• Published 17th Dec 2013
  • 2,752 Views, 76 Comments

The Filly & The Changeling - Finnie Nara

This is a story about the relationship between a filly and a changeling in a forest. teen rating because of some violence... better to be safe right?

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The Day After

All the ponies in Equestria cheered in triumph as the changelings who managed to rule over if only briefly were expelled from the land of ponies and back to the depths of whatever hole they called home. Twilight Sparkle was one of the ponies who was rather close to the magical blast that shot the changelings out of the castle and as such, absorbed a large amount of the magical power that was seeping out of it.
Normally a unicorn would be able to expel all excess magical energies however this was not an ordinary situation and Twilight Sparkle was not an ordinary pony. No the magical energies were absorbed into The mare's body as she unwillingly cast a spell by instinct. Casting a spell by instinct was very dangerous, it could level mountains if the unicorn was capable of holding that much magical energy. And as mentioned before Twilight Sparkle is no normal unicorn so saying that the amount of magical energy she released was quite a bit would be an understatement.
The amount of energy Twilight leaked was enough to create worlds however, it was used to teleport Twilight Sparkle to a place which no one would expect.
As Twilight was being teleported, she cast another spell. This one would require consuming all of her magical reserves, it was an age spell.
To say that Alecia was having a bad day would be the understatement of the century. Not only was her promised meal short-lived but the magical blast that shot her across the land was so powerful that when she landed she heard multiple cracks running across her body before the darkness consumed her.
When she woke up she felt an incredible pain she had never felt before in her whole life. She went to basic training, which was mandatory for all changelings regardless of gender, and fractured her arm and leg but this pain took things to a whole new level.
Just as she was contemplating her situation, she saw a bright purple flash and a popping sound before hearing a muffled thud. Probably a unicorn off to finish the job she thought. But how could a unicorn find her exact location only moments after she was blasted out of the castle she argued with herself and why wasn't she dead yet? unless it was the unicorns' idea of some sick joke in which case she cursed the unicorn who was going to kill her to Tartarus itself.
Alecia managed to move her head ,albeit agonisingly, towards the source of the purple flash and could not believe what she saw.
There lying on the ground right in front of her was a purple filly barely older than 5 with purplish hair and pink highlights complete with a blank flank.
She must have misfired a teleportation spell to get away from the invasion Alecia thought to herself. "Seems like fate decided to be cruel to me today leaving me to die with my sworn enemy... " Alecia said before falling back into the consuming darkness again.
Twilight woke up with a stiff neck in an unfamiliar environment, she was unable to recall how she got there nor could she remember anything at all but how to speak and write. How odd ,she thought, i'm left here all alone with no memories. No she was not alone she told herself as she spotted a black scaly creature breathing in and out. It looks like me except larger and with scales and fangs instead of fur and teeth she said to herself. Maybe it can talk and tell me where i am and how i got here she thought.
Twilight prodded the seemingly sleeping body with her hooves while telling it to wake up all she received for her troubles was a grunt and some winces of pain. It must be hurt badly, Twilight thought, otherwise it wouldn't be groaning that much...or maybe i'm reading this wrong, maybe facial expressions are different for this creature. So Twilight continued to prod the creature with her hooves getting a wince or groan of pain everytime she did so.
"Quit...it" groaned Alecia in pain as she slowly got out of wonderland
"Hiya!" shouted the thing that was giving Alicia all the pains in her body
"Stop...poking...hurts..." Alecia mumbled as she painfully tried to sit-up getting a lot of pain in her back for her troubles
"Are you okay? You look like you're in pain but maybe i'm reading it wrong because you're a different from me," said the purple filly
"It hurts and i'm a changeling heard of me?" Alecia replied expecting a gasp or a shriek of terror instead all she got was a puzzled look as the filly tried to recall if she ever heard of that before
"Nope! never heard of you before! But i am curious as to how you differ from us ponies other than the scales and fangs," said Twilight innocently
"Um were you at the castle when we invaded?" asked Alecia
"No what castle? and you still haven't replied my question yet," said Twilight
"Well to answer your first question a changeling can take on any form however this is our natural state or natural form if you will," replied Alecia while examining her surroundings
"Okay so are you a male or female and how can you tell?" asked Twilight eagerly
"Uhm we have the same anatomy as ponies so not much difference really except that we occasionally eat meat..." replied Alicia
"Okay so are you a good guy or a bad guy? Cos' i remember someone telling me not to talk to...bad guys right?" asked Twilight as she tried to recall the exact phrase and who taught her that phrase
"Um it depends..." Alecia trailed off not knowing how to respond to such a question
"Well you can't be such a bad guy if you still haven't eaten me up yet so i guess this makes you a good guy right?" exclaimed Twilight as she reached a conclusion
"Yeah i guess it does..." Alecia agreed as she tried to sit-up again and was rewarded with even more pain in her back than before.
"Are you okay miss...?" asked Twilight
"Kid i think i broke my back..." groaned Alecia in pain
"Oh no you broke your back...but i don't know how to fix backs and i read somewhere that you could die or be paralysed for life from a back fracture or something similiar!" exclaimed Twilight in shock
"Hey kid i'm not dead yet and call me, Alecia" replied Alecia strangely calm
"Okay, miss Alecia is there anything i can do?" asked Twilight eager to help while slightly panicking
"It's just, Alecia and no i don't think there's much you can do unless you can magically heal broken backs or something" said Alecia
"No i don't know any back healing spells miss.. i mean Alecia" said Twilight
"Well then all we can do is wait and see... if i'm must be paralysed then so be it but its' getting dark why don't you build a shelter kid?" suggested Alecia
"Um okay...my name's Twilight by the way" said Twilight suddenly cheerful at the prospect of being able to help
"Nice name ki...Twilight..." replied Alecia with a smile or something that resembled a smile
The kid can't be all bad if she's willing to help Alecia thought, must be either dumb or really open-minded to help me after what just happened in Canterlot. Then Alecia let the familiar darkness engulf her being as she drifted back into unconsciousness.
Seems like you really can't judge a book by its cover, thought Twilight as she walked around trying to find suitable wood for a camp fire and some dam leaves to build a tent just like...someone taught her how to a long time ago, i mean she admitted she was omnivorous yet she didn't eat me even when she had the chance so i guess she's alright and we managed to have a pleasant conversation. A monster wouldn't have a nice conversation with ponies, she thought.
When Twilight saw that she had more than enough wood to use as a campfire she immediately rushed back to where the creatu...changeling was. Twilight had a near perfect memory with her photographic memory or what Twilight preferred to call picture memory as she made a beeline to Alecia. Twilight set-up the campfire and built a single shelter on top of Alicia. She was finished just as the sun was setting and since there was only one "tent" Twilight slept next to Alecia.
Twilight thought of all the things she could ask Alecia the next day as the crackling of the fire and silence of the night helped drift her off to sleep.