would love to see the rest of the castle.” You state walking ahead of her pointing down the hallway.

Luna smiles and catches up to you. “Your right that was a great deal of fun, actually probably the most fun I’ve had in a very long time since nopony ever visits and Celestia is aware of almost every trick in the castle. Come let us continue the tour.”

After a couple of twists and turns you and Luna come to a hallway leading back to the main throne room. You enter the room and hear the sound of Celestia speaking to the rest of the group coming from a small room. “Should we go and join them?” You ask pointing to the room.

“Yes I suppose we sh.” Luna stops herself and dawns an evil grin like before and rushes over to the door.

You chase after her wondering what exactly she’s thinking. “Luna what up?”

Luna begins to giggle to herself again and turns to you. “Do you see the chair that Clover the Clever is sitting in?” You peer into the room and see Celestia sitting at one end of the table and opposite to her is the rest of her envoy with Clover the Clever sitting closest to the wall. You nod your head but still have no idea what she’s getting at. “Come quickly I will explain on the way.” Luna takes off running down one of the passages with you close behind until she stops in front of a large door.

Luna’s horn begins to glow and the door swings open revealing a dark room with a column of light coming in through a skylight revealing what looks to be an organ in the middle of the room. “Luna how is playing an organ have anything to do with Clover the Clever sitting in a chair?”

Luna giggles at your confusion and makes her way towards the organ. “Come now Anon do you really think I would just simply put an organ in the middle of the castle and not have a purpose for it. This organ has a special magical connection to the castle. You see I’m only one pony, meaning I can only scare one pony at a time. So in the event that we have a party I decided to make this organ that can active more of my traps throughout the castle from one location and produce a creepy vibe to boot. For instance that chair that Clover the Clever is sitting in just happens to be one of the chairs that can essentially throw anypony sitting in it out of the castle.”

“Wow that is very evil genius of you, but how are you supposed to see your work to know that it was a success, I mean just seeing their face is what makes it worth it.” You ask making your way over to Luna.

“Ahhh here’s the best part, not only did I enchant the organ to work with my traps remotely but.” Luna’s horn begins to glow and suddenly like a T.V turning on, three images appear above the keys of the organ one showing Celestia and the group still present in the meeting room, one showing what looks to be another hallway, and the last showing a wall outside the castle. “I also enchanted decorative pieces in the locations so that I can not only see when to strike but to also see the pony’s reaction.” She states finishing with a giggle at her own cleverness.

“Wow, that is seriously awesome it’s like a security station that allows you to pull pranks on anybody unlucky enough to get caught. Remind me to never be anywhere in the castle alone.” You state looking over the beautiful organ upon the risen platform.

Luna giggles at your comment and takes her seat on the small bench and looks over the keys. “Now let’s see just how clever you are Clover after this.” Luna places her hooves on two sets of keys and the organ comes alive playing an eerie note that rings throughout the castle. Suddenly on the image looking over the group of ponies you see them all look up in fear, well everyone except Celestia who dawns an incredibly irritated look. You suddenly see Clover the Clever’s chair spin around and throw her towards the near wall which opens and closes as she passes through it, next you see her in the hallway that actually has what appears to be a slide leading down as she plummets to the bottom you see her start to lose her cool. Finally she disappears only to reappear on the image of the outside wall where the wall spins around and shoots her out on to her backside with her just sitting there completely stiff still reeling from everything that just happened.

Clover the Clever suddenly jumps up and dawns a pist off look knowing all too well that you and Luna had finally gotten her. This only makes it funnier as you and Luna burst into laughter. “Man Luna that was amazing, how did you even come up with something like that?” You ask trying to calm yourself but failing.

“To be quit honest I don’t know, this stuff just comes to me, the hardest part is figuring out how to actually make it work.” She states through bated breaths.

You look over the keys on the organ and notice that one has a picture of a sun engraved on it. “Hey what does this one do.” you state pressing the key.

Luna looks over and sees you pressing the key you mentioned. “No not that one.” She yells but it’s too late, the note of the key rings out throughout the castle and you suddenly see Celestia’s chair do the same as Clover the Clever’s did. Celestia is thrown through the wall and down the slide ending up next to Clover the Clever who immediately runs over to Celestia to make sure that she is unharmed. You and Luna look at each other then back at the image of Celestia sitting on the ground with the most shocked expression on her face. Suddenly you and Luna fall over backwards and onto the floor laughing.

“We got her, we actually got her. I never thought it would be possible especially when she knows about that trick and yet we still managed to get her as well. This has to be the best day ever.” Luna shouts through her giggle fit.

“Yes, my plan was to just make Celestia flinch but that expression of, “what just happened” was way better than I was hoping for.” You state trying to calm yourself but failing as the pain of laughter is starting to hurt slightly.

“LUNA, ANON!!! WHERE ARE YOU” You hear Celestia shout ringing throughout the castle. You and Luna look at each other with an “oh shit” expression.

Luna jumps up and runs towards and wall that she immediately opens with her magic. “Come on hurry we need to get out of here.” She shouts waving for you to follow. You both enter the small corridor and after a few moments come across a painting of Luna. She uses her magic to move the painting and you both enter a large open room. To your left you see two large dark blue wardrobes with a large bed with dark blue sheets in the middle. Across from you are two large book shelves filled with books and trinkets and in the middle a set of open doors leading to a balcony. To your right is small door leading into what you can only assume is a bathroom and a large set of dark blue doors with a crescent moon on either side leading to the rest of the castle. Looking up you realize that the ceiling is a mirror image of the night sky and the dim light in the room is coming from the stars shining.

“Um Luna, why are we in your bedroom?” You ask slightly nervous all of a sudden.

“Well it is the last place Celestia would think to look for us, besides mine and Celestia’s rooms are the last stops on our tour of the castle. Why do you not like my room?” She asks you with s playful pouty expression.

“No it’s very beautiful and matches who you are perfectly. You know Luna there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you since I arrived.” You state walking towards the shelves of books and looking over the many titles.

“Oh and what might that be?” She asks making her way over to you.

“I simply just wanted to say thank you. You’ve been nothing but kind to me since I arrived, well aside from the whole pinning me to the floor thing.” You say turning to face her.

“Oh yeah sorry about that, but why are you thanking me?” She asks dawning a confused look.

“Oh come on, a strange creature that you have never seen or even heard of suddenly appears before you and you find out from some crazy old pony that your destined to be together and you’ve been nothing but kind to me.” You state with a “duh” expression.

“Come now Anon, you can’t judge a pony by their appearance and yes I was startled when you suddenly appeared before me and that whole destined to be together thing did kind of throw me for a loop. But I’m starting to see how a pony like me could fall for a uhh, what did you say you were again?” She responds with a shameful expression having forgotten what you were.

You chuckle at her response. “A human and what do you mean a pony like you. Luna you’re amazing, your one of the kindest peo, err pony’s I have ever met. You’re fun to be around, beautiful, and above all an awesome friend.”

Luna’s cheeks suddenly turn a pink color at your comment. “You think I’m beautiful? I mean, it just seems like everypony just sees me as Celestia’s younger sister. And I understand that, I mean she’s a couple years older than me but it seems like everypony respects her more than me.”

You reach out and grab Luna and draw her into a hug surprising her. “Don’t ever doubt yourself Luna, just because Celestia is your older sister doesn’t mean that you don’t matter. Your still a Princess of Equestria and don’t ever forget that no matter what anybody tells you.”

Luna releases the hug and smiles at you. “Thanks Anon” She states planting a kiss on your cheek immediately jumping back and giggling. You rub the side of your cheek as it starts to turn bright red at the realization of what just happened.

“Well well, it seems our dear Princess has found somepony she likes.” A strange voice comes from behind you. You turn around and almost pass out at what stands before you. Almost two feet taller than you stands a lion with large pointy ears and a large red mane with giant bat like wings and the tail of a scorpion.

“Ahh Melvin, where have you been all day.” Luna asks walking over next to you.

The large creature reaches out his paw in a shaking manner. “Melvin the Manticore, and who might you be?”

The sudden appearance of the creature and the fact that he can talk and that Luna knows him finally sinks in and you reach out your small hand to shake his paw. “Anon the human, nice to meet you.” You state still slightly nervous.

“Anon this is, wait you can understand him?” Luna asks dumbfounded.

“Yeah why, he can clearly talk.” You state releasing his paw.

“Well how about that, seems I can finally have a conversation with somepony else other than you Luna, not that I don’t mind it.” Melvin states with a chuckle.

“But how, nopony else has been able to communicate with Melvin other than me and even I don’t understand why I can but.” Luna continues to ponder the question while Melvin chuckles at her rambling.

“Come now Luna, haven’t you learned that even though something is unexplainable, it doesn’t make it any less true. Besides we must hurry to the dining hall before your sister begins to worry about where you are.” Melvin states making his way towards the door.

“Your right, well like you said at least you can talk to somepony else now. Anyway come Anon hopefully Celestia has calmed down enough where she will allow us to dine with her.” Luna states following Melvin towards the door.

“Luna, what did you do this time?” Melvin asks rolling his eyes.

“Well it seems that our new guest enjoys playing pranks as much as I do, so while touring the castle we had a little fun with Celestia’s envoy.” Luan states giggling at the end.

“Ok so why would Celestia be angry enough with you to not allow you to dine with her?” He asks with curiosity.

You finally catch up to them and follow them out of the room. “Well you see, Luna and I were at the organ when.”

Author's Note:

Hey guys I'm really sorry that this chapter took so long. For the bast 2 1/2 weeks I've been in the process of getting another job which means I'm constantly going out and doing stuff to get that all squared away and I was planning on writing a chapter a week ago but the night before my day off my computer decided to crash so I spent the next day putting all my stuff back on it and it just took forever. But I finally had some time today to finally wright the next chapter. Which I hope you guys enjoy.

Now when it comes to the release of future chapter I am going to try and get them out whenever I have free time but for the next 2 months I am going to be working 2 jobs and am only going to have time to write in the afternoons meaning I'm not going to be able to just sit down and write out a chapter all day like I have been. Plus I'm finally going to be starting the other job next week so once I get into a groove and know when I'm going to have free time I will absolutely write as much as I can. Believe me I know it sucks to wait for another chapter of a story that you might like.

So I will try and write as much as I can and will get the chapters out as soon as I have time but I also don't want to rush the chapters and make them crappy. So just bear with me guys I promise I'm not going to stop writing anytime soon, I really enjoy writing this story. Just look forward to the next chapters release dates being like 2-3 weeks apart. Like I said I know it sucks but I want to write the best story that I can and refuse to release something that might be unworthy.

Thanks for your patience and I promise stick with me and you hopefully wont be disappointed.

Until next time,