• Published 3rd May 2014
  • 2,710 Views, 61 Comments

Into the Void - Shadowflame38

[2nd Person person fic between Anon, Luna, and a mystery mare currently unnamed]

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Chapter 3-"Now What Happens?"

Into the Void

Chapter 3
Now What Happens?

As you sit there and explain the last two years of events to Celestia, she only sits there with a warm smile on her face. Not once does she interrupt you or even make a comment on anything, she just sits there taking in every detail. She then asks you some basic questions like what you are and where you’re from. After she is satisfied she starts asking about the night leading up to your’s and Luna’s arrival.

“I see so up until the night before your arrival, you had no idea who or what was really going on with Luna.” Celestia asks with a confused look. “No, I was actually very shocked to see her the following night. She told me that even though I might end up in that place after Nightmare was able to escape. She didn’t want to risk Nightmare finding me, but obviously that didn’t happen.”

“I was so happy but also terrified to see Luna, even though she saved me from Nightmare I didn’t want to see her hurt because of me. Then that strange column of light came down and hurt Nightmare long enough for Luna to enter it and, actually what was that?” you ask.

Celestia stands and walks over to a small bookshelf on the wall, you notice her horn light up and hear that familiar jingling noise. “Like wind chimes” you say out loud. “I’m sorry” Celestia asks over her shoulder. “Nothing it’s just that I’ve noticed whenever you or Luna use magic there’s this jingling noise like wind chimes blowing in a breeze.”

Celestia pulls a book from the shelf and walks back to where she was sitting. “Ah, I almost forgot that you came from a place that didn’t have magic. Yes that is the sound of unicorn magic being used; to be honest neither I nor Luna has any idea as to why that happens. It just simply does, after awhile you start to not even notice but I can imagine it’s strange to somepony hearing it for the first time.” She states with a smile. “Actually it sounds kind of cool, anyway what did you grab from the shelf?”

Celestia takes a seat next to you and opens the book still being levitated in her magic. “I’m sure Luna has told you about the elements of harmony?” She states flipping through the pages. “Yeah she said they are magical artifacts that hold immense power that neither of you can explain fully” you retort. “Precisely, the elements are six mystical and ancient jewels that harness the incredible power of friendship.” Celestia states while pointing to the page in the book with images of the jewels.

You look at the page and begin to read about how the elements are represented by six characteristics of friendship. Honesty, Kindness. Laughter, Generosity, Loyalty, and finally the element of Magic. “Wow this whole magic thing is cool, but it still doesn’t explain how me and Luna where set free from that place?”

“To be honest Anon I do not know myself, as I stated the elements are an ancient magic that works in mysterious ways. Perhaps it knew that Luna was still in Nightmare somewhere and was able to pull her out of the darkness. Why you came I have no answer but I’m glad it did otherwise I would have never been able to thank you for saving my sister.” Celestia states levitating the book back to its original resting place on the shelf.

You stand and offer h\your hand to Celestia to help her stand; she takes it with a smile and stands beside you. You then embrace her in a hug which is something she really wasn’t expecting but graciously returns it, draping her massive wings around you. “Thank you so much for saving my life Celestia, I don’t know how I can repay you.” you state releasing the hug.

“Think nothing of it Anon but it wasn’t solely me who helped you. I was imprisoned by Nightmare as soon as she was set free and it wasn’t until Twilight and her friends harnessed the elements and freed you and Luna that I was able to help.” She stated as the two of you took your seats again. “Twilight, you mean the pony that was in here when I woke up. Oh well I’ll have to thank her and her friends as soon as I can.” You state with a smile. “I’m sure you will have your chance soon, a word of warning though. Twilight is a fantastic student and a wonderful friend but not to long ago she spent all of her time reading old books, she can sometimes be a little forward” Celestia replies.

A small laugh escapes you. “Don’t worry Celestia, I’m sure I’ll be fine, she sounds like she’s a wonderful pers---pony and I look forward to formally meeting her. Actually I have one more question if you wouldn’t mind. What exactly happened after Luna and I arrived, the last thing I remember was a large amount of pain coming from my chest and looking up at Luna and then everything went black.” You state grabbing your chest. Celestia looks at you, concern evident on her face as she recalls your arrival.

Luna’s Perspective

“You the purple one, I sense you have a high level of magic do you know any healing spells.” You state in a panicked tone. The five ponies stand there speechless unable to move out of shock and fear as to what the creature Luna is holding might be. “Please won’t somepony help me, Anon wake up, please wake up.” you state fighting back tears.

Just then the sun begins to rise and you hear a voice you have not heard in over 1,000 years. “Calm yourself sister.” Celestia states appearing in the old ruins with the rising sun. You look up to see Celestia standing above you and Anon. “Sister please help him, if it where not for his actions I would not be here now. Please sister, my magic is still too weak to cast healing spells.”

Celestia leans down and examines Anon; there is a large hole in his chest with a large amount of blood coming from the wound. She then leans her head towards Anon and places her horn against his forehead and closes her eyes. Her horn begins to glow a golden hue and flashes of the creatures memory start to surround her. You notices what Celestia is doing and grab her hoof breaking Celestia out of her trance. She turns and faces you.

“Sister please he hasn’t much time; he will die without your help. I know he is an alien to you all but I promise you the he means no harm to anypony. Please sister trust me, I know after everything that has happened that might be hard. But please sister if not for him Nightmare would be standing here not me.” You state as tears start to pour down your face.

“All right Luna I trust you, I was only being cautious but if you trust him. I will do everything I can to save him but he is badly wounded sister and not just from his wound but dark magic as well.” Celestia stands and closes her eyes, summoning a large amount of magic she turns and directs it towards Anon’s wound. You look down and see that Anon’s wound has stopped bleeding and is starting to close. After what seemed like forever the wound has finally closed and Celestia has ceased the spell.

You lean your head down and hear Anon’s soft breathing as he sleeps peacefully against you. “Thank you so much sister, you saved his life.” You state beaming a large smile towards her which she kindly returns. You lie Anon down gently, stand, and immediately embrace Celestia in a large hug shedding tears of joy. “I’m so sorry sister, I missed you so much.”

Celestia begins to shed tears of joy and returns the hug. “Luna I am so happy to see you again sister, I though this day would never come. Now who is this?” Releasing the hug and pointing a wing at Anon.

Back to Anon

“After that we brought you here to recover where you have been for the last 4 days. In that time we have announced Luna’s return and your arrival but have not allowed anypony to see you.” she states. “Wow so thanks to your healing magic I was able to make a full recovery, man I’m glad I ended up in this world then. If I had stayed in mine and if what Luna said was true about getting hurt in that place, I would have probably died and no one would have known until I didn’t show up for work or something.” You state with a smile, trying to stay optimistic.

Your face then turns from a smile to a small frown, Celestia notices and a look of concern crosses her face. “Anon what’s the matter? You turn and face her. “It’s just everything that’s happened, I have so many questions and being in this new world. I don’t know anyo---anypony aside from you and Luna, I just don’t know what I’m going to do. I have no place to live, no money, no friends aside from you and Luna but you guys are the rulers of an entire land and have more important stuff to deal with then me. I don’t even know where to begin.” You state cupping your face in your hands trying to fight back tears forming in your eyes.

Celestia’s heightened hearing notices a small gasp come from the other side of the door.

Celestia reaches over and pulls your head up from your hands and looks you directly in the eyes. “Anon listen to me, how you came here is a mystery to us all but I promise you that you are not alone. I don’t know how things worked back where you came from but here you are never alone. Now as for where you are staying I have asked Twilight if it would be alright for you to stay here in Ponyville with her for as long as you need. Do not worry yourself with things like money right now; I want you to focus on getting settled and making friends. And as for me and Luna, if you ever want to talk please don’t hesitate to visit, I know Luna would love to see you since she is also in the same predicament as you. Before Luna was banished things where different so she’s almost as lost as you are now and doesn’t have any friends aside from you and I”

You dawn a small smile as Celestia’s words start to sink in and make you feel better inside. “Now I do apologies but Luna and I must return to Canterlot. After Luna’s return we have been busier than ever trying to integrate Luna back into her royal duties. I would still like to learn more about you Anon and more about where you come from but unfortunately I must bid you farewell for now. I hope that you will visit Luna and I in Canterlot soon so that I might show you around our wonderful city. Now let me fetch Twilight so that the two of you may formally be introduced.

Celestia opens the door and leaves the room closing it behind her. You lie back on your bed and begin to comprehend all of the information that was just thrown at you. “Ok so I’m in a place called Equestria or should I say a small town in Equestria known as Ponyville. I am currently staying with Princess Celestia’s faithful student who lives in the town’s local library. I may never see my home again and I’m the only human in existence here. Man what am I going to do I do.” Just then a knock is heard at the door breaking you out of your thought process.

“Come in” you shout and in steps Celestia. Right behind her, was a completely purple unicorn with a dark purple mane with a pink streak in it. Her tail had the same pattern as her mane and her cutie mark was a bright purple star with tiny white stars surrounding it. She was shorter than Celestia and most likely went up to your chest, seems Luna and Celestia are the only two slightly taller than you. She noticed you staring and decided to be the brave one. “Uhh hi, my name is Twilight Sparkle. I know we sort of met earlier but you where blindfolded and I figured we could start over.” She states with a bright smile breaking you out of your trance.

Twilight notices you starring at her again and lets of a slight giggle that sounded cute as hell. “Is everything ok, do I have something in my mane?” She asks. “Ahh no sorry it’s just I wasn’t expecting you to be purple. No offence it’s just the only two ponies I’ve seen up until now are Celestia who is pearl white and Luna who is a midnight blue or light black. I’ve seen ponies in my world those colors but can’t say I’ve ever seen a purple one.” You stand and walk over to Twilight and keel down to her level extending your hand. “My name is Anon, nice to meet you Ms. Sparkle…again.” She graciously extends her hoof and you both finally have a formal greeting.

“Well it’s nice to meet you Anon please you can just call me Twilight, all my friends do.” She states retracting her hood. “Well Twilight it’s a pleasure, I want to thank you for allowing me to stay here with you. I have no other way to repay you so if you ever need anything, please don’t hesitate to just ask.” You say standing up.

“Well it seems you two will do fine becoming friends, now I’m sorry to say but I must be heading back to Canterlot. Anon remember what I said, everypony knows of your arrival but none have seen you yet. It might be hard at first but I promise you after a little time, the citizens of Equestria will begin to get used to you and you will have many new friends. Also if you ever need anything please don’t hesitate to ask Twilight, she knows how to contact Luna and I.” With that said Celestia turns to leave.

Before Celestia made it through the door you remembered something. “Celestia wait, where’s Luna I was hoping to see her before the two of you left.” Celestia turns to you with a small frown. “I’m sorry Anon but Luna has already left for Canterlot it seems. If you would like I can deliver a message to her when I return.” A bit of depression hits you realizing you won’t get to see Luna for awhile. “All right just tell her that I’m always free if she wants to talk and that I hope to come visit her in Canterlot soon.”

Celestia leans forward and embraces you in a final hug before turning and exiting your room. Twilight approaches you with a smile. “All right well I guess the first thing to do is give you a tour of the library.” Twilight approaches the door and looks back to you nudging her head in a motion to follow her. “Wait Twilight, do you know where my shirt is? The one I was wearing when I got here, it probably has a big hole in it but I don’t want to go walking around half naked. I’ve been embarrassed the whole time since I woke up.”

Twilight turns to you and a small giggle escapes her. “Why would you feel embarrassed about walking around naked, in case you haven’t noticed Anon nopony wears clothes unless it’s a dress for a party or something equivalent. Didn’t you notice that the only thing Princess Celestia and Luna where wearing where there boots and their breastplates?” She states in a matter of fact way. “I understand that it might be different for you guys but where I come from; not wearing any clothes is illegal. Plus I don’t have fur like you guys do so unless I’m wearing something to cover myself I get really cold. I’m just glad that I still have my pants on even if they do smell horrible since I haven’t changed out of them in a couple of days.”

Twilight levitates a small note pad and quill from a nearby bookshelf and quickly jots something down. “What’s that for?” you ask. “Oh this, sorry it’s just so fascinating to learn that your kind wear clothes all the time. The princess asked me to take notes on matters that she hadn’t previously discussed with you, I hope that’s ok.” She asks with a worried look and tone of voice like she had offended you. “No, no it’s ok, I don’t mind at all. I don’t blame you; tell you what I’ll make you a deal. I’ll answer any question you might have about my world if you can teach me more about yours so that I’m not completely lost, deal?’

Twilights eyes seemed to grow even bigger than they already where she. She starts jumping up and down with excitement. “Oh yes yes yes yes. I can’t wait to learn more about your world, I want to know everything. What’s it like, is it cold, is it hot, who controls the sun and the moon, who controls the weather.” You reach out your hand stop her mid rant. “Whoa Twilight calm down, I promise to answer all of your questions but first. Let’s finish with the tour of the house first, ok?”

Twilight lets of a sheepish laugh and rubs that back of her head. “Ahh sorry about that. And as for your clothes, one of my best friends Rarity is already working on some new ones for you as we speak and should be done by tonight. You looked at Twilight with a look of shock. “Wait how is she already making me new clothes, I thought I was the only human here. How does she even know where to start?” Twilight giggles at your amazement. “Well after we brought you back here we removed your shirt because it was covered in blood and cleaned you up, she then took the old scrapes left of your shirt and some measurements for the rest and just started with designs she already had for spike in your size.”

“Who’s Spike, I thought everyone here was a pony.” Twilight grew a large smile. “Oh no, there are many races that make up Equestria. There are not only ponies but griffins, manticore’s, Zebra’s and even dragons like Spike.” You stand there mouth agape after what Twilight just told you. “You mean to tell me you have a giant fire breathing dragon living with you, that’s so awesome. Where I’m from those are only in myths and legends like unicorns.” Twilight quickly jots another note down. “Well Spike is technically a baby dragon but still a dragon none the less and my number one assistant.”

As if on cue a small purple lizard with a light green patch on his belly and green scales walks around the corner into the room carrying a stack of books. “Twilight where do you want these one, you’ve already read them four times. Do you want me to put them in here with the others or back in the main area?” Twilight laughs and takes the books from spike with her magic and sets them on the shelf. “Ahaha, Anon this is Spike, Spike this is Anon.” You look to spike who looks at you, you kneel down to his level and reach out your hand. “Hi Spike it’s nice to meet you, my name is Anon.” He hesitates for a moment but reaches his hand out and locks into a firm handshake with you. “Nice to meet you Anon, I’m Spike Twilights number one assistant.” He states in a proud tone.

Spike then takes his leave and heads back down the hall to continue whatever it was he was doing. Twilight turns to you and nudges her head towards the hall for you follow her. You finally leave your room following Twilight as she shows you the different rooms of her home.

Your room is at the end of the hall, across from your room is a bathroom complete with a shower that might be a little uncomfortable since it’s designed for ponies shorter than you but you’ll manage. You depart from Twilight for a moment while you relieve yourself in the newly discovered bathroom. Down the hall on your right is Twilights room and on the left is another guest room but is currently occupied by mountains of books. Once you reach the end of the hall you approach a small balcony with a staircase leading down towards a large open area with shelves lined with hundreds of books. The smell of old paper and ink fills the room giving it an old dusty smell to it, even though there isn’t a speck of dust on any of the shelves. To your right overlooking the sitting are is a small kitchen/dining room complete with a stove and fridge. Twilight leads you down the stairs to the large sitting room and in the center of the room is a large circular table with a large wooden statue of a unicorn head. On the opposite side of the staircase there is a large desk piled high with books, quills and scrolls. Under the stairs is a door that leads to the basement where Twilight keeps all her science equipment. Next to the door leading to the basement is another door that leads to a small bathroom and that’s pretty much it.

“It’s not much but its home.” Twilight states turning towards you. “Are you kidding this place is awesome, nicer than anything I’ve ever stayed in. Thanks again for all of this Twilight, I really appreciate it and wish I had someway to pay you back.” Twilight walks over to you and jumps up on her hind legs and embraces you in a hug. “Like I said before Anon think nothing of it. Were friends and friends help each other with anything. You’re more than welcome to stay here as long as you want.”

Twilight’s nose suddenly scrunches up and she quickly jumps down on all fours holding her nose. “Ughh, I’m sorry Anon but you seriously need a shower.” Twilight looks to the clock notices the time, 4:35 pm. “Rarity said she would have your clothes ready by 4:00, why don’t I go see if there ready while you march back upstairs and take a shower.” You lift your arm up and almost gag at the smell, not taking a shower for a couple of days. You suddenly become embarrassed at the thought of being around both princess’s and smelling like a hobo. You start to head back up the stairs when you hear Twilight yell to you by the door. “Feel free to use the shampoo and soap in there. Towels are in the cabinet in there as well, I should be back in just a couple of minutes.”

With that you hear the front door close. You make your way to the bathroom and close the door behind you. You grab a towel out of the cabinet and set it on the sick by the shower, and turn what you hope is the warm water tap on in the shower. After a couple of seconds the water gets to a comfortable temperature and you hop in. After about 10 minutes of just standing there letting the water fall on your shoulders Twilight knocks on the door. “Anon I have the clothes Rarity made for you; I’ll just set them here on the counter for whenever you’re done. Feel free to use the dresser in your room to store the extras” With that she closed the door and returned to the main area of the library.

After cleaning yourself and scrubbing your hair about three times, you finally managed to get all the grease out and step out of the shower feeling refreshed. You look over and notice a large brown bag filled to the brim with clothes. You start pulling the clothes out, the first couple of items are three polo style shirts, one was black, one was a navy blue, and the last one was a dark purple. All the shirts had a three diamond crest on the left chest part. Next you pulled out five pairs of boxers all a different color. “How did she get the size for these, unless…. No Anon no way.” Next you pulled out five pairs of socks and finally three pairs of cargo pants. One tan, one brown, and one black pair. You tried on the blue shirt first, which fit perfectly. Next the boxers and socks which where also perfect. Finally you tried on the tan pants and like the others all fit perfectly.

“Man I gota hand it to this Rarity, she managed to get my sizes perfectly on all my clothes with just scrapes and measurements. I have to find a way to make this up to her.” You father everything up, open the door, and make your way across the hall. You start putting anything extra away. You head back into the bathroom and find a hamper with another towel in it, so you throw the one you used in and grab your old nasty pants. After leaving everything the way you left it you head back to the main room of the library to find Twilight. She’s currently in the kitchen cooking dinner and notices you exit the hallway.

“Ahh Anon, wow those clothes look great on you Rarity seems to have done a great job.” She states walking over to you. “Yeah she did, everything fits perfectly. She even managed to get my boxers the right size, how did she do that anyway?” Twilight seems to get a little nervous at that question. “Oh well Rarity is the best in the business.” she finished with a fake smile. “Twilight is there something you want to tell me?’ You ask with a sly grin and raised eyebrow. “No nothing at all.” she returns to her cooking. “Yeah she’s definitely hiding something.” You think to yourself but let it go.

Twilight steers the conversation in a different direction. “So Anon are you hungry?” Your stomach growling answers her question and elicits a slight giggle from her. “I’m starving I haven’t eaten since I got here.” Twilight turns to face you with a smile. “Well what would you like, I’m currently making some pasta with marinara sauce but I could make you some hay fries or a daisy sandwich if you like.” You let of a slight chuckle at her other suggestions. “Well here’s some info about me, I can’t eat flowers or hay. I can eat salad stuff like lettuce, tomatoes, pepper, etc… along with pasta and bread products. But flowers and hay is something my body just can’t digest. But if you have enough, I’d love some pasta.” As you finished you notice Twilight scribbling in her notepad. “Well that’s good to know, now I won’t make you some hay fries and wonder why you won’t eat them. And of course you can have some of this, I always make too much when I cook. I usually make a decent meal and have leftovers for a couple of nights.

Soon Twilight finished straining out the noodles and everything was ready. Spike came up from the lounge area and took a seat next to me. Twilight hefted a decent portion of noodles and sauce onto three plates and levitated them over to the table. Dinner was quite even though I had loads of questions my mind couldn’t concentrate on anything but the food in front of me. After dinner spike wandered off to bed while you helped Twilight clean up from the best damn spaghetti you’ve ever eaten.

You and Twilight then retreated to the sitting area where you both conversed back and forth about each others worlds for hours. Twilight jotting down everything you said in as much detail as she could. You guys covered history, culture, currency, government. You weren’t great when it came to stuff like that but you tried to remember as much as you could for Twilight. You found out that the currency exchange wasn’t all that different here except instead of dollars and change they use gold coins called bits with a face value ranging like the dollar bill. The best though was when Twilight asked about your fingers and how your able to move all ten individually. To be honest you didn’t know just something you can do.

After about three hours, Twilight started yawning and of course yawning is contagious because about three seconds later you yawned as well.

Twilight stood from her cushion and stretched. “Wow it really has gotten late; I guess we should head to bed. Tomorrow I’ll take you to meet my friends and show you around Ponyville.” You stood and stretched hearing a loud *POP* in your back. “That sounds great Twilight, I can’t wait to meet everyone, I just hope they like me.” Twilight walked over to you and put her hoof on your hand. “Don’t worry Anon my friends will love you. And remember everypony already know you’re here; it just might take them some time to adjust. But I guarantee once everypony gets to know you, you’ll all become great friends.”

You both climb the stairs towards your rooms. You wish Twilight a good night and head towards your room. You close your door and lay down in bed. You start to think about everything that’s happened just in the past couple of days, and wonder what could happen tomorrow. As you start to think of possibilities your mind starts to wonder and soon after, you’re fast asleep.

Author's Note:

What, another chapter in only a week? Hey guys had some free time and after finally getting caught up on season 4 I started outlining future chapters. Before long I couldn't help but just sit down and write out the next chapter. I'm currently building up to something cool that I recently took from the new MLP book "The Journal of the Two sister." It's still a little ways away but I'm really excited to get to it.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, look for chapter 4 coming soon. I just can't seem to stop writing these.