• Published 8th Jul 2013
  • 3,937 Views, 239 Comments

The Super Avatar of Equestria - King Artermis

Another mayan test story, my fellow bronies and pegasisters

Comments ( 26 )


Haha! :rainbowlaugh:

I'm sorry, but answer me this.

Do movie critics make their own movies? Do food critics make their own food?

Jesus whats with the down votes?
haven't even read it yet.

Some just don't like my story, and that's fine, its their opinion.

why so many dislike the story good but there's error's here in there :scootangel:

wtf with the downvote?

So many downvotes.....dafuq?

I like your story. The writing isn't the best, but it caught my interest!

just a couple things okay
1 people can name their kids whatever the buck they want and you just said that about 5000 people have retarded names so now who feels like a jackass
2 the name mist reminded him of his DEAD PARENTS which is why he didnt want to bring it up and was adamant to not talk about it so now who feels like a jackass
3 he flipped when Luna asked about star Sol repeatedly because it reminded him of when he scared the shit out of his marefriend to the point where she was afraid of him and it is one of his biggest regrets at the moment besides not protecting his parents

im sorry for ranting but you have no place to judge the story in the manner you did

at least show respect and dont say his choices are idiotic

P.S. think nothing of my jackass coment it was just part of the rant



I thank you for standing up for this fic, but The Archive and I have talked his "opinions" out a while ago, and found that he was just being a critique because this is the internet. Thanks for standing up for me and all, but still please be kind to those that give advice in strange ways.

I gave credit where it was and still is due.

Alright, good.

6389426 an update is long over due


6714215 Well i was kind of thinking of

a HAIR on the other hand, usually isn't sharp. even a blunted knife would be sharper. So that makes no sense.

Are you still going to be updating this? :pinkiesad2:

So... the story is dead huh?


A "Gary Stu" or "Mary Sue" is a character that is just absolutely perfect with a LOT of power & NO flaws what-so-ever. Artemis is FAR from being a perfect superpowered character without any flaws. In fact, he actually HAS flaws & has a tragic past. BATCAN, I've read up to Ch. 12 despite any cringe worthy writing mistakes & I looked past the overpowered OC since I was actually expecting that to happen anyway based on the title alone.

Even if he still needs to train a bit he still has an insane level of power for it to be so early in the story. It seems as though any threat that could or will arise the characte will be able to decimate it with little to no problem and that aspect of him being so powerful just stabs the story for me. I wouldnt even mind that happening or the love inteests immediatly giving him their hearts if it happened over slightly longer more detailed chapters but it seems to rushed for my enjoyment. Of course im not saying its bad by any stretch, just its not suitable for the criteria of the stories i enjoy is all. :3

Will this continue?

Possibly not without a "Mexicolt" (lacking a better term) for it to originate from.

Though, Appleoosa is a Texas style area, soooo...

It's still possible.:ajsmug:

Oh yes, the classic arrogant characters that surprise all the main characters and are immediately loved, seem very Mary Sue to me, the leaps of logic due to the plot are the worse though. You're going to tell me that he was the only person out of 7B that didn't start panicking like a bitch in the apocalypse? What about all the babies that can't even understand what is going on? What about the Veterans in afeg and Iraq that got desensitized after staring death in the eyes multiple times? Or people that are blind, mute, and deaf? Or people that just didn't care about death at all (Nihilism and all)? But no, he is the ONLY ONE.

And he chooses Equestria out of having all the powers in the universe and being able to go anywhere? Yeah, how coincidental right, he couldn't possibly want to have the biggest power potential and the knowledge to pursue it and be a god himself because that's too far-fetched. What about the fact that he coincidentally falls right at the palace gardens? Or even him shedding like 3 tears to the death of his planet. Sure it says he did more, but 3 is certainly how it feels. And how could he keep himself calm at that moment but suddenly 3 minutes later he is having an emotional breakdown? Why even pursue that theme if you won't do anything with it? And this god is the most blatant MacGuffin I ever saw. What's my biggest sin? Oh, I only took some Cuukis out of the Cukki jar? hahaha haha, let me laugh at the destruction of the planet with a maniac sadist genocidal bastard that likes to see the world burn and later say that he is 'such a cruel, yet so caring, of a being.'

I am tired of these types of novels. Why did I even hope this was going to be good? >.<

More good

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