• Published 21st Jul 2013
  • 648 Views, 10 Comments

The Hunt for Doctor Whooves - Princess Bronicorn

Cross over between Doctor Who and Mlp. (Some parts of this story connects with a story i wrote previous to this one. Is not published, and cannot publish it because i lost the first note book. Hope you can still follow along)

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Agent Tanya and Agent West have found a way to contact Princess Celestia with one of the devices in the house. They just happened to touch it and it turned on.

"Enter a Location." The device said.

"Um..." West said unsure of what to say.

"Location not found. You must enter location and name to contact the person you are trying to reach." The device said again.

"Crystal Empire." West said.

"Crystal Empire acquired. Now enter name."

"Princess Celestia." West spoke out.

"Princess Celestia contacted. Please wait...... You are now connected to Princess Celestia."

"Princess Celestia, can you hear us." Tanya called out.

"Yes, I thought you were going to get rid of Doctor Whooves and Derpy. Why are you back so early?" Princess Celestia questioned.

"We are still in the Everfree Forest. We are still in The Doctor's house. We have found this device that connected the two of us to you." West informed.

"Did you kill them?"

"No we did not. They got away."

"WHAT YOU LET THEM GET AWAY!" Princess Celestia shouted.

"Yea, but we have important information." Tanya said.

"What is it?" Princess Celestia questioned .

"Twilight has betrayed us."

"What makes you say that."

"She escaped with The Doctor. She walked into the blue box with him, before it disappeared."

"Are you sure she wasn't kidnapped?"

"I am positive. She ran with him."

"That's unfortunate." Princess Celestia whispered to herself.

"What would you like us to do?" West asked.

"I want you to go to Ponyville and hang around there. Wait for Twilight to show up. Once you spot her, take her in for questioning." Princess Celestia ordered.

"What happens after that."

"Whether she is being cooperative or not, I want you to kill her when you are done interrogating her."

"It will be done." Tanya said.

"Don't disappoint me again. If you do, I'll have you both executed."

"Yes your majesty."

"Don't speak to me until the job is done." Princess Celestia ordered.

"You have 30 seconds left before this connection shuts down." The device said.

"Well that didn't go too bad" West said.

"What are you talking about. Our heads are on the line right now." Tanya argued, "If we fail we will be killed by Celestia's hooves."

"I still can't believe she wants her own student dead though."

"She was just protecting her friends."

"Do we even know why we have to kill The Doctor?" West questioned

"Apparently he's an alien species. I did believe it until now."

"Well, that's good enough for me." West said, "Come on, lets go. We must find Twilight. Before Princess Celestia decides to send her guards after us."

"Yea good idea." Tanya agreed.

"This system is now shutting down." The device said, "Thank you for choosing this company."

Agent Tanya and Agent West left The Doctor's house shortly after the brief encounter with Princess Celestia. The two agents have been walking around The Everfree Forest for a few minutes before spotting Agent Leon off in the distance.

"Agent Leon is that you?" West shouted.

"Just ignore them, just ignore them." Agent Leon whispered himself.

"Agent Leon hold up." West shouted once more.

"What is it?" Agent Leon groaned, "I thought I told you to stay in the house."

"You did but we got message from Princess Celestia." West informed.

"She wants us to capture Twilight. Ask her questions about The Doctor, and then kill her." Tanya added.

"How did you two manage to get a hold of Celestia." Agent Leon questioned.

"Long story." Tanya said, "But she wants us to stay and wait in Ponyville and wait for Twilight to show up."

"That's not a bad Idea. The Doctor probably left Twilight there to keep her safe. And if she's there, than The Doctor and his wife must be too."

"We may be there for a while." West said.

"That doesn't matter, I'm sure we can find somepony who will be more than glad to stay with them. Maybe even a free hotel with free food."

It took the three agents about two hours before getting out of the forest and another hour to walk all the way to midtown Ponyville. After hours of walking around the town, they have finally found a hotel that's willing to let them a few nights for free. Agent West walked into the room and fell onto the bed and just laid there."

"You see. This is good customer service." West said with his face buried into the mattress, "Nice comfy bed, comfy pillows, even a shower."

"Our Baracks had an oven." Tanya said bluntly, "Along with all this other stuff."

"Hey, it's better than sleeping in the dirt."

"We still have job guys. We can rest for today, but tomorrow early we have to stakeout this area. We stay in this hotel, and we all have shifts. Two hours and switch. We'll do that until we find Twilight." Agent Leon ordered.

"Sound good to me." West said.

"Is it alright if I head to a bar?" Tanya asked.

"Sure, but don't let Twilight, Derpy, or The Doctor see you before you see them" Agent Leon said

"I won't" Tanya sighed.

"And for Celestia's sake, don't get wasted."

"Okay father I won't." Tanya said sarcastically, "West, want to come with."

"No thank you." West replied, "But can you bring me back a bottle of Applejack Daniel's"

"No promises."

Tanya walked out of the hotel and spotted a bar just a little bit down the street. She walked down a little bit and saw one of Twilight's friends. She didn't remember the name. She thought about asking the Pink mare, but decided against it. "It's too late right now. I'm sure that pink mare will still be here tomorrow." Tanya continued her way to the bar and finally walked it.

"May I take your order?" The white mare asked.

"Just some wine." Tanya replied.

"Anything food?"

"No thank you."

"HEY OCTI WINE OVER AT TABLE FIVE." The white mare shouted.

"Wait.. Aren't you Vinyl.

"Yup, the one and only. How'd you guess."

"I just remember you somewhere. Didn't you own a bar up in Canterlot."

"Yea we did, but since the attack with King Sombra towards the end of the war three years ago, we had to close down. The expenses in Canterlot skyrocketed. With the building being destroyed. We decided to come down to Ponyville. More relaxing. And the building doesn't cost as much to maintain."

"I'm sorry to hear. Well have a good night Vinyl."

"You too Ma'am." Vinyl Scratch said.

"You can call me Tanya."

"Well Tanya, Octavia is here with your drink. Enjoy.

Tanya walked over to her booth and started to sip on her wine. Looking around at the bar scenery. While keeping a look out for Twilight as well. Tanya laid her head on the table trying to relax a little bit. Before she was rudely interrupted.

"Hey there cutie."

"West I swear to the nights, I will punch you if you don't leave me alone." Tanya groaned.

"How do you not recognize my voice."

"Because I can care less West. Just please let me rest

"It was a pity to hear that. Well I'm a Pegasi guard My name's Lace" He announced.

"Yea sorry. Not interested." Tanya said turning her head away.

"How can you not be interested in me? Im a guard."

"Yea and I'm an agent."

"Which is exactly why I came here. Princess Celestia wanted me to remind you to get the job done."

"Yes I know."

"If you don't capture Twilight by tomorrow at dusk, then I will kill you. But I can let you loose if you do me a favor."

"You can forget about it." Tanya said sipping her wine, "Now let me enjoy my peace."

"Why don't I help you." Lace grinned as he sat down next to Tanya.

"I will give you three seconds to get away from me." Tanya growled.

"Or what." Lace said putting his arm around Tanya.

Tanya quickly moved under his arm and knocked the colt onto the ground, with his hoof in a painful position. She applied a little but more pressure enough tear a muscle in his arm.

" I warned you." Tanya whispered in his ear before spitting on him.

"Is there something wrong?" Vinyl Scratch called out quickly running towards Tanya.

"He'll be fine. Hey, can I get two bottles of wine, and a bottle of Applejack's to go."


"OKAY BE RIGHT THERE!" Octavia shouted back.

"Seriously though, what did you do."

"I did my job." Tanya said pulling out a few bits to pay for the three bottles, "Catch you some time later. And sir, I recommend leaving me alone for now on. Consider this your final warning."

Tanya walked back to the hotel and pulled out the drinks from her bag.

"What took you so long?" West questioned, "Had to deal with business. I got a bottle of Applejack for you. and Wine for you Leon."

"Well we can't stay up too much longer. We have to be functional tomorrow if we want to catch Twilight." Agent Leon suggested. Good night."

Agent Leon woke up early that morning and started to look out the Window. He could see fillies and colts playing outside, mares shopping around. And the Stallions going to work. Agent Leon wasn't concerned about that though. Agent Leon could see Pinkie Pie walking around with food. I stared at her, wondering if she was one of Twilight's friends or not.

"I better go question her. I bet she'd know where Twilight is." Agent Leon thought to himself, "West, Tanya get up. I'm going outside to ask this pink mare a few questions. I will be back in roughly five minutes.

"yea yea." West moaned.

"Or I'll wake you up when I get back." Agent Leon grunted.

Agent Leon walked outside and spotted Pinkie Pie and was about to walk up to her when Pinkie Pie ran up to him.

"Hey my name's Pinkie Pie you must be new here in Ponyville, because I haven't seen you around and I know everpony in Ponyville but not you so that must mean you're here. What's your name. My name's Pinkie Pie, I think I already told you though, but just in case you forgot." Pinkie Pie said in a mouthful

"My name is Leon, Have you...."

"Hello Leon, nice to meet you. Do you have any friends here, are you visiting or are you moving in. Ooh let my guys your a tourist. No no, we never got those here. Ooh you're a photographer. I can tell by your outfit and sunglasses.You know. So you don't have to worry about the sun when taking a Picture of the sky. Ooh have you ever had any of my...."

"Shut up!" Leon yelled, "I am here to ask you a few questions. After I ask these few questions I don't want to be bothered by you. Got it?

"I understand." Pinkie Pie frowned, "You don't want to be bothered. Just like Cranky Doodle Donkey. But that's ok. I can still be your friend."

"Have you seen Twilight?"

"Last time I saw her, she was with The Doctor and Derpy. Twilight is still in town. But The Doctor and Derpy went somewhere else. I don't really know where though. Apparently Princess Celestia wants them captured. I think they are just playing though. Because Twilight is Princess Celestia's number one student. I think Twilight is at the library. She walked with me half way to the Sugar Cube Corner, then she said she had some studies to get too."

"Thank you."

"Oh by the way, as a tradition of Ponyville. I would like to invite you to a party. I was going to throw one anyways. But this is a perfect opportunity to get some new friends." Pinkie Pie offered.

"Sorry, but I have to decline that invitation. I am on a job given by Princess Celestia." Agent Leon informed.

"Ok well if you change your mind, meet me at Sugar Cube Corner later tonight. six o'clock maybe."

"We'll see. Maybe we'll see each other again."

"Ok, Say hello to Twilight when you catch her."

"Will do." Agent Leon said, walking back to his hotel, "West, Tanya we have a lead."

"Huh." West said just starting to wake up."

"We have a lead on Twilight. Get up. Her friend Pinkie Pie that Twilight is at the library."

"About time." Tanya said walking out of the shower.

"You're up already?" Leon questioned.

"I know when there's a job to do." Tanya stated, "And I can get myself up if I need to, which in this case I needed too, West on the other hoof, is just a lazy bum and just wants to sleep all day."

"Hey I am not lazy. I'm just a very relaxed pony."

"So that's what they call nowadays. Gotcha."

"Well we need to get going, before Twilight changes her location." Agent Leon ordered, "We don't have much time."

"Oh speaking of time. Last night, this guard came up to me and told me that we have until the end of the day to get rid of Twilight. She has sent guards to execute us if we don't." Tanya mentioned.

"And you didn't care to tell us this before now?"

"Hey I was pissed and tired. It slipped my mind."

"Anyways, lets go."

"Let me get shower." West said.

Leon grabbed the bottle of wine from last night and poured it on West. "The alcohol will kill what ever bacteria you have on you. Now get up."

West got up from bed and grabbed a towel to wipe his face. Tanya and Leon walked out of the hotel and headed towards Twilight's library. West ran to catch up to the other two agents. As they got closer to Twilight's library, they could see Twilight reading some books through the window.

"There she is." Agent Leon whispered, "Tanya you go check for a back door. West you look for a side door. I will knock on the front door. I'll give her 10 seconds before I kick down the door."

"Understood sir." Tanya said.

Agent Leon knocked on the door waiting for somepony to answer the door, "Be there in a minute." Twilight shouted. Agent Leon knocked again. A few more seconds he kicked down the door. Agent Leon walked up stairs and spotted Twilight who was startled.

"You know the door was unlocked, right!?" Twilight yelled, "Now I have to get that fixed."

"Come with me Twilight." Agent Leon ordered.

"Why what's wrong?" Twilight questioned.

"I know you know just as much as I do." Leon said.

Leon walked Twilight down the stairs before Twilight bucked him. West and Tanya heard some crash inside the library and quickly entered the building. West ran after Twilight who tried to flee the building, while Tanya went to check up on Leon.

"Don't worry about me." Leon said, "Get Twilight."

West tackled Twilight down and put cuffs on her.

"Let me go!" Twilight shouted.

"You come with us quietly and this'll be easy. We just need to ask you a couple of questions." West said, "I will uncuff you if take us to a closed space for us to speak without any interruptions."

"There's a warehouse that we can talk. Nopony goes there often. I can take you there."

"That'll work" Agent Leon agreed, "Take us there and don't do anything stupid. There's three of us, and one of you."

"I won't, just follow me."

Twilight led the agents to the warehouse she was talking about. The warehouse was full of boxes and rusted metal. West pulled out a rope but Leon signaled him to put it away. Twilight went to another room that belonged to an old business called 'Sofa and quills'. The place was dimly lit. With two low lighting hanging lamps in the room.

"Tanya, West, you two stay here. I'm going to walk around outside." Agent Leon informed, "Ask her anything that'll get us closer to The Doctor and his wife." He whispered in Tanya's ear

"Understood." Tanya replied as Agent Leon walked out, "West get out the rope."

"So you don't try to attack us." West said pulling out a rusty chair.

West tied up Twilight to the chair, for some reason she didn't fight back which made it very easy for West.

"We are going to ask you a few questions. Answer truthfully." Tanya said, "First question, why did you go with The Doctor?

"He is a good friend. Native to this planet or not. He helped me in many different ways. I was going to stay in the house, but he told me that you wouldn't be to happy with me."

"Why did you help him out?" West interrogated.

"Like I said, he's a good friend. I couldn't let him be killed. Not under my hoof. He saved Equestria, whether you want to admit it or not. He found the week points. He was able to warn us and tell us what must be done, in order to save Equestria. He's also trying to find a way to save ponies from the Everfree Forest. He has helped us way too much to let that all fade away."

"I'm sure Princess Celestia has a valid reason for wanting him deceased." Tanya assured.

"She's probably scared that he'll take his spot!" Twilight shouted, "That is not a valid reason."

"Anyways. Last question, Where is the Doctor."

"Right here!" Agent Leon said pulling in The Doctors body.


"Shut up." West said hitting Twilight hard enough in the head to knock her out.