• Published 10th Mar 2012
  • 1,668 Views, 99 Comments

Friendship Has Many Names - Mikey_030

When a boy wakes up in a mysterious land and can't remember anything...

  • ...

Chapter 12 Dream of Butterflies

“Gilda Stop!” I rushed out of the library to try and stop whatever was going to happen.

“Dash, what are you doing?” Rainbow Dash's form was shaking uncontrollably while grinning of the thoughts of what she was about to do to her poor griffin friend.

Parts of Rainbow Dash shot out from her and latched onto Gilda.”Hey let me go!” Gilda said in a panic. I tried to push her out of the way but I was soon as trapped as she was. We were both in a sea of darkness.

“Hey where are we?” Gilda was panicking but trying to hide her fear. “I don't know but we need to get out of here now before something else happens.”

We look around to find an escape, we found nothing, having no where else to look we both look up... A blue orb was glowing through the darkness, inside of it was an unconscious Rainbow Dash.

“Dashie!” Cried the Griffin, tears running down her face. “NO! NO NO NO! WE CAN'T BE INSIDE OF HIM, IT CAN'T BE OVER YET!”

Gilda looked over in confusion, “What do you mean inside of hi-” Gilda's sentence was cut short. “GILDA!!” Her body frozen in place as a white orb covered her body and lifted her up above me to join Rainbow Dash.

“I know its you so let her go! Let them both go! TAKE ME!” A pair of red eyes appeared in the darkness.

“Oh boo hoo hoo, I took your widdle fwiends and there's nothing you can do about it. Oh by the way how that 'my life is a lie' crisis your going through without your horn?”

“It was great until you showed up, now are you deaf or just stupid, I said let them go!”

“Hey, that is no way to talk to your friends, well since I'm them now”

“let them go.. or I’ll make you.” “Oh goodness what are you going to do, buck the air to death, if I'm not mistaken your in my world now.”

“Well then go ahead, do it, kill me, freeze me. I don't care. Bucking do it I dare you.”

“Your not worth it.” “AREN'T I? You keep saying over and over that I am worthless and you're powerful, yet when I come into play, you seem to quiver in fear.”

“SILENCE!” A claw materialized in thin air and swatted me.

I stumble over myself trying to get back up. “Yet- yet instead of finishing me off, all you can do is throw punches. You may be strong but your the weakest thing I've ever seen.”

“If you value your friends lives you will shut your mouth.” “Why me.”

“What do you mean, why me?”

“Why am I so different from anypony else, do you love me, can you not come forth to destroy your own creation, stop me if I guess it.”

“Do you wish for death weakling.” Soon after he said that, the darkness of the room surrounded me, slowly swallowing all of my body whole. “If death is your wish I can surely deliver, or better yet, how about your precious birdie.” The darkness flew off of me and swamped itself around Gilda.


“It seems that I've found a more efficient way of destroying you. From the inside out.” He was going to break everything I knew... He was right.

“Tick tock, her shell is breaking.” Gilda's orb was fixing to shatter, she would be crushed in the impact.

“No, let her go.... I SAID TO LET HER GO!” A flash of light burst through the air blinding all that could see.

I was screaming in my sleep. “WAKE UP WAKE UP, SPIKE HELP ME, HE'S NO COMING TO!” Spike lit a small flame on my hoof but I would not wake up involuntary, I had to beat whatever I was facing to wake myself.

I shot up with a gasp. “GILDA!” Twilight jumped back as Gilda appeared out of nowhere landing on top of me. “What the hay just happened.” Twilight looking for a logical explanation.

“Get Princess Celestia now.” Twilight made spike take a letter, he wrote to the Princes of the current events happening to us. After a few minutes passed the Princess was at the door of the library.

“We need to get somewhere safe Princess, Nopony has escaped, he tried to kill Gilda but somehow we ended up back here it was almost like we were in a dream, actually I am pretty sure thats where we were.”

“NO..." Princess Celestia pondered. "That must be why...”

“Why what Princess.” I asked

Princess Celestia Continued “Half of Clouds Dale's Residents are gone, reports are comming in to me and so far we haven't found one of the missing ponies, They just vanished.”

“We need to hide everypony in Equestria now!"

We headed out to inform everypony we could find.
After talking with the rest of the group I decided to see if Fluttershy was okay.

I went back to the hospital but they released Fluttershy earlier in the day. Nopony has seen her since.

I needed to find Fluttershy fast. I trotted up the road trying to locate her cottage near the woods. I came up to the dark cottage near the trees, "I hope shes okay."

“Fluttershy, you in here. A dark silhouette stood in the edge of the room. “Oh Fluttershy thank goodness your okay, something terrible has happened.”

“Oh no I hope every pony is okay. Oh look a small little bunny.”

“Ye- yeah, that's your favorite pet angel remember.”

“Right... do you know why I named him that?”

“Um, no I guess not.”

“It's because that's what he's going to be...”

Fluttershy proceeded to grab the helpless bunny's head and snap his neck.

“What Fluttershy.. I.. you just.. Nopony..” “Someone catches on quickly. Now come here and tell good ole fluttershy whats wrong."

I bolted out of the cottage as fast as I could, poor Fluttershy was gone. I had to make it back to the others, I had to let them know what was happening.

Then it occurred to me. He could be anypony at anytime.

I made my way back to Twilight and the others. “Any news on Fluttershy?” I was panting uncontrollably. “Twilight shes gone, he got her. Look we need to hide, this thing could become anypony and I won't let him take another pony's life.”

“I don't know how but for some reason I can evade him, He's encountered me the most and still hasn't got me. You guys hide, I'll help the Princess and the Guards hide other ponies.” Twilight, Spike, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rarity looked at me In utter sadness.

"Hey if this things got mah friends then I wanna help." Applejack shouted.

"Yeah I won't let Poor fluttershy go that easily, I won't let him take two of my friends without my permission." Pinkie Pie added.

"I cannot just sit and hide while our friends are in grave danger, were helping and thats final." Rarity said,

Twilight trotted up to me. "We can't let him get anypony else. we need to get help."

"From who?" I asked.

Twilight looked at her friends."Whoever we can find."

"Alright, well lets go get the Princess and try to get everything sorted out."

We heard a familiar voice in the background.