• Published 3rd Jul 2013
  • 1,046 Views, 15 Comments

Octavia and Vinyl:The good old days - Bronylover109

How Octavia's and Vinyl's young days were.

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Chapter 8

Octavia and Vinyl:The good old days

"Rainbow....Rainbow Dash!?" "Yeah,that's my name." Vinyl never actually met her,but she heard the cyan mare was tough.
"What's your name,glasses?" "M..My names Vinyl Scratch." She said meekly,holding a hoof to her shades.
"Heh,so Vinyl. What's the deal with the green one?" Rainbow Dash asked,her voice harsh,and demanding.

"Oh...You mean Lyra...I..sorta played a prank on her....and..scared her...and now she hates me..." Vinyl sighed.
"Hm,you know,She seemed kinda tense.Don't you thin she outta lighten up?" The blue mare said.
"Well...if she doesn't like pranks-she doesn't like pranks.There's nothing you can do about-"
"Shut up!" Rainbow Dash screamed,frighting even Vinyl. "If she has a problem with a joke,she'll need to loosen up y'know? Take a load off. Lighten up?" Rainbow slithered her words out.
Rainbow Dash had been trying to turn Vinyl against Lyra,and on to her side,but the DJ was proving difficult to turn.
"I..Uh...I dunno,Rainbow.She's never been one for jokes.She-She's a serious mare.Like Octavia-just not so formal." Vinyl's attempt at escape was useless. Clearly,the cyan mare wasn't giving up.
"No.I don't know.I think we should play a prank so big-she'll have to laugh-and like it." The cyan pony snaked around when she spoke-it was enough to make even Vinyl tremble a bit.
"I can't hurt her....I need to apologize to her. Right when she comes out of class! I'll even get her a gift!"
Rainbow Dash scoffed "You seemed cool. Heh,I guess your just not the awesome type.Not willing to take risks.Not cool enough to play a prank.Not cool enough to keep a friend for more than two days.C'mon,your just not a cool pony.Your just not good enough to be awesome.To be like me"
"Shut up." The DJ couldn't -wouldn't-listen to this taunting anymore.
"Oh,what was that?Did i hurt your Feelings?" She hissed.
"Shut up."
"Awww,poor foal can't take a joke?" The cyan mare began to circle Vinyl.
"Shut up."
"Wow,the poor idiot can't say anything else?" The taunting went on.
"SHUT UP!" Vinyl jumped on Dash,sending them both hurdling to the cold ground.
Everything seemed to happen in an instant,the two mares shoving,punching,kicking,and biting each other,at a desperate attempt to win.
They thrashed and fought. Hooves flew everywhere. Blood could be seen a few times. Everything was a blur,rushing by as it continued. As both mares fought,time went by unnoticed. Vinyl was holding out as best as she could,though it was a lost battle from the beginning. The fight was long,and each mare struggled to win,and shake the the other loose. It had been hours that the pair fought,and they were both in terrible condition. The last bell had ring long ago,and they were in an old area of the school that was often empty. Hooves flew around as each mare struggled to win. Rainbow Dash loved the thrill of the fight,whereas Vinyl wanted it over,wishing she hadn't snapped and jumped on Rainbow,and given her exactly what she wanted.
Rainbow Dash finally found her way on top of the tired DJ,and pinned her down,putting her hooves on either side of her head.
"You know,Iv'e heard of that Octavia mare. You're pretty close to her,right? If you don't come with me,I can hurt both you and her."
Her lips curved into a demonic smile "I'll kill two birds,with one stone."
Once again,Vinyl leaped,sending the pony on top of her to the floor,once again. More blurs were all she could see,and each time Rainbow Dash flew at her,colors flew everywhere in Vinyl's glazed eyes. The deejay didn't think at all,her mind simply turning off as soon as she heard the mention of hurting Octavia.
Vinyl's glasses had shattered,cracked lenses by now,small pieces were missing,and sent to the floor,where they cut the two fighters even more than they were. Rainbow Dash was clearly winning,though Vinyl still struggled to defend her friends. Hours of struggling at each other's hooves went unnoticed as both of the two punched and squirmed.
Vinyl's heart raced,and she could practically feel her heart beating in her chest. Vinyl only had the image of her friends being hurt in her mind as she struggled to finally pin her rainbow-maned opponent. There were several problems with Vinyl's thinking-She had gotten into a fight with a pony who was clearly stronger than her;she had given Rainbow Dash exactly what she wanted when she pounced on her;She knew the other mare was trouble for quite some time,yet talked to her anyway.
The fight went on until blackness swallowed Vinyl all in one,and the last thing she heard was Rainbow Dash's demonic laughter.

Author's Note:

I'm sorry-I had nothing to work with.
Now Iv'e made my second favorite pony the bad guy of the story.
You guys are right-this is really bad.
I'd stop but the story has so many views and the three who like it shouldn't be left with a cliffhanger T^T
I'm sorry.
I used to be good at writing,i don't know what happened.