• Published 17th Dec 2013
  • 2,754 Views, 76 Comments

The Filly & The Changeling - Finnie Nara

This is a story about the relationship between a filly and a changeling in a forest. teen rating because of some violence... better to be safe right?

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Alecia Gets Interrogated

When Alecia woke up, she was slightly dizzy since she had just recovered from two massive injuries within a week. She tried to see where she was but it was too dark. So i'm in a dungeon...again Alecia thought to herself. She tried to recall the events that happened that brought her here but they only came in flashes as Alecia still wasn't that well in mind and body.
"Hey get up the captain wants to see you" said the guard that Alecia didn't notice was standing infront of her cage
"Just gimme a sec," replied Alecia as she slowly got to her feet now completely remembering what had happened the night before.
The guard waited impatiently as Alecia got up.
"Hurry up changeling the captain doesn't look too happy and personally? i wouldn't want to be you right now," said the guard
"Yeah well i never asked to be brought here either," replied Alecia
The guard snorted and cuffed Alecia before opening her cell and letting her out
"What were you doing in the empire changeling?" asked Shining Armour
"Was looking for somepony" replied Alecia
"You know your kind is not welcomed here," said Shining Armour
"Yeah well i never asked to be bron a changeling," replied Alecia "but then i wouldn't have met Twily"
"You know Twilight?" asked Shining Armour curiously
"Yeah we met in a forest, she saved me, she saved me from dying out in the forest and she's the only reason i'm here and not dead in a forest," replied Alecia "eventually i adopted her as my sister and i've been taking care of her for over a year now."
"Don't lie changeling, Twilight would never befriend a changeling much less let one be her sibliing," said Shining Armour
"Yeah well maybe Twilight wouldn't have if she hadn't gotten her memory erased when she teleported to me," said Alecia
"Are you accusing me of taking Twilight's memories away from her?" asked Shining Armour threateningly
"Considering i don't even know why you're so curious about Twilight yeah!" exclaimed Alecia
"I'm her brother," replied Shining Armour
"And i'm her sister," retorted Alecia "and i love her more than life itself, she was more family to me than my birth family. She didn't care that i was different, she didn't care about who i was she loved me because i am who i am. So i don't ever want to live without Twily and i won't want to."
Shining Armour could see that Alecia was telling the truth yet she might be a very good liar until then he would keep her in the dungeons for suspicion of foalnapping
"Tell you what changeling, i'll consider letting you go if you tell me where Twily is," said Shining Armour
"I don't know, she went to get some wood to build a swing and i stayed at home to finish up the lighting," replied Alecia sadly "and that's the last time i saw her."
"I know you don't trust me i wouldn't too if i were you but imagine that i wasn't a changeling that i was some stranger that took Twilight in out of kindness and cared for her for more than a year. Would you act the way you do now?" asked Alecia before Shining Armour could respond.
Alecia got Shining Armour there, if she wasn't a changeling, he would probably let her go while keeping an eye on her but as it is the changelings have a bad reputation so he couldn't do anything else even if he wanted to which he did not.
"Guards take her back to the dungeons and moniter her and bring her to court tomorrow under charges of foalnapping," Shining Armour commanded as Alecia bowed her head and accepted her fate.
Shining Armour headed out of the room and towards his private room with his wife.
"So how did it go?" Cadance asked
"Apparently the changeling is now Twily's adopted sister," replied Shining Armour
"What? a changeling is Twilight's sister? how is that even possible?" Cadance asked
"Well it seems that Twily has spent the past year with the changeling and they met when Twily was a filly with no recollection of anything before she teleported to her. She even accused me of wiping her memory clean before i told her who i was," replied Shining Armour "so the changeling has nothing to do with Twilight's memory which leaves the question of who could have done it?"
"Maybe i should go talk to her before she goes to court tomorrow," Cadance suggested "i could cast that love detecting spell to check if she really loves twilight or not. it would help justify her statements."
"Yeah but only if you want to and if you do promise me you'll be safe," replied Shining Armour
"Oh come on the only time i got captured was by a queen," Cadance replied rolling her eyes
"Yeah queen of the changelings," Shining Armour said with a glimmer in his eyes
"Fine i promise to be safe okay?" Cadance said slightly annonyed
"Fine now go before i change my mind," said Shining Armour
With that, Cadance left the room heading towards the dungeons
"Hey you, can i have a quill and parchment please? i want to write a letter before i go into court," Alecia asked nicely
"Why?"asked the guard
"Because she's my family," Alecia responded simply
"sigh Fine," replied the guard as he walked to his desk and got out a piece of parchment and a quill.
And as Alecia wrote her letter, she recalled all the happy and fun times she had with Twilight now all she had was a quill and parchment and those too were going to be taken away from her.
Alecia practised the spell she learnt from a book in the hive and sent the letter away hoping that the letter would reach its intended receiver without any trouble.
The guard took the quill back and sat at his desk looking away from Alecia. Twily stay safe and stay happy i wish i could see you again but now i know i can't so just stay happy for me, Alecia wished silently.
Alecia had never felt more sad or alone in her entire life as she laid down thinking.
A few miles away from the Crystal Empire, a certain lavender unicorn gets a letter.

Author's Note:

Yes guys the story is coming to an end but there will be extra chapters after its done depicting the other characters point of view