• Published 21st Jul 2013
  • 648 Views, 10 Comments

The Hunt for Doctor Whooves - Princess Bronicorn

Cross over between Doctor Who and Mlp. (Some parts of this story connects with a story i wrote previous to this one. Is not published, and cannot publish it because i lost the first note book. Hope you can still follow along)

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Leon, can you hear me?" West spoke.

"Loud and clear," Leon responded.

"Long story. Listen, Equestria will be under attack soon. Ponyville, Manehatten and The Crystal Empire are going to be first on the list. I need you to evacuate Ponyville and warn Celestia."

"What's wrong?"

"An alien species is about to attack our planet. Equestria will be first. Just get everypony out of that town."

"Yes sir. West out."

"What's wrong, West?" Tanya asked."

"Equestria apparently is under attack, we need to evacuate Ponyville," West replied.

"By What?"

"Agent Leon never told me."

"Great, we have enemies. And we don't even know who they are this time."

"I'm sure we'll know when we see them. Just get everypony out of Ponyville. I'll go warn The Princess.

"Where do I start?"

"Start with Mayor Mare, She'll warn everypony.


"What are we going to do?" Derpy asked frantically.

"Well first we teleport back to Ponyville. Then we warn everypony and get the strong to fight." Doctor Whooves informed.

"So... how do we fight the daleks." Twilight questioned putting her hoof on her chin.

"With these big boys." Doctor Whooves said opening his weapon cache, "The unicorns, who are able to, can use there magic to fight."

"What are those?" Derpy asked, "They look cool."

"I'm not sure," Doctor Whooves wondered himself, "This kid Mickey brought these to my universe from his universe. He never did tell me what they were. One day I'll give them a catchy name. I also started picking up weapons from other planets. Very often I have found my self in the middle of battles, with nothing to defend myself with. So I started to grab other weapons from all sides of the battle. Luckily I have friends who made these guns to kill the daleks and cybermen. I probably would be dead if they came to the rescue."

"Seems like a smart idea to me." Twilight commented.

"I need all of you to take one of these blaster thingies." Doctor Whooves requested.

"They should be called muffin blasters," Derpy smiled, "They look like something I made a while back ago when I was a filly. I made this tube looking thingy and I called them muffin shooters. But muffin blasters sounds better."

"Anyways," Agent Leon jumped in, "Which one of these weapons should we take."

"The big ones. Twilight, I'll need you to find your friends and give them these weapons."

"How many do you have?" Twilight questioned.

"Eh, maybe 300 maybe more, maybe less."

"How is that even possible?"

"Well The Tardis has unlimited space. I could fit more if I wanted to."

"Ok now lets get to Ponyville, before the daleks get there." Doctor Whooves suggested.

Doctor Whooves went to the panel and set his destination to Ponyville. The Doctor stepped out of The Tardis telling every everypony to stay inside, while he checked to see if the coast is clear. When he looked up at the sky, he saw a dalek ship hovering over Ponyville. Everypony was running frantically for their lives.

"Everypony run to the blue box!" Doctor Whooves shouted.

"What good will that do?" A random pony questioned.

"Trust me, I'll get you all out of here!"

"You go ahead and die in there. I have a family to look for," She said right before she got killed by a dalek.

"Fleeing will not be tolerated," A dalek said, "You will be exterminated."

"C'mon, get in here. The daleks can't get you inside The Tardis! Doctor Whooves shouted, "Twilight get your friends. I'll keep watch of The Tardis for you. Applejack, Derpy, and Dinky, you'll all stay with me."

"What about me?" Agent Leon asked.

"Take the blaster and follow Twilight," Doctor Whooves ordered, "Take this ear piece as well, It works similar to the way West connected to you."

"How did you know about that device?" Agent Leon questioned.

"I created it. My Tardis will tell me when something of mine is being activated when It's not with me or my companions," Doctor Whooves explained, "I know when somepony's using something of mine."

"Anyways, What are you going to do?"

"I need to make sure that the daleks don't get a hold of this ship. If they do, then they'll be able to destroy all of time and space. Just go, the universe is counting on you two right now."

"Yes Doctor. See you soon."

"Like wise, now get out there and kill some of those daleks." Doctor Whooves said closing The Tardis door.

"Twilight, hold up!" Agent Leon shouted.

"And why should I?" Twilight retorted.

"We need to stick together if we want to live."

"And this is coming from the stallion who wanted me dead a few moments ago."

"It wasn't anything personal."

"You're not as wise as I thought you were. When you are being hunted down to be killed, it's nothing but personal.

"If you want to get mad at anypony, get mad at Princess Celestia, she hired me."

"Just leave me alone. By the way, if you ever try to hurt one of my friends, you'll be begging me to kill you. West is lucky that I didn't do anything when he hurt Applejack."

"Let's just get your friends and get out of this stupid town." Leon said walking aimlessly, "Why did they only send out one dalek?"

"Maybe they are waiting for something," Twilight assumed, "We shouldn't wait though. We need to get my friends and get back to The Tardis as soon as possible. Before the daleks can do anything."

"Maybe the dalek they sent out is just scanning out the area."

"We're going to Sugar Cube Corner first," Twilight insisted.

Twilight and Agent Leon went to Sugar Cube Corner to check on Pinkie Pie. They got to the front door to see that the door has been busted in. Agent Leon gave hoof signals to command Twilight. They walked through quietly trying to see if could her anything unusual.

"Pinkie, are you here?" Twilight whispered.

"Get out of my shop!" a voice shouted.

"Who's that?" Leon asked.

"That's Pinkie Pie," Twilight responded.

The two followed the voice, which led them to a basement. They slowly walked down to see a metal creature. It was able to speak English, but it sounded weird to them. Agent Leon signaled Twilight to stay put, as he crept up on the creature.

"Where is The Doctor?" The dalek interrogated with its monotone voice.

"I don't know!" Pinkie Pie shouted in fear.

"Lies, lies, lies. You know where The Doctor is located."

"I don't know where he is. Last time I saw him, he was with Twilight. I haven't seen him since. I promise."

"You shall be exterminated."

"Over my dead body." Agent Leon said shooting the dalek.

"Oh my gosh. You just saved my life!" Pinkie Pie shouted, giving Agent Leon a hug.

"Is there anypony else here?" Agent Leon questioned.

"No, they are all dead." Pinkie frowned.

"I'm sorry to hear. But we have to go get a few more ponies."

"Where's Twilight? Is she okay?"

"She's upstairs."

"Twilight!" Pinkie Pie shouted, "Are okay?"

"Tell her to wait, or I will kill you." a voice whispered, holding a knife to Twilight's throat.

"Stay down there, Pinkie. Now wouldn't be a good time." Twilight called down.

"Don't be silly, Twilight. We have to get out here." Pinkie Pie called back.

"Who are you?" Twilight whispered.

"You know who I am." The voice replied.

"West," Twilight questioned.

"Yes, and now I have you in my hooves." West responded.

"You sure do," Twilight smiled to herself looking up to see a mirror.

Twilight used a levitation spell to pick up a few knives from the kitchen and quickly pulling them to West's neck

"Either you let me go, or I'll kill you."

"Who are you talking to Pinkie Pie questioned."

"Pinkie Pie, get behind me." Agent Leon whispered, "It may be a dalek, or something."

"If you're going to come up, then at least bring Leon with you!" Twilight shouted down the stairs, "West, let me go, please."

"And why should I?" West questioned.

"I can get you out of here. I can save you, your family and everypony else on this planet. I'm with your partner, Leon. He is down stairs. Give him a call and he'll come up."

"Leon, you down there?" West called.

"Yea, in fact, I'm coming up there right now." Agent Leon responded.

"See," Twilight said dropping the knives, "He's with me right now. Just let me go and I can help you."

"Fine" West said pushing her to the ground.

Twilight got back up and punched West in the face as hard as she could. West got up getting ready to attack. When West launched after Twilight, he was stopped by Agent Leon.

"Why are you trying to attack her?" Leon questioned.

"She punched me in the face!" West shouted.

"Like you didn't deserve it!" Twilight shouted back, "You held me captive, TWICE. You also hurt Applejack, if that wasn't enough!"

"Leave her alone, West," Leon ordered, "She has every right to be pissed. You would be too if you were in her hooves. Now come on, we have a few ponies to save. Twilight, who's do we need to get?"

"Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle." Twilight responded.

"Let's go get Rainbow Dash next," Leon ordered.

"We can't, if Rainbow Dash is in the clouds, we won't be able to get her." Twilight added

"We have lungs, don't we?" Agent Leon commented.

"Oh yea."

"Now let's go."

"Leon come in," Doctor Whooves ordered.

"I hear here you, what is it?" Leon replied.

"Come to The Tardis. Tanya has found the others."

"Yes sir, Twilight, West, Pinkie Pie, to The Tardis. Tanya has found the ponies we are looking for.

"Thank Celestia," Twilight said in relief, right before the ship started to send out daleks.

"Let's go quick!" Leon commanded.

Twilight, Pinkie, West, and Leon ran to The Tardis as quick as they could. The buildings around them were being shot at and being put in flames. Ponies were running all over the place trying to get to somewhere safe, and the daleks were everywhere. They had to jump over dead bodies and see through the heavy black smoke.

"C'mon, The Tardis is with in sight. Just a little more!" Agent Leon shouted.

They continued to to run to The Tardis, as West tripped about 100 feet away from The Tardis. Agent Leon noticed and went back to help West out.

"Go without me Leon," West ordered.

"I am not going to leave you," Leon insisted, "I can't leave you."

"I broke my ankle. There's no way I'll make it out of here."

"I can carry you."

"Just go!" West shouted, "Save Equestria, save this planet."

Agent Leon started to walk off, before coming up with an idea, "Take this!" Leon shouted throwing his gun towards West, "Don't let those bastards kill you without a fight!"

"Yes sir."

Agent Leon ran the rest of the way to The Tardis. West stayed behind and started to shoot the daleks in the sky. West killed two or three before they noticed him. West started to crawl the a building closest to his location. He shot about five more daleks while crawling 10 feet away from his original position. He kept crawling until he hit a metal object. West looked up to see a dalek, looking at him.

"Resistance will not be tolerated. You will be exterminated," the dalek said.

"Goodbye Leon." West whispered to himself.


"Twilight, Pinkie," Fluttershy cheered in her soft voice, "I'm glad you made it out safely."

"Leon." Tanya called out.

"Yes, Tanya?" Leon on sighed.

"Where's West?"

"He stayed behind."

"What do you mean?"

"He tripped and broke his ankle. I tried to help him up, but he told me to continue without him."

"And you listened to him!?"

"We both would have been killed."

"We can't sit here and mourn about his death," Doctor Whooves said, "We must move on"

"Wait," Pinkie pie said, "Where's Octavia and Vinyl Scratch?"

"I don't know, but we can't stay here" Doctor Whooves said.


"What was that?" Twilight asked.

"It's The Tardis, it's picking up somepony with in the radius of The Tardis. They're calling to us, "Doctor Whooves informed opening The Tardis door.

"Octavia, we must hurry!" Vinyl Scratch yelled.

"Hurry!" Doctor Whooves called out.

Octavia and Vinyl Scratch continued to run to The Tardis, while Octavia got shot by a dalek. The only sound there was of Octavia was the sound of her body hitting the ground.

"OCTAVIA!" Vinyl Scratch shouted.

"Leave her!" Doctor Whooves shouted, "She's dead."

"No, I can't!" Vinyl Scratch shouted back.

"C'mon!" Doctor Whooves argued right before she got killed by a dalek, "Dammit!" Doctor Whooves shouted.

"What happened?" Twilight questioned.

"We're getting out of here." Doctor Whooves said.

"What about Vinyl and Octi?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"They're dead!" Doctor Whooves shouted, "Now hold tight, we are going to the Chrystal Empire."

"Why the Crystal Empire?" Rainbow Dash questioned.

"I need to set some things straight with Celestia," Doctor Whooves responded, "Leon, Tanya, if you do anything to try and hurt me, Derpy, my daughter, I will kill you two without any second thoughts."

"What did they do?" Pinkie Pie questioned.

"They tried to kill me, which I could care less about, but when my wife and daughter gets involved, I'm going to do what any father and husband would do to protect them. I'm sure you wouldn't understand Leon."

"But I would." Agent Leon jumped in to defend himself.

"And how's that?"

"My family was killed during the changeling war, both wife and son. When my family died, I wanted nothing more than to keep Equestria safe. When Princess Celestia told me you were an alien species, I wanted to make sure nopony else would go through what I went through. Although I'm sure many did during the war. But it doesn't matter haha, now our whole planet is going to get destroyed. Why did you do this Celestia?"

"So the only reason why Celestia wanted me dead, was because I'm not a pony. Because I'm a different species. Hope she knows that I have a heart, well two for that matter. I'd be better off if i didn't regenerate all those years ago."

"Don't think like that," Derpy said, "If you had died, we wouldn't be here right now."

"If I had died, then the daleks wouldn't be here. You wouldn't be on Celestia's hit list, Applejack wouldn't have been hurt, Octavia and Vinyl would still be alive. The whole world would be a better place."

"If you are a time traveler, can't you go back in time and fix this?" Applejack asked.

"I can't go back and change fixed points in time. I can't make contact with ponies I know, for example, I can't go back to my wedding day, because if we were to see me it can mess up the timeline and bunch of complicated things that i'd much rather not get into right now."

"What do we do?" Twilight asked.

"We get rid of the daleks, but first lets go inside we need to talk to the Princess."