• Published 3rd Jul 2013
  • 1,047 Views, 15 Comments

Octavia and Vinyl:The good old days - Bronylover109

How Octavia's and Vinyl's young days were.

  • ...

Chapter 11

Octavia and Vinyl:The good old days

Vinyl was finally allowed out of the hospital,but she hadn't realized how embarrassing it would be to go back to school.
The ponies moved to either side of the hall,and completely muted themselves as she walked by.
"Oh,Vinyl,don't let it get to you..." Octavia tried. The DJ remained silent,and hung her head low. She hadn't realized how bad a fight with the on and only Rainbow Dash would effect her.
"Vinyl,I have to go,will you be alright?" Octavia said in a hushed tone. Vinyl nodded her head,and the two mares hugged before the cellist departed. Just then the bell rang and ponies rushed off to their classes. It was okay to be a few minutes late,as the hospital had noted the school that Vinyl had been there.
A small chuckle could be heard from the distance. "Look who showed up." Rainbow Dash
"Cut the crap,Dash. Can't you just let me go to my class? Seriously,get over it."
"Trying to be strong think that'll help you?" The cyan mare chuckled.
Vinyl sighed and began walking away. Rainbow Dash looked surprised,but recovered quickly and swooped by the young DJ's side. "Oh my Celestia,Dash! Go away! Can you not see that I don't feel like your crap right now!?"
"Well....uhm... I don't care! I'm here for a reason!" Rainbow Dash said,her voice unsure.
Vinyl sighed, "And that would be....."
"Revenge." The speedy mare said,her voice sounding harsh.
The white DJ rolled her magenta eyes,though it was blocked by her signature shades. "For what?" Vinyl began to speed her trot up a bit.
"You know what." Dash said
"Dash,Let's finish this some other time. I'm not interested right now. Besides, I have a class right now." Vinyl dragged her words,bored with Dash's taunting. She then simply walked into a room,and slammed the door shut behind her,leaving a surprised Rainbow Dash flying in the hallways.

When she walked in she was met with a silent classroom of ponies, just staring at her. It was a usual sight to see when walking into a classroom,but not the same,because they were looking at her like that for a different reason,making the stare longer than it should have been. "Can I help any of you?" She said with a scoff,heading to her seat. The colts and mared alike looked away immediately,afraid to upset her. "Vinyl Scratch-you have missed over a week of class,and are late,care to explain?" The teacher said with a frown. "Sure." Vinyl simply rolled the word off her tongue,directly at her instructor. "I doubt you'll have an explanation this time,young mare." He said,strictly.

She used her magic to bring the hospital note up to the front of the room,in front of his face. He sighed and went over to his computer,changing some things on an attendance page.
"Very well." He sighed.
Vinyl smirked,as she finally made the dunce look dumb in front of his own class.

Octavia looked at the clock,she wasn't used to being in class,as she spent the week in Vinyl's hospital room.
"Can I help you,miss Octavia?" The class instructor demanded. "Um,no ma'am." Octavia said in a rushed tone.
"So you're looking at the clock every five seconds for fun? Or is it because you skipped class for a week?"
"What? I didn't skip!" "So,you weren't here for a week,but it wasn't skipping?" Octavia hustled out of her seat to bring the teacher a note the hospital gave her.
"Very well,Octavia." The older mare made notes of it in her files on Octavia,and moved on with the lesson.

It was time to leave school,and the ponies were pushing,and shoving through the hallways.
Finally done at her locker,Octavia closed it,and began walking to where Vinyl's locker was.
The cellist was met with a white mare at her locker,just closing it,and looking up,becoming aware of her presence there.
"You ready to go?" Vinyl asked.
"Of course,these barbarians are shoving to no belief!" Octavia said with a chuckle.
They began their trek out the building and to the dorm they rented.
Vinyl raced ahead,and used her key to open the door,which she ran into in a split second,happy to be back. "Feels like forever since we've been here,huh?" Octavia said,a warm smile on her face.
"Hay yeah it does!" Vinyl exclaimed,running to the back.
She ran to the underneath of her loft bed. Octavia drew closer to her hideout,to see hat Vinyl kept in there,and ran to it so fast for. Upon getting closer,music started blaring from the underneath,and she was practically blown away.
She kept going though.
Upon lifting the sheet that separated it from the rest of the room,Octavia found Vinyl on her computer,making noises she never even knew existed.
When she became aware of Octavia's presence there in a few seconds,she ran to her,and embraced her in a huge bear hug,bringing them both to the carpet.
As they tumbled to the floor they laughed,glad to be back home.
"Let's go out somewhere for dinner tonight,Tavi! I'm so sick of sandwiches and salads!" The white mare said with a broad smile on her face.
"Sure,Vinyl! Nothing would make me happier than a fun night out!"
"So....How about we go to that fancy-pants diner a few blocks down? We could walk there,and besides,you went out to that place with me for my performance that night,I owe you!" Vinyl said to Octavia with a happy look on her face.
"Yes,you do. Of course we can go there,we've been here for months,and I've never gotten the chance to check out that place,like I wanted to......So,let's go!"

Author's Note:

I hate it.
My writing sucks >.<
You can still give me an image of your OC though,I'll try to put them in there.