• Published 10th Mar 2012
  • 1,667 Views, 99 Comments

Friendship Has Many Names - Mikey_030

When a boy wakes up in a mysterious land and can't remember anything...

  • ...

Chapter 18 Friendship Is Magic...

We picked a nice spot under the trees so we could be sheltered by the still going mysterious rainfall. Twilight had fallen into a deep sleep, it had only been a few hours but I can't bring myself to close my eyes. Was it really that simple, just showing friendship and compassion. I just assumed that's what Luna was getting at back at the cave, she felt so alone and useless as if no one wanted her. Could Nopony feel this way too? I don't think so, even if he needs friendship and compassion, he won't change by a simple hug and a 'we care about you', no... he's different. He's not kindness surrounded by evil.. Hes evil surrounded by hatred.

Discord and Chrysalis Flying to find Nopony.

“Tell me this Discord, hows it been in that rock for so many years?”

“Oh just dandy, I get to watch all of those pretty little ponies prance around me like an exhibit at the museum!”

“Hey don't get snappy, I'm just making small talk, you always did anger easily for someone who likes to play fun little tricks that those little creatures love so much.”

“Yeah yeah, says the one who steals love away from ponies.”

“Hey my kingdom has to eat too remember. As I recall, my minions did have a bountiful feast last time you were around, so whose the lucky Dragon, Goat, Lion, thing.”

“You'd better keep quiet, this is not the time, do you think he is going to just say hi once he sees us, he gave us orders and by not obeying them he'll probably want a pretty good explanation, all I'm saying is are you prepared for anything because last time I checked, he wasn't very fond of me.”

“Discord, you worry too much, although you do bring up a good point. If he does happen to lash out, I'm sure you'll think of something.”

Discord rolled his eyes.

“What's with all of this rain.”


Twilight started shuffling. “Glad to see you up, how'd you sleep?”

“Oh it was pretty good, but you know what would be even better?”


Twilight Swung her hoof into my jaw, her hoof exploded with liquid and covered my face, I couldn't breathe. I struggled to get away as the goo slowly pulled me in deeper, I looked up back into Twilight's eyes, they were bright red. I was surely going to die from lack of oxygen, Twilight laughed hysterically as she pulled me in closer.

“No, it can't end this way! IT CAN'T!”

I ripped myself free of her suffocating grasp and ran deep into the woods. Trotting as fast as I can, trying to escape the elusive mare. Her laughter echoed through the woods as I tried to get away, tears filling my eyes and rain pouring down blinding my vision.

The laughter stopped. A dead silence fell on the woods, nothing but the sound of small bugs and animals.

“I have nowhere else to go, I can't escape, I-” I stopped dead in my tacks to find a mangled bloodied purple body lying on the forest floor in front of me. Neck snapped and blood trickling out of her mouth... Twilight.


“TWILIGHT!!” I bounce up trying to collect myself. “A dream?... It was all a dream?” It was still early in the moring.

I looked over to my side where Twilight was sleeping, she was gone.

I raced through the forest trying to find the pony I've come to care for so much, hoping that she is okay and not in the hands of that monster.

I found myself lost and confused and ready to attack just about anything that would cross my path.

“If I was to run into that beast at any given second he would be history!”

A voice came crashing down from all directions.

“Oh? Then why don't we make a little game out of it. If you can't find me before sundown tonight, I'll kill her. But if you can, then you win the Grand Prize, you get to watch me do it.”


“Oh, if your going to be like that then I won't hesitate to take penalties against you, how about this, with each little outburst you make, I'll have Big Mac make an appearance and buck poor little Twilight's face in.”

I was silent.

“Oh and by the way, your purposeless life will probably go with hers, you NAMELESS freak.”

My body twitched in anger but I could not retaliate for Twilight's sake.

“Good now if I were you, I would get going, after all, The Clock... Is.. Ticking...”


It's been hours in the woods and still nothing. I could barely see the sun at all, the clouds were too thick. I needed to act fast.

“If I'm going to stop him I'd have to do it fast. There's no doubt in my mind that at the end of today, one of us will be dead, and I couldn't care less about myself. The only pony who will to make it out of this will be Twilight, and that's a promise.”

Just above me I see Two creatures flying overhead. I waived my hoof in the hair to try and signal them to me, it worked. They were fly straight to me.

“Discord, I thought you said all life was gone in Ponyville.”

“This one must have sneaked by, Why hello there little pony, what are you doing alone in the woods?”

“I'm working on killing Nopony, care to help?”

Discord and Chrysalis looked at each other and then back to me.

“How?” They both chimed.

“Well lets see, I've confronted him multiple times, I've been able to conflict minor physical damage, he hasn't absorbed me yet nor has he shown any ability of which he can do so, and my heart burns with a fiery passion to save my marefriend, Twilight Sparkle, before he kills her at sunset tonight.”

“Twilight.... “ Discord mumbled. “Well it seems hes bested you before by the look of that horn.”
I gave Discord a look of annoyance and anger.

Chrysalis pulled him to the side to chat away from me.

“That Twilight Sparkle put me back in that cursed rock! I don't want to help him!”

“Okay fine then don't, but if he fails, were next in line...”

“Good point... OKAY HARAA HARAA DICORD AND CHRYSALIS HERE TO SAVE THE DAY... so what do you expect us to do?”

Discord was full of sarcasm at this point and I don't think he was too thrilled to be take orders from a pony.

“Alright well, I just need a way to find him before sundown, any Ideas.”

“We could fly but I'm not sure we want to present ourselves to him.” Chrysalis said trying to help.

“Can you at least keep a look out, it would probably be easier to find him if we had a birds eye view.”

Chrysalis took off to the sky, she sped up faster and faster until she came to a sudden stop. Her body came crashing down at high speeds until she hit the ground.

Discord and I ran to her aid. “Is she alright.” I asked Discord.

“Oh wait, shes waking up!”

“What happened?”

“It's a barrier spell keeping us in, but the rain seems to fall right through, seems like things can enter but not escape, how could he do that?” Discord pondered.

“He does have Celestia, along with any other magical being at his whim, He must have used the same spell that kept him in all these years, but, only on us...”

“Here I'll phase the walls surrounding the forest down.” Discord tried with all of his might but the walls wouldn't budge, they were cursed with magic.

“I guess we're walking..” Chrysalis huffed.

“It's fine, lets just get going fast, from what I can imagine, we don't have much time left.”


“Hey, don't get to close to that cave.” Discord said in a worried tone.

A strange growl came from inside, large earthquakes shook the ground in small intervals. “Whats happening?”

A purple glow showed from inside the cave, as it got brighter, the figure it illuminated got bigger, soon it was just a short distance away.

Discord an Chrysalis backed away slowly, leaving me in the way.

Discord whispered in fear, “What are you doing get back!”

“What, why what is it-!” A loud Growl penetrated any ear within a hundred miles.

“It's an Ursa Major, NOW GET OUT OF THE WAY!” The illuminated beast charged forward toward us, Discord jumped in front of me and raised his arms into the air. A solid piece of earth shot up from the ground. The beast leaped forward trying to make a speedy escape before it was sealed in. The piece of earth slammed into the underbelly of the beast. At a last second attempt it clawed through as much of the earth as it could before it was completely stuck. Bits of dirt flew left and right while the whales of the monster screeched forth.

“GO, I can't hold it forever, GO!”

“But you can't take on that thing by your self!”

“I don't care, now go before we're all dead!”

I tried to grab Chrysalis and go but she had other plans, jumping in front of Discord, she uses her magic to help control the beast, it didn't look like it was working very well but I could see it can buy some time.

Chrysalis looked back at me, “GO NOW!”

I gave her a nod of my head and leaped away into the think brush.

Discord and Chrysalis both looked at each other, then gave each other a worried smile. The Ursa major was almost completely freed from its cave as it clawed violently through the wall, growling and snarling as it shook the ground.


I headed through the forest, I had to get away from that area as fast as possible.

Still panting I wanted to shout so badly in my rage, but then Twilight's image showed up in my head. I didn't want her to get hurt.

It was just me left. Sitting alone. In the rain. Twilight.....

“I have to keep going I have to-” A branch was suddenly struck by lightning and gave me a blow to my head.

Moments later I wake up, the storm now more furious than ever. “Oh no what time is it? How much longer do I have?”

I ran through the forest trying my best to keep my vision sharp, then it hit me. “Where else in this forest is he going to be.” I face hoofed at the sheer obviousness that occurred to me.

I quickly wandered about trying to remember specific things that could lead me back to that spot, I soon realized that I had ended up on the same path Rainbow Dash and I went. I followed it hoping this would be it, if not.. then its over.

“Almost there.” I trotted fast toward the location until I came to a stop as my hooves slid across the mud and dirt.

“This is it, but... he's not here..” I was at the small treeless patch of forest that I had woken up in, and where we had our altercation.

I sat as the heavy rain hammered down on my head, by the looks of it, rain was covering my face, but it wasn't rain, it was tears.

“......So... lets get this over with shall we?”

I didn't even look up, grinding my teeth as my entire body became filled with rage.

Nopony was just sitting there waiting for a good moment to reveal himself, as he protruded through the dark forest into the small area, his body was soon covered by the powerful storm. As as he came, I noticed a small pony in his claws.... The Purple one, My Purple one. Twilight's face struck with fear, she wanted to scream for help but was in complete shock.

“Give her to me, NOW!” Anger shook my voice as if pure rage was visibly firing out of my mouth. My body shaking in place.

“But don't you remember our little game? I thought I explained it quite clear.” He waved his free hand through the air as seven black amorphous blobs fell from his arm. They shook as they formed into seven more than familiar faces... Derpy, Gilda, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and.. Rainbow Dash.

“Oh well, I guess I'll be a nice guy for a change and give you your prize and to make sure of thinks, I'll have your friends hold your eyes open, I wouldn't want you to miss anything.” Nopony lifts Twilight's body into the air as my demonized friends slowly walked toward me, all faces slapped with an evil grin.

“Think about your next move wisely....”

Nopony froze as his arms were motioning a downward thrust.

“Oh, and why is that?”

I looked up at him.

“Because.... I'LL KILL YOU..”

My eyes were burning as white beams of light filled my face. My eyes lost all color, nothing but white, smoking from two empty holes. I began sweating profusely as the white beams outlined my entire body.

“Whats this new trick, you can't use magic.”

I didn't even know what was happening, I decided to come to the closest conclusion I could think of.

“I think your underestimating me, YOU MADE ME AFTER ALL!”

“Well that is true, but I gave you no better than any other pony around here, no horn, no magic.”


My voice became unrecognizable as my own, it sounded different. Because this time, I mean it.




As I shouted each ponies name, a beam of light shot out of my broken horn toward the corresponding pony freezing them in place, not through the middle of my horn, but the sharpened edges from when it was broken off, each sharp rugged edge protruding from the remains of my horn piercing through each one of my seven friends.



The hollow hole in my horn burst open, firing a wave of pure white energy. My four hooves slid back in the dirt slightly as the force pushed me back.

“What is this, STOP!! STOP!!” He lost grip of Twilight as he tried to get away from the wave of energy. She jumped down and came beside me.

As the wave struck him he soon couldn't move. He wasn't done yet.

“YOU FOOLS THIINK YOU CAN DESTROY ME!” His body grew four times its original size, his body gave the appearance of melting but it was only a sign that he was about to completely demolish everything.

Magic pouring out of me as seven beams against my friends and a massive beam for Nopony, it was all too much, I was overflowing with energy and my body couldn't take it.

Nopony began to move forward as if it had no effect. Twilight watched in horror as she knew this would be it. She aimed her horn for the side of my body and Shot out a beam of her own toward me. She was channeling her magic through me. Her magic stabbed into my already overflowing body.

I could fell so much more power rushing through me. It soon built up and became a second wave on top of the first. The explosion of energy that came with it through me back a far distance, my hooves still dragging in the dirt as I stay planted to the ground.

The second wave flew up the first and blew right through him. A screech soon followed as his body flew in pieces all over the forest.

I soon lost all of my power, and the feeling of my hooves.

Twilight started shouting in joy.

“WE DID IT!... We Did it... we did it... e..id ..it” My eyes circling left and right as everything became a blur, Twilight's voice slowly faded away, I fell to the ground, rain still pouring down over us.


I woke up, in a bed, my bed.

“Uh, What? What happened to me?”

I was in my house, it was the dead of night and there was a strong storm outside.

“It... It can't be all a dream. No, I was finally HAPPY!”

Then I realized something, my dad was still missing. I followed the same path going down the same hallway that fateful night, heading towards my basement. “Could that beam of light that I saw still take me back?”

I leaned up against the door, grasping the nob with as much strength my arm could give. With one quick motion I swung the door open... nothing.

I catch a small clicking sound right next to my ear. By instinct I flinch down.

A gunshot was fired, the bullet's path was adjacent to the side of my head. Out of the corner of my eye I see the gun, levitating on the side of the door. Followed by the hand... of my dad.

“WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!” I bolted through the hallway trying to find an escape, my dad was soon following behind. I hear another click, I jump under the kitchen counter as a bullet fired out of the barrel. I stayed in my hiding place.

“Kid, you better save a bullet for me, I'm going to put an end to all our misery, your mom went through the same phase but I got her to wise up, now stand up like a good boy and be a man.

“I AM A MAN!” I swung a lose kitchen knife at him. He barely dodged it as it cut through his right shoulder... he dropped the gun.

I scrambled out of my spot to reach for the gun on the floor. I had it in my hands, my dad grabbed the knife out of his shoulder and stabbed me through the arm. I screamed in pain but didn't lose the gun. I aimed it right at his head from the ground.

“You think your tough enough to kill me, your own father? Your nothing but a worthless little girl!”

“....Its Pronounced... BRONY.” I fired the gun.

I stumbled outside into the rain. “I have nothing left, my family is gone, I have no money.. I'm homeless.”

Thunder started banging and the wind picked up. I fell to my knees and started weeping in the middle of the street.

A lightning bolt spiked down to earth from the sky, it struck me at the top of my head. Everything went blank.


“......ear..... lear......clear.....CLEAR!!” I jolted up from a bed gasping for air. I starting flailing and fidgeting my body before I realized where I was. It was an Emergency Room.

“HES AWAKE!!” Shouted a multitude of voices surrounding me.

“T-Twilight, you guys, your HERE!”

“Why wouldn't we be? The only pony that was gone was you.

I'm back, and I remember everything from my past and where I came from. Everypony I met in Equestria was standing around my bed.

“We thought you were gone sugar cube.”

“Heh, Yeah you can't leave yet, we still have to throw you that Party!”

Twilight leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I blushed.

Spike and Rarity were looking over me as well, they were practically leaning on each other, I assume Spike sacrificing himself to save Rarity gave him some bonus points.

Celestia came forward, “You saved all of Equestria, I think you deserve a Spot on the stain glass in my throne room, and a statue wouldn't be too much either.”

I gave Celestia a wink.

“Hey, what happened to Discord and Chrysalis?”

“Oh right, well they had a lot of explaining to do, but we new they were telling the truth once we saw there condition.”

“Huh” I looked over through the open door, They were being wheeled into a guest room on a flat bed, Chrysalis was cut up and bruised, Discord however was in a full body cast. I assume he had some heroism involved, as they rolled away, both of them smiling as her hoof was in his paw. I couldn't hid my laughter all though I tried to suppress it as much as I could.

Three fillies hopped up on the bed to sit next to me, Applebloom and Scootaloo both hugging SweetyBelle for saving them.

“We're glad your okay!”

“Thanks girls, it means a lot.”

“Twilight told us all about it, it sounded awesome!” Scootaloo shouted

“Yeah you were pretty awesome!” Rainbow Dash added.

“It wasn't a big deal I-” “Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy was sitting at a nearby window, tears filling up her eyes, she tries to hide it but it doesn't work. I motion her to come closer to me.

I gave her a hug. “He knows you loved him very much, and you have more animal friends at home to take care of, plus you have us.”

To some ponies, it was just a bunny, but this was Fluttershy were talking about.

Fluttershy squeezed tighter around my neck, tears still running down her eyes. “Thank You.”

Luna Spoke up, “So, Twilight says you found your purpose.”

“Yeah... its all of you.”

A glow suddenly illuminated my flank, The Cutie Mark Crusaders along with everpony's eyes grew wide at the sight...

Except for Derpy's, whose eyes just convulsed in a strange but pleasant pattern as she smiled.


Comments ( 23 )


Edit: Piss off first fags

545428 :flutterrage: THE FUN HAS BEEN DOUBLED!!!:flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage:

545776 Someone knows how to party!:pinkiehappy:

LoZOOT = best game evar:rainbowdetermined2:

545428 AY! AH Don Take kindleh tah Hatahs:ajbemused:

Love and Tolerence People, Were bronies, We gotta stick together... if we don't who will?:twilightsmile:

Must epic ,rare but still awesome final ever?:rainbowderp:

No meme explain this.

Now i want TEH SEQUEL!

545873 A sequal? only time will tell, and I'm liking the sly cooper Avatar, that game brings me back!:pinkiehappy:

545986 Have a ps3? if u have buy sly cooper collection.... i think is like 35 dollars right now?

I think is lower-prieced (grammar alert!) because its 3 in 1 and with Move minigames!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

545997 Sadly no, I'm an xbox guy, although its been collecting dust for about 5 months now. I had a PS2 though, that thing was awesome! :rainbowdetermined2:

546041 Good ol` times consoles ,N64,Gamecube and the most loved from all :PS2

So many good memories,Tenchu,Crash Bandicoot,Mortal Kombat SHM,James Bond night on fire ,Jb from russia with love ,SSX

There are so many, and Few ones words to describe them ;)

PD:Yay 3 hours non-stop Song of storms,like Tetris!


great story really enojyed it, though i felt the last chapter was a we bit rushed compared to the rest.

547516 Noooooo! NO NO NO! I couldn't have rushed it agian, fast paced maybe, but not rushed!:fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry: Oh, and thanks for enjoying my story!:rainbowkiss:

548861 Haha, I put the derpy thing in at the last second just for kicks, as for your avatar, I think its pretty good, but I would imagin that glasses in equestria would loop around the ear, right now its just floating, haha Its Geat!:pinkiehappy:

549335 Well its finished and now it time for a marathon. WHY WOULD YOU PASTE THAT PICTURE! Now I have to get my frying pan and check behind my water heater. :ajbemused:

Is it me, or the plot seems a bit rushed, and rusty.
I don't say its bad, good concept, but not so shiny "devenlopment"
i give it a 7/10 .

566949 I copied and pasted too sorry:rainbowwild:

567345 I can see where your coming from, Some of the story should have been expanded and was going to but I like to write each chapter in one sitting collecting all of the memory I have for whats going to happen, some plot development didn't make it in for example, There was going to be a scene with cheerilee and the school kids but it flew past my mind when I was writing, that and more (There was going to be a bigger friend group othere than just trixie gilda and derpy but I just can't keep up with everybackground pony in the show at once). very inefficent I know, but still I'm happy the way it came out. And I can see this possibly sounds alot like other stories, be in mind, its a very popular concept in my opinion. It did turn out way better than expected however, Trust me when I say, the mindset I had at the first chapter of what direction it was going completely changed throughout. Anyways Glad you took time to read it and a 7/10 ain't half bad,


592184 Why wouldn't I? Can't wait to read it!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: And yes, If I could animate or draw in any type of way, that would definately be an awesome final fight!:rainbowdetermined2:

598783:rainbowkiss: It's somewhat of a brony in equestria, mostly, he may be a brony, but throughout the story he is just a really confused pony whos just happy to be there.:derpytongue2:

601796 Not really, I guess the website Derped for a second.:derpytongue2: And thanks for the comment about the memories, glad you liked it!:pinkiehappy:

545800 sequel?

btw whats his cutie mark?

1804933 I dunno to be honest, I haven't really been on fimficion in months, I think I was going to but just not sure anymore. I could soon though if I had the inspiration X3 but its just been so long. also, I never really thought about the cutie mark, im sure I had one in my head but its long gone, i'd say it would have something to do with unity. *shrugs* I just wanted readers to use there imagination yay :rainbowkiss:

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