• Published 10th Mar 2012
  • 1,668 Views, 99 Comments

Friendship Has Many Names - Mikey_030

When a boy wakes up in a mysterious land and can't remember anything...

  • ...

Chapter 17 Escape to Nowhere

“I am the sister of Princess Celestia,you see I have been trapped on the moon for a thousand years. I was evil and wanted to control the moon to bring everlasting night to Equestria. Celestia had no other choice but to banish me on the moon... though I do feel it was a bit of an over reaction, one thousand years is a long time to be trapped with only your thoughts to keep you company, most ponies would have gone mad, I however, am stronger because of it and will do everything in my power to help you defeat him.”

“That's got to be a big change for you.”

“I had to change my literacy completely but other than a few new names and some catching up it was no big deal“

“I am very sorry to see things turn out the way they did. I have been keeping a close eye on you, up until recent events I though everything was going perfectly. Celestia gave me all the information I needed in the mean time. Speaking of which is why I am here... She informed me that if anything should happen to her, lead as many of the group as you can through the Canterlot Royal secret passage way, do not interfere with this beast, It can and will rid the would of both you and I without lifting so much as a hoof. She also informed me to trust nopony, my main goal was to protect Twilight and her little green friend.”

“I guess that means me.”

“Now as much as I would like to chat we still have a very serious situation in our hooves, you and Twilight need to take this tunnel out to the Everfree Forest and hide out there, until when I am not sure, I.. I don't know how we are going to beat him but as long as Twilight and you are okay I'm sure something is bound to happen, we need somepony to make it through all this right?”

Twilight stepped into the conversation with concern.“Princess Luna what are you saying?”
The small door began thumping, dints were forming and it would surely break soon.

“Look you and Twilight need to go now, I'll hold them off the best I can.”

“Luna wait, can't you help us?” Twilight wanted the aid of a more powerful magic user than herself.

“Trust me Twilight I am helping, I believe in you, you two can do this, I have faith, one more thing..”

Luna looked at me in particular.

“When I was Nightmare Moon, Everypony thought that the only way to stop me was to use the elements of harmony... I felt as if there was an alternate way, I don't know what but I felt completely vulnerable. I hope that helps now GO!

I grabbed onto Twilight and lead her through the tunnel.


The door busted down and overflowed with the black mass. It regained its form in front of Luna.

“So this is the infamous Princess Luna. Oh Celestia has told me so much about you, what with your banishment to the moon and so forth. Now tell me, did Celestia send you to the moon before or after you became a power hungry tyrant?”

“You shut your mouth!” Luna used the Royal Canterlot Voice. Luna used her magic to force the cave wall to crash down on the exit, the rubble blocked his path.

“Oh don't raise your voice at me, I'm simply trying to help you.”

“In what possible way can you help me?”

“Well, what did you do on the moon for a thousand years?”

“I- I had nothing, just my thoughts, all I could see was darkness, and after a while that's all I could think about.. darkness.”

An evil grin struck his face.

“We were old acquaintances you and I, why don't we take a little trip down memory lane...
Now how did you become Nightmare Moon?”

“If you must know, I was suddenly overcome by evil and darkness and my heart filled with hatred because nopony would play or frolic in my beautiful nighttime sky.”

“Yes, buy what about before, you were a Princess before Nightmare Moon, am I not correct?”

“Well yes but..”

“But what, but you were soon overcome by darkness...” He gave Luna a disturbing smirk.

“You.. your not making any sense, everypony has hatred for somethings sometimes..”

“And I have hatred for all things all of the time, now are you going to put the pieces together or shall I..”

“Are you trying to tell me that your the spirit of Nightmare Moon?”

“Oh ho ho ho no, I'm not the spirit of Nightmare Moon, I am the creator of Nightmare Moon. And if you don't mind, my.. hmm.. daughter and I have some catching up to do.”

“No I-gbbbmmm”

“Now, how do you feel?”

“....better... Than... EVER!”

“Good now, lets go pick up an old pal of mine..”


“Get out of that rock you multi-species buffoon, I have some work for you to do.”



Discord coward down in fear as Nopony grabbed him by the neck.

“What a... p-pleasant... s-suprise, Its.. been.. a.... while.......” Discord could barely breathe let alone talk.

“Now you listen here and listen good, I don't have time for your bucking shenanigans, I won't kill you. What I want you to do is warp the land around the Everfree forest now!”

“Gah- okay okay!” With a snap of his claws Discord warped the land around the Everfree forest upward Ten Thousand feet high.

“Good, now to keep with my promise.” Nopony chucked Discord to the ground. “Are you aware of a mare by the name of 'Queen Chrysalis'?”

“Uh, somewhat yes.”

“Good, go to her and tell her to take care of the Dragon Kingdom, I'll meet with her shortly.”


“Twilight, I think I found our way out!” The cave had been filled with multiple tunnels that headed to nowhere, luckily Twilight's magic helped lead the way.

“Finally the forest... What.. do we do... now...” I slowed to a stop as we exited the cave, the walls of the Everfree Forest blocked any type of exit what so ever.

“Twilight, I think we we're going to be here a while... Any bright ideas?”

“Well we could try to find somepony that can help us.”

“Alright, how many ponies do you think are left?”

Twilight looked downward in disappointment.

“Two is enough to stop him.”

“Twilight, we need somewhere to hide for now... I think I know where to go.”
We walked forward through the forest searching for a place to hide.

“Lets see who's home.”

We knocked on the door.

“Zecora.. you in there?”

The door creaked open but Zecora wasn't there. We searched her hut trying to find something that could help us, anything would do, I had a feeling that were not far from our last encounter.

“Find anything?” Twilight said, her head buried in a bookshelf.

“No, just some jars of strange liquids.”

“Oooh here's something!” Twilight giddily spoke.

“What? A book?”

“Yeah, on unicorns.”

“So any useful information?”

“Uh, nothing I didn't already know.”

“Here let me have a look.” Twilight handed me the book. “..Interesting.”


“Uh, nothing.” I didn't want to startle Twilight with my findings, it was pretty weird but, information is information.

“Come on, lets find a good place to sleep.”


“Your highness, we have a visitor.”

“What?! Nopony ever ventures to our lands, bring him in.” The Guards rushed away to grab the visitor.

“Well well well, I haven't seen you in a while Discord, What brings you here?”

"I'm not here to play games Chrysalis, Hes returned."


Queen Chrysalis was taken back.

“Since When Did He Get Back Into The Picture?”

“I don't know but he wants you to take your changelings and overthrow the Dragon Kingdom. He will be coming by soon to check on your progress.”

“Soon? How soon? Where is he?”

“I'd give him a day or two. And he just finished wiping out all life in Ponyville and Canterlot.”

“He can't expect me to do that, I am a Queen, I will show him who is Supreme ruler around here. Discord come with me.”


The night air was cold even in the cottage. Twilight and I were holding each other in the same position as we where back in Canterlot Castle. We were cold frightend and could only think of one thing at the moment.. Each other.”

“Well isn't that cute, two love birds in their nest.”

“N-Nightmare Moon!?”

“Yes now if you would simply come with me, I'll ensure your death be quick and painless... Oh wait, I mean slow and horrifying!”

Twilight shot up ready to fight, I held a hoof out blocking her path.

One thought ran through my head. “I felt... vulnerable....”


“Don't call me that!”

“We care about you, your not alone ANYMORE!” I jumped at her, she put a hoof up to block my path but I latched onto it with a hug.

“Let go! LET GO!” Nightmare Moon banged around the room trying to shake me off it wouldn't work”

“I Said L-let me GO!”


“LET GOOO!” Her body started convulsing, her dark skin sliding off of her body and seemed to die on the floor.

A smaller blue Alicorn fell to the ground. I helped her into our bed.

“Twilight, shes going to be out for a while, lets find another spot.”

Twilight and I laid down next to a small pond. We took our gaze to the night sky then back to each other.

This is far from over.