• Published 10th Mar 2012
  • 1,667 Views, 99 Comments

Friendship Has Many Names - Mikey_030

When a boy wakes up in a mysterious land and can't remember anything...

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Chapter 10 Forever Without A Dash of Purpose

My face left hers. She stood there, frozen. Both of us with sad expressions filling our faces. Her mouth still hanging open. Tears.. Sliding down her face, my face was no better. I used my magic to carry the crown off of her head and placed it on the ground next to her hooves. We looked at each other for what seemed like an eternity... Motionless.

Applejack used her hooves to remove the necklace she was wearing. Letting it slide off of her hooves onto the dark forest floor. “Twilight... I don't care if he's evil or has any intention at all to hurt us, I don't think I have the heart to harm him in any way at this point, all he has done for us is kindness and I don't want to do this over one misunderstanding.”

The rest of the group decided it was time to do the same as they all took off there jewelry.

“I- I just. Princess Celestia said that you.. needed to be captured.”
“But why?”

“There's an evil beast in this forest, and when I described you... she thought it resembled him.”
“I don't look too beastly do I?” The party let out a slight giggle masked by all of the emotion they were emitting just a few seconds ago.

“If there is a beast in here somewhere I think we should get a move on pronto.”
“Well I've flown all over this forest and haven't seen this guy once, we're fine.” Rainbow Dash added.

“Twilight, can we talk about, what we did just now...”

“Later, I think we should leave the forest no-” Twilight was cut short.

“Twilight? Twilight you there?” She couldn't move. None of them could.

“What the hay, you guys whats going on, you look like you've seen a mons-” Before I could finish, something wrapped around my body, I was slowly levitated up into the air, whatever had me in its grasp, it felt oily.

“He- Hey Put Me Down!.” I tried to struggle but it was no use.
I was slowly turned around. A black flap shot open revealing a red circle. I gasped in fear. Another flap shot open revealing the same.

“What the... Eyes?” Suddenly a huge bear like figure came into focus. It's mouth became visible

“I hope your having fun... IN MY BODY.”

“What? your body, this is my body!” The other ponies watched in horror. They hurried to get their strange jewelry back on. The beast pulled me out of his vision. He was staring down the six ponies.

“Oh look, The Elements of harmony, Tell me, I hope you don't plan on using it against me.”

Twilight looked back at him with anger while levitating her crown back on. “YES WE ARE.”

The Elements of Harmony started glowing, the six ponies floated into the air while a beam of light surrounded them.

“Oh nooo, I must leave at once, If I were to be hit by you my plans to destroy all of Equestria will be ruined.”

A bright rainbow shot out of the six ponies, violently shooting down upon the beast, he was holding me just out of reach of the light.

The flash of light blinded everypony. As they floated down, their vision began to come back. “That takes care of that.” Twilight said with a smirk.

Finally we could all see again. The beast lying on the ground. “Hes gone.”

“Wow that was amazing. You did it!” Everypony looked at me.
“Why don't you come over here?” Applejack asked I nodded with a smile.

I started trotting but.. I wasn't moving... To my fear, he still had his grip on me.

“huh, he won't let go!”

“Hm hm hm hm hm... heh heh heh ahahahahaha AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA”

We all knew he wasn't dead.

“Oh my memory fades from time to time so you'll have to forgive me, I completely forgot that the Elements of Harmony doesn't work against me. Now If you would allow me to explain, your friend here is wearing my body. You see, I was banished here in this forest by none other than the graceful Princess Celestia. She was so kind to keep me here instead of fighting me herself. She lacks something very important. The power to defeat me. So I spend my time cooped up in here feasting upon whatever I can find. And then it dawned on me... If the spell keeps me in the forest, why not ponies. So I began to think.. What if I was a pony. That's when I decided to make you. But for whatever reason, before I could Intertwine myself with your body... You woke up and just walked away. I was unaware of this as I left you unattended for a few, a beasts gotta eat am I right. But what I can't understand is why you woke up. Your not anypony, your just a soulless body."

Taken back by this, it did somehow make sense as to why I have no memory. He tapped me on the nose leaving a smudge of blackness.

“I just think its adorable that you met some friends, that is one thing I lack. And I see you have some affectionate feelings toward that purple one.

“So.. so what! I'm not gonna let you touch them.”

“I don't think your in any position to be calling the shots.” He said while shaking me side to side, my hooves swaying left and right.

“Do tell me, what is your name? Oh wait let me guess, you don't have one.”

I made the mistake of showing my disappointment as I looked down in sorrow.

“Dear it would be wise to keep your mouth shut, We wouldn't want your pretty little mane to get hurt now do we.” He reached his free hand toward her.

“HEY LEAVE HER ALONE!!” I shouted at the top of my lungs.

“For a soulless purposeless nopony, you sure know how to piss me off.”

“Don't call me that or your gonna PISS ME OFF!! Now leave my friends ALONE!!” My nostrils flaring with anger and shooting steam, That's new, but for this situation quite appropriate.

“Its fine, I'll let that little out burst go. As for now, lets make sure that you stay in line. I bet you've learned a little bit about magic.”

“yeah so what.”

“Well, I'm sure some amount of magic will be able to stop me sooner or later. One less unicorn should even the playing field.”

My eyes widened “What do you-” He proceeded to grab my horn in his free hand with a violent thrust almost snapping my neck, began jerking my horn back and forth. The build of pressure was too much for me to handle.. I let out the most painful scream I'm sure anypony in equestria had ever heard as an echoing snap came from my head. Small amounts of blood were dripping down onto my face. My horn had snapped in half.

“AAAAAAHHHHH” “MY HORN!!” The pain was too much I could barely speak. The six ponies watched in horror as they could do nothing but stand there and witness my torture.

“NOOOO!” Rainbow Dash flew up into the air. “I won't let you do this.” She shouted from above.

As Rainbow built momentum she began to dart to the earth like a rocket. She was going fast.. Too fast. She was getting closer to the ground, she gained so much speed that a cone formed around her. Suddenly a burst of rainbow shot out through the skies, she came down at such velocity that nopony could see her. Inches from the beast she suddenly flew out of the way and impaled her right side into a tree, the beast had swatted her out of the air with its mighty claws.

Her wing looked like it had bent into 3 different angles. Surprisingly enough she was still conscience as the beast slowly made its way too her. He picked up the squirming Pegasus and engulfed it in its darkness. I don't know what it was really but all I could tell from the sight was his skin was eating Rainbow Dash alive.

“STOP IT NOW!!” I tried to break free but it was no use. I watched in horror as he swallowed the Pegasus into his palm. “He-help” was all she could say through her tears and muffled mouth.

Fluttershy flew up to her and tried to pull her out but the darkness of his skin had pulled Rainbow Dash too far in. If fluttershy hadn't let go, she would have been pulled in herself.

“Awww my sweet dear, don't feel bad.” He punched her to the ground. “You'll join her shortly.”

She looked up in pure terror.

"Now to deal with you once again my forest colored friend.” A giant evil grin crept up his face. He threw me to the ground with great force, I slammed into the earth.

“You ponies are always playing games and what not so I'll just assume you like sports. How about a rousing game of hoofball. He lifted his leg up. My eyes grew wide at the sight as he punted me. I tumbled across the ground for what felt like miles, I noticed a big whit figure flying over head as I tumbled. I slammed into a nearby tree. My head broke the impact. I lost complete consciousness.

“While I have your attention, your about to witness your friend get his Cutie Mark, Isn't that exciting! Oh buck up everypony, Hes been wanting this. Isn't a Cutie Mark your way of finding your purpose in life?”

He walked toward my unconscious body with my horn in his grasp. He licked one of his claws and made an X on my flank to use as a target. He plunged my own horn into my flank, stabbing it deep into the spot where my beloved Cutie Mark should have gone.

“There that at least makes him presentable. And now he has a purpose. Now what purpose could you get from a stab wound. Oh I know...



For Now..”