• Published 3rd Jul 2013
  • 1,047 Views, 15 Comments

Octavia and Vinyl:The good old days - Bronylover109

How Octavia's and Vinyl's young days were.

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Chapter 7

Octavia and Vinyl:The good old days

Upon reaching her English classroom,Octavia noticed she had been about five minutes early.
She chuckled to herself "I guess I wouldn't have been this early if I had come from my other class. I guess Vinyl's rebellion can be good in some ways. Still,I hope i didn't miss any notes that may be important...." "OCTAVIA!!" A voice boomed from across the hallway,making the grey mare jump in place. "Wh-what?" Octavia whipped her head around to meet a familiar face running her way. "Bon Bon..?" "Where were you!? I looked everywhere! Neither me or Lyra could find you!! You weren't in class,and we were worried!" The baker scolded Octavia as if she were here daughter.
"Oh,Bonnie,I'm sorry I was just...er...." "You were what?" Bon Bon demanded. Her face suddenly lit up.
The beige mare began to laugh a bit. "Wh-what?" Octavia was lost. "You..You were with Vinyl..weren't you!?" She snickered. Octavia's face went tomato red,and she stuttered when she tried to speak. "I....I...Well.and....I..." Octavia began attempting to get out the baker's wrath. Bon Bon had already told her that she spent a hilarious amount of time with the deejay,and laughed almost every time she found out that the cellist spent so much time with her.
"BAHAHAHA" Bon Bon's normally nice,and forgiving posture was gone. "I..I can't believe this!" She was laughing her head off by now.
" Wow,Octavia,you really gotta be more careful with your secrets! This is too rich!" She was laughing so hard she could barely breath.
"I well- I mean! I just..I-..." Octavia panicked for a moment,attempting to think of a way to get out of this mess.
"Only two minutes to class Bon, better get going!" Octavia used her class as an excuse,and ran away,fleeing the scene. Her face was even more red than it had been in years.
Bon Bon,on the other hoof,simply sat there,laughing her flank off at the poor cellist,who was already out of eyesight.

Vinyl stalked around the corner of the hall,prey in sight. Lyra's minty hair was being combed down by a brush held by her green unicorn magic. She thought she was alone,thus she was calm,and oblivious to the world around her.
The unicorn had always been one to do stupid little pranks,and sneaking up on Lyra seemed like the perfect end to a school day.
She slowly took off,heading towards her friend secretly. She silenced her hoofsteps,making it nearly impossible to predict she was coming near.
Vinyl crept closer...closer...closer... "BOO!"
"WAGH!" Lyra fell with a thud,to an amused DJ-who was now laughing her tail off. "Gotcha!"
"What the hay is wrong with you Vinyl!? You scared me!! Dear Celestia,you nearly gave me a heart attack,Vinyl!"
"Awww,lighten up,Lyra! It was just a prank!"
"Ugh! Really? You and Octavia disappear,me and Bon Bon finally give up after looking for you all period,and now you sneak up on me!? You can't just do that,Vinyl!" Lyra was raging at the DJ-who had shrunk to the size of a chipmunk by now,and was practically on the floor.
"Uh...Sorry?" Vinyl made an attempt to repair her mistake,but the damage had already been done.
"Sorry? Sorry!? You think 'sorry' Is gonna make up for it!?" Lyra screamed "Yes?" The DJ squeaked her response.
Lyra seemed to grow twice in size. "This! This is why I knew I shouldn't have trusted you!!! No matter what you do-you think you can just...Get away with it!! Not this time!" Lyra spun on her hoof,and trotted into her next class,leaving a shocked Vinyl alone in the hallway. Lyra never tended to overthink things,and enjoyed pulling a small prank herself,but being on the other end of the stick wasn't exactly a cake walk for her.
The mint green unicorn was gone in an instant,though Vinyl couldn't figure out what had happened.
Vinyl stood there,mouth agape. "Wha....What just happened...?
"You lost a friend." The new voice came out of nowhere. "Who...?"
A figure came out of the shadows.
"Names Rainbow Dash."

Author's Note:

I know it was short-but that had to be a good ending. Right?
If anybody has a suggestion-just message me or comment.
You can SUBMIT YOUR OC!!!!! :D
I don't plan on putting mine in the story-but if you give me an image of your OC with a description-I'll consider putting him/her in!