• Published 3rd Jul 2013
  • 1,047 Views, 15 Comments

Octavia and Vinyl:The good old days - Bronylover109

How Octavia's and Vinyl's young days were.

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Chapter 17

Octavia ad Vinyl:The good old days

Octavia awoke to the fresh rays of sun flashing through the curtains of the room. To the other side of her had been a sleeping DJ,who had yet to awake. Ever since they made the decision to be a couple last night,they had pushed their two beds together so it was somewhat like a big bed for them both. She stood herself on all fours,blushing when her stomach growled. Once she heard the growling noise,she headed over to the small fridge in the small kitchen section of their living area.
Upon looking in the fridge,she realized that most of the food had gone bad,or had been something she had bought for dinner. Sighing,she simply walked into her bathroom;she'd have to take a shower,get ready,and then head to the market to buy more cereal for herself. She simply slipped her pink bowtie off off her neck,and placed it neatly on the towel rack next to the sink. She walked across the small area,and pulled the lever that would open the warm water valve. In less than in instant,Octavia hopped into the small shower section of her shared bathroom.

Finished with her shower,Octavia brushed out her black mane,styling it in her traditional curved-around the neck style. She put her bowtie around her grey coat once again,slipping the white strip to to the back of her neck.
Now that she was ready for the day,she trotted out of the bathroom,and into the main room of the small building. Winter had been harsh,so she made sure not to skip on the scarf,hat,and boots,and simply opened the door. What she found outside her door,however,was not a sight she wanted. No,instead of being met with the soft,fresh,Winter air,she was met with the sight of a familiar face.
Octavia's pupils decreased in size,and she stepped back a few paces. "Wh-What are you doing here!?"
Octavia's mother continued her dark frown. "What? A concerned mother can't stop in to see her own daughter?" She resembled Octavia in a lot of ways. She had a light grey coat,and a black mane,the style was even the same. The only differences were that her mother had blue eyes,and no bowtie slipped around her neck.
"I-I didn't know you were coming,I would have gotten ready..." Octavia turned her neck to follow her mother's figure,pushing passed Octavia and trotting into the building.
"A nice building,but may I ask where I'm staying tonight,Octavia?" Her mother didn't waver her eyes off her inspection of the building as she asked the surprise question. "St-staying?" Octavia gasped quickly. Her mother hadn't yet known she had shared the dorm with anypony,let alone loud DJ. "Well,Yes. I came all the way to the other side of Canterlot to see you,and I refuse to stay in a cruddy hotel. At least I know you follow my hoof-steps and keep everything clean." Quaver breathed,becoming conceded about herself less than five minutes after walking in.
"O-Of course mother,it's just that i-it was so sudden.." Octavia tried,attempting to keep her mother from the bedroom so that she wouldn't see Vinyl. "Octavia,dear,you;re stuttering like mule. Are the English classes not good enough? Should I take you out of this school?" Quaver couldn't have known that her daughter had been sharing her dorm,she assumed that when Octavia was given the space,it was private. "No,It's fine. I just...." The grey mare trailed off,not able to find the correct words to tell he mother about Vinyl. It was much too soon that her mother found the bedroom,and despite Octavia's efforts to keep her as far away from it as possible,she entered the room.
"What.Is.THAT!?" Quaver shrieked,pointing a hoof at Vinyl,who had been standing by the windows,making the beds.
"Oh,she's-" Octavia began,only to be cut off by her mother again. "Oh,is she the maid? I'm so sorry,pleasure to meet you."
Vinyl raised a confused brow "Maid? Uh...I'm Tavi's roommate,Vinyl Scratch...Are you her mother? You two look like clones!" The DJ introduced herself to a disgusted mother.
"Roommate? Octavia,you never told me about that. And besides,why would you share a dorm with this...ruffian?
Vinyl gave a nervous glance to he marefriend. "What's going on,Tavi?" The white mare continued her stare. "I could ask the same to you. Why are you calling her...Tavi?"
The two mares looked at each other for a long time. Finally though,Vinyl broke the growing silence. "I'm Octavia's roommate and marefriend,Vinyl Scratch. Who would you be?" The DJ's glare was like a dagger to the heart,and could easily intimidate any pony. Well,anypony except Octavia's mother.
"I'm Octavia's mother,Quaver Melody." The two continued to stare at each other in silence.
"Um....Mother? Vinyl? How about we go out to breakfast...?" Octavia broke the silence. She hadn't gotten the chance to eat yet,and if she didn't get something in her system soon,she swore she would be sick.
Her mother nodded. "I suppose a breakfast would be nice. I only had a small snack in the carriage on the way here,after all." She spoke as if the meal was a celebration for her,her proper accent only making all the more cocky.
Vinyl sighed,excusing herself from the room and trotting off into the small bathroom.
Quaver gave Octavia a stern look. "Octavia,I do not approve of you having a...marefriend. Go get yourself a nice stallion,dear. You can do so much better." Octavia knew her mother wouldn't understand Vinyl. She was smarter than she appeared to be,and nopony could tell from the first impression. In fact,the DJ's personality even had Octavia fooled at first. "Mother,I..I'm a grown mare now. I can make my own decisions." Octavia huffed,her shoulders broad,and a confident look appearing on her face. Quaver looked as if she might explode. "Octavia!" She began. "Look what she has done to you." Quaver took a brief pause to show her authority. "You can't go off and get yourself a marefriend,let alone a roommate without telling me." Maybe she changed me,but it was about time I stopped acting like a prick. Now that I see you again,I realize how much everypony must have hated me before Vinyl came along. Octavia could only think what she wanted to say. She knew if she actually said what she thought her mother would immediately force her home and cut all her communication with Vinyl.
"My Celestia Octavia,what do you even do for a living?" Quaver spat. "I perform my cello on stage,and Iv'e been thinking about giving others' lessons." They both spoke in disapproving tones,showing their hatred for one another's ideas and views. "Maybe I misunderstood,Octavia. Maybe I shouldn't have come all the way over here to see you. Was it really worth this?" Quaver obviously hadn't like Octavia's new lifestyle. It was then that a pony could live on their own and grow away from their family. Quaver had wanted Octavia to be serious,and dull. She had wanted Octavia to be a miniature version of her.
"Mother. I couldn't have helped that the ponies at the company who gave me the building assigned me a roommate as well,and you know it." Octavia huffed,though it was the truth. Quaver had told her to contact them and make it so that she would not be given a pony to share the space with. Luckily for both her and Vinyl,she had been bust moving in when Vinyl had been given the space to share.

This had started when Octavia was young. Her mother had always been serious,and her stern additude hadn't even been topped when she kicked Octavia's father out into the streets for being an alcoholic,and constantly doing drugs. He had been a jerk,and Octavia was grateful he wasn't in her life.
"Octavia,I don't care that she's your roommate,I care that she's your marefriend. What does she do?" Quaver spat at her daughter. "She's a musician. Vinyl is a DJ." Octavia attempted to say it in such a way that her mother wouldn't notice the 'DJ' part of her statement.
"And what is she like?" Quaver added,no personality in her voice at all.
"She's fun,but she's very smart,mother." The younger mare gave a small attempt to show her mother Vinyl's true good qualities.
"I do not approve,Octavia."

Vinyl had been done getting ready for some time now. At the current moment,she was listening to the voices she could hear from outside the door. "I do not approve,Octavia." It had come in a dull,flat tone. Quaver's voice had a proper accent,as did Octavia's,though nopony could quite make out what it had been.
Vinyl slumped against the door,going limp and letting herself fall to the blue tiled ground.
There has to be something can do..But what? If I say anything,Octavia's mother won't ever let us be together let alone contact one another. The DJ became lost in thought,she wanted to come up with a way she could make Octavia's mother see that she deserved Octavia. She knew wasn't a perfect pony,and that Octavia was out of her league,but that wouldn't stop her from letting her favorite cellist be happy.
In a stride,she left the bathroom. When she got out,she saw Quaver leaving the house,claiming she'd be staying in a hotel for the time being. "Octavia,if you aren't going to listen to me,I'll stay in a hotel instead. I'll be back tomorrow to see if you have your common sense back or not." With that,she took her leave. Letting her grey coat shimmer in the sun,she hailed a taxi to take her to the nearest hotel. Octavia clicked the door shut with a sigh,before turning to Vinyl.
"What are we going to do,Vinyl..?" Her expression was panicked. The DJ quickly threw her hooves around the other mare.
"I don't know....."

The two mares spent the rest of the day attempting to figure out how to solve the issue. Yet,all their ideas were ones that wouldn't work;like tricking Quaver into thinking the dorm was haunted,or pretending to be gone whenever she came over.

Just then,Vinyl's face lit up. "I got it!" Octavia looked over,a some what relieved and expectant look on her face, "We need a unicorn who's good enough at magic to teleport my stuff for a little while,and I'll hide. Your mom will come here,think you dumped me and forced me to move out,and BAM! No more problems!"
Octavia pondered the thought for a little while,before turning her attention back to the DJ,

"That just might work." She took a pause. Her smile soon faded,leaving a questionable frown in it's wake. "But where are we going to find somepony good enough at magic to do that? The only unicorn we know that well is Lyra,and she doesn't really study magic." The cellist thought on with Vinyl,thinking of where they could possibly find a talented unicorn who'd be willing to help them.
"Maybe we could just move your stuff for the time being?" Octavia tried.
"No,she's coming tomorrow,and we don't know anypony that strong." The DJ replied sadly.
The grey mare gave a nervous smile, "Maybe Derpy could help? I mean,she's pretty strong...." But her efforts failed.
Vinyl shook her head. "No,She's hanging out with some doctor guy." The pair sat,not knowing what there next move would be.
Just then a knock at the door interrupted them from their thoughts.
The two mares exchanged a look and answered the door.
Upon opening it,they were greeted with a mare who had a coat a tad darker than Octavia,and a mane similar to Vinyl's.
"Uh,hi,I'm Orange glow. I'm attending Canterlot High,and i'm moving in on the street. I thought I'd introduce myself,seeing as it's very small,and,you know, not many ponies seem to live around here..." She trailed off for a moment,a hint of shyness in her voice.

The trio chatted on for what seemed like hours before Vinyl and Octavia decided she was the perfect candidate for the job.
Octavia was the one to speak. "Orange Glow,if it's not too much of a favor to ask:could you teleport all of Vinyl's things for a little while so we can fool my mother into leaving and thinking I dumped her and that I'm living on my own so she'll leave and let me stay at the school and go out with Vinyl!?" She took a large breath at the end of her overly-long sentence. Though she normally would never say 'and' so many times and would regularly punctuate correctly,she needed to get straight down to business.
They came to an agreement after Vinyl and Octavia decided to go into more detail about needing help. "So basically,you need me to fool her into leaving..?" Orange glow asked,uncertainty reaching her tone. Vinyl nodded. "Yes. If she doesn't go now,me and Tavi probably won't ever talk again." The trio sat in silence for a moment before the silence was finally broken.
"I'll do it."

Quaver walked into the shared home. "So,where are that's DJ's things,dear? Finally decided to listen to me and leave her so you can lead a happy life?" Her mother spat,her tone flat dull and mocking.
"Actually,yes. I realized that I didn't need distractions in my life,thanks to you,mother." Octavia forced herself to stay calm,even under that much stress. The atmosphere seemed darker to her,and to Vinyl who was at Lyra and Bon Bon;s house,making sure Quaver wouldn't find her.

"I'm glad to see I put you on the right path,I always knew I'd need to use my knowledge to help you out of a phase you may be going through in life,but I never would have thought it'd be this bad." Instead of welcoming Octavia to advise,the grey pony simply raised her reputation. Her voice was cocky,and she used it to self-glorify herself all the time from when Octavia still lived with her until now.

"Yes mother,I'm very sorry I went astray. I apologize for giving you a hard time." Octavia falsely apologized. She knew this plan would work. It had been an entire half-hour since Quaver set hoof in the door and already the plan had gone off without a hitch.
This is going better than I thought. I might even be able to convince her to leave...I'll tell her that I'm sorry we don't have any food,and that I'm going to the market to get hat we need today. She'll think she's intruding on my personal plans,and she'll leave! problem solved!" She became enthusiastic in the end of her mental speech.
"Octavia dear,I'm parched. Don't mind me,I'll just go get some water." Quaver simply strode off to Octavia's small kitchen.
The young mare smiled to herself. She was glad and sorry that she had tricked her mother. Countless times she had to tell herself 'It's for Vinyl,it's for Vinyl'. She was well aware by now that she had to go through with this,seeing as she was already in the middle of the master plan. Just then loud,ear-splitting shriek came from the kitchen.
Octavia didn't waste a second in running to her mother's side. "What's wrong,mother?"
"What.Is.THAT!?" Quaver did her signature I'm disgusted with this,now tell me what it is scream.
She then relaxed,and sighed. "Oh,I get it. That noisy DJ left it here when she moved. I'm sorry if I startled you,dear."
Inside the fridge was a 'Beast' energy drink that Vinyl had left here when her and Orange Glow were relocating her belongings. She had drank it almost every day,and loved the stuff. Whereas Octavia hadn't drank things like that. She believed that nopony should drink it because it was bad for their health.
"It's quite alright,mother." Hesitantly,Octavia took the large can out of the refrigerator ,and trotted over to the plan,netted,metal trash can that stood next to their plain white counter. I'm sorry,Vinyl. She dropped it from her hoof with a slight wince,knowing that Vinyl would be upset with her for throwing her drink out.
"It's quite alright dear,I understand that that stupid DJ would be forgetful." Quaver began to stride back to the main room of the small building.
Suddenly,Quaver stopped in her tracks. "What is it,mother?" Octavia,who right behind her,asked.
Quaver moved her hoof,revealing a record in it's now shattered glass cases. "What.Is.THAT!?" Once again,Quaver screamed the same thing. "Oh,she must have left this here too. What an idiot." Octavia lied.
"Yes. She must be a bigger idiot than I thought to leave a drink whatever this is here."
Octavia swallowed. "Yes,she really was a stupid pony to waste my time on,I'm sorry." The young cellist simply frowned. She hated talking about Vinyl like this. She knew that if she didn't it'd be the last she ever saw of Vinyl,but it still felt wrong.
Quaver sat back down and sipped her water. "Indeed." She we with a one-word answer,leaving Octavia with nothing to say. "i'm sorry there's not much food,I'm going to the market later today.." Octavia let herself trail off in midst of her sentence. She wasn't sure how many more lies she could tell before she cracked and told her mother everything that was going on. "Oh,well. Don't let me be in your way,I need to leave now anyway. I have a spa appointment now." Quaver stood on all four hooves,letting herself out of Octavia's building. But then stopped dead. "What.Is.THAT!?" Again,she let out her signature scream. Octavia rolled her eyes. "What is it mother?" She asked,not a single drop of emotion in her voice
"Those." Quaver pointed to a pair of black-rimmed magenta-lensed DJ glasses laying in Octavia's lawn.
Before Vinyl left,she had grabbed the glasses with her magic. As she exited the building she fell,she must have dropped the glasses then.

"Oh,Vinyl must have dropped them this morning when she left,she tripped on a rock...." Octavia tried.
"No. Three coincidences? What's going on Octavia?" Quaver's eyes seemed like daggers to Octavia,who frowned under her gaze. "Okay..Vinyl still lives here and were still going out. We meet a unicorn named Orange Glow and she helped us get Vinyl's thing out of the dorm so we could be together...." Quaver remained upset. "Hwy would you come up with something like this,Octavia?" The older mare addressed her daughter as if she were ten. "It was her idea. We were thinking of ways to get you to think she was gone so that we could be together....I'm sorry."
As if on cue Vinyl strode up to Quaver,coming back from their friends house. "Look,Quaver. I care abut Octavia too much for you to take her away." The DJ stood her ground,a fierce look appearing on her face.
Quaver's eyes suddenly turned to sharp daggers. "I will do whatever I want with my daughter." She spat,words staining both younger mares ears. "No you won't,mother." Octavia suddenly let herself cut in,going against everything her mother had taught her. "Excuse me?" Her mother turned on her grey hoof and turned to her daughter. "I said I'm not going anywhere." Octavia's voice was demanding. She stood her ground and wouldn't let anything take her away from Vinyl and the rest of her friends.
Lyra and Bon Bon,who had walked Vinyl home and listened to the explanation on the problem walked behind the white DJ. "You heard her." Lyra cut in. "She said she isn't leaving." Bon Bon was next to speak. They all stared down Octavia's mother,not willing to let their friend go. "I'm not going to leave with you mother. I'm grown up now and I'm making my own decision to stay here,with my friends." The four young ponies nodded their heads and continued to glare at Quaver. Defeated,she simply sighed. "Octavia,dear. You know I only want what's best for you." Before she get another word out,the cellist cut her off. "And how is this what's best for me,mother?!" Octavia exclaimed fearlessly. She had her mother in such a bad position she would have to spit out the truth. For years,she had tried to talk to the shapely mare with little success. For once,she would get a real answer.
"Because you should be more like me. Elegant,refined,orderly,trimmed,dapper,smart. I'm trying to keep you from being worn,feeble,frail,ragged,impish,stale-" Before she could could finish Vinyl placed a hoof over her mouth. "What are you,a dictionary?!" The DJ yelled,stopping the shapely mare from babbling on with over one-hundred adjectives.
"But why should I be more like you?" Octavia demanded. "Well because....Because...You should. I'm a good role-model and you simply have yet to notice it." Quaver stuttered her sentence and began tumbling over words that a foal could pronounce. All of the younger ponies suddenly began frowning and glaring once again. "You don't even have a reason!" Vinyl gawked. The DJ began advancing on Quaver,along with Lyra and Bon Bon. "You've been shaping me into you for all these years for no reason at all!" Octavia shouted,anger growing in her voice. "I can't believe you would do that! And to think I called you my mother." Octavia simply stood,unable to move. Tears began forming in her eyes. Immediately seeing their friend in distress,Lyra,Bon Bon,and Vinyl began running over to Octavia. They grey mare leaned into her friends as fresh tears streamed down her face,making her coat shimmer. Soon enough,Quaver trotted over to her daughter. "I'm so sorry,Octavia...I had no idea what I was doing. I thought it'd be a good thing if you ended up just like me,but..you need your own personality and I should let you have that. I thought it'd be good if you were like me,and without a reason I forced it on to you..." Her mother also had tears welling in her violet eyes now. The older mare began to trot over to her daughter. Octavia's friends reluctantly let go of her to make way for Quaver to wrap her hooves around Octavia. "I suppose with friends who are willing to go through all that trouble for you,I shouldn't be worried."
They simply embraced for what seemed like eternity to the five ponies in the room,and by the time it was over all as better between the mother and her daughter.
"Would you like to stay here for the night,mother?" Octavia offered,knowing of her mother's hatred of hotels. "Of course I would,Octavia. Let me go get my things out of my room and check out." With that her mother spun on her hoof and walked out the door.


When Quaver returned,Derpy had come over too. Sleep tugged at all six ponies,so they simply decided to go to bed. Vinyl and Octavia had enough room on their floor to coat blankets and pillows down on it,and let Derpy,Bon Bon,Lyra and Quaver stay down there.
The six dosed off into dreams,letting their consciousness slip for the night,allowing their princess to guide their dreams once more.

Author's Note:

Orange Glow is an Oc,so you can go thank http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Tavi+Scratch for filling the one void that was keeping this chapter for so long. I also want to both thank you for reading my story even though it sucks,and apologize for it sucking.
This was important,and you'll see how much they needed this to happen for this story to even continue.
I'm hiring a beta reader,so PM if you're up to the job.

Comments ( 2 )

:) I thank me :D haha.. keep it up.

Hey guys. For those looking for the new chapter update,it unfortunately,isn't coming. I got locked out of that account,so if you want to find out what happens in the rest of the story,message me on this account.
Sorry for the hassle :applejackunsure:

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