• Published 17th Apr 2014
  • 7,342 Views, 523 Comments

Overlady - Loot Equestria - Schroedingers_Katze

Ripped from my world? Check. Forced into a incredible powerfull, incredible evil looking body? Double check! No idea what happend to me, how I am supoosed to get back home or let alone survive? Tripple check. Okay, watch out Equestria, here I come!

Comments ( 73 )

Same thing will happen to Ken... but how it happens is different

I assumed that much. I am pretty curious how you will handle this scenario.^^

7722063 Let's just say that for Ken, Zinnia runs deep in his story since he knew her from before Displacement. He'll take it as like if someone very closed to him was ripped away

I hate wibbley-wobbley timmey-wimmey dimension hopping stuff like that. IT HURTS MY BRAIN!

Hm. Alrighty then. I actually don't know what to say other than that.
In other questions, when will the main six hunt for umbra? Even though they had months(?) to do that.

7722124 Want me to tell you through PM?

Umbra has not really done enough yet to warrant Equestrias national heros to be out for her blood but soon enough, that will change.

HmmI think I let myself be surprised.^^ But thanks for the offer.

The Stream of Time.....

heh.... the memories still live and are there.... just blanked out and ready to be filled in again but with a different template. So Umbra will get the memories back in due time....

This much i can say with no harm done.... to my mind or to the minds of others....

The Stream remembers... and seeks to fill the empty sheets....

The Stream does not forget..... nor will it take without paying for it itself......

That is very Final Fantasy. Jeeze, gives me goosebumbs allright.^^

7722217 Take in the fact that i've never actually played any FF games.... i didn't even think of it like that:rainbowlaugh:

but now that you said that, i think i can feel that shiver of goosebumps you have:twilightoops:

and it was just a spur of the moment thing.....:twilightblush:

Nooooo.... Zinnia...

Missing eyebrows, hair or toes where the smallest of things to happen if one was careless.

You mean 'were' there.;) Now, back to reading this muchly eagerly anticipated new chapter.^^

Edit: Every Blue worth his salt could cloak himself in a shroud of magic that let them vanish from the eyes of their surroundings and only the mightiest of sorcerers or eldest of beasts where able to still detect them, once cloaked.

Another where you mean to use 'were' and not 'where'. Easy mistake, eh?

Hehe, spur of the moment sometimes gives the best results.^^

Fear not, Gale is already working at "Delta Guardian: Heart of the Dragon", so there is a certain chance of crossed paths in the future.

Devil´s allways in the details, ain´t he?^^

7722355 Too true.^^ And glad to see you back on, eh? Still been hopin' to chat with ya, but overall, just glad to see you back and writing more of your great works.:D

In Dark Magician's view point he see that Zinnia's world is frozen in time with all it's links and ties cut and wipe clean. Like the other worlds was erased. His world recorder likes to give an digital middle finger to those who try to erased someone and their world from everyone's minds.

Wait I thought that greens were the ones that could turn invisible not the blues. also what's the guesstimate on the date of the next chapter if you would be so kind?

Hmm, I see, so it will be restarted? Well, here's hoping all goes swimmingly.

Huh, that's ... surprisingly inventive. Tragic, and I almost want to think about calling it heart-wrenching.
Well done.

Greens are invisble while standing still and lying in wait to ambush, Blues cloak when you tell them to march to a certain area with direct control. So we are both right.^^ As for the new chapter, honestly I can not say. I piled myself with other works and RL keeps nipping at my heels to boot.

Gales story is restarted and two chapters in at the moment. It is called "Delta Guardian: Heart of the Dragon".

Thank you. It was the best solution I could come up with (that satisfied me anyways) after several tries, since there had been quite a load of issues with Gale´s Zinnia 1.0 and my Umbra we still had to resolve but now never could. Was just not sitting right with me, letting all this to rot so I decided to "clean house" so to say. Also, it was a good opportunity to try my hand at writing sad.

Well I'll see when I get there ^^

...I probably shoulda done a Blog post about that, huh?

Well... stupid Gale.

proceeds to slam his face into a wall repeatedly for the next week or so

That would kinda helped me plan things properly, but this way it got me some training in impromptu writing. So, all `s good.^^

Thank you, that is now the official theme for this chapter.

Now excuse me while I disolve into sobbing again.

7746113 *hands you a box of tissues*

7752488 ...I walked right into that one, didn't I?

7752594 here's my answer to your telling people about last chance to trun *heads butts* I'M A MAN! I FEAR NO DISPLACED STORIES :pinkiecrazy:

Everything I've read is a lie:raritydespair:

I never said anything about cake.

Also, not really a lie, more a medium to collossal fuck up on one of my collaborators side. No warning, nothing, just deleting his story. Remember kids, communication is the key.

So just let´s chalk it up to the Multiverse being a massive dickweed.^^°

7857409 it's got a good enough attitude that i'll likely go back to it after finishing overlord 2, i'll just have to suck it up and man through it.

your cat boy picture makes me feel so bad for slightly upsetting you :-:

Again, thank you and I am looking forward for your patronage again.^^ Just prepare yourself for some heavy smut inbetween (chapters are marked, so one can skip em if wished).

By the by, which Mistress do you prefer in Overlord 2? I tend to keep that hunter girl because she gives me wolf mounts for my little murderous munchkins.

Oh and to be honest, my Sona is female. The artist who gifted me this little icon just made her look more adrogynous than I thought.^^°

7859819 my mistress is the elf queen, from the moment i saw her in the game i wanted her, and the game delivered. sure i would like the spider mounts but i can't stand girls with nothing up top, just looks and no care for the future, my mistress wants to dominate same as me and she knows it's better to dominate together, the red head would leave you immediately for someone with more power, the elf queen is MINE! and have a more specific kind of evil, i like to taint, having the wolf girl is like having a normal love, having the red head is like owning a trophy, but having the elf queen? she is of power and i made her beg me to steal it from her, that is my kind of mistress, also inn the first game i saved the elf race because i like discord, fighting, dominating the whole world is boring because at the end it's just administrative work or beating up the weak, i want to watch and engage in war, killing of the elves would be evil but i prefer torturing them and never allowing them to die, by saving their race i get to fight them endlessly and stop before i eradicate them, so fight their excess people, like hunting, have more animals then necessary? kill them.

also i don't mind smut, gives the story a chance to show you what the characters are like, a deeper chance to see the true them, also i finished your crown of the hive and am halfway through In Normine, good writing in all of them, and i just love reading information about WK40, so much information about in it, such a massive world and story ever growing, i was better able to read and understand it by playing the dark elder race in dawn of war Soulstorm, so maybe make that a suggestion in the description? to check out the game or just watch people play the game, anyway I've talked enough, i tend to do that, ramble i mean.


Yes, here is a internet cookie for you.


Iknowright? No one needs sleep, sleep go home, you´re drunk! Also, I am really flattered that you binge read through all this. Thank you.

I´ll try my best in the future, I hope you will be there to read it (and throw chewed up eucalyptus leaf mush at me, if need be^^).

Like this story want more :pinkiecrazy:

Glad you do.:twilightsmile: Please feel free to voice your pleasure AND displeasure with future chapters, to help me improve further and deliver more enjoyable horsewords.

Wait wait wait! Possibly Dead Lady you never told me you did an Overlord fic!!!


Never pecked you as a fan dear lazy person. I hope you can enjoy it, despite being my first real gander in the genre.^^

I think Overlord is my second favorite IP after Ranma 1/2.
The entire game is this satire on fantasy tropes and that makes it so hilarious. Not to mention that the game play is actually really good. It's kind of like Pikmin if Pikmin grew a pair. :trollestia:

Also: Damn Celestia you scary! :rainbowderp:

Well, the storyboard was written by Terry Pratchet for game one and his daughter for game two respectivley, so ya, there was satire and loads of weird humor to be expected.^^

Why am I scary though?:pinkiecrazy:

Somehow I didn't know that! :pinkiegasp:
No wonder the story was so good.

Also: Scary cause she went all Nightmare and got all murdery!

8163394 I don't think that Celestia has anything to do with this.

That clears it up. :twilightblush:

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