• Published 17th Jun 2023
  • 3,477 Views, 125 Comments

Element of Balance - SamSwordsman123

What if Celestia had a son in Friendship is Magic? How would he fit into the story? Find out as he joins Twilight Sparkle and her friends on their journey.

  • ...

Chapter 9: Boast Busters

Fire stood in the Golden Oaks Library with Spike, Twilight, and Moondancer as they all practiced spells together.

“Feels good to have some ponies to practice with,” Twilight said. “I wish I’d known you were just as into magic as I was, Moondancer!”

“So far you both seem to be better than me though!” the yellow glasses wearing pony said.

“Hey, you’re still pretty good,” Fire said encouragingly. “You know almost as much as Twilight and got better grades in class at almost all the other subjects as well at school.”

She blushed at the praise.

“And you are a better fighter with magic then I am,” Twilight said to Fire. “Alright next its growing magic!”

“Ooh, try it on me!” Spike said eagerly. “I’d love to have a mustache! Maybe it would earn me… somepony's heart!”

Fire wondered if he was thinking about Rarity. Was he not giving up? Or was he thinking of other ponies?

“I don’t think so, Romeo,” Twilight said with a smile. “But... maybe somepony else wouldn’t mind get a mustache for just a few minutes?”

“Uh, pass,” Moondancer said.

Fire sighed. He wasn’t big on mustaches. “Okay, as long as it’s just for a few minutes.”

Twilight pointed her magic at him.

“Come on, Twilight. You can do it!” Spike said.

“Okay, here goes!” Twilight said.

Her magic shined and Fire stood still, the magic soon enveloped his lower face and from there a mustache of white hair sprouted under Fire’s chin.

Spike grinned. “Ha ha! Ya did it!” Spike said as he went to the nearby board and checked off the latest thing on the list. “Growing magic, that's number twenty-five. Twenty-five different types of tricks and counting!”

“I think it looks nice,” Moondancer said.

Fire smiled at her. He remembered her telling him she liked him. Maybe he should ask her to the Grand Galloping Galla? But what if something didn’t work out? It could affect their friendship.

Twilight nodded. “Yes, he looks good, though I think he prefers to be without the mustache, here Fire.”

She sent more magic at him and removed the mustache. He felt his face and let out a sigh of relief.

“Well, that was fun,” he said. “But now that that’s out of the way I think we’re done for the day.”

They walked out among the streets of Ponyville.

“Twenty-five, Twilight,” Spike said again. “Twenty-five different kinds of tricks and counting. I thought unicorns were only supposed to have a little magic that matches their special talents!”

Twilight nodded. “True, for ponies whose talents are for things like cooking or singing or math. But what if a unicorn's special talent is magic?”

“Then she is good at everything,” Moondancer said.

“Like you, Twilight! And you know a ton of magic!” Spike said.

Twilight smiled. “Oh, Spike, stop. I'm sure there are lots of ponies right here in Ponyville that know just as much magic as me.”

Spike sniggered. “Well, maybe Fire and Moondancer here come pretty close! But you probably know the most in all of Equestria.”

“Yeah, you both know more then I did, I was just third place in our class,” Fire said. “I maybe a better fighter, but you both are-”

Suddenly a group of school grade ponies came running, among them, Fire spotted Applejack and Rarity’s younger sisters and the orange Pegasus filly that had been doing daring stunts on her scooter.

“Come on there’s a big show going on!” Apple Bloom said.

Another pair of ponies, both unicorn colts, followed. “Gangway! Comin' through!”

They were in such a hurry they caught Spike on top of them as he held on.

“Augh!” the little dragon exclaimed. “Snips, Snails! What's going on?”

“Wha, haven't you heard?” Snails answered as Spike fell off of them. “There's a new unicorn in town!”

“Yeah!” Snips said. “They say that she's got more magical powers than any other unicorn ever!”

“Really?” Twilight exclaimed.

“Aw, no way,” Spike objected. “That honor goes to Twilight here!”

He gestured to his caretaker who blushed. “Come on, Spike, Fire is better than me at combat magic and Moondancer could be just as gifted! Maybe this unicorn has a talent that’s greater than what I could do? Where is she?”

“Ho, she's in the town square. Come on!” Snails said.

“Yeah!” Snips added with a laugh. “Come on! Whooo!”

They arrived at the town square and stood there for a moment before the show began. Soon a stage seemed to just extend in front of the hall, smoke clouded their view, and a voice rang for all to hear.

“Come one, come all! Come and witness the amazing magic of the Great and Powerful Trixie!”

She made a grand entrance as the smoke cleared, revealing herself to be a blue unicorn with a magician’s hat and cape.

“Ooh!” the audience exclaimed in anticipation.

“Watch in awe as the Great and Powerful Trixie performs the most spectacular feats of magic ever witnessed by pony eyes!”

Fireworks were let off with sparkles and loud bangs.

Rarity watched with annoyance. “My, my, my! What boasting!”

“Come on, nopony's as magical as Twi— Twi— Twi— Oh!” Spike cleared his throat as he saw he was talking to Rarity. “Hey, Rarity, I, uh— Mustache!”

So, he apparently hadn’t given up on her yet. Fire looked as the little dragon ran off as if to try and find a mustache to put on. Maybe Fire should try and win her heart in that case? But he hesitated as he thought of Moondancer. He felt so torn right now, on one hoof he knew Rarity liked Blueblood, but that pony was the rudest royal in Equestria. Could it really work out between them though? Rarity was very beautiful and had a heart that was equally lovely. But Moondancer had already confessed to liking him. Though Fire wasn’t sure he felt the same way. She was a brilliant pony who’d started coming out of her shell to be more social. Fire sighed, unsure.

Twilight approached Rarity. “There's nothing wrong with being talented, is there?”

“Nothin' at all,” Applejack who was nearby said. “Cep when somepony goes around showing it off like a school filly with fancy new ribbons.”

“Just because one has the ability to perform lots of magic does not make one better than the rest of us,” Rarity said.

Fire nodded. He was royalty and he never felt he was better then the rest of them.

“Especially when ya got me around being better than the rest of us,” Rainbow Dash said before receiving a glare from Applejack. “Heh... Uh, I mean, yeah, uh, magic shmagic. Boo!”

Trixie noticed the conversation. “Well, well, well, it seems we have some neighsayers in the audience. Who is so ignorant as to challenge the magical ability of the Great and Powerful Trixie? Do they not know that they're in the presence of the most magical unicorn in all of Equestria?”

Fire frowned, this braggart was getting more annoying by the second. She was worse than Rainbow Dash.

Rarity blew a raspberry. “Just who does she think she is?”

“Yeah!” Spike reappeared. “I bet Twilight, Fire, or Moondancer are all better than-“

Twilight cut him off. “Spike! Shhh!”

She led him away. Fire and Moondancer followed.

“What? What's wrong?” Spike asked her.

“You see the way they reacted to Trixie?” Twilight asked. “I don't want anyone thinking I'm a show-off.”

“Me neither!” Moondancer said. “I’ve been opening up to spending time with friends, but performing a magic show on stage? No thanks! I get stage fright just thinking about it!”

Trixie continued to do tricks and received applause in return. Rainbow Dash took the chance to ask a question.

“So, 'Great and Powerful Trixie'. What makes you think you're so awesome, anyway?”

“Heh,” Trixie scoffed. “Why, only the Great and Powerful Trixie has magic strong enough to vanquish the dreaded Ursa Major!”

The fireworks went off and showed a picture of a giant bear-like monster with moon markings on its body. A firework image of Trixie followed showing her face the monster. The audience looked at the display with amazement.

“What?” Snips exclaimed.

“No way!” Snails objected.

“When all hope was lost, the ponies of Hoofington had no one to turn to,” Trixie told them a story. “But the Great and Powerful Trixie stepped in and with her awesome magic, vanquished the Ursa Major and sent it back to its cave deep within the Everfree Forest!”

Snips and Snails were amazed. “So sweet!

They then began giving Trixie their full support.

“That settles it,” Snips started.

Snails took over. “Trixie truly is the most talented, the most magical, the most awesome unicorn in Ponyville.”

“No, in all of Equestria!” Snips added.

Spike frowned. “How do you know? You didn't see it! And besides, Twi-“

Twilight cut him by using her magic to zip his mouth shut. He mumbled in protest.

Trixie laughed. “It's true, my enthusiastic little admirers. Trixie is most certainly the best in Ponyville. Don't believe the Great and Powerful Trixie? Well then, I hereby challenge you, Ponyvillians. Anything you can do, I can do better. Any takers? Anyone? Hmm? Or is Trixie destined to be the greatest equine who has ever lived?!”

More fireworks erupted.

Spike unzipped his mouth and looked at Twilight, Moondancer, and Fire with teary eyes. “Please! She's unbearable! Ya all gotta show her! Ya just gotta!”

Twilight shook her head. "There's no way I'm going to use my magic now, Spike. Especially since-“

Trixie then looked at her. “Hmm, how about you?”

She pointed at Twilight who gulped.

Trixie then looked at Moondancer. “Or you?”

The glasses wearing pony fell on her stomach as eyes from the crowd turned to her.

“Too shy to face an audience are you, Nerd?” Trixie asked.

Fire gritted his teeth, his mane began to flicker with flames.

“Oh, you look ready to challenge me,” Trixie said noticing him. “An alicorn might actually be a challenge! But the Great and Powerful Trixie is sure she can come out on top! How about it? Hm? Is there anything your highness can do that the Great and Powerful Trixie can't?”

Fire frowned. She was asking for it! He didn’t care for showing off, but this braggart needed to be taken down a peg or two.

He was about to speak up and accept her challenge.

But Applejack had had enough as well. “That's it! I can't stand for no more of this!”

She stepped on top of the stage and Spike cheered.

“You show her, AJ!”

Applejack got her lasso out. “Can your magical powers do this?”

She began performing impressive maneuvers with her lasso. This earned her applause from the audience.

Applejack turned to Trixie with a smirk. “Top that, missy.”

Trixie lifted her hat off to reveal her horn. “Oh, ye of little talent. Watch and be amazed at the magic of Trixie!"

Applejack’s own rope began to move back in forth like a hypnotic chain, Applejack’s eyes were glued to it for only a few seconds as suddenly the rope wrapped itself around her hooves and her mouth opened in time for Trixie to put an apple inside.

The audience cheered and Trixie boasted once again.

“Once again, the Great and Powerful Trixie prevails.”

Fire levitated Applejack down from the stage and used his magic to untie her and get the apple out of her mouth.

“Thanks Fire,” she said.

Rainbow Dash was next. “There's no need to go struttin' around and showin' off like that.”

“Oh?” Trixie looked at her.

“That's my job!” Rainbow declared.

She flew up high, dove through a few clouds and spun through a nearby windmill, then landed on the stage with a rainbow over her.

“They don't call me "Rainbow" and "Dash" for nothin'!” she said.

The audience cheered once again.

Trixie’s confidence was ever persistent. “When Trixie is through, the only thing they'll call you is loser!”

With her magic she somehow took hold of Rainbow Dash’s rainbow and caused it to wrap around her and spin in a tornado.

“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa-a-a-a! I think I'm gonna be sick.”

When it was over, she looked dizzy.

"Seems like anypony with a dash of good sense would think twice before tussling with the Great Trixie.” Trixie added.

A lightning bolt then hit Rainbow Dash, causing her mane to became frizzy.

“Ow!” the Pegasus exclaimed.

Spike tried again to get one of the three major magic users to compete. “What we need is another unicorn to challenge her. Someone with some magic of their own.”

“Yeah!” Rainbow Dash agreed. “A unicorn to show this unicorn who's boss.”

Applejack grinned. “A real unicorn to unicorn tussle!”

“Uh,” Twilight started.

“Enough!” Rarity spoke up. “Enough, all of you. I take your hint, but Rarity is above such nonsense! Rainbow Dash and Applejack may behave like ruffians, but Rarity conducts herself with beauty and grace.”

Trixie turned to her. “Ooo, what's the matter? Afraid you'll get a hair out of place in that rat's nest you call a mane?”

That got Rarity mad. “Oh. It. Is. On!” she said each word one at a time then walked up on the stage. “You may think you're tough with all of your so-called powers, but there's more to magic than your brutish ways. A unicorn needs to be more than just muscle. A unicorn needs to have style.”

She took the blue curtain from the stage and turned it into a dress with gold lacing, her mane was also in a new style as well.

“Ooh!” the audience said as they witnessed her beauty.

Fire also watched with red cheeks and a smile.

Rarity smiled. “A unicorn is not a unicorn without grace and beauty.”

“Rarity won't let Trixie get the best of her! She's strong, she's beautiful, she's—

Spike was interrupted as Trixie cast another spell, earning a gasp from the crowd as they looked at Rarity who'd been transformed.

“Quick! I need a mirror! Get me a mirror! What did she do to my hair? I know she did something terrible to my hair!” Rarity cried, feeling something was off.

“Nothing,” Twilight said.

“It's fine,” Rainbow followed suit.

“It's gorgeous,” Applejack lied to spare Rarity’s feelings.

“It's green,” Spike gave away. The three mares glared at him. “What?”

“No,” Rarity cried as her mane was now seemingly replaced with something that looked like ugly green grass. “Green hair! Not green hair! Such an awful, awful color!”

She ran off crying, passing a pony who had green hair of her own as Fire watched in dismay before beginning to follow.

“Well, I never!” the green haired pony said in offense putting her nose in the air.

Fire stopped and looked at her. “Oh, I’m sure she’s just upset cause her green hair doesn’t look good. Yours is fine!”

He then ran after Rarity who ran all the way to her boutique. He followed her inside as she looked at herself in the mirror.

“Oh, how awful!” Rarity exclaimed in tears. “I’ve never looked so ugly!”

“Hey,” Fire said as he approached.

Rarity looked behind her.

“Aah! Don’t look at me, Prince Fire Sword!” she said covering herself in a pink cloak.

Fire approached, taking her chin and focusing on her still beautiful blue eyes. “It's okay, not your fault. Come on, let’s get that spell removed. I think I know just the pony to help with that.”

“Twilight?” she asked.

“Twlight’s pretty good with all sorts of magic,” Fire admitted. “But another pony I know specializes in beauty spells for hair happens to be visiting here.”

“Who’s that?” Rarity asked.

Fire led her to the pony.

“Okay,” Twinkleshine said as she looked through her spellbook she kept with her at all times on hair spells. “Trixie used a spell to turn your mane… bad. But I can… ah… here we are! This should get it back to normal!”

Her horn lit up with pink magic, she pointed it at Rarity who still had her hood up.

“Um, I need you to lower the hood,” Twinkleshine said.

Reluctantly, Rarity did so. Twinkleshine then cast the spell and the green grasslike mane was replaced with her usual elegant purple one. Rarity ran a hoof through it and sighed in relief. “Oh, I’ve missed this mane! Thank you, Twinkleshine!”

“Of course, anything for a friend of a friend!” the ivory unicorn said to the white one.

Fire smiled, but it turned into a frown as he recalled all the bragging remarks and insults from Trixie.

“Alright, I’m gonna put that braggart in her place!” he said, stomping off. “No pony makes fun of my friends!”

Arriving back at the scene he saw several other ponies, including his Canterlot friends had been defeated by Trixie.

“Alright that’s it!” Fire said as he stepped up onto the stage as well. “You really have magic powerful enough to vanquish an Ursa Major? Let’s see just how powerful you really are!” he made sure to emphasize the word powerful.

He lit up his horn with bloodred magic and faced her.

“Oh… uh… a combat magician, are you?” Trixie said with a slight hesitation that Fire noticed, causing him to smirk, she was afraid. “I… think I can handle a show of raw magic power. Let’s see who can best who if that is your wish oh mighty Prince Fire Sword!”

Mighty Prince Fire Sword? Fire kind of liked that. But he didn’t like her.

“I hear you defeated the Mare of the Moon, but Trixie is up to the challenge! Afterall Trixie did vanquish an Ursa Major.”

“Well then, ready, set, go!”

Fire shot a beam at her as he finished, not enough to hurt her too badly. She put up a shield of her own magic that blocked it. Fire felt tempted to use his wings, but that wouldn’t be fair. He didn’t need his wings to deal with this, it was gonna be magic to magic. He sent a series of rapid shots out that cracked Trixie’s shield, she appeared worried for a moment. Fire smirked and began to charge his magic a little bit to break the shield the rest of the way. But Trixie lowered her shield and sent a beam of her at him before he could unleash his own, she knocked him off his hooves, with a mild burn on his fur.

“Prince Fire Sword!” a voice called out. It was one of Fire’s Royal guards. He glared at Trixie. “Attacking a prince is a serious offense!”

“Oh, but he challenged me to a magic duel!” Trixie said. “It was he who initiated this!”

She was right, at least in the sense that Fire had chosen to go for a more… violent approach of magic.

“Oh, are you okay, Fire?” Moondancer asked as she, Rarity, and the mares from Canterlot surrounded their stallion friend.

“I’ll be fine,” Fire said as he felt the sting of the burn.

He walked off to Warmheart Tower where he applied some healing ointment to the burn. It soothed him. He let out a sigh, thinking of the battle. His talent was supposed to be combat magic, why had he lost? Then he recalled the words of his combat teacher from the royal guard, General Bloodheart.

“You must balance between offense and defense. If you attack at the same time as your opponent or wait too long you leave yourself open.”

The words played back in his head and he realized he’d left himself open. He’d had a habit of that in combat training during sparring. Focusing too much on power and offense. Trixie had struck quickly while he charged a powerful spell. That’s why he failed.

Fire sighed and after a while headed outside. He headed over to Sweet Apple Acres nearby and knocked on the door. Applejack answered.

“Oh, Howdy Fire!” Applejack said. “You okay? I heard you tried to beat Trixie as well!”

“Yeah, are you?” Fire asked.

“I’m fine, just my pride is a little wounded,” Applejack said. “Can’t believe that Trixie!”

Fire nodded. “I know, I can’t believe I let her beat me!”

“You did yer best,” Applejack reassured him. “I’ll just be glad when she leaves town. Hopefully she’s not here to stay.”

Fire nodded. He walked through town and grabbed a bite to eat. As he sat outdoors in front of the café which would be closing as night was coming soon with the sun setting, he saw Spike passing by.

“Hey Spike."

The little dragon looked at him. “Oh, hey Fire. You know, I was sure you could beat her!” Spike said. “I tried to get Twilight to do it but she’s afraid that everypony will hate her for her magic!”

Fire frowned. “There’s no way we’d do that! We hate Trixie cause she’s a bragger, not because she uses magic! I’ll go talk to Twilight!”

He made his way to the Golden Oaks Library, the sun was about to completely set by the time he arrived.

Opening the door, he found Twilight was inside reading a book.

“Hey Twilight,” he greeted.

She looked away from her book and saw him. “Oh, hi Fire. Something wrong?”

“Yeah, Spike told me you didn’t challenge Trixie cause you’re afraid everyone will hate you like her?”

She nodded and looked back at her book. “I am. I just don’t want to risk losing them as friends.”

Fire shook his head. “That’s not gonna happen, Twilight! We hate Trixie cause she is a bragger. You’re not! You’re humble and magical! You don’t brag about your magic like Trixie does. And if you faced her you’d be standing up for your friends.”

She sighed. “Maybe you’re right, but I think its late. Maybe I’ll talk to everypony in the morning and see if they’d be okay with me showing up Trixie.”

Fire nodded. He headed out and was almost back home when there was a roar from nearby.

“What the hay?” Fire wondered aloud. “Guards!”

His guards immediately ran out from inside the tower.

“With me!” he ordered.

They followed him into town where they found a… very very large blue transparent bear-like creature. It was bigger than the houses!

“An Ursa Major!” Fire stated in fear and surprise. “Protect everypony!”

They made their way to the gathering crowd in the streets and place themselves at the front while the others shook at the sight. Trixie was among them with Snips and Snails. At that moment Twilight arrived as well.

“What’s going on?” She asked.

Snips told her. “We brought an Ursa to town.”

“You what?!” Twilight screamed.

“Don't worry, the Great and Powerful Trixie will vanquish it!” Snails declared.

Trixie, however, shook her head. “I can't.”

“What?!” Snips and Snails exclaimed.

Trixie finally spilled the beans. “Oh, I can't, I never have. No one can vanquish an Ursa Major. I just made the whole story up to make me look better.”

“Made it up?!” the two colts exclaimed in disbelief.

The Ursa growled and roared again. Fire frowned in defiance and stepped forward.

“Alright no pony has managed to vanquish an Ursa Major before, huh?” he asked. “Well, I doubt any of them were alicorns with a special talent for combat!”

He lit up his horn, conjuring his armor that he hadn’t worn in a while now. His armor and crown appeared on his body. Now he looked like a knight ready to save the town.

Hopefully the armor would protect him in the event he got hit. He then began charging up his horn with a high level of magic.

“Fire wait!” Twilight called.

He was too busy to notice. The Ursa growled at him, recognizing him as a potential threat and raised a paw. Fire watched carefully and reacted in time. He flapped his wings, dodging the attack while still charging his own. He flew up high to be out of range as the Ursa swatted at him. Fire was about to fire when he heard-

“Don’t!” Twilight yelled at the top of her lungs.

Fire stopped, hearing her voice. She gulped and stepped forward, the Ursa growled at her and began making its way to her as well. Fire stood, or flew by, ready in case she needed help. She must have had an idea if she stopped him from attacking, unless she knew something he didn’t.

Twilight lit up her own horn as well, wind began to pick up a bit and a sound emanated from it, a sound like music, like a lullaby. The Ursa seemed to calm down a bit, its expression appearing soothed. Fire sighed in relief, while a part of him did relish the thought of fighting such a formidable creature it would be better if no blood was spilled.

“Nice use of number sixteen,” Spike said referring to the practice.

“Let me help, Twilight!” Moondancer said stepping forward, no longer so shy.

“Okay, grab that water tower over there and fill it with milk!” Twilight said.

Moondancer was confused but did as she was told, taking the water tower and dumping the water inside out then ran it through a barn full of cows.

“Huh, what’s that?” Spike asked.

Moondancer put the top back on as the Ursa seemed to be falling asleep. It was about to fall on Trixie but Fire swooped in and grabbed her before it did so. He didn’t like her but he still didn’t want her to get hurt. Twilight then brought the Ursa to the tower filed with milk which it took and began sucking on like a baby.

Together, Moondancer and Twilight then sent the Ursa back where it came from in the Everfree Forest. Both were left panting slightly.

“Thanks, Moondancer,” Twilight said. “That would have been difficult to do by myself.”

“No problem, Twi,” Moondancer said.

Everypony then erupted in cheer.

“Unbelievable!” Rainbow Dash said.

“That was amazing!” Spike said. “You were both amazing!”

“Heavens to Betsy!” Applejack said. “We knew you had ability, but not that much!”

Twilight looked at them in fear. “I'm sorry. Please, please don't hate me.”

Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Rarity all looked at her in confusion. “Hate you?”

“Why, whatever do you mean, darling?” Rarity asked.

“Well, I know how much you all hated Trixie's showing off with her magic tricks, and I just thought-

Rainbow Dash put up her hooves. “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Magic's got nothing to do with it. Trixie's just a loudmouth!”

Rarity nodded. “Most unpleasant.”

“All hat and no cattle,” Applejack added.

Twilight was relieved. “So, you don't mind my magic tricks?”

Applejack smiled at her. “Your magic is a part of who you are, sugarcube, and we like who you are. We're proud to have such a powerful, talented unicorn as our friend.”

She then looked at Moondancer, “Make that two talented unicorns!”

“And after whuppin' that Ursa's hindquarters, we're even prouder!” Rainbow said.

Moondancer blushed as Fire landed on the ground.

Twilight looked at them. “You are?"

The three girls nodded in agreement.

“Yeah, I’m proud to have you two by my side,” Fire said looking at Moondancer. “You may not be an Element of Harmony, Moondancer, but you sure helped out with your knowledge of magic. Looks like you overcame your shyness there, too.”

“I just couldn’t let Twilight face it alone,” she said.

Spike then ran over. “Wow, Twilight, how'd you know what to do with that Ursa Major?”

“That's what I was doing when you came looking for me. I was so intrigued by Trixie's bragging that I was compelled to do a little reading up on them.”

“So it is possible to vanquish an Ursa Major all by yourself?” Spike asked.

“That wasn't an Ursa Major. It was a baby, an Ursa Minor,” Twilight elaborated.

That was just a baby?” Trixie asked in disbelief.

“That’s why I stopped you from attacking it, Fire,” Twilight said. “If anypony could vanquish an Ursa Major it's you, but if that Minor actually got hurt or killed its mother would probably come and seek revenge on the whole town.”

Fire shivered. Good thing he listened when Twilight called him. Perhaps he shouldn’t be so quick to leap into action. If he had attacked he might have gotten into a fight that he couldn’t win.

“And it wasn't rampaging,” Twilight further explained. “It was just cranky because someone woke it up.”

She pointed at Snips and Snails who let out a guilty, “Awww.”

“Well, if that was an Ursa Minor, then what's an Ursa Major like?”

Bigger and badder? Fire guessed. If that baby was bigger than a house…

“You don't wanna know,” Twilight said.

Fire silently agreed.

Trixie huffed. “You may have vanquished an Ursa Minor, but you will never have the amazing, show-stopping ability of the Great and Powerful Trixie!”

She threw a smoke grenade, clouding the vision of the nearby ponies. When it cleared, they saw her running away.

Rainbow Dash looked after her. “Why, that little...”

“Just let her go,” Twilight said. “Maybe someday she'll learn her lesson. Now, about you two.”

She turned to Snips and Snails, who laughed nervously.

“Uh, we're sorry that we woke up the Ursa Minor,” Snips said.

“We just wanted to see some awesome magic,” Snails added.

“Yeah!” Snips said looking at Moondancer and Twilight. “And the way you two vanquished that Ursa Minor was awesome!”

They both bowed. “We deserve whatever punishment you give us.”

“For starters, you can clean up this mess,” Twilight said before turning to her assistant and magic partners. “And what do you guys think? Should I give them number twenty-five?”

Spike was enthused and stood beside the two colts. “Oh, twenty-five! Yes! And I think I deserve it, too.”

Snips and Snails were confused.

Twilight giggled. “I think you're right.”

She then cast a spell at the three young males, who all grew mustaches and said, “Sweet!”

Twilight smiled and looked at Fire. “Well, I think I’m ready to make a letter to your mother! Wanna hear it?”

“Sure!” Fire said.

They and Spike all headed to the library where Twilight had the little dragon write the letter for her.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I have learned a very valuable lesson about friendship: I was so afraid of being thought of as a show-off that I was hiding a part of who I am. My friends helped me realize that it's okay to be proud of your talents, and there are times when it's appropriate to show them off... Especially when you're standing up for your friends.

“I’d like to make a contribution to this myself,” Fire said.

Spike got out a second scroll and prepared to write.

Dear Mom,

I learned a little something as well. My mentor always told me I need to find the right balance between offense and defense. I still need to work on that, as knowing it is one thing but being able to do it is another. But I did learn you shouldn’t rush into situations you don’t understand, or the consequences could be severe.

Spike smiled. “So, you finally admit that you're the most talented unicorn in all of Ponyville?"

Twilight nodded. “Well, one of the most talented, maybe at the top, but it's nothing to brag about.”

They chuckled. Spike then looked at his mustache.

“You know, I think Rarity might just like this!”

Yep, he was still going for her even though he knew she already liked somepony.

Fire watched him leave. Maybe he should try his luck with her, even if she did like Blueblood. Of course, she didn’t really know him. But his mind wandered to Moondancer and his ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala.

Walking outside he found her at Lyra’s house.

“Hey, Moondancer, can I talk to you?” he asked.

“Sure,” she stepped outside with him.

They walked a ways out and Fire turned to face her, blushing a bit.

“I was wondering if… maybe… you’d like to go to the Grand Galloping Gala with me?” Fire asked.

She was silent for a moment. Then her eyes lit up in a smile as she hugged him.

“Yes! Yes! Yes!”

Fire managed a nervous smile. He just hoped this wouldn’t affect their friendship if it didn’t work out.

“Great,” he said. “Well, it's gonna be a while till then but at least we can prepare.”

She nodded. “See you later.”

Moondancer headed back to Lyra’s house. Fire then began walking home as well. Little did he know, however, Rarity had heard the whole thing having been nearby.

“Prince Fire is taking Moondancer to the Grand Galloping Gala?” She exclaimed. “I thought he was probably seeing an elite Canterlot Mare!”

She sighed but then perked up. “Well, he is perfectly at liberty to take whoever he likes! Besides I still have my plans to woo the other prince!”

Her smile soon vanished though. She looked down a bit sadly.

Author's Note:

Okay, I decided to give Twinkleshine a brief moment to… shine? Ha! No pun intended:). I think she has a different career then a mane stylist according to the AU but that’s never actually been shown in the show from what I can recall so I can just do my own thing here. One fanfic I read had her be a fashion lover kind of like Rarity and I felt that suited her since she has the shine in her name. Also, General Bloodheart is another OC I introduced in another MLP story just a couple weeks ago, though that version is villainous while this one is heroic.