• Published 10th Mar 2012
  • 1,668 Views, 99 Comments

Friendship Has Many Names - Mikey_030

When a boy wakes up in a mysterious land and can't remember anything...

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Chapter 1 The Human

Friendship Has Many Names

School was hard and life wasn't getting any better for me. I had a few friends that eventually came and went, while most of the time I was a loner. I was weeks away from finishing high school. It seemed like everything was moving too fast and I was just standing there, waiting while everything speed right past me as if life had better things to do than to look at me.

I spent my time laying on my bed with my laptop and just browsing the internet. As weird as it might sound, it was my best friend and I was completely comfortable with that. I would say most of my time was spent on pony videos, remixes, jokes and just the show in general. It made me happy as long as no one else knew... then again I really didn't care what people thought of me at the moment.

It was just me and my dad for the longest time. My mother had passed away long ago in a shooting that happened in my town.. At least that’s all my dad could tell me. He wasn't very bright and barely knew I was ever home, granted that I was always cooped up in my room throughout the day. If he really did try hard to give me most things he could, he sure wasn't showing it very well...

I really did have it okay for a while but as life goes on things change. It was like any other day, I was just sitting in class anxiously waiting for it to end, not paying much attention to the lesson as I could really do well on my papers without notes. As soon as the clock hit 2:50pm I was ready to get home as usual just to run up to my computer turn it on and go about my business, mostly just checking for updates to sites and pages that I was trying to keep up with.
After all had finished, I spent the rest of the time assaulting as many pony videos as I could with my eyes. Reading fan-fictions and everything else the Brony community could come up with was what I would finish the day off with. I was just about ready to turn in for the night but something happend.. I noticed my dad never came home from work as he usually should. I looked around but still no sight of him. I began to get worried but I just figured he had one too many and decided to take a detour on the way home. With that in mind I just lay in bed and shut my eyes, hoping that one day my life could get a little simpler, better... FRIENDLY-er.

I awoke to a loud noise coming from the basement. Sound of an explosion or gunshots was my thought to be the cause... but I just blanked it away from my memory of anything too serious and went to check it out and in hope find if my father was just messing around down their. As I opend the door my ears instantly go deaf as if something so loud had blown my ear drums clean out. I was blinded by a flash of white light lined in purple energy that swallowed my entire body. After that... Nothing.

I was suddenly starting to come to. I was disoriented beyond belief, trying to stabilize myself I decided to give standing up a try when...

"wh-what, where am I?" I took a look around my surroundings, it looked as if I was in some Forrest, It was dark and by the looks of things I was alone, I was completely unaware at what had happened to me. I looked down and saw that I had no hands or feet but green hooves. I was hobbling up for what seemed like hours trying to re-figure out how to control this weird horse-like body. As I get up I tried to get things into perspective, only one problem.. "WHO AM I?"
My head was spinning in all directions, I figure that the best thing to do was find someone or something that could try and help me. I walked through the woods, frightened but determined to get somewhere, anywhere. I spotted a small hut in the distance. I walked up to it hoping to find someone living in it. I peak through the small window-like hole in the wall to see if anyone was their, all I could point out was some bottles of colorful liquid and masks hanging on the wall, near the center of the room was a cauldron bubbling with some sort of potion. I heard clacking on the floor, "Must be someone coming." I notice a zebra holding a bottle in her mouth. I figured I should ask her for help but as she pored it into the cauldron a giant explosion occurred. I would have stayed if not the fact that my fear got the best of me. I ventured on.

As I head through the woods I notice the sun coming up. It moved in an irregular pattern but I did not notice much.
I could finally see something in the distance. "A town!" I could finally find out if anyone new what happened to me or where I was for that matter.

I run or better yet, gallop faster toward the town and could finally see the break between trees and a grassy field. I pass through going at the fastest speed I could get out of my new legs. I ended up at a tree just outside of the town. It was bigger than the other trees and had windows and a balcony. I decided to walk up to the door. "Here goes nothing." I was nervous to see what was on the other side but I pulled through. I knocked twice on the door. I was greeted not by a horse, zebra or any other animal I could think of at the time, but rather.. A small dragon...