• Published 22nd Aug 2014
  • 7,781 Views, 51 Comments

With Honeyed Claws - Darkryt Orbinautz

Fluttershy fails to appropriately use the buddy system, goes into the forest, and gets turned into a seductive snake-woman thing as a result. Kinky hijinks ensue.

Comments ( 22 )

i can tell that u have great talent in conveying the point across, and for describing in great detail what happens, can u make a squeal, or maybe an epilogue :twilightsmile:


I didn't and don't have any plans for a sequel or epilogue.

But I have thought about maybe ret-conning the story back into the "Poison" continuity and then letting Tsukiko return in "Last Glass of Poison," which has a lot of open, undecided space in its plot and story at this point. But I wouldn't want Last Glass to be "buried in OC's" as the complaint goes.

4906447 although the whole oc thing, the poison thing sounds like it can be just like this story, am i right?


Not entirely. The "poison thing" has a much darker tone and is much more an elaborate tapestry of story than this is.

4906512 forgive me for not using proper names, but, i dont mind reading anything dark, as long NOTHING bad happends to fluttershy :pinkiecrazy:, but other than that i would be ok with anything else :pinkiehappy:

I hope that you considering rewriting this with snake people winning!

:heart::heart::heart: loved this story it was well writen had a unique premise rarely touched on if at all before so all in all 10/10 good work. :heart::heart::heart:

ps: make a sequel im sure you can out do yourself if you work hard on it.
pss: i think predetermined chapters is a good idea but you definitely need to pace it out more.


Mmm, sorry. No. That doesn't sound like a very happy ending.


Yes, I figured that pacing thing out myself. I had no plans for a sequel, and I could argue this is the sequel - or rather, a spiritual successor to my other Lamia-fic, "Shying Up To Sunsets."

4932163 would you consider my request at least... you were brilliant and you could make it into a trilogy i know its worthy of at least that, i would also be willing to help if need be.


As much as I adore being praised ... I don't have that level of commitment for this.

Unlike other works I've written, I myself don't feel the need for a sequel. Some other stories I wrote I felt the need for sequels, because there were things unaddressed. There was more to be told. There was more to be had, and I ... just don't feel that way with this story. There was a lamia, we learned her name was Tsukiko and what she did and why, Shining Armor nearly killed her, she survived, she will likely have another adventure with Fluttershy and company in the future. The end.

As always when this happens - that people want a sequel and I don't particularly want to make one - I give free permission to anyone interested (including you, syndrose) to make your own.

4935055 thats pretty cool of you. usually with other stories (from other writers) i usually have to sign some papers to do so, copyright and all... go figure!:facehoof:


Well, you still have to put "Based on/Sequel/Spin-off to Darkryt Orbinautz's With Honeyed Claws" somewhere, but other than that, yeah. Knock yourself out.

Let me know when/if you publish such a story.

Well, cripe. :facehoof: You just can't get enough, can you? :ajbemused:

...still a better story than those stories with insane amounts of typos. :twilightsmile:


... can't get enough what?


... you mean the hypnosis?

5123936 I think so. :rainbowderp: Then again, I'm not sure. :pinkiecrazy:

I'm personally wishing there was a sequal or a band of alternative endings or something. This was not only really hot it was nice, lengthy, and very well written. I absolutely love finding gems like these to.

Before reading this, just gotta ask. Did this come before you wrote shying up to sunsets, or after?


After, though I don't remember my exact thought process ...

They were enjoying themselves in the tree, trying to run off their last meal. They had been running quite the buffet, swallowing every person they came across until both all of their pods were occupied by hypnotized victims.

Oh I think I can see what's gonna happen. :rainbowkiss:

“OW!.” Dash yelped, the needle prodding against her flesh stirring her senses. “HEY! What's the big idea, stabbing my tail?” Dash thrashed about. “I don't come into your house and stab YOUR tail, do I?”
“We don't have tails.” A guard muttered.
“Yeah! What is this, some cartoon show for little kids?” Another guard said indignantly.


“They swallow the person, the person goes into the portal into the stomach, and then they go inside the pods, which are bigger on the inside.”

:rainbowlaugh: If I had a nickel for every time I heard that and I totally missed that conclusion.

Definitely enjoyed the happy ending :pinkiehappy: I really wonder though how she survived but I think she had the same reason as Missy did or The Charmed ones did. To get people off her tracks. But the snack could have communicated better to Fluttershy when they met.

Really liked the story but I really thought this was gonna be a clopfic :ajsleepy:

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