• Published 21st Jul 2013
  • 648 Views, 10 Comments

The Hunt for Doctor Whooves - Princess Bronicorn

Cross over between Doctor Who and Mlp. (Some parts of this story connects with a story i wrote previous to this one. Is not published, and cannot publish it because i lost the first note book. Hope you can still follow along)

  • ...

The Tardis

"Right this way Twilight." Doctor Whooves guided as he opened up the door.

"It's just a blue box." Twilight Stated.

"Typical, every species say the same thing at first glance, but wait until you see what's inside."

"What's inside?"

"Why don't you come inside and see." Doctor Whooves said walking into the Tardis.

Twilight followed The Doctor into The Tardis. Her jaw dropped as she walked in. She ran outside to check all corners of the box, looking to see if she missed anything that could explain how the inside of the box is bigger than the outside.

"This is impossible." Twilight said

"Don't worry Twilight. That's how I reacted when I first saw the inside." Derpy said.

"This isn't possible."

"Trust me Twilight, nothing is impossible." Doctor Whooves said.

"Well I guess so, I mean my future self did go back in time to talk to me. I ended up doing the same thing.

"This Tardis can travel through time and space. And occasionally she likes to go where she pleases. Sometimes she crosses different universes."

"She?" Twilight questioned.

"My Tardis." Doctor Whooves answered.

"It's a machine."

"And that's where you are wrong. The Tardis is a living creature. She has a heart and a life span. Even a soul. Just like any other creature. Did you know that stars are living creatures as well."


"Yup. I just learned that a few years ago. Anyways, I've been stuck on this planet for years now and who would've guessed that the Everfree forest would have something to bring my Tardis back to life."

"What fixed it?" Twilight asked.

"That purple plant that gave you and your friends weird symptoms that you thought was a curse. There's a substance there's a substance with in the flower that can fix various materials that i possess." Doctor Whooves answered, "By the way, what did you say about traveling back in time?"

"I went back in time to tell myself something, why do you ask. Still can't believe I went back in time."

"YOU WHAT!!!" Doctor Whooves shouted.

"What's wrong?" Derpy questioned.

"How long ago was this."

"Years ago. Maybe a week before the wedding with my brother and Cadence." Twilight answered looking confuesed

"Have you experienced anything strange. Ponies disappearing, creatures that you have never seen before that look like out of this world. Anything strange?"

"No, why what's the matter?"

"How long was your encounter?"

"A minute, maybe two."

"Did you make any physical contact. Shaking a hoof, hug, hoof bump, even a simple nudge?"

"Not that i can remember."

"You're lucky?" Doctor Whooves sighed.

"How so?" Twilight questioned.

"Your universe could have been destroyed."

"Well enough with this time talk, you need to pack up and leave this part of Equestria." Twilight ordered.

"What's wrong?" Derpy asked.

"Princess Celestia has gone crazy. She has hired three Agent ponies to hunt and kill you two, she didn't mention anything about your daughter. Princess Celestia sent me to bring you to her, but I can't do that. Not after what you've done for us." Twilight explained, "Pack up your things and run."

"Derpy, I need you to grab Dinky. I'll get some food and other necessities."

"Yes Doctor." Derpy replied.

"Twilight, please look after this place for me." Doctor Whooves pleaded.

"Will do." Twilight said, "Stay safe."

Doctor Whooves nodded then ran to the kitchen and grabbed any food that he knew wouldn't spoil in a few days. He grabbed a cooler and threw anything he could into it. Meanwhile upstairs Derpy is trying to convince Dinky to leave the house, who is not budging.

"Derpy, What's taking you?" Doctor Whooves shouted.

"I'm trying to get Dinky, but she wont come out." Derpy answered.

"I'll be right there. Twilight can you put the cooler into the Tardis?" Doctor Whooves requested.

"Sure thing." Twilight responded.

Doctor Whooves ran up the stairs to Dinky's room, "What's wrong Dinky?" Doctor Whooves asked.

"I don't want to go into the blue box." Dinky cried

"We have too, there are bad ponies coming here and they will do bad things."

"Like what?"

"They will take Your mother and I away from you."

"What will the blue box do?"

"The blue box will make sure that we are all safe. It will take us away from those bad ponies, I promise."

"Will we come back?"

"Eventually yes, but first we need to make sure that the bad ponies will stop following us."

"Open up!" Somepony shouted while banging on the door.

"Derpy, grab Dinky and take her too the Tardis. I'll make sure that they don't get you." Doctor Whooves whispered.

Derpy grabbed Dinky and ran to the Tardis as fast as she could. Doctor Whooves followed right behind her and closed the door.

"Wait" Doctor Whooves shouted, "My Sonic Screw Driver. I'll be right back."

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way." The voice shouted again, "Guys stock up."

Doctor Whooves grabbed the Sonic Screw Driver from his room and ran to the Tardis. The three ponies kicked the door open. One of the stallions threw a small dagger at Doctor Whooves, but missed.

"Get him!" The leader shouted, "I will not disappoint the Princess."

Doctor Whooves ran to the basement where The Tardis is located. One of the stallions threw another dagger, hitting Doctor Whooves in the shoulder as he ran down the stairs. Doctor Whooves stumbled from the pain, but he wasn't going to let the affect him. Doctor Whooves noticed Twilight, hiding, trying not to be seen by the Agents.

"Twilight, in here." Doctor Whooves whispered.

"I can't Princess Celestia will kill me." Twilight argued.

"Not if she doesn't find out. These guys will kill you if they find out that you're working for me. I'm sure Princess Celestia could reason with you if you make it out of here with me."

"Fine, but where we headed." Twilight asked.

"Ponyville, now hurry inside." Doctor Whooves said running to The Tardis with Twilight right behind him.

"What happened to your shoulder?" Derpy questioned.

"Can't talk now, we gotta get out of here." Doctor Whooves said closing the door to the Tardis.

Doctor Whooves started to mess with the control panel to The Tardis, when the three agents started to bang on the door.

"Open up!" The leader shouted

"I'd rather not." Doctor Whooves replied as he pressed the last button, causing a strange noise to occur, "Well here we are."

Doctor Whooves opened the Tardis door to let his friends take a look. Everypony looked at The Doctor with confusion. Twilight walked out of The Tardis and nearly fainted when she realized that she was back in her old town.

"Did you put a spell on this thing?" Twilight questioned.

"Nope, this was made by my species, the time lords." Doctor Whooves explained, "It's not impossible. To a more important question. WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT!?!"

"Which part?"

"Well gee, I don't know. Maybe the part where my home was invaded and the part that I was almost killed!" Doctor Whooves yelled pulling the dagger out of his shoulder, "Derpy, bring me the first-aid kit."

"Yes Doctor." Derpy replied as she went to The Tardis to grab the first-aid kit.

"Patch up my wound please." Doctor Whooves ordered, "Why does Princess Celestia want me dead?"

"I'm not sure." Twilight responed

"There must be a reason. Did I do something illegal, is it the fact that I'm living in the Everfree Forest?

"No, it's more important than that."

"OUCH!!" Doctor Whooves yelled.

"Huh?" Twilight questioned.

"Sorry, it's the antibacterial spray." Derpy said

"Warn me next time, please."

"TWILIGHT!!!" A familiar voice shouted, running through tackling Twilight to the ground.

"Pinkie!" Twilight complained

"Hehe, sorry."Pinkie Pie laughed, "I thought you weren't coming down until Hearths Warming's Eve. Oh no... You lost track of time, didn't you. Well it's the middle of summer right now. I mean how can you not know, it's burning up right now."

"Pinkie I know it's summer, and I know it's not Hearths Warming's Eve." Twilight assured.

"Then why are you here silly?"

"Princess Celestia has hired me and three other ponies to hunt and kill The Doctor and his family."


"I don't know Pinkie. We just came here for a few supplies." Doctor Whooves answered.

"Speaking of which, here's 20,000 bits." Twilight offered, "This should get you a decent house and get you some food for where ever you travel."

"Are you sure you want to give me this money? And why do you carry around 20,000 bits with you."

"Yes I'm sure, and I brought this 20,000 bits specifically for you. Besides i get plenty of money. It's not like I need it, but being royalty, you tend to get a lot of it. I just give it to ponies who need it more than me. In this case you are one of those ponies."

"Thanks Twilight."

"Don't worry about food." Pinkie Pie said, "I'll go get you some cupcakes and other goods from the Sugar Cube Corner"

"Thanks Pinkie. Twilight can you do me a favor?" Doctor Whooves asked.

"What is it?" Twilight answered.

"I need you to make sure that The Tardis doesn't leave Ponyville."

"Why are we leaving the Tardis?" Derpy asked.

"We can't be have Ponies seeing it. It'll give us away."

"How so?"

"Think about it, a blue box appearing out of nowhere. How weird would that be?"

"But ponies know about what you have done for Equestria. You are the reason why Equestria is still alive." Derpy argued.

"With Celestia in power, she can make ponies believe anything." Doctor Whooves informed.

"But Twilight is the new leader."

"Celestia is a role model to ponies all over Equestria. Whether she's in power or not."

"To be honest, Princess Celestia has only made me leader of certain things in Equestria." Twilight added, "She still controls the land and she over powers me. If I do something she doesn't like then she can fix it the way she'd like it."

"So, technically she's in power still." Doctor Whooves assumed.

"Correct. She just needs somepony to look after Equestria while she's at the Crystal Empire."

"Can't she give somepony the power to activate the heart?" Derpy asked

"I'm sure she could, but the only ponies she can fully trust are Cadence, Luna, and me. I'm too weak, Princess Cadence is dead. And, well, Princess Luna is easily persuaded and is busy looking after everpony in their dreams."

"Makes sense to me." Doctor Whooves said, "But if she's all the way at the Crystal Empire, how do we reason with her?"

"We?" Twilight jumped, "if she sees you, she'll have all her guards kill you and Derpy."

"There must be something that we can do."

"There is, and that's getting out of this town."

"Where do we go?" Derpy asked.

"Anywhere, other than Canterlot, Ponyville, The Crystal Empire, or your house. I recommend taking this box. You'll be safer with it."

"Understood Twilight. How is the wound coming along Derpy?"

"It's not too bad. The blade didn't cut any muscles or anything important, just skin and flesh. Should be fine with in a few days." Derpy informed.

"Good. Now get in The Tardis. I'll be right with you."

"Okay Doctor." Derpy said hopping into The Tardis.

"Thank you Twilight."

"You're welcome Doctor. Hopefully I can talk some sense into Princess Celestia."

"Bye Twilight." Doctor Whooves said walking into the Tardis.

"Where is our next destination?" Derpy asked.

"Appleloosa." Doctor Whooves replied.

Doctor Whooves looked through the camera to see Twilight walking away from The Tardis. He waited a little while before setting the coordinates on The Tardis. "See you soon" Doctor Whooves whispered to himself before pressing the last button to Appleloosa."

"WAIT!!!" Pinkie shouted running towards The Tardis with a basket full of muffins and cupcakes.

"Pinkie, he left." Twilight informed.

"But, they forgot their food."

"Don't worry pinkie, they'll be back."

"I hope so...... Hey would you like to come to my party?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"I'd love to. It'd help get rid of some of this stress." Twilight responed.

"Good, get Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash."