• Published 4th Dec 2013
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Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

  • ...

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Chaos Theory

"Well, Sparky, I hate to burst your loyalty bubble." Lancie lazily leaned back on the window sill to Rainbow's room. Starlight glinted off his gray stone skin. "But it's difficult to remove a type of venom that I've never ever come into contact with before."

"You've gotta be kidding me!" Rainbow's voice cracked. She paced back and forth across the small space between them. "What about Photo Finish?! You got her healed lickety split!"

"And she wasn't bitten by an extremely rare, nearly nonexistent viper," Lancie said. He sat up, his granite brow furrowed. "Although, her taste in fashion certainly looked like it got bitten by the Couture Black Widow—"

"No jokes!" Rainbow frowned viciously. "This is Applejack's little sister we're talking about. You've done crazy wizardry before. Why can't you do the same here?"

"Normally I'd be flattered by how much credit you're giving my powers." He gazed out the window and gestured with a talon. "But even someone as snazzy as me can't very well make something out of nothing... or turn nothing into something in order to become nothing again."

"Mmmfffnghhh..." Rainbow facehoofed. "Lancie, I'm grasping at straws here."

"A difficult prospect with hooves, I'm sure. Heheheheh—"

She thrust her frowning muzzle in his face. "Do you mean to say that you've never crossed paths with a Tartarusian Venomancer before?!"

"Trust me..." Lancie calmly pushed her away with a lone paw. "All my life, I've made it my personal mandate to avoid all things related to Tartarus." He shuddered. "Such a nasty place to drive through after dark."

Rainbow sighed again, plopping back on her haunches. "And here I was hoping you could save the day here..."

"However..." He raised a talon, gazing at her with a wry smirk. "You did mention something else that I have been in a great deal of contact with in the past. Some... sort of flower, was it?"

"Yes." Rainbow jerked towards him, eyes wide. "Iced lavender."

"Ah. So is that what ponies called them?"

"Do they have a different name in your day and age?"

"Yes. 'Damn Sneezies.' I about blew myself inside out in those eons," Lancie slurred. "Most fields north of the equine line were practically flooded with those blasted bright petals."

"So... since you knowledge of them..." Rainbow leaned forward, muzzle agape. "...you could recreate one?"

"Why? Aren't they at the local garden stand?"

She frowned. "They're friggin' extinct, Lancie, like you're gonna be if you drag your hooves any longer."

"Cute." Lancie leaned back. "Alas, just like ancient snake venom, I can't produce something out of nothing. But..." He folded his arms, smiling. "There's no saying that I can't deevolve a flower to the specimen you're seeking. All I need is a sample of a modern day lavender, and then—poof—you've got your Damned Sneezies."

"Consider it done!" Rainbow exclaimed. "I'll grab some flowers from somewhere, bring them here, and you can make the one cure Apple Bloom needs!"

"Whoah whoah whoah... let's not throw the pot of gold before the rainbow here, Sparky," Lancie said. "Everything's a matter of timing. Lest we forget, I'm out of juice here."

"Right..." Rainbow nodded. "How many shards do you need?"

"We're not talking about the usual hocus pocus here," Lancie said. "Recreating an extinct specimen of flowers? Especially one that's been M.I.A. for so long? Whew... that's a lob from downtown if I ever heard one!" He planted his hands on his stone hips. "No ma'am... this is gonna take more than a flippant visit to cyclical plot hole land. If we want the power to make this happen, we're going to need all my power."

"So... not just one or two of the shards..." Rainbow's eyes narrowed. "But all of the shards."

"Warm... warmer... scalding..."

Rainbow gulped, wings drooping. "Aatxe..."

"Bridle on fire." Lancie nodded. "The dragon's Big Boss has all that's left. I've told you this before."

"And... and you d-don't sense any other shards elsewhere?"

"'Fraid not, Sparky," Lancie said. He spun and pointed at a nebulous direction beyond the bedroom door. "Out west is the key. It's always been the key. Just... until now... there's nothing that's tempted you beyond the door."

"Lancie, if what you've told me is right... then... then..." Rainbow grimaced. "...we're talking about a crazy-flank trip. Past Tartarus. Past Equestrian borders. Into the wastelands." She gazed nervously out the windows. "...straight into dragon-controlled territories."

"Hey..." Lancie shrugged. "...I never said it would be easy! But so long as you're not making the trip, those last precious pieces of me are in greedy, scaley hands!" He leaned back against the window pane once more, yawning. "The Ice Lavender isn't gonna conjured itself anytime soon. So the question here is... just how desperate are you to rescue the bouncing baby sister to Princess Frecklestasia?"

Rainbow clenched her teeth, frowning into the shadows.

Lancie blinked. "...or perhaps I should be asking myself if I should pack a lunchbox."

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