• Published 10th Mar 2012
  • 1,667 Views, 99 Comments

Friendship Has Many Names - Mikey_030

When a boy wakes up in a mysterious land and can't remember anything...

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Chapter 9 Rainbow Backtrack

“Princess, how have we not heard of this before, we can't just let a powerful beast like that run free in the Everfree forest.” “That's why there's a reason I urge ponies not to go into the forest, I put a spell on the forest long ago. He cannot leave it for any reason, the spell will recognize him and block his exit. He shouldn't be able to escape. But your “Friend” seems to have made it out just fine. Twilight... we need to capture him at once.

Twilight took her leave as fast as she could. She hopped on the first chariot back to Ponyville to get her “Friend” to Princess Celestia immediately.

Spike and I went upstairs to address the crash. “What happened!” I shouted at the blue Pegasus in surprise. “Sorry I was Practicing for a race and I got a little out of hoof.” Spike waved at her casually. “Hey Rainbow.” “Sup.” The blue Pegasus replied. “Wait... Rainbow Dash.” Rainbow put a giddy impression on her face, but suddenly dropped to a calm one. “So, ya heard a me?”

“Well yeah, you could say that. I've talked to a few ponies that mentioned you once or twice.” “Oh really” The Rainbow maned pony replied.”Like who?” “Derpy and Gilda.” Rainbow froze in her place. A blank expression slapped to her face. “Your- Your the pony that talked to Gilda?” She walked to me slowly and put both hooves around my neck, a single tear ran down her face but I don't think she wanted me to notice. “Thank You.”

This struck me by surprise but I decided to hug back. “Hey, why didn't you tell Gilda who you were?” “Oh, because I don't know who I am for myself.” Rainbow looked confused... by his point, it didn't really come as a shocker as to why she was.. I was actually starting to get frustrated. I wanted people to know me as somepony... not just a nopony..

Rainbow looked as if she had a devious plot in her head. “Well lets go.” “Wait go where its the middle of the night.” “Were gonna go investigate.” “Investigate what.” “How you lost your memory of course, there's gotta be something in those woods that did it, its not like you just got bumped in the head, you said it yourself.. “

“I- I suppose we could go take a look. But the forest is so big, how are we supposed to find anything.” “We go to the place where you first woke up.”

I wasn't sure why but as soon as we finished talking we were off to the forest. Something about going back there made me feel a bit uneasy. As the brush engulfed me I began to put my guard on high. Something wasn't right.

Twilight burst through the doors of the library. “SPIKE WHERE IS HE!” Spike scrambled out of his bed frightened. “WHY IS THERE I GIANT HOLE IN THE WALL, DID HE DO THIS?” “No Twilight wait just calm down.” Spike tried to reassure the purple Unicorn. “Rainbow dash crashed through the wall, they just talked and Rainbow got all mushy and started hugging him.” “WELL THEN WHERE ARE THEY NOW!” “They said something about going to the Ever free forest.” Twilight's expression was a mix of fear and frustration. “No..”

Walking in the woods with Rainbow Dash was nice, peaceful. Although it was pitch black, rainbow was able to fly up and look ahead for anything potentially dangerous. All seemed quiet. We kept on, a few minutes pass and we both new we were getting tired. Rainbow Dash somehow thought of this as a bad idea but it didn't matter much, we're already to far in.

We come across a hut.. yep that hut. “Rainbow uh maybe we should go back.” “What why? Your not scared are ya?”

“Well I- I remember this place in particular, I think a witch or somepony dangerous lives in that hut.” “Its just Zecora.” “Who?” “Her I'll introduce you.” Rainbow Dash flew down to the door of the hut and pounded down on it with her hoof. “I hope were not waking her up.” The door slides open. “Well well well, Rainbow Dash, you look swell.” “Thanks Zecora, this here is my friend.”

“Oh uh its nice to meet you Zecora.” “We've met once before, my confused unicorn.” “Huh when?” “You trot through the forest with false innuendo, I saw you peeking in through my bed room window.” Rainbow Dash gave me a glare. “Hey, I just wanted to know if anypony could help me, but before I could ask the room exploded and I ran away. “I was making a potion as you can see, making sure the forest was safe as can be.” “What do you mean, What could that potion do to make everything safer.”

“To the potion you are a stranger, showing potential danger.” “What that makes no sense, your saying that the potion did that because it thought I was dangerous?” Zecora nodded. “Bu- but how am I dangerous I've never hurt anypony before.” “For that I do not know, why the potion did show. Move deeper in the forest with much care... Through which I do not know if you should beware.” She looked at Rainbow Dash with that last phrase. We looked at each other with confused expressions. I softly broke the silence. “Well thanks Zecora, I think were gonna head out.” “Uh yeah we should get going.” Rainbow dash added.

We both left the hut waiving goodbye to Zecora. As we started walking it felt like nothing could break the awkward silence. “Am I really dangerous..” Rainbow looked back at me. “Well from what I've heard your far from it. You did save the friendship between me and Gilda.” “Yeah but what could that potion mean. Could I be dangerous in the future?” “What that's crazy, your one of the nicest pony that I’ve ever met.” I gave a small grin to Rainbow Dash to show my appreciation from her complement.

Minutes pass as I notice familiar surroundings. “I- I think this is it Rainbow Dash, we're here.”
The location was a small space in which none of the trees protruded from the ground. Like a small empty circle surrounded by forest.

“Well do you see anything?” Rainbow said while search for any means of what happened to me. “No, just emptiness.” “Well this was worth our nights, sorry I dragged you out here.” “Its no problem Rainbow, I guess we should start heading back anyway.”


“What, huh, what's going on, whose out there?” Five ponies Walked through the trees, wearing odd jewelry. “Hey, what are you guys doing here.” They didn't respond, all of them had sad expressions on their faces. “Rainbow Dash get over here and put this on.” Twilight shouted, Rainbow Dash looked sad and confused. But she did as she was told. The fact that they were wearing the Elements of Harmony let her know that something was seriously wrong. “What are you guys up to? Do you need any help?”

“Cut the act nopony we know who you really are!” Her tone got to me a little. “You- you know who I am? Thats great, looks like we came all the way out here for nothin' huh Rainbow Dash.” She stayed silent. “Why is everypony looking at me like that, come on guys cheer up, we know who I am now, right?... You guys...” Fluttershy started crying.


“But I-.. Fluttershy, I risked my life to save Angel. Doesn't that prove I don't want to hurt anypony.” She stayed Silent. “Rarity, you made me clothes so that I could fit in remember. Pinkie Pie, I wanted to help you throw that party.” My lips started quivering.. and so did theirs. “Applejack.. I still would've helped on the farm if you needed me to, the bits were for Twilight because I didn't want her to keep spending her money on me. Rainbow... I mended Gilda's friendship with you... doesn't that count for anything.” All fell silent.

“Zecora.” Rainbow said softly. “Zecora's potion said you were dangerous.” “Bu- but guys I don't mean any harm. I couldn't imagine hurting anyone of you.”

“Twilight.. I” “What, what could you possibly have to say to me.” “I- I kind of-”

“WHAT!” Tears were running down her face as she was screaming. They were in so much pain because of me. I did the only thing that I thought could fix anything.

I kissed her.