• Published 4th Dec 2013
  • 16,823 Views, 16,177 Comments

Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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Yawning Ponies Syndrome

"Hrmmmm... hmmm-heheheh... heh heh heh heh..." Applejack chuckled... then chuckled some more—nearly guffawing.

Rainbow Dash shivered under her sleeping bag, facing away from the other mare. The muddled laughter certainly wasn't helping. "Erm... what..." She gulped, then spoke in a firmer tone. "What's so funny?"

"Just... y'know... that tale you told earlier about the monster's chess game. Y'know... with the basilisk?"

"Errr..." Rainbow clenched her teeth to keep from chattering. "What about it?"

"I mean, I know it was supposed to be scary'n'all. I mean, it was scary, but I couldn't help but snicker at one thang or another."

"Like what?"

"Well, yer story had buffalo being preyed upon. Buffalo who lived in the mountains. And... y'know... that's purdy dang funny. Heh... cuz Fancy Pants and I have been makin' a profit off of sellin' a whole heap'o'apples to mountain buffalo for months now."

"Hah hah hah hah..." Rainbow gulped, hugging herself tighter under the sleeping bag. "Imagine that."

"Just funny how art imitates life. Or maybe it's the other way around? Meh... I dunno." A beat. "Rainbow? Are ya... are ya cold or somethin', sugarcube?"

"Huh? What? Me? Cold?" Rainbow giggle-wheezed, then curled up even more. "I'mjustfineokaythanks."

"Well you did forget to close the tent flap, ya silly varmint."

"Oh... uhm..." Rainbow Dash fidgeted. She tried slithering out of the sleeping bag, but a pair of stiff wings kept blocking the tiny exit afforded by the zipper. "Guhhh..."

"Heh. Dun you fret." Stifling a yawn, Applejack padded across the tight space. She stepped over Rainbow Dash, reaching for the zipper. "I got it, darlin'."

"Duaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah..." Rainbow's eyes twitched, staring straight up at Applejack's belly. "Yes you do."

"Mrmmfff..." Zzzzzzzzzzzzip! "There we go. Tighter than a... a... frog canoe at... sugar... cane...?" She yawned, then grumbled. "Meh. Too tired for countryisms."

"I'm not complaining."

"Heh. Course not." Applejack crawled back over Rainbow's bag and returned to her own. Her drawling voice echoed against the snugly closed tent's walls. "I'm real darn lucky to have a bunch of gals who can tolerate how silly my words tend to get."

"Yes, well..." Rainbow Dash gulped. "Silly ponies are what silly ponies do." She blinked at that, then gnashed her teeth at her own idiocy.

"Hmmm... I rather like that phrase." Applejack turned around three times then laid down, drawing the bag over her. "Reckon I might..." A yawn. "...steal that."

Rainbow glanced over. She blinked. "You're not gonna take your hat off?"

"What?" A pair of emerald eyes flashed.

Rainbow bit her lip.

"... ... ..." Applejack blinked. "Oh... right... uhm... shucks." Applejack hesitated... hesitated some more... then finally stripped the article off. She very carefully placed it down on the floor—in the corner of the tent opposite of Rainbow Dash. "Spent all darn day pullin' a wagon. Guess I felt like I was still in work mode."

"I can help you with that, y'know."

"Nah, Rainbow..."

"For realsies. Tomorrow, let me pull the wagon."

"It's my pleasure. Honest, it is." Applejack's freckles curved in the moonlight. "I like bein' so dependable. Reckon you know what that feels like."

"Heh... sure thing."

"Good job grabbin' the firework this evenin'."

"Hehehe... what are you, now, my supervisor?"

"Hah! Celestia forbid! I'd make you wear an apple-printed apron!"

"Banner Guild could really use a mare like you. It'd shape up overnight."

"Awwww... that's nice of you to say'n'all, Sugarcube. But I'm only in it for the family business."



"If you said that in Manehattan, ponies might get the wrong idea."

"The hay is that supposed to mean?"

"Erm... ehhh... on second thought, forget it."

"Pffft... sure thang. Yowsers, Rainbow. Anypony ever tell you that yer a funny bedmate."

"... ... ..."

"Rainbow Dash?"

"Can we ramble on about something else, please?"

"Uhm... Apples?"

"Ungh... Applejack."

"Seriously! That's all I got!"

"You suck at lying."

"Hmmm... reckon so."


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