• Published 17th Dec 2013
  • 2,752 Views, 76 Comments

The Filly & The Changeling - Finnie Nara

This is a story about the relationship between a filly and a changeling in a forest. teen rating because of some violence... better to be safe right?

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The Pink One (End)

Pinkie gave a quick glace around the dungeon as Celestia left it. It was completely empty except for a crack in the wall and the sound of dripping from the ceiling. She made her way to the crack which Celestia couldn't have noticed since she was quite exhausted. Pinkie gave the crack a quick tap with her hoof to make sure that the wall was indeed hollow before pulling a drill out of her mane and drilling the wall.
Luckily for Pinkie, Celestia had already made her way to the throne room and was now providing a distraction for her so the noise Pinkie was making could not be heard or at least was very muffled. Being so deep underground certainly helps, thought Pinkie.
'And just drill this last spot and we are... done!' exclaimed Pinkie happily as she pushed the broken part of the wall away to reveal the ponies trapped within.
'Twi! Dashie! Flutters! AJ! Rares! you guys look so silly in that green goop!' giggled Pinkie as she got out a large kitchen knife from her mane while putting the drill back and started to cut the bottom of the green goop allowing the ponies to fall to the floor with a thud which woke them all up from their happy slumber.
'Ooh i don't feel so good,'said Twilight as she barfed out some green goop that she somehow swallowed while she was in the green bag of goop.
'Pinkie where are we? and why are you here?' asked Rarity slightly disgusted at the sight of the green goop on her fur.
'Oh we're in the Canterlot dungeons right now and i'm here because we need to take care of Chrissy!' said Pinkie with a smile.
'Chrissy?' asked Rarity cuiously.
'It's Chrysalis' nickname' replied Pinkie quickly
Rarity decided not to question Pinkie further on why she gave their enemy a nickname.
'So what do we do now?' asked Twilight after she recovered from her nausea attack.
'Well we get the Elements of Harmony duh,' said Pinkie quickly
'Yeah but where are they?' asked Rainbowdash
'I got them on the way here,' said Pinkie casually, pulling out the Elements of Harmony from her mane shocking the other 5 mares in the room.
'I'm not even going to ask you where you keep the Elements,'said Rainbowdash slightly weirded out
'Well it's bigger on the inside,' said Pinkie ignoring Rainbowdash's comment.
'If everypony is ready let's go kick some flanks,' announced Twilight as she put on her Element.
causing a distraction allowing pinkie to free her friends
Celestia was having an action-filled day. First while she was addressing her subjects in the throne room, an army of changelings slammed through the doors and tackled everypony to the ground, they weren't even bothering to disguise themselves as normal ponies which meant that either they had a plan or that they were extremely bold.
It's probably the former, thought Celestia to herself as she stood up and confronted the changelings.
'What is the meaning of this?!' exclaimed Celestia in anger
'This is a hostile takeover,' said a smooth voice from within the changeling crowd that Celestia immediately recognised as Chrysalis.
'Chrysalis need i remind you that you are not welcome here anymore?' asked Celestia as calmly as possible
'Oh i need no reminders Celestia after all i was blasted out of this place against my will and landed with quite a few broken bones,' replied Chrysalis frowning slightly at the memory
'If you do not wish for that to happen again recommend commanding your forces out of this city this instant!' ordered Celestia
'Oh i don't think i will Princess,' Chrysalis smiled.'I defeated you once as well remember?'
'That was because you had Shining Armour feeding his love to you.'
'Oh no it was because my children did not arrive on time to provide me with the love i needed. But now that they are here, well let's see who's the stronger one.' said Chrysalis as she prepared to attack Celestia
Both of them charged up their magical reserves for the attack that both of them knew had to happen.
Just then, a guard burst into the throne room making Celestia loose her focus and provide chrysalis with the distraction she needed.
Chrysalis shot the magic out of her horn and knocked Celestia unconscious.
'I told you so,' whispered Chrysalis into Celestia's ear relieved that she did not have to spar with the alicorn once again.
'You monster!' shouted the guard
'And thanks to you i am now a regal monster,'said Chrysalis as she sat on the throne.'Take him away'
And with that, the changelings knocked the guard down and threw him into a net to be placed into the dungeons
'Take her too and seal that wall in the dungeons immediately,' commanded Chrysalis with a smile
And now Celestia was limping slightly in exhaustion as she slammed the doors to the throne room open with her magic.
Chrysalis looked at Celestia with curiosity and intrigue.
'Well well well, the little princess got out of her tower after all,' commented Chrysalis confidently
'I'll stop you Chrysalis right here and right now,' Celestia said wincing slightly at her dented pride
The action did not go unnoticed
'What's the matter Celestia? afraid of the true queen of Equestria? nopony can save your precious land now,' Chrysalis sneered
'Sorry have you two forgotten about me? because last i checked i was an intruder too,' the Doctor piped up catching the attention of Chrysalis and Celestia as the doors burst open again revealing 6 mares clad in regal jewelry.
Pinkie and the rest of the mane 6 had galloped as quickly as they could to the throne room and although there were many changelings blocking their way none could withstand the power of Pinkie's party cannon and the magic of friendship.
Soon they reached the throne room and heard some shouting before they charged in creating a distraction as they leapt into formation and prepared to use their Elements.
Chrysalis was now genuinely surprised at their appearance although she tried to conceal it as best she could.
'How did you get out?' inquired Chrysalis curiously while stalling for time
'Simple i drilled the crack in the wall!' exclaimed Pinkie as she drew the drill from her mane.
Chrysalis blinked dumbfounded form the spectacle of the pink pony, however she quickly recovered with a shake of her head.
'And you think that the Elements of Harmony can defeat me?'asked Chrysalis
'No we know they can defeat you,' said Twilight confidently.
The 6 mares began to charge the Elements that they represented as Chrysalis dropped all pretense of her fear.
'Wait please don't use them give me a second chance!' exclaimed Chrysalis
'You already had a second chance,' replied Twilight firmly
The Elements of Harmony blasted Chrysalis and all the changelings in the universe once again but instead of banishing them to a distant land, they banished all the changelings within the universe and without to the void where they would all die alone and away from ponykind.
'Well that certainly was a spectacle!' commented the Doctor.
'Yes with your unity, you managed to defeat the queen and her minions before they could have taken over Equestria. Who knows what they would have done if they had been allowed to do as they wished,' said Princess Celestia with a smile.
'Hold on a minute you banished them to the void didn't you,' the Doctor asked with a hint of fear
'Yes,' replied Twilight. 'But i don't see wha-'
'You don't see the consequences? now all the changelings in any timestream in any and all of the multiverse will be banished to the void even those that have done absolutely nothing wrong at all!' exclaimed the Doctor
'So? good riddance,' said Rainbowdash
'You don't even care for those that have done nothing wrong? if that's true then we have banished the wrong monsters,' said the Doctor angrily. 'But i see that none of you could care any less so those of you who want to help me save a species from genocide follow me and those of you who couldn't care less. I hope you can look at yourself in the mirror tomorrow morning.'
Celestia was about to try to calm the Doctor but he simply shrugged her off and made his way to the TARDIS.
As the Doctor was about to step into the TARDIS and leave the universe for most likely the very first and very last time, he felt a hoof on his shoulder.
'I believe in you,' said Pinkie seriously and sincerely. 'And i'll follow you across all of space and time to prove it.'
The Doctor didn't say a word. He simply smiled and motioned into the TARDIS
'Next stop the multiverse!' announced the Doctor with a smile as Pinkie closed the door of the TARDIS
Somewhere in another universe, a changeling in a time vortex with her younger purple sister felt sick.

Comments ( 3 )

Whoops heheh left some leaked stuff in authors notes

So the plot of the sequel is done and is being polished writing and publishing will commence in a month :twilightsmile:

So i edited the epilougue a little to help the plot in the sequel move aong better

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