• Published 3rd Jul 2013
  • 1,047 Views, 15 Comments

Octavia and Vinyl:The good old days - Bronylover109

How Octavia's and Vinyl's young days were.

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I have run out of chapter names

Octavia and Vinyl:The good old days

"You know Vinyl,It's true.." Octavia sighed
Vinyl looked over. "What?"
"What they say about you I mean.How you do what you want-when you want."
Vinyl smirked
"Yeah-I'm cool like that."
Octavia playfully scoffed.
"Replace 'cool' with 'awesome',and you'd be like Rainbow Dash."
Vinyl looked up for a minute.
"Where is she anyway?" Octavia rolled her eyes,annoyed by the behavior the cyan mare showed that was the reason she was absent.
"She was supposed to be going to a flight school,but they rejected her because of grades-so she goes to this school but got suspended for fighting with some Griffon over a stupid prank." Octavia remarked with scorn
"She still got it" Vinyl teased
"You mean 'She still has it"." Octavia corrected with a small frown.
"Nope,-She still got it." Octavia really wasn't used to not speaking properly.She had grown up with a rich mother and a sophisticated family. She had high standards as a child and her mother was strict on her. She was punished when bad things happened,and only the best of things would be enough to get rewarded. She had a tough childhood. But she was over it,dwelling on it would have no effect.
She should be a role-model for others,sophisticated,and always acting proper.
"Wow Octavia." Vinyl's laughter filled the small closet.
"Hmm? W-What!?" "What just happened?" Octavia was dazed.
"The way you just dazed off and didn't blink for a full-"Vinyl paused to gaze down at her watch. "3 Minutes!" She seemed impressed at her friends not-blinking record. "That must be why my eyes burn-agh-even when they close."
Vinyl snickered from the background,filling Octavia's ears with laughter.
"You never fail to amaze me ,Vinyl." Octavia laughed.
"Well,I have Science in 4 minutes.You?" Vinyl asked
"Oh,I have English." Octavia replied,a bit upset she couldn't go to her class with Vinyl.
"Alright...." Vinyl said,jotting something down on a notepad. She then stuck the note in Octavia's saddle bag.
"See you around." Vinyl said,leaving Octavia-who scrambled to follow her friend out of the small closet.
Unfortunately,English and Science had been in opposite directions down the hallway,so they couldn't walk with each other to their classes.

Vinyl moved swiftly down the hall,but stopped only when she heard a muffled yelling noise coming her way. She looked up,finding a grey mare with crossed eyes had been falling straight in her direction.
They both tumbled to the ground with a hard thump,landed in a mangled up ball. "Ugh.." The DJ scrambled to her hooves,rubbing her head with her fore-hoof. "Sorry about that." She looked up again to see the same grey mare that had landed on her not even minutes ago. "I'm Derpy,sorry about that. I do that sometimes..hehe."
" It's alright. I'm Vinyl." The unicorn took a moment to study over the grey pegasus in front of her. She had a small embarrassed smile on her face,and was blushing a little bit.
"Nice to meet you,Vinyl! What class are you going to?" Vinyl looked up at the other mares' face. "I got Science next."
Derpy looked happy at Vinyl's response,and her bright smile showed it.
"I have that class next too!" As she told the news,Vinyl noticed she had a muffin-like smell to her.
"Cool,but..what smell like muffins..?" The unicorn looked around her,trying to spot if anypony had been carrying muffins nearby,but stopped when the grey pagagsus began to speak. "That would be me! I carry all kinds of muffins in my saddle bags! Blueberry muffins,chocolate ship muffins,plain muffins,chocolate muffins,strawberry muffins,banana muffins,banana nut muffins,apple cinnamon muffins,lemon poppyseed muffins,pumpkin muffins, and all kinds of muffins!" Vinyl had never seen anypony with such a vast knowledge of muffins in her entire life. "So...Do you make them yourself?" She decided to play off the strange muffin knowledge with a casual question. "Of course! I love baking muffins,and then eating them later! Here,you can have this!" Derpy handed Vinyl a chocolate chip muffin to which she happily smiled,and accepted, "Thanks Derpy."
"No problem Vinyl,but we should go to class now,were already late. Vinyl looked at the door of the classroom,which was shut and locked,meaning the two would have to go through the shame of knocking,and having everypony in the room stare at them as if they had murdered somepony. Derpy was used to this,considering her eyes, "Well, we better get this over with now." She looked at Derpy,and they began to walk towards the door.
'Vinyl seems like a nice mare,she's a little strange,though!' Derpy thought,happily.
Upon reaching the door,Vinyl lifted a hoof and put it on the door three times,making a knocking sound. An annoyed teacher opened the door,making them state why they were late. They simply played it off by saying they bumped in to each other while walking in the hall,and didn't tell him about the conversation they had with each other. If they had done so,the teacher would have probably scolded them and gave them who knows how many days sitting after school in detention.
Both mares trotted into the room,ignoring the stares they got from the rest of the class. Taking their desks,they began to work on the assignment given to them by the angry teacher.

On the way to her class,Octavia looked in her bag to see what Vinyl had put in there. She put a hoof into the pocket and began shuffling it around,attempting to find the small piece of paper. Once she finally found it sitting idly in the very bottom,she grabbed it out. After unfolding it,the cellist sighed at what she found. "Oh my goodness,Vinyl."
The DJ had a picture of her and Octavia on it. But it wasn't a real picture,she had drawn them with their heads and bodies as circles,and their legs were sticks. Their faces had been simple smiley faces,and made Octavia wonder how Vinyl was passing her drawing class.


Author's Note:

I really need suggestions.... :D
EDIT: Going back and fixing the entire story.
EDIT 2:There's nothing I can do to save this chapter from the clutches of my bad writing.