• Published 3rd Jul 2013
  • 1,047 Views, 15 Comments

Octavia and Vinyl:The good old days - Bronylover109

How Octavia's and Vinyl's young days were.

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Octavia and Vinyl:The good old days

When Octavia finally reached her first class,she realized she still had a few minutes to spare before class started. She decided to make the most of it,and pulled out a book on the cello. While she had read it several times,she decided it wouldn't do much harm to give it another look "It seems no pony is here yet,how odd.." Octavia remarked,taking in the empty classroom. A few minutes later,a dozen of other ponies filed into the room like a crazy bunch. They seemed to be gathered around one pony,but who it was had been a mystery. Octavia caught a glance of a shiny electric blue mane,and paper white fur. "Oh my Celestia....Not her..Anypony but her."

Vinyl's face lit up,as she saw her roommate sitting at a desk in the front row of the classroom.
"AYE,roomy,what's happening!?"
"Uh...Well i'm reading.." the grey mare replied ,rather impatiently.
Vinyl looked at her,and than to the crowd of ponies around her,clearly think up a plan.
" Hey guys,I'd like you all to meet my roommate!"
The other ponies began to stroll over to her,smiles on their face.
'How in Equestria did that mare walk in the school and get so popular within minutes!? Octavia thought dryly.

"Oh,hello there everypony. I'm Octavia." She introduced herself as politely as possible when ponies were grouped around her in such a large crowd, as they were.

Her throat was dry,she had been a little bit uncomfortable when everpony was so close to her. Even though she performed,and was used to a big crowd,and lots of attention,she hadn't like how they were getting so close.

Vinyl looked at her,longer than most ponies should look at someone they barely knew.
Octavia didn't want to seem rude,and ruin her chances at gaining a friend. "Um...Can i help you?"
The DJ continued to stare at Octavia,making they grey mare very uncomfortable. Her face then lit up like a bulb. "I got it!"
She pointed a hoof at Octavia,who had no idea what was going on. " I'll call you Tavi!"
The target of her stare returned the glance. "...Tavi?" She asked,unsure.
"What you you don't like it? Aw man,i tried real hard on it too.." Vinyl began sulking.
"N-no,i do-honest- It's just that it was a little sudden..." She thought for a moment. "Tavi...I like it. Is that my nickname now?"
The DJ's face lit up,excited about finding a name for her new friend. "Yeah! That's what I'll be calling you from now on!"

The teacher then trotted in to the room,Celestia knows how late he was. He wore a vest,and despite the boiling weather outside,a scarf was placed around his neck like it was snowing.
His coat was a light brown,and he had light green eyes. He was a unicorn pony,and a horn protruded out of his head.
He had blonde hair,that shone in the light coming through the freshly-cleaned windows of the large room.

"Okay class,this may be our first day but I'm not going easy on you. You'll be taking tests,you'll be very doing work,and you will not be slacking off." He scowled at them in a strict tone,taking the scarf off of his body.

The brown colt who would be teaching the class began going on about what kind of behavior he wanted to see from the class,and had already put some of the ponies to sleep. Most of the fillies and colts had taken a seat in the back,as the teacher couldn't see when they were talking and sleeping as well back there. Octavia had been one of the few ponies who preferred a seat in the front of the room over being seated in the far back.
The brown colt continued to babble on about the rules of his classroom,but Vinyl clearly had other ideas. "Psstt...Hey..Hey Tavi.."
Upon hearing her nickname,she looked at the secretive DJ. "What is it,Vinyl?" She asked,annoyed at the Dj's intrusion on her note-taking.
"Aww,c'mon,don't be like that." She replied to the mare. "I was wondering..." She trailed off,and began to write something down on a blank piece of paper. Octavia looked at her,both amused,and baffled. "Here." The note was handed to the grey cellist,who read it over and chuckled a bit. "Of course." The note read: "Hey Tavi,you wanna head to a cool place i know after school? I'm playing some music there and you gotta hear it!" Octavia smiled at the mare over to her side. " Of course I'll go to your performance,Vinyl." She answered the question written on the small yellow sticky note. Vinyl then snuck back to her seat in the back of the classroom.
Once the pair got to their rented building,they began to get ready for Vinyl's performance. "So,Vinyl,what do you play?"
A small smirk appeared on the DJ's face,and she strolled over to an area of the room where she stapled a sheet into the wall. Vinyl lifted it up,revealing something Octavia never thought she would see.
"I play-WUBS!" The white mare stepped out of the way,to let a shocked Octavia see them.
"Oh..." Octavia looked at the DJ,a tad dissapointed.
"Something wrong?"
"Never thought I'd see those,that's all."

Author's Note:

Any ideas? Please? With a cherry on top? I don't like it T^T and i worked really hard on it too....~ Uguu...
I need opinions on my writing technique. I'm thinking of starting a blog on tumblr for the two,based on their personalities in the story.But..i don't feel I'm portraying them right.
I made a few edits,and made it longer.