The Filly & The Changeling

by Finnie Nara

First published

This is a story about the relationship between a filly and a changeling in a forest. teen rating because of some violence... better to be safe right?

This is a story about the relationship between a filly and a changeling in a forest. Where after the queen of changelings was defeated Twilight Sparkle had a magical freakout and turned into a filly.

P.S teen rating because there is some violence in later chapters just in case right?

The Day After

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All the ponies in Equestria cheered in triumph as the changelings who managed to rule over if only briefly were expelled from the land of ponies and back to the depths of whatever hole they called home. Twilight Sparkle was one of the ponies who was rather close to the magical blast that shot the changelings out of the castle and as such, absorbed a large amount of the magical power that was seeping out of it.
Normally a unicorn would be able to expel all excess magical energies however this was not an ordinary situation and Twilight Sparkle was not an ordinary pony. No the magical energies were absorbed into The mare's body as she unwillingly cast a spell by instinct. Casting a spell by instinct was very dangerous, it could level mountains if the unicorn was capable of holding that much magical energy. And as mentioned before Twilight Sparkle is no normal unicorn so saying that the amount of magical energy she released was quite a bit would be an understatement.
The amount of energy Twilight leaked was enough to create worlds however, it was used to teleport Twilight Sparkle to a place which no one would expect.
As Twilight was being teleported, she cast another spell. This one would require consuming all of her magical reserves, it was an age spell.
To say that Alecia was having a bad day would be the understatement of the century. Not only was her promised meal short-lived but the magical blast that shot her across the land was so powerful that when she landed she heard multiple cracks running across her body before the darkness consumed her.
When she woke up she felt an incredible pain she had never felt before in her whole life. She went to basic training, which was mandatory for all changelings regardless of gender, and fractured her arm and leg but this pain took things to a whole new level.
Just as she was contemplating her situation, she saw a bright purple flash and a popping sound before hearing a muffled thud. Probably a unicorn off to finish the job she thought. But how could a unicorn find her exact location only moments after she was blasted out of the castle she argued with herself and why wasn't she dead yet? unless it was the unicorns' idea of some sick joke in which case she cursed the unicorn who was going to kill her to Tartarus itself.
Alecia managed to move her head ,albeit agonisingly, towards the source of the purple flash and could not believe what she saw.
There lying on the ground right in front of her was a purple filly barely older than 5 with purplish hair and pink highlights complete with a blank flank.
She must have misfired a teleportation spell to get away from the invasion Alecia thought to herself. "Seems like fate decided to be cruel to me today leaving me to die with my sworn enemy... " Alecia said before falling back into the consuming darkness again.
Twilight woke up with a stiff neck in an unfamiliar environment, she was unable to recall how she got there nor could she remember anything at all but how to speak and write. How odd ,she thought, i'm left here all alone with no memories. No she was not alone she told herself as she spotted a black scaly creature breathing in and out. It looks like me except larger and with scales and fangs instead of fur and teeth she said to herself. Maybe it can talk and tell me where i am and how i got here she thought.
Twilight prodded the seemingly sleeping body with her hooves while telling it to wake up all she received for her troubles was a grunt and some winces of pain. It must be hurt badly, Twilight thought, otherwise it wouldn't be groaning that much...or maybe i'm reading this wrong, maybe facial expressions are different for this creature. So Twilight continued to prod the creature with her hooves getting a wince or groan of pain everytime she did so.
"" groaned Alecia in pain as she slowly got out of wonderland
"Hiya!" shouted the thing that was giving Alicia all the pains in her body
"Stop...poking...hurts..." Alecia mumbled as she painfully tried to sit-up getting a lot of pain in her back for her troubles
"Are you okay? You look like you're in pain but maybe i'm reading it wrong because you're a different from me," said the purple filly
"It hurts and i'm a changeling heard of me?" Alecia replied expecting a gasp or a shriek of terror instead all she got was a puzzled look as the filly tried to recall if she ever heard of that before
"Nope! never heard of you before! But i am curious as to how you differ from us ponies other than the scales and fangs," said Twilight innocently
"Um were you at the castle when we invaded?" asked Alecia
"No what castle? and you still haven't replied my question yet," said Twilight
"Well to answer your first question a changeling can take on any form however this is our natural state or natural form if you will," replied Alecia while examining her surroundings
"Okay so are you a male or female and how can you tell?" asked Twilight eagerly
"Uhm we have the same anatomy as ponies so not much difference really except that we occasionally eat meat..." replied Alicia
"Okay so are you a good guy or a bad guy? Cos' i remember someone telling me not to talk to...bad guys right?" asked Twilight as she tried to recall the exact phrase and who taught her that phrase
"Um it depends..." Alecia trailed off not knowing how to respond to such a question
"Well you can't be such a bad guy if you still haven't eaten me up yet so i guess this makes you a good guy right?" exclaimed Twilight as she reached a conclusion
"Yeah i guess it does..." Alecia agreed as she tried to sit-up again and was rewarded with even more pain in her back than before.
"Are you okay miss...?" asked Twilight
"Kid i think i broke my back..." groaned Alecia in pain
"Oh no you broke your back...but i don't know how to fix backs and i read somewhere that you could die or be paralysed for life from a back fracture or something similiar!" exclaimed Twilight in shock
"Hey kid i'm not dead yet and call me, Alecia" replied Alecia strangely calm
"Okay, miss Alecia is there anything i can do?" asked Twilight eager to help while slightly panicking
"It's just, Alecia and no i don't think there's much you can do unless you can magically heal broken backs or something" said Alecia
"No i don't know any back healing spells miss.. i mean Alecia" said Twilight
"Well then all we can do is wait and see... if i'm must be paralysed then so be it but its' getting dark why don't you build a shelter kid?" suggested Alecia
"Um name's Twilight by the way" said Twilight suddenly cheerful at the prospect of being able to help
"Nice name ki...Twilight..." replied Alecia with a smile or something that resembled a smile
The kid can't be all bad if she's willing to help Alecia thought, must be either dumb or really open-minded to help me after what just happened in Canterlot. Then Alecia let the familiar darkness engulf her being as she drifted back into unconsciousness.
Seems like you really can't judge a book by its cover, thought Twilight as she walked around trying to find suitable wood for a camp fire and some dam leaves to build a tent just like...someone taught her how to a long time ago, i mean she admitted she was omnivorous yet she didn't eat me even when she had the chance so i guess she's alright and we managed to have a pleasant conversation. A monster wouldn't have a nice conversation with ponies, she thought.
When Twilight saw that she had more than enough wood to use as a campfire she immediately rushed back to where the creatu...changeling was. Twilight had a near perfect memory with her photographic memory or what Twilight preferred to call picture memory as she made a beeline to Alecia. Twilight set-up the campfire and built a single shelter on top of Alicia. She was finished just as the sun was setting and since there was only one "tent" Twilight slept next to Alecia.
Twilight thought of all the things she could ask Alecia the next day as the crackling of the fire and silence of the night helped drift her off to sleep.

A Good Friend

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She ran as fast as she could towards the Elements of Harmony but no matter how fast she galloped there was always another one of them standing in front of her blocking her way. Eventually she was overwhelmed by the sheer number of changelings surrounding her, beating her into unconsciousness...
Twilight woke up with a loud gasp, persperiation trickling down her face as she looked around her surroundings slowly recalling where she was.
She made sure not to disturb Alicia as she slowly got up onto her hooves and looked around for food, if her growling stomach was any indication it was probably near lunchtime by now. Twilight looked at Alecia sleeping peacefully on the damp grass. The campfire had burned itself out and all that remained were ashes. Probably what i'm going to be if i don't get us some food...i wonder what changelings eat, Twilight thought to herself as she walked away from the campsite in search of food.
Alecia woke up with a headache and the already familiar but annoying pain in her back. At least it didn't seem to be bothering her that much anymore but it could be her sense of pain diminishing after breaking her back. As usual when she tried to get up, she felt the pain in her back increase exponentially causing her to wince in pain and fall back to the ground.
Where is that little filly? thought Alecia, probably ran away after talking to me can't say i blame her really i mean who would want to stick around a changeling?
Then she heard some rustling of leaves. Thinking that it was a threat, Alecia snapped her head towards the source of the noise while hurting her neck a little. After some intense moments Twilight emerged from the bushes with what seemed like food.
"You came back..." said Alecia slightly shocked that the filly would come back and even help get some food for her
"Yeah of course i came back, what kind of a friend would i be if i left you here?" asked Twilight
"I would have expected you to run away seeing as i'm a monster..." replied Alecia
"You're not a monster... you're a good guy, you even agreed with me on that!"" said Twilight loudly
"Yeah i guess i did but still you didn't have to go through all the trouble to bring me food..." said Alecia grateful for Twilight's company
"Yeah about the food, i wasn't sure what changelings eat so i got us some fruit, flowers and um..." Twilight trailed off clearly hiding something
"What is it?" asked Alecia
"I heard you said you ate meat soo..." Twilight trailed off again
"Wait did you..."
"Wow i mean you killed an animal just to give me food..."
"What?! you thought i...that..i nononono i didn't kill anything i just brought you some insects!" said Twilight turning slightly green at the thought of killing an animal
"Yeah i thought you'd like them," said Twilight enthusiastically
"First off i eat anything you eat but i also eat nevermind that but i don't eat bugs!" exclaimed Alecia as she saw Twilight turning greener at the mention of eating chicken
"Oh...well sorry Alecia if it means anything i didn't mean to give you a fright" said Twilight shyly
"sigh it's okay, Twilight you didn't know any better," responded Alecia "You just gave me a fright is all."
While the filly and changeling were having their brunch, they managed to have a nice conversation about their hobbies and what they liked and disliked. Then they started talking about their past.
"So, Twilight tell me something about your past you haven't mentioned any family or anything about your past at all," asked Alecia curious to hear about Twilights past
"Well there isn't much to say cos' i don't remember much anyways i only remember teleporting here and meeting you," replied Twilight
"C'mon kid there's no need to lie to me we're all friends here right?" said Alecia not believing Twilights' amnesia story
"It's the truth all i remember is teleporting here and seeing you nothing else other than my ability to speak and write i think... i don't remember anything else" replied Twilight trying to convince Alecia that her story was true
"Well if you say so" said Alicia still skeptical of Twilights' story but realising that no one else had arrived when she teleported so it meant that either Twilight was alone and telling the truth or Twilight was a spy and was secretly trying to obtain information form Alecia. The former was probably the most likely reason thought Alecia to herself.
"Well what do you want to know about my past?" Alecia asked
"What do you mean?" asked Twilight
"Well i asked you something about your past you get to ask something about mine," responded Alecia
"You mean you believe me?" Asked Twilight, her eyes glimmering
"Well i don't exactly believe you but i'm willing to put my trust in you," replied Alecia
"Oh thankyou-thankyou-thankyou!" exclaimed Twilight as she pounced onto and hugged Alecia "i really thought you wouldn't believe me and say i was lying!"
"Erm... no problem?" answered Alecia uncertainly
After what seemed like hours the lavender filly finally relinquished her tight grip on the changeling
"Okay so... what did you do for a living previously?" asked Twilight excitedly wanting to know more about the changeling and her culture
"Uh i used to help acquire love for the hive to consume...also all changelings have a certain job allocated to them when they are old enough to work for it, we work on the jobs till we die or get seriously injured so much so that we cannot perform our duties anymore. Also we obey whatever the queen says so, so if the queen commands us to stop work we do so even if it means it would destroy the hive. Any changeling found not obeying the queen's orders would be sentenced to death for insolence and treachery." replied Alecia grimly
"Well that's certainly...harsh," Twilight said
"sigh Yeah all in a life of a changeling" said Alecia glumly
"Well at least you have me now so life will probably be more happy and cheerful for you!" exclaimed Twilight
"Yeah i know it'll be much livelier with you around"
"So... what do you wanna do?" asked Twilight
"Well seeing as i can hardly move how about a little game of tic-tac-hoof?" asked Alecia as she drew six squares of equal size on her right
"OH okay i think i remember how to play this!"
"Okay then let's get started!"
And so for the rest of the afternoon Twilight and Alecia both had a fun time playing tic-tac-hoof with each other, Twilight winning the most number of times of course.
The sun was beginning to set and both Twilight and Alecia desperately needed fire if they ever wanted to survive the cold night. So Twilight ran off into the forest while Alecia reluctantly stayed* put. After a few minutes Twilight came bounding back with just enough wood to last them the night.
After the fire was lit Twilight shuffled into the makeshift shelter she had built the day before and laid down next to Alecia.
"Alecia, do you ever feel like you're alone when you are next to someone?" Twilight asked
"Can't say i have i mean i don't have that many friends because of what i am" replied Alecia
"Well i feel alone now even when you're next" Twilight stuttered as she started to cry "i just want to remember my friends and have all my memories back... Why don't i have any memories i just want to go home.... i want to be able to remember!"
Alecia was unsure of what to do, she didn't have much experience with foals but she did the only thing that came to her mind, she hugged Twilight
"Hey, it's alright if it makes you feel any better, i'm your friend, i won't leave your side for anything or anyone" said Alecia softly as she comforted Twilight
"Really? you promise?" sniffled Twilight
"Yeah i promise. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye" said Alecia
"What was that?" asked Twilight
"The rhyme? oh something i learned while i was undercover" replied Alecia
"Well... it's nice," said Twilight "and... i really do feel better now... thanks Alecia"
"Oh no problem Twilight" said Alecia
"Alecia, call me...Twi" said Twilight
"Um... okay ,Twi" replied Alecia
"Goodnight, Lily," Twilight yawned
"What?" asked Alecia
"My name for you" Twilight said simply
"Oh...goodnight, Twi" Replied Alecia
And with that, the both of them fell asleep under the starry night.


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It's been 4 months since Twilight and Alicia's first encounter. Since that day the two have been growing closer while keeping to the same regime every day: Wake up, find food, eat, bond and sleep. The two never ran out of things to discuss or share. Everyday, the pain in Alecia's back would lessen until it was gone completely after the second month and a half although she could only carry light loads until it recovered fully. Eventually they both agreed to build a permanent shelter to protect themselves from the dangerous and unpredictable environment of the forest.
They estimated that they were at least over a few thousand miles from canterlot by the position of the mountains. When building the shelter, Twilight would collect the materials while Alecia would put them together. Eventually, with their combined effort, they built the shelter in no time at all.
"Twily we need somemore wood oh also could you be a dear and pass the twine to me please? my hooves are quite full right now" asked Alicia politely perfectly mimicking Rarity's "High-class accent" after hearing Twilight use it even though Twilight could not remember where she heard it before.
"Sure thing Liloo!" exclaimed Twilight excitedly after she gave Alecia the twine as she ran off into the forest
"sigh that filly could run around for days so long as everything went according to plan" Alecia mumbled as she recalled a month ago where Twilight found that she especially liked to keep things organised.
Alecia hummed a tune while she worked on making the bed. Twilight wanted to sleep next to Alecia incase she got "monsters in her dreams" as Alecia recalled Twilight saying it. As Alecia worked on the bed, she reminisced about the time Twilight officially became her family it happened just 3 months ago.
"Lily do you have any family or people that you care about?" Twilight asked
"Hmm why do you ask?" Alecia responded
"Well you never really talk about the ponies you used to live with or your family..." Twilight replied
"Uh... well i wasn't really that close to anyone in the hive even though they are technically my brothers and sisters but i considered them more like acquaintances instead of actual family members. And when i was undercover, even though i got close to some of the ponies i met to store their love for the hive i never actually considered any of them my friends at least until i met you." said Alecia
"Oh," said Twilight "so what am i to you?"
This question although simple was extremely tough for Alecia. Ever since Twilight came into Alecia's life, it was always lively and happy but that could be said for anypony who was a filly or colt, any foal would have made life livelier but not necessarily happier. Twilight made Alecia happy not because she could start a pleasant conversation but because she didn't care what Alecia was, she didn't care that Alecia was a creature which consumed love for food and tricked ponies into giving it to her.
Even her old family simply shrugged her off as "just another sibling" not the way true siblings would treat one another and even if they did they always followed orders no questions asked, they never cared to ask themselves whether what they were doing was right or wrong they just followed orders like a dog chasing its tail.
Twilight saw past the appearances which would make any other pony puke or at least walk away from the sight of her. Twilight saw Alecia for who she was and that meant the world her.
Alecia realised that her feelings for Twilight was more than just caring for her the way a foalsitter would. No she realised that Twilight was different from the rest and Alecia loved her for that. Alecia realised that being friends would never cover the feelings she had for Twilight and so she said
"Twi... i see you as family," said Alecia heartwarmingly
"I.... i consider you family too...sis" said Twilight a little teary-eyed
And on that day Twilight became the younger sister Alecia never had.

A memory of Alecia's childhood

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The permanent shelter was finally finished and they finally had a place to call home although they would expand it whenever they could, even if it was in the middle of a forest. Twilight and Alecia managed to fill the house to the brim with makeshift furniture and rooms to make the place seem more civilised. Many times previously there would be a dangerous and wild animal roaming the grounds and damaging the plants that Twilight had planted, thus prompting Alecia to build a fence surrounding the area. They even had a picnic table just outside of the house.
The area surrounding the house was beginning to look more like a field rather than a jungle with all the trimming that Twilight was able to do in the 7 months that they lived there. It seemed as if the world was cut-off from them as during those 7 months not once did they see anypony wandering through the fields looking for them at all. Twilight gave up on trying to recall her memories and decided to focus on creating new ones with Alecia.
I wish i could remember the memories i had but its more important that i spend as much time as possible to make memories that can fill up the gaps in my head, thought Twilight, also Alecia hasn't really told me anything much about her past. So Twilight went off to find Alecia in the hopes of learning a thing or two from the changeling.
Alecia was busy creating storing light into one of the wooden sticks she made* when Twilight came bursting through the door of their house. Alecia was already quite used to the fact that Twilight loved to burst through doors dramatically the first few times she did so, Alecia thought the was an emergency but it was just Twilight's way of opening doors when she was really excited. Aecia simply placed the wooden stick gently on the table. Her back didn't hurt that much now but there was the occasional ache and cramps but otherwise it seemed fine.
"What is it Twily?" asked Alecia
"Well i was just thinking maybe you could tell me a story you haven't told me any other than the one where you were blasted across Equestria and landed on your back with a crack" Twilight replied, earning a wince from Alecia from the memories of the pain her back brought her.
"Hmm... okay would you like to hear the story of my past?" asked Alecia
"Mmmhmm!" responded Twilight enthusiastically
"Well ok then along time ago back when i was a hatchling...
Alecia walked along the long and dark corridors careful not to make any noise as the corridors would magnify any noise emitted within its walls rather loudly. She descended slowly down the stairs as silently as possible. What she was about to do was rather risky considering the little compensation Alecia would get if the plan was executed perfectly although it would be a perfect way to get back at her. Alecia crept along the walls staying in the shadows so as not to be seen by the guards that were positioned right infront of the doors, what they didn't know was that there was a hidden passage into the room.
Somehow, Alecia was not spotted as she entered the room. Those guards really needed to be fired if i can slip past them this easily, Alecia thought, There she saw her lying on the bed breathing in and out calmly not noticing the bucket her hoof was being placed into which was filled with slime and hot sauce covering her sheets. Alecia silently cast a spell that would create a really loud noise as soon as she left the room. And when she said loud, she meant loud as in the whole of Equestria probably heard it loud.
After the set-up was complete, Alecia sneaked out of the room and as soon as she was back in her tiny cabin did she activate the spell.
.... Yeah i was laughing for i think 10 minutes straight or something similiar cos' my stomach really hurt when i was done laughing . Unfortunately for me, the others heard it as well (Alecia refers to her birth-mates as others) so i was brought into the room and soaked with slime and hot-sauce covered face with puffy red eyes was Queen Chrysalis. I was unable to stand the sight without laughing so i did. However the queen didn't share my enthusiasm and punished me severely. I still got the scars here from the beating she gave me" said Alecia, indicated to the outside area of her thighs which bore some cracked scales or chitin as Alecia called it, "totally worth it though"
"Wow i wish i was there to see it. It must have been hilarious" Twilight giggled at the thought of a changeling queen covered in slime and hot-sauce
"Yeah it was pretty funny," agreed Alecia "I guess that memory served me well cos' now i know to never play pranks on royalty again.and it served to discipline me a little-teensy-weensy-bit"
"Say, Liloo what does a changeling queen look like?" asked Twilight curiously
"Hmm... well a changeling queen is usually taller than us normal folk. and has lots of jewelry and is most of the time the birth mother of a hive. Meaning that if one were to die, the hive would stop having hatchlings and most of the food produced would stop coming in as the queen provides the eggs for fertilising and the uh... slime we eat... though i do prefer fruits and other kinds of produce personally. However if there were to be a shortage of food the slime stored would be able to feed the hive for quite awhile." replied Alecia
"I see..." said Twilight as she mentally noted all the facts stated
"well seeing as how i'm nearly done with the torches and i have you here do you want to help me finish building the swing?" asked Alecia
"Sure thing Liloo!" exclaimed Twilight
As Twilight galloped outside into the forest to gather some wood, Alecia thought to herself on how lucky she was to have Twilight with her. She could't imagine what would have happened if Twilight wasn't there taking care of her for the first few months while she recovered from her back injury.
It reminded her of when she first saw a severely injured changeling when she was back in the hive...
Alecia was flying around the hive, she always did love to fly with the feeling of nothing holding her back, she would fly whenever she could, as such she spent most of her break time flying around the hive.
This time, she heard some wailing as she flew past a particular area of the hive, naturally as curious as she was she could not stop herself from investigating the source of the noise.
When she neared the area from which the screaming came from, she spotted a silhouette gasping for air as she flew down to investigate.
"" croaked the changeling in despair as he tried to raise a hoof
"Wha...what happened?" asked Alecia
"I hit one of the stalagmites and fell down here..." whispered the changeling ""
"I...I..." stuttered the young inexperienced Alecia.
Standard procedure was to leave any changeling that was a burden or needed special assistance as the hive could not afford to waste its resources and this was a broken changeling. surely the standard procedure could be changed right?
There was a tiny hospital in the hive but that was reserved for the queen and they simply would not treat anyone else in the hive. So Alecia had two choices, to kill him or to leave him and let him suffer.
Alecia tried so very hard but she could not do it, tears started to flow from her eyes, yes she was a changeling but she was no murderer no matter how dire the circumstances yet if she left, she would be letting the changeling suffer longer.She wanted to relieve the changeling of his suffering but no matter how hard she tried to convince herself she knew that she would never do it. She would never take the life of someone or something directly.
And so Alecia did the only thing she knew how to do. She ran. She ran so far away...
...And to this day she was still running although from a different thing altogether, she was still running away. Away from her past.

The Foalnapping

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Twilight was out in the forest collecting wood for Alecia to make the swing that she said she was going to build. Twilight trusted whatever Alecia said from how the world works to relationships and the anatomy of changelings. By now Twilight could easily name any part of the changeling body with ease where even a seasoned professor would fail to notice the subtle organs hidden in the body, mostly because Twilight had a personal live model at home.
As Twilight began collecting the wood she saw that met her criteria, she heard a loud rustling in the bushes behind her. Twilight quickly snapped her head around determined to find the source of the noise. As she did so, she felt a blinding pain in her head as darkness quickly took her.
"Twi...Twily.." said an unrecognisable voice
"Li...Liloo is that you?" asked Twilight as she slowly got up with a blinding headache
"Twily! you're awake!" exclaimed the white stallion with a blue name who was clearly not Alecia
"Who are you? where are we? where's my sister?" asked Twilight softly
"Well if you mean Cadance... she's in canterlot right now informing Celestia and Luna about your arrival and your...condition. Also what do you mean who am i? don't you remember me?" asked the white stallion
"No i don't know you but i want to know where Liloo is" said Twilight
"Who's Lilu?" asked the white stallion
"Liloo's my sister... the one who i lived with for a year!" shouted Twilight frustratedly
"Your sis... Twily don't you remember me? i'm your big brother!" replied the white stallion clearly very concerned
"No you're not! Liloo's my only sibling and i don't care what you say YOU'RE NOT MY BROTHER!!!" screamed Twilight loudly suddenly in tears
"Twi..." said the white stallion as he knelt down and tried to hug her
"Go away i don't know you and unless Liloo is with you i don't ever want to see you or anyone else again!" shouted Twilight as she shrugged off his attempt to hug her
"..." the white stallion slowly retreated away from Twilight's field of view as she heard a door being opened and shut.
As soon as Twilight couldn't hear the stallion's hoofsteps she began to weep freely constantly saying "Liloo" over and over again until she fell back into unconsciousness.
Shining Armour sighed sadly as he approached the purple dragon infront of him.
"Is she okay? i heard some screaming do you know why she's a filly?" asked Spike anxiously
"No she doesn't seem to remember a thing not even me or my name..." said Shining Armour sadly
"But how could she not? did she cast a memory spell on herself? i mean that would be really dumb right?" asked Spike
"I don't know but she seems to be in a very fragile state of mind right now she keeps talking about a Liloo and that this Liloo character is her sister." replied Shining Armour "maybe somepony shot her with a memory spell causing her to suddenly forget everything."
"You don't think its a changeling do you?" asked Spike hesitantly
"No a changeling could't cast such a powerful memory and age spell it was a unicorn but whoever did though is a very serious threat to the safety of Equestria." answered Shining Armour
"Well i guess all we can do now is wait and hope for the best while we try to make her come to her senses..." said Spike as he turned to leave the room.
"Yeah... make her come to her senses" Shining Armour mumbled to himself.
Shining Armour looked out the window and stared at the starry night thinking about how he could save Twilight from her amnesia. while a few miles away, a certain changeling was having a very interesting conversation with a very interesting individual.

A Conversation In The Night

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Alecia opened the door wary as to who would actually be knocking on the door at this hour. The pony who was infront of her gave her the largest fright in her life Standing in front of the door was one Princess Celestia decked out fully in all her glorious royal regalness.
"Um... hi?" said the changeling unsure of what to make of the situation
"Do you not show respect to your royalty in your hive changeling?" asked the princess harshly
"Oh er sorry" replied Alecia warily as she knelt down in front of the princess
"Sorry your highness" Celestia corrected
"Er sorry your highness" said Alecia
"may i come in then?" asked Celestia
"Uh.. of course make yourself at home" responded Alecia
"Hmm seems like you made quite a home here" observed Celestia
"Oh yeah i had some help" Alecia said hastily "If i may ask your majesty, how did you find my house?"
"A house with a large field is not easily missed in a dense forest" replied Celestia curtly
"Oh right..." muttered Alecia
"Now onto business i am aware that you are keeping a certain lavender pony am i right?" Celestia asked
"Er yeah Twily is not in right now" said Alecia
"Well when can i expect to see her?" asked Celestia
"Uhm she's out gathering stuff right now so why don't you take a seat here while i go find her" suggested Alecia
"Your games won't work on me changeling" replied Celestia sharply
"What games your highness?" asked Alecia genuinely confused
"I know for a fact that Twilight Sparkle has been living in this household for about a year now and i demand to see her." said Celestia
"But she really isn't in the house right now" said Alecia a little intimidated by the large alicorn
"ENOUGH GAMES CHANGELING!" shouted Celestia in the royal canterlot voice
"But...But..." replied Alecia hastily as she started to shake in fear
"I..." Alecia managed to say before she was blasted by the royal canterlot voice again.
"DO YOU REALLY WANT TO FACE MY WRATH CHANGELING?!" asked Celestia threateningly
"NO!" shouted Alecia with the last of her courage
"She'" Alecia managed to reply
"So be it" Celestia responded
The Princess of the day galloped at full speed towards Alecia with her horn outstretched. Alecia not having enough time to dodge the attack did the only thing she could do, she closed her eyes and hoped that it would be quick.
Instead of impaling Alecia as she had thought,, Celestia raised her right hoof and struck Alecia across her face delivering a painful and jarring blow. Then while Alecia was down, Celestia stuck Alecia's back with her hoof directly at where she had previously hurt it issuing a painful crack as Alecia's back cracked
Then when Alecia thought it was all over Celestia cracked her front legs with the weight and momentum of her body as she jumped on them. After that, Celestia decided to end it by delivering a final blow to Alecia's head knocking her unconscious.
I'm sorry i couldn't protect you Twily i wish i could tell you how much i love you thought Alecia as she faded into unconsciousness.
Celestia dragged Alecia's body from the house as she used her horn to burn it down confident that nopony was in the house after searching it.
However what as she dragged Alecia across the field she felt a sharp pain in the back of her head before falling down nearly unconscious.
"Sorry Celestia but i have to relieve your prisoner from you," said the pony standing above her as she used her hoof to render Celestia unconscious.
Somewhere far away from the burning house, a lavender unicorn woke up looking for her sister.

Old Lives, New Memories

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4 days into the future, Twilight Sparkle was truly alone for the first time ever since she met Alecia, she didn't know any of the ponies that ever came to visit her and she didn't feel like making friends with them not until she saw Alecia again.
"Oh Liloo where are you?" mumbled Twilight to herself for what felt like the millionth time.
Suddenly the door burst open, startling Twilight for a brief moment, and there standing in at the entrance of the doorway was a pink alicorn or what looked like one from the descriptions Twilight had heard about them.
"Oh Twilight you're back!" said the pink alicorn cheerfully
"..." Twilight didn't return the gesture
"Twilight don't you remember me?" asked the pink alicorn
"..." Twilight didn't respond continuing to stare out at the window
"Twilight...." the pink alicorn sadly trailed off.
"Sunshine sunshine ladybugs awake clap your hooves and do a little shake!" the pink alcorn recited the rhyme hoping to jog the unicorn's memories.
"..."Twilight didn't so much as glimpse at the pink alicorn still staring out the window.
"Twilight you need to get out into the sun...your friends are worried and waiting for you to come back," said the pink alicorn sadly.
"..." if Twilight heard what the pink alicorn said, she gave no sign of it.
Sighing the pink alicorn turned around and started to walk away.
"If or when you feel like you need help i'll be there for you... we all will" said the pink alicorn softly
"I'm worried and waiting for you to find me too Liloo" mumbled Twilight crying herself to sleep once again.
"Is she better? did she recognise you?" asked Spike
"sigh no Spike, she doesn't even recognise me at all the spell that did this to her was extremely powerful and i cast a spell as i was leaving to see who did this to her," said Cadance
"Well do we know who did it?" asked Spike concernly
"Yes... Twilight did it," replied Cadance grimly
"But why would Twilight do something like this to herself?" asked Spike
"I don't know maybe someone who had strong manipulative powers got into her mind and somehow convinced her to do it to herself? If that's the case we are dealing with a very serious threat." replied Cadance seriously
"Maybe its a changeling?" asked Spike
"No Spike she's not a changeling, i cast a changeling revealing spell with the magical aura tracing spell," replied Cadance
"Well i hope we get the old Twilight back soon the new Twilight seems very anti-social."said Spike
"I hope so too Spike i hope so too..." Cadance agreed.
Alecia woke up in a dark and damp room. with a splitting headache and multiple pains in various parts of her body however the most pain came from her back which seemed to have been broken...again. She was lucky the first time that her back didn't paralyse her for life. Now... only time would tell.
"Hello my child feeling better?" asked the voice who Alecia could immediately recognise belonged to her queen, Chrysalis.
"Never better in my life," replied Alecia sarcastically
"Hmm i see that your sense of humor isn't gone completely." said Chrysalis
"Where am i? this isn't the old hive..." asked Alecia
"Well this is the new hive of course! we couldn't use the old one for obvious reasons..." answered Chrysalis
"Unless the hive rules have been altered while i was away am i not currently a liability to you? i can't work" asked Alecia curiously
"A certain pony who went by the name of star... something saw you picked you up and brought you all the way here. I tried to ask him how he knew you and how he knew the location of our new hive. All he said was to take care of you and he just teleported away." replied Chrysalis
"Hmm... interesting i know of no ponies who have the star in their names..." mumbled Alecia
"Well anyways, you have a story to tell me, inform me about how you spent the last year without the hive. I bet it was difficult and almost drove you insane without anypony to keep you company wasn't it?" Chrysalis asked clearly excited to hear Alecia's tale
"Not really there was a little filly that i met in the forest... long story short we became friends and..." Alecia trailed off not wanting to think of what Twilight was going through when she saw their little house burnt down and Alecia not in it.
She'd probably think i was dead and burnt in the flames Alecia thought.
"Wait... so you actually cared for this filly and allowed her to influence your actions?" asked Chrysalis sternly
"Um... yeah" replied Alecia
"Have you forgotten the code? you do NOT let anypony get into your heart else they would influence your actions and cause you to lose sight of your jobs and what happens when we let people influence our actions? we will let our cover slip! it doesn't matter when or how but eventually you WILL let your cover slip and compromise the hive. Is that what you wanted to do? kill your family?" asked Chrysalis angrily
"Well my family hasn't exactly been helping me with my life have they? in fact i'll say that the filly i met was more family than any of you!" exclaimed Alecia
"You are walking on thin ice here Alecia let the next few words that you utter be pleasant to my ears or i will ignore the wishes of the stallion who brought you here," warned Chrysalis
"I...i'm sorry my queen" apologised Alecia knowing that she was in no state to argue with the queen of changelings.
"Good now you will assume your old job of lovehunter for the hive once you return to your former state of health," said Chrysalis as she opened the door," oh and don't disappoint me again Alecia or i'll have to kill you...again."
"sigh yes your highness," replied Alecia
I got my old life back but i don't want it anymore... i want my little Twily with me as we make memories before she grows up into the fine mare that i know she would become one day... thought Alecia sadly, it seems fate is cruel and would rather take away my only light in my life than let me simply be happy. Oh Twily where are you? You know i won't be able to rest so long as you're alone and scared... i just want you to move on and be happy. Even if that means forgetting about me.
Twily i won't ever forget the happiness you brought into my life... Thank you, without you i would have died a long time ago in a dark forest...alone.
Somewhere a few miles away, a lavender filly unicorn attempted an escape from a Crystal Empire.

The Escape

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Twilight Sparkle woke up at 1am in the morning just as planned, she kept some of the utensils that she stole when her meals were given to her. She was determined to see Alecia back at their home. She must be worried sick, Twilight thought, just like i was. So using the fork as a lever, she managed to pry open the window of her room and looked out at the city beneath her. It was beautiful especially in the night when the moonlight reflected off the crystals. Normally Twilight would appreciate the scenery but she had a plan and nothing was going to stop it from succeeding, nothing.
Twilight looked around, trying to find some sort of ledge to climb out on. Luckily there was one that lead to the main tower of the castle but it was very thin and was starting to crumble due to a millennia of neglect. Twilight took a deep breath and climbed out the window onto the ledge. She used her fork as a grip onto the wall and slowly made her way to the roof of the main tower of the castle.
Just as Twilight was a 3 meters away from the roof, she felt a piece of the ledge crumble underneath her weight and fell away, in that split-second, Twilight took a leap of faith and jumped towards the roof.
"Oof" groaned Twilight in pain as her waist smashed onto the edge of the roof
Crash! the piece of stone smashed against the entrance of the castle, no doubt somepony would be investigating the noise which meant that Twilight had even less time to escape.
As Twilight walked along the roof looking for any sign of a hatch to climb through. The things i do for family... she thought to herself. She spotted a hatch camouflaged from you guessed it all the years of neglect.
Twilight hastily set charges that she made from the oil she squeezed out of her meals, and some other stuff you don't want to know. She ran for cover and counted to ten before she heard the explosion and galloped into the hatch.
Once down the ladder, she was met with a incredibly powerful stink of musk and dampness. She had to cover her nose and hold her breath to even begin walking through it. She spotted the exit but it was locked so she looked around desperate to find something to break the door open she found a slightly rusted crowbar, apparently people had been here before to store stuff. She picked up the crowbar with her levitation spell, jammed it in the gap between the door and the door frame and pulled as hard as she could.
After what seemed like forever, the door started to give and broke off its lock. Deciding that it would be a waste, twilight kept the crowbar with her while galloping onto what she hoped was freedom.
Shining Armour was woken by the sound of shouting and an explosion. Being a soldier, he was immediately alert to his surroundings. He walked out his room and asked a guard who was galloping at full speed what was going on.
"Sir there's been an explosion in the main tower and a guard who was on patrol saw a large piece of stone falling from the left wing," the soldier replied throughly
"The left wing... that's where Twilight is! Go get a guard over there to check on her i need a full descriptions of the damage caused and i want troops on high alert if there's an intruder in the castle we can't let him or her get away!" Shining Armour ordered concerned that Twilight might have been foalnapped.
Twilight rushed down the stairs careful to stay in the shadows and minimise the noise emitted from her hooves. Whenever she thought she heard voices, she would quickly scout the area for a hiding spot and rush towards it. Once she even hid in an empty cardboard box with convenient eye holes which allowed Twilight to sneak past most of the guards.
After what seemed like hours of intense hide-n-seek, Twilight found the window that led to the backyard of the castle and she was on the ground floor meaning she wouldn't have to risk breaking anything. It seemed too good to be true but there it was and so she ran out the window and galloped at full speed into the forest infront of her, desperate to find her sister.
"Sir we could not find Twilight Sparkle sir we suspect that the intruder has foalnapped her!" announced the soldier
Shining Armour's worst nightmare came true, Twilight was foalnapped and it was all because he didn't give her enough security. The pony who managed to cause all this problems was even more dangerous than he had ever thought possible and it seemed that Twilight was an essential piece in her plans.
"Double security and commence a full city-wide sweep i want that intruder brought to me preferably begging for mercy," instructed Shining Armour.
Twilight where are you and what have you gotten yourself into asked Shining Armour to himself worried sick for his sister.

Alecia's Decision

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5 days after arriving at the hive, Alecia slowly recovered from her injuries. The healing slime helped in that regard though so in no time at all she was back in her old job with a new cabin.
"Sigh i wish i could go back in time... i just want to see Twilight again at least once to tell her how much she means to me..."mumbled Alecia remembering all the times she spent with Twilight.
"Well it seems like you haven't changed at all since we last met" interrupted a voice
"Ugh what do you want Tom?" asked Alecia clearly annoyed.
"What i want? All i want to do is welcome our dear old sister back into the hive. We really missed you, in fact, we missed you so much that we threw a party when you didn't come back from the explosion because we all wanted to remember you," Tom said merrily
"Yeah i know because you were SO kind to me back when we were bunkmates," Alecia remarked
"I know right?" replied Tom oblivious to the sarcasm dripping from her statement, "guess what the best part is"
"Let me guess... we're bunkmates...again" asked Alecia clearly not happy with the arrangement
"Gasp! How did you know? Was my obvious hinting giving it away or was it the way you oh so cleverly interpreted my subtle sarcasm?" asked Tom sarcastically
"How did you get the queen to approve this?" asked Alecia
"Easy! i just said that you would need a motivator to help you with your starting days in the hive just in case you forgot how to do your old job. Oh and i told her that i knew a certain someone she's been seeing recently" replied Tom grabbing a martini out of nowhere.
"Um where did you get that martini? aren't supplies low?" asked Alecia curiously
"Well you see Lily there is something called business and profit and while you were away., i managed to get some very special contacts which helped my business if you will soar thus giving me more luxuries and privileges than the common changeling. Oh did i mention the position i got in the queen's court? I'm now the queen's personal advisor i know right? what a shocker" replied Tom with a smirk
"No wonder the queen's been making such bad decisions," Alecia muttered
"In fact i was the one who convinced the queen not to kill you! How generous of me right?" said Tom
"Oh yeah... very generous," Alecia replied to the one pony she'd rather kill than owe her life to.
"Well you make yourself comfortable, i have a golf match to compete in ta-ta Lily!" said Tom cheekily.
This only made Alecia miss Twilight even more as she didn't have to deal with this when Twilight was around. Alecia realised how much she'd taken for granted when she was with Twilight until she lost all of it. She'd give anything, anything at all to be with the one filly she loved. But she had a duty to perform for her birth family. Yet, Twilight was her family too sure she was adopted, but she was her family nonetheless and she was a better family than any of the changelings she had grown up with had ever been. Alecia had to decide and quickly, her shift was starting in 15 minutes and if she wasn't down there by then, well it wouldn't be good for her.
"What do i do what do i do?" Alecia asked herself frantically.
Twilight might be in trouble and if she was Alecia couldn't just let her be. But Alecia also had to serve her duty as a changeling out of a debt that she owed the queen previously. Alecia paced around the room wracking her brain for answers, none of them were easy.
One one hoof, Twilight would be worried and Alecia knew how far Twilight would be willing to go just to set things right again so Alecia would need to find her quickly. On the other hoof, she owed a serious debt to the queen and to forsake it meant to forsake this life and she would be cast out of the hive without ever being allowed to come back at all.
Then Alecia pictured Twilight on her own sobbing on the floor as she wept for her dear sister to come back. At that moment, Alecia knew what she had to do.
"Meh never really liked this place anyways" Alecia said to herself
And with that, Alecia galloped out of her cabin and off into the sky just above the forest towards the nearest settlement which was the Crystal Empire
Shining Armour walked around the room searching for clues that would help them identify the intruder that came in the night before. He had been in the room all day and not once had he seen any hoofprints that belonged to the intruder.
He must be good, really good, thought Shining Armour, as he walked around the room for what felt like the millionth time. Then, he noticed something peculiar, there was a mark on the window but the only hoofprints were going out, meaning that the intruder never came into the room at all. He simply waited for the right moment and foalnapped Twilight when she got too close to the window ,Shining Armour reasoned seeing no other reasons as to how the intruder could have foalnapped Twilight, he sped off to inform the guard and his wife. Not noticing the figure that was entering the empire from the forest.
Alecia was entering the city in her favourite disguise which was a white pegasus with a brown mane. As she neared the empire, she awed at how beautiful it looked under the night sky. I must visit this place again under better circumstances she told herself. As she descended, she noticed that there were quite a few guards patrolling the city at this time of the night.
Nevertheless, she continued to descend from the skies and eventually found her way onto the smooth pavement below.
"Halt" commanded a patrolling guard "state your name and purpose for entering the Crystal Empire"
"Well my name is Starlight Sparkle and i'm here to visit my family," Alecia stated with ease developing her identity while she was flying. She chose Starlight because she thought it sounded cool and Sparkle because Twilight was her sister and Alecia didn't have a last name due to the fact that she was raised in a hive where names were pretty much useless.
"Are you related to the Sparkles?" the guard questioned suspiciously
"Yes i am" replied Alecia not knowing the trouble she was getting into.
"Come with us ma'am" commanded the guard as he lead the way to the castle.
"Oh um alright then" replied Alecia confused at what was happening
When they reached the castle. Alecia was greeted the captain of the royal guard and prince of the Crystal Empire, Shining Armour Sparkle. Of course Alecia didn't know this and continued to play along.
"Uh.. hi?" asked Alecia as she could not say anything else
"This mare says that she is related to you sir!" announced the guard
"Is that so?" Shining Armour curiously
"Yes sir!" replied the guard
"Well what is your name? i certainly don't recognise you," asked Shining Armour
"I'm Starlight Sparkle" replied Alecia nervously
"Is that so?" asked Shining Armour as he cast a changeling revealing spell.
As soon as the spell came into contact with Alecia's body, she was changed back into her natural form. However, she didn't realise this as the process for changelings was harmless and they could not feel it. Nevertheless when everyone gasped in shock, Alecia figured that her cover had been blown and was about to run away.
However before she could move, she felt a hoof hit her across the back of her head as she fell into unconsciousness again. Not again Alecia thought to herself.
"Because i'm a Sparkle too," finished Shining Armour as he commanded his guards to take Alecia into the dungeons where they would interrogate her further.
Out in the forest, a little purple unicorn came across her old home burnt to ashes.

Twilight Goes Home

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Twilight walked through the dense forest heading in the direction of what she hoped was the way back to her sister and home. As Twilight waled through the forest, she noticed that alot of the trees were badly scraped, perhaps whoever dragged her to the empire was rather clumsy and left quite a mark on the trees but that couldn't have been true. The stallion claiming to be her brother must have had the pegasus guards carry her on a chariot to the Crystal Empire.
So what are these markings? Twilight asked herself. Perhaps they'll lead me home, Twilight thought to herself, nothing to lose right? So instead of continuing her current path, she followed the marked trees looking back, Twilight could only see a hint of the Crystal Empire because it shined its rays like a rainbow in the sky. Twilight looked back to the front making sure to follow the marked trees, she would find her sister and their old home and nothing could stop her.
When the marks on the trees became less and less obvious, Twilight had to follow her gut and eventually, the grass became shorter and shorter. Twilight looked up and saw the field where her old house was. There was one difference however. The house was burnt into the ground.
Twilight's eyes became watery as she slowly made her way to the place where her house had once stood. Not one thing had been spared from the wreckage. even the swing that was being built had been burnt and all that was left were ashes.
At this point, Twilight was straight out crying her eyes out. She thought that maybe Alecia could have made it out of the house in time. So Twilight began to search around the area trying to find clues. When Twilight didn't find any, she flopped onto the ground and began to sob hysterically. She kept on crying until the sun started to set. No that Twilight didn't have anything to lose, she laid on the grass, mourning her sister and thinking of what to do next.
The next morning, Twilight woke up at sometime around noon judging from the position of the sun. Twilight walked around the house searching for anything salvageable as expected there was nothing in the house that could be used at all. Twilight sat down, tears started to form in her eyes as she closed them, only to be hit in the head by a piece of parchment. Twilight quickly opened it and read its contents quickly. It said:
Dear Twily,
I fear i may have been caught in quite the situation you see i am currently being held under arrest for foalnapping and if this message reaches you i just want to say... i love you i want you to know that before i am in court i can't tell you how much you mean to me on paper Twily but let's just say that you are the joy of my life. I managed to steal this parchment and pen from a guard, he's looking at me weird right now but i want you to know that i'll always be there for you whether physically or spiritually, i'll never leave your side so that you never have to be alone again. When you get this message you'll probably be wondering where i am. well i can tell you that by the time you get here, i'll probably be in prison for life but if you want to know where i am. I'm in the Crystal Empire. Don't try to save me Twily i'm doing this so that you can be happy and lead a normal life and forget everything that has happened in the past year. I... i love you Twily and nothing will change that.
Love forever,
Twilight finished the letter, tears soaking through the parchment. No, she told herself, i won't be happy without you Liloo, i'll never be happy without you. And with that, Twilight made her way back to the Crystal Empire as quickly as she could.
In the Crystal Empire courtroom, a female changeling was on her way to a court hearing.

Alecia Gets Interrogated

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When Alecia woke up, she was slightly dizzy since she had just recovered from two massive injuries within a week. She tried to see where she was but it was too dark. So i'm in a dungeon...again Alecia thought to herself. She tried to recall the events that happened that brought her here but they only came in flashes as Alecia still wasn't that well in mind and body.
"Hey get up the captain wants to see you" said the guard that Alecia didn't notice was standing infront of her cage
"Just gimme a sec," replied Alecia as she slowly got to her feet now completely remembering what had happened the night before.
The guard waited impatiently as Alecia got up.
"Hurry up changeling the captain doesn't look too happy and personally? i wouldn't want to be you right now," said the guard
"Yeah well i never asked to be brought here either," replied Alecia
The guard snorted and cuffed Alecia before opening her cell and letting her out
"What were you doing in the empire changeling?" asked Shining Armour
"Was looking for somepony" replied Alecia
"You know your kind is not welcomed here," said Shining Armour
"Yeah well i never asked to be bron a changeling," replied Alecia "but then i wouldn't have met Twily"
"You know Twilight?" asked Shining Armour curiously
"Yeah we met in a forest, she saved me, she saved me from dying out in the forest and she's the only reason i'm here and not dead in a forest," replied Alecia "eventually i adopted her as my sister and i've been taking care of her for over a year now."
"Don't lie changeling, Twilight would never befriend a changeling much less let one be her sibliing," said Shining Armour
"Yeah well maybe Twilight wouldn't have if she hadn't gotten her memory erased when she teleported to me," said Alecia
"Are you accusing me of taking Twilight's memories away from her?" asked Shining Armour threateningly
"Considering i don't even know why you're so curious about Twilight yeah!" exclaimed Alecia
"I'm her brother," replied Shining Armour
"And i'm her sister," retorted Alecia "and i love her more than life itself, she was more family to me than my birth family. She didn't care that i was different, she didn't care about who i was she loved me because i am who i am. So i don't ever want to live without Twily and i won't want to."
Shining Armour could see that Alecia was telling the truth yet she might be a very good liar until then he would keep her in the dungeons for suspicion of foalnapping
"Tell you what changeling, i'll consider letting you go if you tell me where Twily is," said Shining Armour
"I don't know, she went to get some wood to build a swing and i stayed at home to finish up the lighting," replied Alecia sadly "and that's the last time i saw her."
"I know you don't trust me i wouldn't too if i were you but imagine that i wasn't a changeling that i was some stranger that took Twilight in out of kindness and cared for her for more than a year. Would you act the way you do now?" asked Alecia before Shining Armour could respond.
Alecia got Shining Armour there, if she wasn't a changeling, he would probably let her go while keeping an eye on her but as it is the changelings have a bad reputation so he couldn't do anything else even if he wanted to which he did not.
"Guards take her back to the dungeons and moniter her and bring her to court tomorrow under charges of foalnapping," Shining Armour commanded as Alecia bowed her head and accepted her fate.
Shining Armour headed out of the room and towards his private room with his wife.
"So how did it go?" Cadance asked
"Apparently the changeling is now Twily's adopted sister," replied Shining Armour
"What? a changeling is Twilight's sister? how is that even possible?" Cadance asked
"Well it seems that Twily has spent the past year with the changeling and they met when Twily was a filly with no recollection of anything before she teleported to her. She even accused me of wiping her memory clean before i told her who i was," replied Shining Armour "so the changeling has nothing to do with Twilight's memory which leaves the question of who could have done it?"
"Maybe i should go talk to her before she goes to court tomorrow," Cadance suggested "i could cast that love detecting spell to check if she really loves twilight or not. it would help justify her statements."
"Yeah but only if you want to and if you do promise me you'll be safe," replied Shining Armour
"Oh come on the only time i got captured was by a queen," Cadance replied rolling her eyes
"Yeah queen of the changelings," Shining Armour said with a glimmer in his eyes
"Fine i promise to be safe okay?" Cadance said slightly annonyed
"Fine now go before i change my mind," said Shining Armour
With that, Cadance left the room heading towards the dungeons
"Hey you, can i have a quill and parchment please? i want to write a letter before i go into court," Alecia asked nicely
"Why?"asked the guard
"Because she's my family," Alecia responded simply
"sigh Fine," replied the guard as he walked to his desk and got out a piece of parchment and a quill.
And as Alecia wrote her letter, she recalled all the happy and fun times she had with Twilight now all she had was a quill and parchment and those too were going to be taken away from her.
Alecia practised the spell she learnt from a book in the hive and sent the letter away hoping that the letter would reach its intended receiver without any trouble.
The guard took the quill back and sat at his desk looking away from Alecia. Twily stay safe and stay happy i wish i could see you again but now i know i can't so just stay happy for me, Alecia wished silently.
Alecia had never felt more sad or alone in her entire life as she laid down thinking.
A few miles away from the Crystal Empire, a certain lavender unicorn gets a letter.

The Changeling and The Princess Of Love

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Alecia looked up slowly as she heard a door being opened somewhere. the guard had fallen asleep long ago and had not heard the door opening.
"Are you... the changeling?" asked Princess Cadance
"Well i am a changeling not sure if you're looking for me but since i am the only one here you might as well be so yes i am the changeling," replied Alecia
"Um okay what's your name?" asked Cadance politely
"Call me Alecia," replied Alecia
"Well i guess you already know my name?" asked Cadance
"Yeah princess Cadance is it?" asked Alecia
"Yes it is" Cadance smiled
"Okay Alecia do you mind if i cast a spell on you it won't hurt i promise," asked Cadance
"Well i got nowhere to go and nothing much left to lose so it's fine by me," Alecia shrugged
"Okay then," said Cadance
Cadance lit up her horn and cast it at Alecia. While Cadance had said that the spell wouldn't hurt, Alecia still flinched when Cadance had cast it.
When Cadance had cast the spell, a little heart appeared above Alecia and it grew larger and larger until Alecia thought it would burst. But the heart stopped growing just as it was about to blow up.
"You really do love Twilight..." Cadance muttered under her breath
"Yes i meant every word that i said your highness," replied Alecia "maybe if i ever get out scot-free which as unlikely as it is, i'll apply for citizenship just so i'll be able to be with Twilight."
"Cadance will do just fine Alecia," said Cadance
"Well then call me Liloo, Princ...Cadance," replied Alecia
"So you're Liloo..." said Cadance
"Yes i am why? have you heard of me before?" asked Alecia curiously
"Yes Twilight mentioned you several times when she was awake and asleep," replied Cadance
"Twily's here?!" asked Alecia excitedly
"Well not anymore," replied Cadance
"What do you mean 'not anymore'?"asked Alecia
"She was foalnapped or at least we think she was," replied Cadance sadly
"Foalnapped?!" exclaimed Alecia "HOW?!"
"We don't know but we think the foalnapper grabbed Twilight from the window when she got too close to it," replied Cadance "and we don't have any other leads"
"Do you think maybe she just ran away?" asked Alecia
"Why would she do that?" asked Cadance
"Well maybe she was worried about the house and a certain changeling that she cares about and you kept her locked up in your castle while she worries her heart out wanting to find this changeling that has made an impact on her life and is the only person she cares about?" suggested Alecia
"That...that explains alot more than the story my husband cooked up," replied Cadance "But how did you describe it so well?"
"Because that's how i felt when Twilight was away," replied Alecia
"You really care for Twilight like a sister," commented Cadance
"Of course just like how she cares for me," replied Alecia
"I didn't know it was possible for changelings to love others," said Cadance
"And you didn't even know changelings existed a year ago," replied Alecia
"True," replied Cadance
"So am i free to go now or what?" asked Alecia
"No you're still going to court but... the sentence may or may not be reduced but you certainly will have my backing," replied Cadance with a smile, "you care for Twilight as much as or maybe more than even i do she's probably the most important pony in your life and anypony who has Twilight that high is fine with me."
"Well thanks anyway even if i do go to jail or something at least i know i'd have at least 2 ponies who believe in me and that's good enough for me,' replied Alecia with a grin
"I must go now my husband would be very worried for me by now," said Cadance " maybe not all changelings are bad after all, if you ever get out scot-free maybe we'll have a drink."
"Yeah sure thing..." replied Alecia who was looking slightly bummed
"Cheer up if everything you say is true nopony will be able to fault you," said Cadance
"It's not that i'm worried about court its that anypony who see's me will judge me because of what i am and not who i am i can tell you that there will be no happy ending for me with ponykind," said Alecia
"Maybe but the crystal ponies have never seen nor heard of changelings so i think you'll do just fine here," replied Cadance
"Yeah maybe," Alecia said looking slightly happier
"Well see you in court!" Cadance said happily
"Yeah see you in court," Alecia repeated
By now the sleeping guard was awake and held the door for Cadance.
"Y'know maybe i was wrong bout you changelings maybe you guys ain't that bad after all," said the guard as he closed the door.
A few miles away, Twilight Sparkle raced across the forest hoping to find Alecia before it was too late.

Court Is In Session

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The next day, Alecia woke up ready to be escorted to the court in the castle. She was cuffed again and led out of the dungeon, the sudden light was blinding to Alecia. It took her at least 5 minutes for her eyes to adjust.
Luckily there was near nopony on the way to the courtroom. The guard opened the doors and let Alecia in.
"All rise," called the judge
"Court is now in session," announced the judge
"The defendant is accused of foalnapping a young lavender filly," said the judge "how does the defendant plead?"
"Not guilty," said Alecia
"Very well, officers please present your evidence," said the judge
"The changeling known as Alecia was holding a filly unicorn by the name of Twilight hostage for over a year and has recently been apprehended by the authorities," said a officer "she has been suspected of foalnapping and has claimed to have taken Twilight away from her friends and family."
"Not against her will though," added Alecia
"Silence while the officer is speaking," said the judge.
"As i was saying. The defendant was taking advantage of Twilight's current amnesia and held her hostage with her for over a year whilst convincing Twilight that the defendant was her sibling."
"Um no it was a mutual agreement," said Alecia
"Silence," the judge said once again "defendant present your evidence against the charge."
"Uh Twilight was happy and had fun not once did she run away or was unhappy while under my care infact if it means anything i was and am willing to sacrifice my life for hers if a situation called for it," said Alecia a little nervous.
"Your file says that Princess Mi Amore Cadanza wishes to lessen your sentence whatever it may be so under my judgement, i reduce the charge from Foalnapping to attempted foalnapping and sentence the defendant to 15 years in prison," decreed the judge
Alecia looked down in defeat. But before the judge's hammer could fall, the entrance to the court was opened.
"Objection!" shouted a young lavender unicorn.

Twilight's Objection

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"Objection!" shouted Twilight Sparkle from the entrance of the Courtroom
There were gasps and mumurs as people slowly recognised her although they were slightly confused as to why Twilight was a filly. The judge lowered his hammer and waited for Twilight's version of the events that played out.
"I was not foalnapped," said Twilight,"I probably had a magical freakout god knows how many i've had under the care of my sister over there."
The officer was going to point out that Alecia couldn't have adopted Twilight as she was not legally a citizen of Equestria but stayed his tongue when he caught the glare that Twilight was giving him.
"She has been taking care of me for the past year when none of you could find me. She built us a house, a field to play in, those were the best moments of my life and now you want to sentence her because of what she is you don't care that she is telling the truth! You simply want to lock her away like all the other changelings you that you think deserve the same. Well if you want to punish her for being different you'll have to take me away too because i'm not leaving this room without Alecia!" demanded Twilight
"Well since the victim has vouched for the defendant i think that its safe to officially close the case and let the defendant go," said the judge.
"But what if the filly has been brainwashed?" asked the officer
"I have not!" exclaimed Twilight
"Well you wouldn't know if you had would you now?" replied the officer
"I can vouch that Twilight has not been brainwashed," came another voice from the entrance of the courtroom.
"Your highness forgive my erm accusation," pleaded the officer
"It's quite alright you were just doing your job as an officer," replied Cadance
"Well now that we know that the victim has not been brainwashed i can now finally close the case," said the judge
"Wait," said Alecia," if it's not too much trouble can i apply for Equestrian citizenship?"
"Hmm well the process would take some time but of course you can apply for it whenever you want," said the judge smiling
"Okay then... um thanks anyways," said Alecia
The rest of the court filed out of the courtroom as the guard unlocked the cuffs on.
"Liloo!" exclaimed Twilight as she rushed into Alecia warming embrace
"Twily i missed you so much!," replied Alecia enthusiastically
"Me too Liloo i thought i'd never see you again!" said Twilight
"Yeah well not really never though you'd just have to wait another 15 years before i would be released," Alecia said
"15 years is too long sis!" responded Twilight
"It seems that Twilight's love for you is genuine too," said Cadance with a smile.
"Of course it is i mean you don't live with somepony for a year and not develop some kind of feelings for them," said Alecia
"Yeah!" agreed Twilight
"Since you're out scot-free and you're applying for citizenship why don't we get you a house to stay in?" asked Cadance
"That would be nice," replied Alecia
"By the way i've been meaning to ask you this question," said Cadance
"Well what is it?" asked Alecia
"How did you know that Twilight was going to burst through the doors and save you?" asked Cadance
"I didn't," grinned Alecia as she chased Twilight down the corridor occasionally getting a look or two from passing ponies but that didn't bother Alecia because she had Twilight and that was all that mattered to her.


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One month later
Alecia and Twilight moved into their new home which was really like their old home but it was closer to the city and they could see the Crystal Empire from the garden.
Shining Armour and Cadance as well as a purple dragon would visit Twilight. Occasionally, there would be another five mares that would visit her claiming to be her friends. Twilight got along well with them but they were abit too old for her to play with. However, Twilight decided that she would stay in a place named ponyville when she turned 21. Until then, Twilight would be staying with Alecia who was now an Equestrian citizen and ambassador for changelings.
"Liloo can we play with the swing now?" asked Twilight
"Just a moment Twily i need to finish painting this wall," shouted Alecia, happy that her sister was finally back with her
"Okay i'll wait" exclaimed Twilight eagerly as she rushed outside.
Just then, there was a blinding white flash and a sound of tearing as a purple unicorn with pink highlights in a black jumpsuit with an eyepatch and a bandaged forehead appeared with a brown earth pony with an hourglass cutie mark infront of Twilight.
"Go back and take anything you need for a long journey because Faust know's how long we're gonna take," said Older Twilight
"Oh and if you happen to meet me on your way to your house help me say hi it's not very often that you get to appear in the same timeline as yourself," said the brown stallion quickly
"Oh... okay," said Younger Twilight uneasily.
"Don't worry we're just going to save the world from exploding no wait that's another timeline. Sorry i meant we're going to stop a changeling invasion," said the brown stallion.
"Um... okay," Younger Twilight said unsurely as she sped off to get her sister.
"You know you look really cute," said the brown stallion
"Well thank you," blushed Older Twilight
"I was talking about your younger self. So full of joy," said the brown stallion
"Oh," said Older Twilight suddenly unhappy.
"We could have taken the TARDIS you know," said the brown stallion
"And let you talk nonstop? no thanks," replied Older Twilight
"Oh look the nicer you is back," the brown stallion pointed at Younger Twilight, Older Twilight looked at the direction he was pointing at and was slightly surprised to see a changeling accompanying her but immediately recovered back to her calm demeanour.
"Alright you guys ready? Okay let's stop a changeling invasion!" exclaimed Older Twilight
"Wait you mean the old one?" asked Alecia
"No it's another one," said the brown stallion
"WHAA..." Alecia trailed off as they disappeared with a bright flash of white light.

Spike's POV

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Day 1
The forcefield that blasted all of changelings from the castle was now gone. But almost immediately after, there was a bright purple flash. Spike turned his head in the direction of the flash where Twilight used to be was now an empty space.
Spike stood there in shock just looking at the empty space until Cadance spoke up.
"Um where's Twilight?" asked Cadance
"I think she may have teleported away," replied Spike helpfully.
"Well then we should search the castle," said Shining Armour
"I'll never live with myself until i can tell her that she was right the whole time," said The five mares at the same time.
and with that all the ponies gathered at the ceremony split up in search for the purple unicorn that they all cared for.
Day 3
"Anything?" asked Spike
"Nothing so far... we did a full sweep of canterlot and we still couldn't find her," said Shining Armour
Just then, Princess Celestia appeared at the entrance.
"Perhaps she is not at Canterlot at all," suggested Princess Celestia
"But no unicorn can teleport that far," said Shining Armour
"No average unicorn perhaps," said Celestia," but Twilight Sparkle is no ordinary unicorn. She has more magical potential than any other unicorn that i have seen in all my years. Why when she had her first magical freakout, her magical powers rivaled that of Starwirl the bearded. And now she is a fully grown mare, so i think she may have teleported a little further than canterlot."
"Well where else could she be?" asked Shining Armour
"Well there is a certain empire that your spell that was used to banish the changelings from canterlot has caused to reappear. Apparently love can be used to power the most powerful spells ever put on parchment easily," said Celestia
"Then what are we waiting for?" asked Shining Armour "Let's go find my sister!"
Month 1 week 2 day 5
"Anything yet?" asked Spike
"Nothing... we've been searching for over a month now and there's still no results," said Shining Armour
"You can't tell me you're just gonna give up," said Spike
"Well what am i supposed to do?"asked Shining Armour "my soldiers have been scattered around Equestria, they are worn and tired out, and they have been searching high and low for my little sister. If they can't find her then no one can."
"But even so, you can't just give up," said Spike
"I know i shouldn't Spike but what can i do when there's nothing left for me to do?"asked Shining Armour
Spike didn't answer Shining Armour's question and instead walked out of the room closing the door gently behind him as he went to bed in tears.
Month 6 week 3 day 2
Spike walked around the crystal empire admiring the scenery. He moved into a suite in the castle of the crystal empire after asking the Princess if he could move. The library was now managed by Lyra Heartstings and her marefriend Bon-Bon.
Spike went to the local cafe. He ordered a tall Cappucino, Although it was a little too bitter for Spike, it helped energise him and forget about the issue nagging his mind about a certain purple unicorn. Life was tough without Twilight, Spike was forced to grow up in a world without Twilight where he had to take care of himself without Twilight protecting him. Sure Shining Armour and Cadance would help him whenever they could but to Spike, they were more like the aunt or uncle you only ever see in family reunions .
Spike lounged for abit before thanking the waitress and went off on his way to the castle to help out with some chores but not before he got a newspaper to read. the headlines were:
Mare found lost in forest has woken up.
Spike felt his heart flutter a little thinking that it might be Twilight who was found. Unfortunately, it was just derpy who always seemed to get lost.
Sighing, Spike continued on his way to the castle.
Year 1 week 1 day 3
Spike was woken up by a knocking on his door
"Coming," said Spike
"Spike we found her," said Shining Armour from outside the door
A moment after hearing the news, Spike dashed out of his room eagerly.

Cadance POV (Part 1)

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Day 1
When Cadance opened her eyes, everypony she looked at had their eyes wide and mouths agape. Cadance had thought Twilight was there but when she scanned the room, the purple unicorn was nowhere to be seen.
"Um where's Twilight?" Cadance asked
"I think she may have teleported away,"replied Spike helpfully
"Well then we should search the castle," said Shining Armour
"I'll never live with myself until i can tell her that she was right the whole time," said The five mares at the same time.
and with that all the ponies gathered at the ceremony split up in search for the purple unicorn that they all cared for.
Day 5
It was five days after Twilight's disappearance yet there was no sign of her anywhere near the canterlot castle. Princess Cadance decided to go for a walk to clear her mind abit and hopefully run into Twilight.
When she got out of the castle however, she was greeted by a whirring noise followed by the eventual appearance of a blue box.
The door of the box opened and out stepped a brown stallion with an hourglass cutiemark.
"Well hello there," said the brown stallion,"Princess" he added when he noticed the horn and wings.
"Goodness what is that machine you have there?" asked Cadance curiously.
"This? oh this is a Time And Relative Dimension In Space nothing much really," said the brown stallion quickly
"And i assume it travels across time and space?" asked Cadance
"You assume correctly, i have to say you are taking this alot easier than some other ponies i met today or was it yesterday? Difficult to tell with a time machine really," said the brown stallion
"Oh how rude of me i forgot to introduce myself, you can call me the Doctor Princess Cadance," said the Doctor
"How did you know my name?" asked Cadance curiously as she generally liked staying out of the public's eye.
"Met you in the future you look really different from future you so it was difficult for me to recognise you," said the Doctor simply, "hate it when i don't do visits chronologically. Well i'll just have to make do with it."
Cadance restrained herself from asking the Doctor how her future self was doing as she read somewhere that knowing your future is bad for you.
"And why are you here?" Cadance asked
"Oh yes i'm here because my good friend Derpy forgot to deliver this letter to you yesterday and asked me to help give it to you so that at least it would now be on time," said the Doctor taking out a letter from the TARDIS
"Well... Thank you Doctor," replied Cadance
"Oh yes a warning for you, you should move away from that exact spot at the exact moment that i leave," added the Doctor
And with that, the Doctor walked into the TARDIS as it slowly faded away. Cadance stepped away from her current spot and got hit in the head by a random hoofball.
"Sorry Princess," said a colt who ran up to take his hoofball back
"It's quite alright," replied Cadance massaging her face "but its going to leave quite a mark though."
Day 8
Cadance was woken up by a familiar whirring sound.
"Oh hello there!" said a familiar voice
"Hello Doctor," said Cadance
"I'm sorry have we met?" asked the Doctor
"Yes in my past and in your future," replied Cadance with a smile
"Oh yes i hate it when this happens," said the Doctor
"So why are you here Doctor?" asked Cadance
"Well no reason really. TARDIS just throwing me around the galaxy randomly. But i just saved Equestria from another changeling invasion,"said the Doctor
"Oh and is that happening soon?"asked Cadance
"Hmm... not really not for another two years or so," replied the Doctor "but i wouldn't worry if i were you. It gets settled really quick."
"Well alright then," said Cadance
"Okay i'll be going now bye," said the Doctor
"Wait!" said Cadance suddenly remembering something,"tell past me to move away from her current spot as soon as you leave."
"Okay will do bye now," said the Doctor as he stepped into the TARDIS.
What an interesting stallion, thought Cadance as she quickly fell asleep once again.
Month 6 Week 4 Day 2
"Alright time to wake up Cadance," Cadance said to herself stretching as she did so
Cadance prepared herself for breakfast as she heard a familiar whirring noise she thought she would never hear again. The TARDIS slowly came into view.
"Ah there you are!" said the Doctor," right now if you would so kindly come with me."
"Erm... okay," said Cadance uncertainly
They both stepped into the TARDIS as it slowly disappeared from view.

Cadance POV (part 2)

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Cadance stepped into the TARDIS and was in awe for the first time in a very long time.
"It's bigger on the inside..."said Cadance in awe
"Yes yes gallifreyan technology," said the Doctor in a hurry,"now you must be wondering why i brought you here. Simple really you or rather future you created a space hole and i need you well past you to fix it."
"Why can't you do it?" asked Cadance
"Because you made it such that only you can fix it," said the Doctor
"Why would i do that?" asked Cadance
"So that no creatures you banished using it would stay where you banished them forever. Now normally this wouldn't be a problem since you made it such that it doesn't affect anything else. However, it has gotten larger and larger and the part of the spell where you made it such that it doesn't affect anything else is gone." explained the Doctor
"Then why don't you get future me to help you instead of me?" asked Cadance
"Because future you is dead." the Doctor said bluntly
"Wait then doesn't that mean that i'll die too?" asked Cadance
"Did they never teach you anything in magic school?" asked the Doctor," its easier to undo a spell than to use one just like its easier to destroy an object rather than build or repair it. Maybe that's why the daleks like to exterminate stuff so often."
"Daleks?" asked Cadance
"Nevermind, the point is that undoing the spell won't kill you. It'll leave you exhausted sure but it won't kill you." said the Doctor
"Are you sure?" asked Cadance
"Nope," replied the Doctor," but if you do die then you'll disrupt the time continuum and we'll have a whole new set of problems."
"That doesn't make me feel any better," said Cadance
"It shouldn't it was meant to make sure that you don't fail," said the Doctor," and we're here."
As the Doctor and Cadance stepped out of the TARDIS, Cadance saw a world being torn apart by a massive hole which was shining brighter than the sun and hurt to look at.
"Welcome to your future!" the Doctor said
"Doesn't look fun," replied Cadance unenthusiastically.
"And this is just the beginning," said the Doctor sadly
"Tell me Doctor have you dealt with space holes before?" asked Cadance
"Yes...very unpleasant," said the Doctor
They continued to walk in silence for the rest of the journey.
"There it is," pointed the Doctor
Technically it was everywhere but what the Doctor meant was that it was mostly concentrated at this particular area.
"Well here goes nothing," said Cadance as she charged up her horn
Cadance fired a simple undoing spell hoping that her future self had set the spell to not blow up were the undoing spell to fail. Cadance noticed dark patches growing in her eyes as she suddenly collapsed onto the ground as she drifted into unconsciousness.
Cadance woke up in her bed with Shining Armour shaking her
"Hey you've been asleep the whole morning did you drink alot last night?" asked Shining Armour concernly
"um... yeah sorry about that," replied Cadance
"No worries you best rest a little more you look like you'll need it," said Shining Armour
"Okay," replied Cadance.
When Shining Armour left the room, Cadance reached behind her and pulled out the letter that was itching her back. It read:
Dear Cadance, By the time you read this letter, Equestria has been saved thanks to you. Unfortunately you fell unconscious as soon as the spell was completed. So i had to haul you all the way back here and put you in bed about five minutes after you left with me.

P.S sorry you had to learn of your death this way. There was no other way i could have saved Equestria.

Your friend,
The Doctor

Luna's Change

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Day 2
Luna paced around her room. For the past day she had tried to locate Twilight Sparkle in her dreams. However, she could not seem to find her. She tried again and again yet as she wandered the dreamscape endlessly, she could not find Twilight Sparkle. The only reasoning behind this was that Twilight Sparkle had lost her memory and thus breaking Luna's dream spell. The spell only worked if the receiver remembered the user or heard about her.
But this could not be possible, Luna reasoned to herself, why would Twilight Sparkle wipe her memory clean?
Yet this was the only possible reason as to why Luna could not access Twilight's dreams and was unable to locate her. Luna decided to keep on looking for her. Eventually, she would come across the purple mare.
Month 8 week 3 day 6
Celestia walked alongside Luna asking her about her search for Twilight Sparkle as she always did. It would be all that Celestia would talk about during supper and just about any occasion that they met. But that didn't mean that Luna did not care for Twilight, she just wished that she could have a normal conversation with her sister again. Sometimes Luna would wish that she did not find Twilight but would eventually find herself horrified at herself for even thinking about that. It was the Nightmare Moon part of herself she reasoned as she could not and would not take it if it actually was a part of her talking that way.
After asking Luna about her search, Celestia quickly said goodbye to Luna and left, probably to look for clues of Twilight's location. Luna understood why Celestia needed to find Twilight so badly, without Twilight, the Elements of Harmony would not work and Twilight was also Celestia's personal student. But Luna sincerely hoped that Celestia would pay more attention to her own sister. Celestia did not notice that Luna was getting thinner, nor did she ever realised what Luna was doing during the day. Luna even asked Celestia if she knew what Luna was doing during daytime but Celestia confessed that she had absolutely no clue. Had Celestia paid any attention to Luna, she would have noticed her changing into a common unicorn after lowering the moon to help out in Canterlot and occasionally Ponyville.
Luna sighed and walked back into her room, her head drooping as she opened the door's. She took off her royal jewelry and dropped into bed. Surprisingly, Luna felt tears seeping into the pillow, she had not felt herself crying at all. I need to keep check of my emotions, thought Luna, as she slowly got up. However, as she got up, she hit a furry texture just above her.
"Hello there Lulu," teased Discord
"He-Hello Discord," Luna stuttered as she wiped her tears away although she still had puffy red eyes
"Well? Care to tell uncle Discord what's wrong?" asked Discord half teasing and half concerned
"Nothing's wrong," said Luna
"When a Princess cries and tells you straight in the face that there's nothing wrong, the least a pony could do is to help her," commented Discord," after all who actually likes to cry?"
Luna stayed quiet for awhile as she asked herself if she should tell anything to Discord for fear of him spreading it around, then she asked herself what's the worst that could happen.
"As you know i am the head or one of the heads for the search of Twilight Sparkle," Luna started professionally," But now all Tia does is ask me about Twilight. Twilight this, Twilight that. She never asks me how my night was or how i'm doing it's all just Twilight to her and i've been trying to keep my emotions bottled up because royalty should never let their emotions affect their decisions. But i can't help but feel jealous of Twilight Sparkle, she is an Element of Harmony and that automatically makes her very influential but is that enough for her? No she just also happens to be Tia's personal student and guess what? Twilight has been Tia's student for only 15 years and i've been her sister for over 2000 years yet she still cares more for Twilight than she does me!" confessed Luna
"Hmm... maybe Celestia does care for you but she just doesn't show it because of her status and Twilight means alot to her and she doesn't have to worry about you because you're not lost or turned evil even if you have done so in the past," commented Discord," or maybe you're just insane and you're just imagining all of this, maybe you're not even a pony, maybe you created this world in a coma to occupy yourself in until you wake up and when you do you'll forget all about this fantasy land because guess what? it was all a dream. Ever wondered why this world was so perfect?"
Luna was shocked at Discord's statements yet they struck home, the world was too perfect to be real.
"Because both of you rule it with an iron hoof, not letting anypony do what they want if it were out of social expectations. Imagine if a pony created a device that could make anypony able to talk with each other over long distances or able to fly albeit with training? would you accept it? or would you call it insane and beat down the idea into nothingness as if it were a virus because it was simply too different?
Look at how slowly we've been advancing for the last few millennia ever since you princesses started to rule Equestria. Technological advances have been slowed to a stop, changes that are made are crushed before it can be debated upon. You may not notice it but Celestia subtly influences everything even you. She influenced you to be her loyal sibling, agreeing with whatever she says essentially becoming her minion albeit a very powerful one.
Remember when you had that little temper tantrum? When you became Nightmare Moon and threatened to change things? Remember how she reacted? She banished you to the moon for simply stating an idea, a pretty dumb idea but an idea nonetheless. And when she turned you back, remember how quickly she sought to appease you? to make you her loyal minion again until the end of time," lectured Discord, "and i am the embodiment of chaos or if you will change. I want to make this world different whether for better or for worse i don't really care, the thing is i am willing to make a few changes and help ponykind while making some changes that won't Celestia is the embodiment of order, of the consistency where the world is predictable and everything is boring. So i ask you which do you prefer? change or consistency?"
Luna thought about Discord's lecture for quite awhile, Discord made quite a few good points, Equestria hadn't changed much ever since Celestia came to rule she read enough of history books to know that before Celestia and Luna ever came into rule, ponykind was advancing very quickly but ever since Celestia came into power, it all stopped, everything stopped. In the dark ages, Celestia would hang ponies for mentioning or suggesting change just to keep everything in order. Even though Celestia banned the death penalty, everything was as it always was, peaceful and happy, predictable and boring, consistent and static.
Luna kept thinking and eventually found her answer.
"Equestria has had enough consistency for quite awhile, it's time they moved forward and changed a few things," said Luna as she felt a familiar tingle starting in her chest.
Pieces of armour swirled together starting from Luna's chest much like how her Nightmare Moon armour looked like, except a few changes here and there. She still had full control of her thoughts and emotions unlike when she was Nightmare Moon and only felt anger which clouded all her thoughts, and her only desire was to change Equestria, preferably for the better.
"Discord i will help you in your quest to change Equestria but only if you promise to never hurt a pony's soul and... if you will rule with me, for advising of course. I'll need some help ruling Equestria of course," said Luna.
"Alright... but what about Celestia?" asked Discord
"Oh nevermind about her for now," said Luna as she changed her form back into her normal self,"She comes later."

The Pink One (Part 1)

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Equestria #146
A dark shadow clouded over everypony, hiding the sun from view and clouding the ponies below in terrified darkness. A pink earth pony pounced around and looked up at the sky just like everypony else but what caught her attention was a blue box flying across the sky.
She decided to follow it and jumped into one of her many shortcuts to reach the area she knew the blue box was going to get to. Occasionally, she had to get out of the short-cut to confirm that the blue box was indeed travelling to where she thought it would be travelling to.
'Well that could have gone better,' said a brown stallion with an hourglass cutiemark as he coughed out the smoke from the blue box
He looked around and inspected the area around him. He observed no intelligent lifeforms anywhere at his location.
'HI!' exclaimed a pink pony with bubblegum bouncy hair who appeared out of nowhere.
'Gah!'exclaimed the brown stallion in shock.
'Are you Time Turner's twin brother or something because you look exactly like him and if you are his twin brother i need to throw you a welcome party!"said the pink pony in her usual mile-a-minute conversational tone,'my name's Pinkie by the way, Pinkie Pie for short.'
'Um... no i don't know any Time Turners but it sounds remarkably similiar to what i do except you can't exactly turn time it moves on its own accord like water for example its all wibbly-wobbly timey wimey stuff that you probably won't understand. I'm the Doctor by the way,'said the Doctor.'Also how did you not register on my scanners?'
'Well i am using some of my special own short-cuts that i made from years of practice wanna see?'
'If you want to' replied the Doctor uncertainly
Pinkie then ran straight into a wall only to reappear right behind the Doctor.
'Wha...How how is that even possible?'asked the Doctor in disbelief.
'Easy i just believe,'replied Pinkie with a smile.'That and i used a certain machiney-magick that allows me to rip holes in space and travel through it,allowing me to re-appear in another place nearly instantaneously. That's why i don't appear in some episodes.'
The Doctor knew better than to question the pink mare's silly antics although it interested him to no end.
'Is there a large event coming up or anything unusual happening in this area at this period of time?'asked the Doctor
'Well a huge group of changelings are travelling to the canterlot castle i think,'Pinkie replied still smiling.
'Is that why it's night-time right now?'
'No it's the middle of the afternoon now and yes they probably are what's blocking the sun right now but they should pass soon. I tried firing my party cannon at them when they appeared but all it did was put up decorations and throw party hats onto the other ponies but i guess it's mostly because i didn't change it to the battle setting.'
The Doctor took out his sonic screwdriver and aimed it at the swarm that blocked the suns rays.
'Hey mr Doctor what are you doing?'asked Pinkie curiously
'Just call me the Doctor,'
'And it looks like we're too late.'
'What do you mean too late?' asked Pinkie
'I mean Canterlot is under her control now,'replied the Doctor grimly.'And i can't go back to save her...But i can get some help and i'm going to need yours too.'
'Okay,'responded Pinkie cheerfully.
Rarity was having a perfect day in Canterlot with her friends until the changelings came. Pinkie had stayed behind because she had to take care of the Cake's foals.
Most of the changelings landed near the castle and shot nearly everypony they saw into unconsciousness. Rarity and her friends were no exception. The changelings gathered all the ponies and brought them into the castle dungeons to feed on their love as the ponies dreamed happily oblivious to the chaos around them.
As the changelings gathered the bodies, they heard a loud bang from the castle throne room before there was a green flash of light. Silence fell as the changelings got out of their trance and continued gathering ponies.

The Pink One (Part 2)

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When Pinkie stepped out of the TARDIS, she was greeted by a familiar sight. Although swarming with changelings, Canterlot was otherwise untouched.
'Well this is new,' commented the Doctor, 'well not really Canterlot's been invaded multiple times before this but this must be the first time that a large group of changelings have come together to invaded it. For this timestream at least.'
'Hey look changelings!'Shouted Pinkie alerting the changelings to her presence.
'Confound it Pinkie!' the Doctor shouted as he ran with Pinkie skirting away from the changelings and towards an abandoned house.
'I think we lost them,' the Doctor commented.
'Yeah that was fun!' replied Pinkie happily
'No that nearly got us captured which would have rendered my plan useless,' said the Doctor sternly.'Now we need to get into the castle and get everypony of use out of there to formulate a better plan.'
And so the Doctor and Pinkie discussed the plan in minute detail.
'Ready?' asked the Doctor
'Yup!' replied Pinkie in excitement.
The two changelings standing guard at the castle entrance had a very odd day. First during the invasion a grey coloured pegasus with a golden mane flew towards them and asked for directions. As per orders, they went ahead and captured her but she did not even struggle when she was kidnapped she just kept saying 'are we going to a party?' over and over.
the changelings assumed that this was a ritual of some sort that ponies went through when they reached a certain age however they still thought it was very odd.
Later that same day, two ponies nearly escaped their attention however the pink mare had shouted something and alerted them to their presence. So they chased them down, however as they were chasing the ponies, their superior officer told them to help him with something so they had absolutely no choice but to help him as they were bred to only do as commanded. Soon they completely forgot about the two ponies until the brown stallion walked towards them.
'Hi could you please take me to the person in charge here?' asked the brown stallion
The changelings looked at each other and then tackled the brown stallion to the ground and bagged him up.
'Hey at least loosen the ropes' complained the brown stallion as he struggled a little.
The changelings ignored him and brought him into the castle. not noticing the pink mare that was using balloons to float up towards the window that she needed to get to.
Pinkie jumped into the open window and landed in it without making any sound at all*. She quickly raced across the corridor checking every turn to make sure that there were no guards. She saw the changelings carrying the Doctor towards the throne room as planned although she had to stop herself from helping him escape right then and there.She knew the place by heart after visiting it so many times.
She made the last turn and headed down into the dungeons where the Doctor predicted that the changelings would keep her.
Pinkie checked the corner and saw the cell that she hoped would hold the pony she needed to find.
Pinkie opened the door slowly and waited for her eyes to adjust. Inside the cell was exactly who she hoped to find although she looked worn out she had to do. Inside the cell was Princess Celestia.

The Pink One (Part 3)

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As the Doctor was dragged into the throne room he noticed a flash of pink and hoped that the changelings didn't see it or else it would mean the end of their plan which would have been disastrous for them and all of Equestria.
However the changelings were too focused on their task to notice the pink blur as they continued to bring the Doctor towards the throne room.
The changelings knocked on the door and waited for a reply before chirping a reply and opening the doors. The Doctor swirled his head to see if he was actually in the throne room and not in a cage of some sort.
As the Doctor's eyes wandered around the room he saw Chrysalis sitting upon the throne before he was tossed out of the net and landed with a loud thud as the changelings quickly seized his head in their hooves to make sure that he wouldn't do anything funny.
'Why are you here?' asked Chrysalis
'I was just admiring the view from the outside. I really love what you did with the castle looks more menacing now. It looks really similar to what the previous invader did with the place you know. Although i have to say the customer service is pretty poor here i mean in the previous invasion at least i could walk on my own even if i was cuffed,' said the Doctor with a smile.
Chrysalis looked at him curiously and addressed the changelings holding him. Usually a pony would have trouble understanding what they were talking about. However the TARDIS had helped translate all language so the Doctor understood what they were talking about with ease.
'Why is he here?'asked Chrysalis in her native tongue.'I thought i made it quite clear that all ponies are to be placed into the dungeons?'
'My queen the dungeons are full and this one appeared out of nowhere .We think that he has a hiding spot where there are others like him hiding in,' replied the changeling.
'Perfectly understandable after all the dungeons weren't built to hold so many ponies,' said the Doctor fluently in the changeling native tongue.
Chrysalis and the changelings stared at the Doctor in shock as they tried to comprehend what just happened, Chrysalis was the quickest to recover and the quickest to form a reply.
'How do you know the changeling tongue pony?' asked Chrysalis curiously
'Simple it's just a little Galifreyan technology working in the background of my brain although after so long i'm not sure if i even need it anymore but it helps the new companions socialise with other creatures,' said the Doctor
'Now i want you to stay,' replied Chrysalis.'While i learn more about you.'
'Well if you want to learn more you just have to ask,' replied the Doctor with a smile
'And you know everything?' asked Chrysalis with a grin, certain that the Doctor was not all knowing as he seemed.
'Just about,' replied the Doctor
'Alright then for starters how many changelings were there when Celestia ruled Equestria?' asked Chrysalis smugly
'102378,' replied the Doctor quickly.'Well that's discounting the wars you had with the other tribes but 102378 after on that exact end of the year.'
Chrysalis' eyes widened immensely. She knew for a fact that nopony would have known that information unless they asked Celestia personally and Celestia would not give that information to anypony because the war affected her on a very personal scale. Therefore the only way a pony would have known that would have been to be at the war as it happened.
'And do you know my future?' asked Chrysalis eagerly
'Your future is yours to make,' replied the Doctor wisely
Chrysalis frowned the Brown stallion hadn't provided her with the information she wanted.
'Alright then what do you think your future is?' asked Chrysalis
'What i make it to be,' replied the Doctor. 'Although it probably involves alot of wars, running and passive fighting.'
Then Chrysalis asked the question that was on everypony's minds.
'Who are you?' asked Chrysalis
'Me? I'm the Doctor,' the Doctor replied as the doors blasted open revealing Princess Celestia.

The Pink One (End)

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Pinkie gave a quick glace around the dungeon as Celestia left it. It was completely empty except for a crack in the wall and the sound of dripping from the ceiling. She made her way to the crack which Celestia couldn't have noticed since she was quite exhausted. Pinkie gave the crack a quick tap with her hoof to make sure that the wall was indeed hollow before pulling a drill out of her mane and drilling the wall.
Luckily for Pinkie, Celestia had already made her way to the throne room and was now providing a distraction for her so the noise Pinkie was making could not be heard or at least was very muffled. Being so deep underground certainly helps, thought Pinkie.
'And just drill this last spot and we are... done!' exclaimed Pinkie happily as she pushed the broken part of the wall away to reveal the ponies trapped within.
'Twi! Dashie! Flutters! AJ! Rares! you guys look so silly in that green goop!' giggled Pinkie as she got out a large kitchen knife from her mane while putting the drill back and started to cut the bottom of the green goop allowing the ponies to fall to the floor with a thud which woke them all up from their happy slumber.
'Ooh i don't feel so good,'said Twilight as she barfed out some green goop that she somehow swallowed while she was in the green bag of goop.
'Pinkie where are we? and why are you here?' asked Rarity slightly disgusted at the sight of the green goop on her fur.
'Oh we're in the Canterlot dungeons right now and i'm here because we need to take care of Chrissy!' said Pinkie with a smile.
'Chrissy?' asked Rarity cuiously.
'It's Chrysalis' nickname' replied Pinkie quickly
Rarity decided not to question Pinkie further on why she gave their enemy a nickname.
'So what do we do now?' asked Twilight after she recovered from her nausea attack.
'Well we get the Elements of Harmony duh,' said Pinkie quickly
'Yeah but where are they?' asked Rainbowdash
'I got them on the way here,' said Pinkie casually, pulling out the Elements of Harmony from her mane shocking the other 5 mares in the room.
'I'm not even going to ask you where you keep the Elements,'said Rainbowdash slightly weirded out
'Well it's bigger on the inside,' said Pinkie ignoring Rainbowdash's comment.
'If everypony is ready let's go kick some flanks,' announced Twilight as she put on her Element.
causing a distraction allowing pinkie to free her friends
Celestia was having an action-filled day. First while she was addressing her subjects in the throne room, an army of changelings slammed through the doors and tackled everypony to the ground, they weren't even bothering to disguise themselves as normal ponies which meant that either they had a plan or that they were extremely bold.
It's probably the former, thought Celestia to herself as she stood up and confronted the changelings.
'What is the meaning of this?!' exclaimed Celestia in anger
'This is a hostile takeover,' said a smooth voice from within the changeling crowd that Celestia immediately recognised as Chrysalis.
'Chrysalis need i remind you that you are not welcome here anymore?' asked Celestia as calmly as possible
'Oh i need no reminders Celestia after all i was blasted out of this place against my will and landed with quite a few broken bones,' replied Chrysalis frowning slightly at the memory
'If you do not wish for that to happen again recommend commanding your forces out of this city this instant!' ordered Celestia
'Oh i don't think i will Princess,' Chrysalis smiled.'I defeated you once as well remember?'
'That was because you had Shining Armour feeding his love to you.'
'Oh no it was because my children did not arrive on time to provide me with the love i needed. But now that they are here, well let's see who's the stronger one.' said Chrysalis as she prepared to attack Celestia
Both of them charged up their magical reserves for the attack that both of them knew had to happen.
Just then, a guard burst into the throne room making Celestia loose her focus and provide chrysalis with the distraction she needed.
Chrysalis shot the magic out of her horn and knocked Celestia unconscious.
'I told you so,' whispered Chrysalis into Celestia's ear relieved that she did not have to spar with the alicorn once again.
'You monster!' shouted the guard
'And thanks to you i am now a regal monster,'said Chrysalis as she sat on the throne.'Take him away'
And with that, the changelings knocked the guard down and threw him into a net to be placed into the dungeons
'Take her too and seal that wall in the dungeons immediately,' commanded Chrysalis with a smile
And now Celestia was limping slightly in exhaustion as she slammed the doors to the throne room open with her magic.
Chrysalis looked at Celestia with curiosity and intrigue.
'Well well well, the little princess got out of her tower after all,' commented Chrysalis confidently
'I'll stop you Chrysalis right here and right now,' Celestia said wincing slightly at her dented pride
The action did not go unnoticed
'What's the matter Celestia? afraid of the true queen of Equestria? nopony can save your precious land now,' Chrysalis sneered
'Sorry have you two forgotten about me? because last i checked i was an intruder too,' the Doctor piped up catching the attention of Chrysalis and Celestia as the doors burst open again revealing 6 mares clad in regal jewelry.
Pinkie and the rest of the mane 6 had galloped as quickly as they could to the throne room and although there were many changelings blocking their way none could withstand the power of Pinkie's party cannon and the magic of friendship.
Soon they reached the throne room and heard some shouting before they charged in creating a distraction as they leapt into formation and prepared to use their Elements.
Chrysalis was now genuinely surprised at their appearance although she tried to conceal it as best she could.
'How did you get out?' inquired Chrysalis curiously while stalling for time
'Simple i drilled the crack in the wall!' exclaimed Pinkie as she drew the drill from her mane.
Chrysalis blinked dumbfounded form the spectacle of the pink pony, however she quickly recovered with a shake of her head.
'And you think that the Elements of Harmony can defeat me?'asked Chrysalis
'No we know they can defeat you,' said Twilight confidently.
The 6 mares began to charge the Elements that they represented as Chrysalis dropped all pretense of her fear.
'Wait please don't use them give me a second chance!' exclaimed Chrysalis
'You already had a second chance,' replied Twilight firmly
The Elements of Harmony blasted Chrysalis and all the changelings in the universe once again but instead of banishing them to a distant land, they banished all the changelings within the universe and without to the void where they would all die alone and away from ponykind.
'Well that certainly was a spectacle!' commented the Doctor.
'Yes with your unity, you managed to defeat the queen and her minions before they could have taken over Equestria. Who knows what they would have done if they had been allowed to do as they wished,' said Princess Celestia with a smile.
'Hold on a minute you banished them to the void didn't you,' the Doctor asked with a hint of fear
'Yes,' replied Twilight. 'But i don't see wha-'
'You don't see the consequences? now all the changelings in any timestream in any and all of the multiverse will be banished to the void even those that have done absolutely nothing wrong at all!' exclaimed the Doctor
'So? good riddance,' said Rainbowdash
'You don't even care for those that have done nothing wrong? if that's true then we have banished the wrong monsters,' said the Doctor angrily. 'But i see that none of you could care any less so those of you who want to help me save a species from genocide follow me and those of you who couldn't care less. I hope you can look at yourself in the mirror tomorrow morning.'
Celestia was about to try to calm the Doctor but he simply shrugged her off and made his way to the TARDIS.
As the Doctor was about to step into the TARDIS and leave the universe for most likely the very first and very last time, he felt a hoof on his shoulder.
'I believe in you,' said Pinkie seriously and sincerely. 'And i'll follow you across all of space and time to prove it.'
The Doctor didn't say a word. He simply smiled and motioned into the TARDIS
'Next stop the multiverse!' announced the Doctor with a smile as Pinkie closed the door of the TARDIS
Somewhere in another universe, a changeling in a time vortex with her younger purple sister felt sick.