• Published 4th Dec 2013
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Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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Some Stories You Have to Finish Yourself

When Rainbow Dash heard the sobs, she thought they were her own. She awoke with a start, ears twitching skyward. With a dull groan, she stood up, blinking across the humid encampment. The fire had died to a smoldering pile of ash, winking with sporadic orange embers.

The shuddering breaths continued, pronounced and breathy. They were coming from Applejack's side of the camp.

"Nnngh... AJ?" Rainbow Dash tilted her head. "What... what g-gives, girl?"

There was no response, at least not at first. Then the air was punctuated by something that stabbed coldly through Rainbow's lungs, freezing her frightfully in place.

"... .... ...Applejack?"

The mare was whimpering, her voice squeaky and high pitched. Without realizing it, Rainbow Dash had become airborne and was hovering over the sweaty mare in a flash.

"Applejack, are you okay?!" Rainbow hissed quietly.

Her friend clearly wasn't. She tossed and turned underneath her sleeping bag, her freckled face frozen in a perpetual grimace. Each breath was a wheezing thing, and a foalish tone produced words so quiet that they barely registered in Rainbow's ears.

"Mmmm... ghhh... Ma... Ma... yer hurtin'... please... please somepony help her..."

Rainbow's lips pursed. Gritting her teeth, she looked over to Stu's mat. The stallion was out like a light.

"Ma... why are ya hurtin' so much...?" Applejack's eyelashes formed beads of crystalline tears. Her teeth chattered as if it was below freezing. "Where's Pa? Did somethin' happen to you?" She curled her forelimbs to her chest. "Oh Ma... yer scarin' me. Macintosh. Granny. Do somethin'... Where's Pa?"

Rainbow bit her lip hard to keep from hyperventilating. She had never seen or heard Applejack so vulnerable. There was nothing even remotely endearing about it. The pegasus' blood ran cold as she hovered above the mare, lowering her hooves and preparing to wake her.

At some point, she lingered, nevertheless shivering. As much as it pained for Rainbow to witness Applejack like this, she suddenly wondered about the implications of jostling the mare awake. Applejack didn't need to wake up to such a horrid memory. There was no telling how embarrassed she might be. Or even worse, how shaken up she might be over the following day's meet-up with Shindig.

Rainbow fidgeted in midair. She started to panic, afraid that she was overthinking things. And yet, as the fever dream continued, and Applejack's face looked more and more pained, she realized she had to do something.

"Ma... j-just rest up... you'll get better... you've g-got to..." Applejack hissed through her teeth. A tear trickled down her cheek. "Please... please somepony... help her... help Ma..."

Gulping a lump down her throat, Rainbow Dash lowered closer to the angelic figure. "AJ..."

"She's sufferin' so much..."

"Applejack..." Rainbow Dash spoke in a firm yet hushed tone. "Applejack, it's... it's me..."

Applejack panted and panted. "Rainbow?" she mewled in a voice more infantile than even Apple Bloom could muster. She gulped, and the faintest hint of the strong and dependable mare bubbled to the surface. "It's my Ma... she's... she's sufferin' somethin' fierce..."

"No she isn't, Applejack."

"But... but she's right there and—"

"Applejack, I would not lie to you." Rainbow Dash's mouth hung open. She clenched her eyes shut and spoke in a steady tone. "Your mother is not suffering anymore." She gulped. "It's okay. Everything's going to be okay."

"She... she ain't...?"

"She's resting peacefully. So should you. You've got a lot to do tomorrow. Okay?"

Applejack panted and panted. Slowly, her muzzle curved. Rainbow Dash was almost relieved, but then the mare foalishly cooed, "Bedtime story?"

"I... nngh..." Rainbow Dash face-hoofed. She would have laughed her head off if she wasn't so busy wanting to crack her own skull open. "I... don't know any off the top of my head, Applejack..."

"Mmmmm..." Applejack nuzzled and nuzzled her cheek against the sleeping mat. "The one where... Pr-Prince Charming kisses his sweetheart awake."

Rainbow Dash's ears drooped. She hovered backwards in a cold drift, sighing gently. "I'm... not too fond of that one."

"But... but the story..."

"You'll have to finish it yourself, Applejack," Rainbow Dash said. She winced, but still found the strength to utter, "Try and make it a happy one."

"Hmmm... a happy one..." Applejack rubbed her cheek against the sleeping mat one last time and smiled. "Thanks, Ma... I will..."

As Applejack drifted back into a silent slumber, Rainbow Dash twirled around. "I know."

In melancholic motion, Rainbow Dash levitated back to her bed. Tightening her wings, she collapsed against the mat. It was over eighty degrees in the dead of night, and yet—even still—she found herself shivering. So, with a sniffle or two, she slid herself inside her mat and clenched her eyes shut.

For the next half-an-hour, Rainbow Dash gently cried by her lonesome. At last, she fell asleep, for it all felt too much like home.

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