• Published 21st Jul 2013
  • 648 Views, 10 Comments

The Hunt for Doctor Whooves - Princess Bronicorn

Cross over between Doctor Who and Mlp. (Some parts of this story connects with a story i wrote previous to this one. Is not published, and cannot publish it because i lost the first note book. Hope you can still follow along)

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"Here we are guy," Doctor Whooves informed poking his head out of The Tardis, "We are in Princess Celestia's palace. Leon, I need you and Tanya to The Princess and tell her that you have me, Twilight, and Derpy captured."

"Yes sir," Agent Leon acknowledged.

"Hurry, before the guards show up."

Agent Leon and Tanya ran up to the entrance to the throne room, "Permission to enter Ma'am," Agent Leon called.

"Permission granted," Princess Celestia said while looking out at the window.

"We have found The Doctor and his wife, plus the traitor," Tanya informed.

"Bring them to me," Princess Celestia ordered.

"Yes, your majesty."

"Doctor, we are headed your way," Agent Leon whispered.

"Good," Doctor Whooves said, "Derpy and Twilight, you two with me. Everypony else, get out of The Tardis before me and walk away from it. Don't make eye contact with at all, act like you don't know what it is."

"Yes, Doctor." They replied in unison.

"Applejack," Doctor Whooves turned around as he walked to the door.

"Yes?" Applejack replied.

"Take care of Dinky for me."

"I will."

Everypony left The Tardis leaving Doctor Whooves, Derpy, and Twilight in The Tardis. Shortly after they left, Agent Leon called out through the headset.

"Doctor, we are right outside The Tardis," Agent Leon informed.

Doctor Whooves, Derpy, and Twilight stepped out of The Tardis and followed Agent Leon to Princess Celestia. A minute later they were in the throne room, "Princess Celestia, we have the prisoners right here," Agent Leon informed opening the doors.

"Good," Princess Celestia smiled, "Give them a chance to speak before taking them away. Twilight, you first. Why did you betray me?"

"I couldn't let you kill them," Twilight responded.

"And why exactly couldn't you?"

"Because of what he has done for us. He has saved Equestria from the war. He made sure that we stayed and fight. He got rid of Discord, Queen Chrysalis, and King Sombra. If it wasn't for him we would all be dead, or enslaved."

"Continue," Princess Celestia ordered.

"He is also working on a way to stop the weird things in The Everfree Forest from happening. Tell her Doctor.

"Yes, please do Doctor," Princess Celestia encouraged.

"I have found aura around the cells of a rat. It looks like it was from a spell. I was going to take samples from plants and other animals, but you sent your little buddies after me, and trashed my house." Doctor Whooves ranted, "Now for more important questions, why are you doing this to us?" Doctor Whooves questioned, "Why are you trying to get rid of me and my family?"

"To keep country safe," Princess Celestia replied.

"To keep this country safe!? Derpy shouted, "He saved you from King Sombra, Discord, and Queen Chrysalis~"

"I can't have an alien species in Equestria," Princess Celestia stated

"It's not because of that!" Derpy argued, "You know The Doctor is more powerful than you. You're afraid that he's going to overthrow you. I mean you couldn't save your own country. But he could, that must show who the real hero is. One thing that you don't know though. He does this for more than just our country. He does out of his own free will. He never once thought about taking over your throne. Nor does he want to."

"Doctor, maybe you should tell her about the daleks," Twilight suggested.

"She already knows about them," Agent Leon said, She knows everything that's happened. She knew far before I told her, that Twilight was going to help you. She knows all of your friends are on your side."

"I'm very disappointed in you Twilight," Princess Celestia frowned.

"Princess, I can help you with the daleks. I can end this, nopony else has to die," Doctor Whooves offered.

"I don't need your help. I'm not in any danger at all. The daleks knew you were here. They asked me to bring you to them. You fell right into their trap."

"You're working with them!" Tanya shouted.

"You are making a huge mistake!" Doctor Whooves shouted.

"How so?" Princess Celestia questioned.

"These daleks want nothing but power. They will take over this planet. They will kill you all," Doctor Whooves warned clinching his teeth.

"They said they'll leave right after they kill you."

"They want me dead so I can't stop their plans!" Doctor Whooves shouted.

"Their plans for what?"

"To take over the universe!" Doctor Whooves yelled, "If they don't kill you, they'll make you into slaves. The second choice isn't likely."

"And why should we believe you?" Agent Leon questioned grabbing a hold of his hooves making sure he get move.

"Because, they destroyed my planet. They killed all of my species. I am the only time lord left. They tried to destroy planet earth. They tried to destroy all of existence from every universe."

"C'mon Celestia, I know you are smarter than this!" Derpy shouted.

"Agent Tanya," Princess Celestia called.

"Yes, your majesty?" Tanya responded.

"Take Derpy and Twilight away, guards, call in the daleks."

"Yes, Ma'am," The guards responded.

"Don't you dare hurt them!" Doctor Whooves yelled.

"And what are going to do about it?" Princess Celestia laughed.

"Doctor!" Derpy shouted while being dragged out of the room.

"Right this way," One of the guards said with a dalek following.

"Victory is now ours," The dalek said, "Your planet will be spared."

"What do you mean?" Princess Celestia questioned.

"Your planet will work for us"

"He's going to enslave your planet!" Doctor Whooves shouted, "I can stop it. I can save your species, I can save the universe, I've done it many times before, I can do it again!"

"Guards, take The Doctor away. I don't want to hear his nonsense," Princess Commanded.

"Princess Celestia, You're making a huge mistake!" Doctor Whooves shouted as the guards dragged him away.

"ENOUGH!!!" Princess Celestia shouted slamming the doors after Doctor Whooves exited the room, "So how are we going to rule this planet?"

"There is no we," The dalek responded, "I am to kill any threat to our race. You are a threat. You must be exterminated."

"No, wait we can work something out!" Princess Celestia shouted as she covered her face.

"Daleks do not negotiate. You will be exterminated."

"You have three seconds to get away from her."

"Tanya, is that you?"

"Princess Celestia, hurry and get out of here, I'll take care of this machine," Tanya ordered.

Princess Celestia used a spell to blind the dalek. She then flew out of the room as quick as she could. After a few seconds the dalek was able to see again. The dalek noticed that Princess Celestia was no longer in the room. The dalek then turned around to face Tanya who was aiming a weapon at the dalek. Tanya tried to shoot the dalek but nothing came out of the weapon.

"Of course it would stop working when I need it the most," Tanya thought to herself.

"Exterminate," The dalek said.

Tanya closed her eyes knowing her time was up, when she felt a pony somepony touching her shoulder, "It's okay, I'm here," Agent Leon assured as he shot the dalek with the cannon from The Doctor.

"Where's Twilight and Derpy?" Tanya asked.

"In a cell. I told them to keep quiet until I got back. I told them why I did what I did. It was the only way to assure that The Doctor could do what he needs to do. The Doctor will still probably be pissed at me, so it's going to take the both of us to convince him that we are on his side."

"Yea, that wont be easy. Thanks for saving me though," Tanya added.

"I'm not going to loose you too," Agent Leon confirmed, "But we have to find The Doctor. The Doctor has the most information about these things. If he can get rid of the daleks, then Equestria will be safe again."

"What about Princess Celestia?" Tanya questioned.

"I can care less about her. She betrayed her country, including you and I. She's the one who got West killed. Whether she knows it or not. I can't trust her anymore. Just follow The Doctor and we'll be fine," Agent Leon assured, "Let's just go find The Doctor. He'll get us out of this mess."

"I hope so," Tanya frowned.

"Doctor come in," Agent Leon said putting his hoof to his ear, "Can you hear me?"

"Look, somepony misses you, "The guard laughed, "How cute."

"C'mon, let me go. You're making a big mistake," Doctor Whooves warned trying to wiggle his hooves out of the shackles that are holding him to a table.

"You sound just like my mother... I hate my mother."

"Those daleks will destroy your planet. Even after my death they'll take you as slaves. They'll use you to fight for them, or they'll kill you all."

"Sure they will," The guard laughed, "And I'm going to the first pony who will walk the moon. Let me tell ya, you crack me up real well. It's a shame that I have to kill you."

"Why wont you listen to!" Doctor Whooves shouted, "I want to save you. I want to save your planet!"

"No, you want it for yourself." The guard assumed.

"If that was true, you would have known years ago. Just let me go!"

"I'm sorry, but these are orders from The Princess."

"Your Princess has killed several innocent ponies, including Octavia and Vinyl Scratch. She has betrayed you!"

"I'm sorry," The guard said picking up a syringe, "This wont hurt a bit."

"Put that down right now," Applejack said in a soft but stern voice.

"Applejack?" Doctor Whooves questioned.

"And how are you going to do that?" The guard taunted, picking up a scalpel

"By force," Applejack grinned as Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie walked in.

"You might not want to tick me off. I haven't had the best day," Rainbow Dash warned, "I'm going to give you one chance to put those sharp objects down and walk off, before somepony gets hurt."

"Nopony messes with my friends. NOPONY!" Pinkie Pie shouted.

"Okay okay, I'll let him go. Just please don't hurt me," The guard pleaded as he dropped the scalpel and syringe."

"That's what I thought," Applejack laughed, "Not as tough as you look. Now leave."

Pinkie Pie and Applejack untied The Doctorfrom the table, while Rainbow Dash stood guard at the door, "Thank you so much," Doctor Whooves said gracefully, hugging Applejack and Pinkie Pie, "How'd you know I was in trouble?"

"Saw the guard drag you this way," Applejack replied.

"Simple enough," Doctor Whooves shrugged, "We have to stop meeting up like this."


"Doctor, are you there?" Agent Leon asked.

Doctor Whooves Picked up the head forcefully, "What do you want!"

"I'm coming for you."

"Why, so you can kill me yourself?"

"No, I want to make amends," Agent Leon said softly.

"You can forget about it. I'm going to go to the throne room and you are going take me to my wife. I'm going to get rid of the daleks and you're going to leave me and my friends alone. Do you understand!" Doctor Whooves yelled.

"Yes, Doctor," Agent Leon responded, hanging up the line.

"Where's Dinky?" Doctor Whooves asked.

"She's with Fluttershy." Applejack informed, "Don't worry they are in a room with Sweetie Belle, my sister, my cousin, and Scootaloo."

"Good, now follow me," Doctor Whooves commanded.

"Um, Doctor." Rainbow Dash whispered, "There are three daleks coming. They are all the way at the end of the hall.

"Everypony, hide," Doctor Whooves whispered.

"No need." Applejack said, "Not with these weapons."

"Good point," Doctor Whooves responded, "New plan. Hide behind those doors and wait for them to come through. When they come through, we open fire."

"Got it." Rainbow Dash confirmed.

They waited a few moments, but the daleks wouldn't come through the door way. Doctor Whooves grew inpatient by standing there and waiting, "Applejack, peek your head through the door way and see if they're still commanded.

"Yes, Doctor," Applejack replied as she poked her head out. She saw Tanya and Leon walking towards their location, with three dead daleks, "It's Tanya and Leon," Applejack informed.

"You guys can come out now!" Tanya called.

"The path behind us is clear," Agent Leon informed.

"Take me to my wife now!" Doctor Whooves shouted.

"I will, just calm down."

"How can I calm down. This whole world is under attack all because of me. All of you guys are going to die."

"Not if we work together," Applejack said.

"Doctor, you are the only one who can save our planet," Agent Leon said, "If you give up, then yes we will parish. We will help you. Tell us what we need to do to help. '

"I need to know what the dalek's are planning. Only then will I be able to stop them.

"And how will you find that out?" Tanya questioned.

"I board one of their ships," Doctor Whooves informed.

"Not to be rude Sugar Cube, but that's insane. More insane than some of the things that Pinkie Pie does," Applejack stated.

"Yea, I tried to fly off a roof one year during nightmare night."

"Anyways, Leon take me to Derpy and Twilight, "Doctor Whooves requested, "I think I have a plan that'll work,"

"What is it?" Agent Leon asked.

"Oh, you'll find out."


"Come on. Let us out!" Derpy shouted, "The Doctor needs us."

"Sorry, can't allow it," the guard said.

"Please," Twilight begged, "these daleks will kill as all."

"Can't you just teleport us out of here?" Derpy asked.

"The cells are magic proof. I'd just tire myself," Twilight informed.

"Will you listen to me!" Derpy shouted once more, "We aren't the enemy. Princess Celestia has blinded you!"

"If I let you go, Princess Celestia will kill me," The guard stated.

"Oh come on, is that everypony's excuse now!" Twilight shouted, "My brother would be ashamed of you. Capturing his sister.

"I'm just following orders," The guard replied.

"You're holding one of the Elements captive!" Derpy argued.

"Yes I am and that is your problem."

"And it'll soon be yours," Doctor Whooves threatened, "Let them go."

"Or what?" the guard taunted.

"Or, I can end your life." Doctor Whooves responded after he tackled the guard, "Give me the keys."

"Your kidding right?" the guard laughed.

"Just used the screw driver," Derpy suggested.

"Can't it's a deadbolt."

"What can you possibly do if I don't let them go?" the guard questioned.

"You don't want to know," Doctor Whooves warned.

"Ooh... Look what I have," Pinkie Pie giggled, jiggling the guard's keys, "You should really pay more attention to your surroundings."

"Now get up and leave," Doctor Whooves ordered getting up off the guard, "Pinkie, unlock the cell."

"Okie dokie lokie," Pinkie Pie shouted gleefully as she opened the cell.

"I better not see you again," Agent Leon spoke, as the guard stomped out of the room.

"Okay guys," Doctor Whooves announced, "We need to get going. Applejack lead us to Fluttershy and the fillies."

"Yes sir," Applejack replied.

The whole group followed Applejack to a room that happened to be half way to the opposite end of the palace, "We are here," Applejack informed.

"Okay good. Now that we are all together, I can tell you all my plan. Twilight, I need you to contact the changelings.

"Are you crazy!?" Twilight shouted, "They are our enemy."

"Look, we don't have many options right now. We are highly outnumbered. There are countless amount of changelings, they can distract the daleks buying me time to board one of the ships. With the changelings on our side, there'll be less daleks for me to worry about. Also, if the changelings can transform into a dalek, then we will use that to our advantage."

"Doctor, the changelings aren't to be trusted," Applejack argued.

"Any why is that?" Doctor Whooves asked.

"They are deceitful."

"And that's exactly what we need. The daleks are smart, but they can't repel something they don't know about."

"I guess you're right."

"One problem," Twilight informed, "I have no way to contact the changelings."

"Im pretty sure The Princess of the Night wont mind helping us out," Doctor Whooves assured, "Where is Luna."

"She's in Canterlot. We share the same castle." Twilight responded.

"Okay, to The Tardis as fast as you can. Doctor Whooves ordered, "The daleks probably know that we are here and are probably on their way. Why they haven't found us yet? I don't know, but they should be closing in on our position."

Everypony ran to The Tardis. The guard from the dungeon was following them, with their knowledge. The guard was aiming his horn trying to get a steady shot on The Doctor. Tanya and Leon stayed behind the group, making sure that nopony got left behind. The guard shot a beam at the herd before they could turn the corner to The Tardis. Tanya was the last pony to turn the corner and the one who got hit with the beam. Tanya fell to the ground and gave a yelp of pain.

"Tanya!" Agent Leon shouted.

"Leave me, I'll hold them off," Tanya informed.

"Where'd you get shot?"

"My leg, don't worry about me though," Tanya said trying to get up, "Get out of here, before they come. Don't worry I'll catch up."

"The Doctor may not wait."

"I'm ok with that. Just make sure he finishes the job."

"I will," Agent Leon said as he ran off to The Tardis.

"I will not let you pass!" Tanya shouted.

"Then you'll die with them," the guard replied.

"It'd be my pleasure."

The guard ran up to Tanya and tried to tackle her. Even with her wounded leg, she was able to dodge him, "C'mon, you can do better than that." Tanya taunted.

The guard pulled out a knife and tried to stab Tanya. Tanya grabbed his hoof as he ran towards her, and pushed him away. The guard turned around and tried to stab her again, but Tanya tripped him, making him fall to the ground. She dropped herself, with her elbow pointed at his stomach. The guard rolled over causing Tanya's elbow to hit the cobblestone floor.

"Don't underestimate me!" the guard shouted.

"Trust me, I haven't, "Tanya replied.

Tanya crawled to a nearby staircase, taking notice of the railing. The guard followed Tanya to the stair case and picked her up by the throat, giving a loose enough grip to let Tanya speak, "Any last words?" the guard questioned, knowing that he won.

"This is where you loose," Tanya grinned. Tanya pulled our her hoofcuffs, ringing one cuff on the guards hoof, and the other cuff on the railing. The guard threw Tanya down the stairs as he yelled at her. Tanya broke her arm, but still crawled away from the guard's position. She heard a dalek approach from the staircase.

"Hey there, Dalek, can you get me out of here?" the guard asked.

"Daleks do not help enemies. Daleks do not accept requests." The Dalek responded.

"Please?" the guard begged.

"You will be exterminated."

"No, please. I have a wife and two foals. I need to take care of them."

"You failed them," The dalek said as he shot the guard.

"Looks like the dalek is going to kill me, or I'm going to bleed to death from the beam," Tanya whispered to herself, "Hmm." Tanya said pulling out a headset that the doctor gave her, "Of course it's broken, well only a few minutes till I die,"

The dalek heard a few whispers coming down the stairs and found Tanya breathing heavily, "Please make it quick. Let the pain go away."

"You aren't destined to die yet," the dalek said.

"Kill me!" Tanya shouted.

"It's not time. Universe is not ready for your death."

"What are you doing here? Why did come to Equestria? Why can't you leave us alone?"

"We are here for The Doctor."

"One of you guys said that, you were going t enslave us."

"That's none of your concern."

"How the hell is this none of my concern. My friends will be stuck in chains! Of course I'm concerned. Now tell me your plans!"

"The daleks are going to take over the universe, all the universes. Every living will bow down to us."

"You are crazy!" Tanya shouted.

"No, we are brilliant."

"In what universe!?"

"All of them."

"How are you going to take over the universe?"

"The Tardis," the dalek informed.

"If you think The Doctor will give up The Tardis, then you are strongly mistaking."

"The Doctor will give up The Tardis, even if it's by force."

"He will stop you."

Comments ( 5 )

i feel it's going to be one of those give me what i want or i will kill your friend situation if only i could find which one be the hostage

This is amazing I can't wait to see what happens next :derpytongue2:

Man, Celestia is stupid

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