• Published 17th Jun 2023
  • 3,390 Views, 115 Comments

Element of Balance - SamSwordsman123

What if Celestia had a son in Friendship is Magic? How would he fit into the story? Find out as he joins Twilight Sparkle and her friends on their journey.

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Chapter 1: Friendship is Magic Part 1

Author's Note:

This fanfic was largely inspired by A New Hero by Alexthelonewolf. It will feature a seventh element of harmony like the story from which inspired it. But a different name as you can probably tell by the title, and instead of a son of Luna, it will be a son of Celestia that is actually raised by her. Let me know what you think of this first chapter and the ones that come after in the comments/reviews please. I had thought that maybe it would only go up to Canterlot Wedding but we’ll see. I may not go completely by the canon episodes and make my own. Just wait and see.

Princess Celestia grunted as she lay in the infirmary of her castle. Finally, the pain passed. A cry filled the room and the castle nurse wrapped a blanket around the newborn foal.

“Congratulations Princess!” the nurse said. “You have a son!”

Celestia managed a weak smile as she looked down at her foal. He had the same white coat as her, but his mane was a brilliant mixture of orange and yellow like fire. To her utter surprise though, she saw he was not a unicorn, Pegasus, or Earth Pony. He was a mixture of all three, an alicorn… just like herself.

Her mouth fell open. “He’s an alicorn like me!”

That had not ever happened in Equestria. But she smiled though as the shock soon wore off. She had a son, and he would have a destiny to fulfill.

“Welcome, Fire Sword,” she said as she touched snouts with her son.

She’d spent a good deal of time thinking of possible names ever since she’d learned she was pregnant after that night with a certain stallion. Celestia smiled down at her son. He would become a strong pony, she was sure of it.

Years passed and a certain lavender unicorn sat beneath a tree reading a book.

“Once upon a time in the magical land of Equestria, there were two regal sisters. The eldest used her unicorn powers to raise the sun while the youngest raised the moon. Together they maintained the balance in Equestria. But over time, the younger sister grew resentful. The ponies played and frolicked in the day her elder sister brought, while shunning and sleeping through her beautiful night. Eventually the resentment turned her into a fierce pony of darkness, Nightmare Moon. She declared that she would not lower moon to make way for the sun. Forced to take action, the elder sister had to fight her beloved younger sibling. Only by using the Elements of Harmony was she able to defeat her, and banish her to the moon where she became known as the Mare in the Moon.”

Twilight Sparkle looked at the book showing the pictures of the mare in the moon.

“Hmm. Elements of Harmony, I’m sure I’ve read about those before. But where?”

She began running off but soon ran into some unicorns she knew.

“There you are, Twilight!” one of them, an ivory unicorn with a pink mane said. “Moondancer is having a little get together in the courtyard later! We’re all invited!”

“Oh sorry, girls,” Twilight politely declined. “I’ve got a lot of studying to do.”

She ran off to do her much-needed research.

“Does that pony do anything besides study?” the unicorn who’d spoken before, Twinkleshine said.

“I think she’s more interested in books then friends,” another unicorn, who had a yellow coat with a blue mane, Lemon Hearts, said.

“Well, we haven’t asked Fire Sword to come yet!” the last unicorn, a blue one said.

“You sure Moondancer won’t mind having a stallion come to her party?” Lemon Hearts asked.

“She didn’t say anything about it being for mares only,” Twinkleshine said. “Besides, she and Fire are pretty close friends. I’m sure he’d be welcome.”

They headed up to the palace.

Prince Fire Sword sat on his throne next to his mother’s. She was the pony who raised the sun, therefore her throne was sun themed. His was likewise fire themed. He had grown into a pony of above average height for his age. He now had a cutie mark of a flaming sword on his flank, and a gold crown lined with rubies on his head. Matching armor and shoes covered his chest and hooves. But on his mouth, he wore a worried expression.

“You sure everything is alright, Mother?” he asked.

“Everything’s fine,” Celestia said.

“But that scroll we just got from Twilight said that Nightmare Moon will return,” he said. “You told me that it would happen last year and that we had to be ready!”

“And we will be!” Celestia said as she began writing her reply quickly to her greatest student. “What we need is for Twilight to stop spending so much time reading those dusty old books and start making friends.”

Fire Sword frowned. “Uh, in case you haven’t noticed she isn’t exactly interested in that. I’ve watched her when I’ve been at the school of magic.”

Though he was a prince he did need to be educated. He’d attended his mother’s School for Gifted Unicorns and knew Twilight Sparkle as well as a number of other ponies. Most of which were girls. Of course, Fire Sword preferred the company of girls anyway. They were pretty and gentle.

“I know,” Celestia said. “But I have a plan to deal with that. I’m going to send her to ponyville and have her supervise the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration. She’ll meet a particularly special group of ponies there.”

“But how is that going to help us against Nightmare Moon? Can’t you just defeat her like last time, even without the… Elements?” Fire Sword asked.

“I could, but I don’t want to repeat history,” Celestia said.

The way Fire saw it, it seemed history would repeat itself regardless. But before he could question his mother further the door to the throne room opened.

“Your highness!” a guard said.

“Yes?” Celestia asked.

“Oh, um I meant Prince Fire Sword!” the guard said. “There are some mares from the School of Magic here to see you.”

“Send them in,” the prince said.

The guard opened the door further and three mares entered. Twinkleshine, Minuette, and Lemon Hearts. They bowed as they approached the thrones.

“Princess Celestia,” they greeted the head monarch first before turning their attention to the younger pony beside her. “Prince Fire Sword.”

“Girls, you don’t have to be formal with me, we are classmates after all. We don’t need the titles,” Fire Sword said warmly. “Just Fire will do.”

“We were wondering if you would be willing to attend a party that Moondancer is throwing tonight?” Lemon Hearts said.

“Umm…” Fire Sword hesitated.

He tended to spend most of his time alone practicing magic, similar to Twilight Sparkle from what he’d seen and heard. But at least he did occasionally spend time with his classmates and friends and family. But the circumstances for today might require special attention.

“I don’t know if I can…”

“You should go, I have everything under control, my son!” Celestia said.

Fire Sword looked at his mother with uncertainty. But he soon decided to follow her orders like the good son he tried to be. Of course that was more of a suggestion then an order.

“If you say so, Mom,” He said before turning to his friends. “I’ll see you all there.”

They grinned and bowed their heads before leaving.

“You should bring something from the royal chefs when you go,” Celestia told her son.

They waited until their time on the throne was over. Then it would usually be dinner time at around sunset. But since there was the party, Fire would go there instead. Though he did pay a visit to the royal kitchen where the chefs made him a large batch of celery and peanut butter to bring to the party. Those were his favorite vegetable snacks.

“Later Mom,” he said as he levitated the plate holding his contribution to the party with his red magic.

She nodded with a soft smile. “I will see you on the top floor of the Town Hall in Ponyville tomorrow morning for the Summer Sun Celebration.”

“Right Mom!” Fire Sword said.

They nuzzled then he headed down to the courtyard where Moondancer, a yellow unicorn with a red and purple mane and glasses over her eyes, was holding the party. She stood at a table filled with apples, pies, cakes and other sweets. Night had already fallen on Canterlot as Celestia set the sun, tomorrow would be another day. Fire just hoped his mother was right and that everything was under control. He got there just in time as the other three arrived carrying presents on their backs. It wasn’t really a birthday party but they had wanted to do something nice for their friend.

“Hey Moondancer!” Minuette said before looking at the table. “Look at this spread huh?”

“Thank you so much for coming!” Moondancer said.

“Of course," Twinkleshine said. “We wouldn’t miss one of our best friend's parties.”

“Thanks, and I’m glad you could make it as well, Fire Sword,” Moondancer said looking at the only male at her party. “I’m honored to have royalty here. I’m sure this probably won’t be like any fancy party you have with the nobility though.”

“Oh, that’s okay,” Fire Sword said. “I prefer the company of you girls anyday.”

“Ah, you’re so sweet!” Twinkleshine said.

“Is Twilight coming?” Moondancer asked eagerly.

There was silence as the other girls looked away, Minuette rubbed her head nervously.

Moondancer soon figured it out and looked down. “Oh. Okay.”

“Hey, we’ll still have fun, right?” Minuette tried to put on an air of positivity and laughing while still obviously nervous.

“Sure,” Moondancer said.

Fire Sword and the others watched in dismay as she began to walk away. She had been close to Twilight, at least from her perspective. She’d told Fire Sword that working with Twilight had caused her to come out of her shell and start interacting with him and the other ponies in the class. This whole party had been for Twilight.

“Moondancer, wait!” Fire Sword said as he blocked her path and put a hoof on her shoulder. “I know you really wanted Twilight to come since she was the pony that caused you to open up and not be so shy. She's just never understood how important friendship is. But my mom has a plan to get her to see it for what it is worth it! Don’t give up! She may not come to this party, but if everything goes as planned, she WILL come to the next one.”

The prince’s words caused the unicorn to smile faintly after a moment, a glimmer of hope relighting. “Thanks, Fire Sword,” she said.

“Of course, anything for a friend,” he said before hugging her.

She blushed but slowly hugged him back. When he released her, she smiled at him.

“Thanks Fire Sword, I needed that,” she said. “I was just thinking that maybe friendship is only gonna cause me heartache and not solve anything. But that felt good. You’re… warm.”

He smiled at her as the mares smiled and giggled around them lowly. Then it was time to get the party in full swing! The five friends danced, ate cakes and hit the piñata one of them had brought. It was fun, but after a long time the party ended.

“That was fun!” Fire Sword said. “But I should probably be getting to bed. I’m heading to Ponyville tomorrow for the Summer Sun Celebration. My mom is supposed to be there this year.”

“Well, good luck,” Twinkleshine said. “Hope to see you again soon. We were actually planning to go there ourselves after this. Lyra’s there already since she went to visit a pal she has there. She’s actually planning to move to Ponyville, I heard.”

“Oh, why don’t you all come with me then? When was the last time you saw my mother performing the Summer Sun Celebration?” Fire Sword asked.

“Hmm, I think it’s been a couple years actually,” Twinkleshine said. “And I’ve never been to Ponyville before.”

“It could be a fun trip!” Minuette said. “Why don’t we all go?”

“Alright,” Moondancer said. “But… I’m not sure about going to a place I’ve never been before.”

“There’s nothing to be afraid of, Moondancer,” Fire Sword said as he flew over to her. “Haven’t you ever been outside Canterlot before?”

“No,” she admitted.

“It will be fine,” Twinkleshine said. “We can catch the train and head off in… wait! Look at the time!”

They looked and saw it was already way past midnight!

“We must have partied harder than we thought!” Minuette exclaimed.

“The Summer Sun celebration is only a few hours away! We need to get on the train as soon as possible!” Twinkleshine said.

“But the trains don’t operate at this time of night!” Lemon Hearts said.

“The royal chariots do though!” Fire said.

“But only royals and those that are hoof picked by them to be- oh!” Minuette realized.

“Come on!” Fire said.

He led the four of them to the barracks around Canterlot Castle. As he approached, he saw he saw several guards still manning the area where the chariots were kept.

“Prince Fire Sword!” one of them said as he saw the son of Celestia approaching. “We’ve been waiting for you.”

“And for several hours, I see,” Fire-Sword said. “I’m going to need a large carriage for my friends as well.”

He gestured to the four mares accompanying him. The guards saluted him and without question got another two pairs of their fellows then procured a large guest carriage. Moondancer, Twinkleshine, Minuette and Lemon Hearts all climbed in.

“Has my mother left yet?” Fire Sword asked as he climbed into his personal carriage that was adorned with his cutie mark.

“We haven’t seen her, but I presume so,” the main guard said.

“Good,” Fire Sword said before looking up at the castle. “I presume Princess Cadance will be in charge here for the time being?”

“Yes, she and the rest of your cousins are here.”

Fire Sword frowned as he thought of one cousin, Prince Blueblood was deemed an eligible bachelor but he was vain and snobbish. At least Cadance was kind and cared about others. Ah well, Fire was sure she and her special somepony in the royal guard would be able to handle anything that came up. Well, maybe petty crime at least.

“Well, fly on!” Fire commanded.

The group of guards pulling both carriages with Fire Sword and his classmates were off. They flew through the air toward Ponyville and arrived just in time. It was a small town but nice looking. They arrived in the town square just in time.

Fire Sword climbed out of the carriage and looked back at his friends. “I’ll see you girls in there. My mother is expecting me by her side.”

“Bye Fire!” Moondancer said. “And… thanks for cheering me up when I was ready to call it quits!”

“No problem,” Fire Sword said. “I maybe a bit of a loner, but I know what friends are for.”

They smiled at him, with Moondancer blushing slightly. Then they headed inside. Fire then flew up to the top floor of the town hall where his mother had told him to go. But stepping inside he saw a curtain blocking view of the other side but Celestia was not there. He did however hear a voice beyond the curtains.

"Fillies and gentlecolts, as Mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!" The Mayor announced.

Everypony cheered at this.

"In just a few moments, our town will witness the magic of the sunrise and celebrate this, the longest day of the year, and now… it is my great pleasure to introduce to you the ruler of our land, the very pony that gives us the sun and the moon, each and every day, the good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria, Princess Celestia! And her warm-hearted and strong son, Prince Fire Sword!"

The curtains opened and Fire saw many ponies looking up at him. He saw Twilight Sparkle in the crowd below. Also there on the balcony overlooking the hall was the pony who had opened the curtains. Fire's mouth fell open as he saw her. She was a particularly beautiful white unicorn with an elegantly styled purple mane. He looked into her blue eyes that were just as beautiful as the rest of her. Those eyes seemed to light up with stars as she saw him. He felt his cheeks light up as he looked back.

“Prince Fire Sword!” she exclaimed before bowing. Looking next to him, however, she saw he was alone. “Huh?”

Fire Sword shook to snap himself out of his distraction. He looked around thoroughly, but no sign of her.

“Where is my mother!?” he asked looking down at the ponies, his warm heart lighting up with a spark of anger. “Where is Princess Celestia?”

“Oh, I’m terribly sorry, your highness!” said a light brown pony with a gray mane whose voice matched the mayor who had been speaking earlier. “We were expecting your mother the princess to be here with you!”

She then turned to her citizens. “No pony panic! I’m sure there is a reasonable explanation for all this!”

Fire Sword frowned, anger beginning to fester within him as his feelings told him something was wrong. He began flapping his wings and looked down below.

“Guards!” he called as he hovered over the crowd.

The royal guards in the Town Hall came forward.

“Was my mother with any of you?” he asked.

“No, Prince Fire Sword,” one of them said as the rest shook their heads.

Fire Sword growled. His mane began to flicker with flames slightly. While he tried to act warm and welcoming, as well as provide ponies with new hope when it was about to die, something like this could cause him to get all fired up. Several ponies backed up at the sight.

“Find her!” he ordered under his breath.

There was suddenly a gasp from the crowd and the air seemed to grow colder.

Blue smoke suddenly materialized on the balcony that he had been standing on earlier. Seeing the white unicorn was still there and the smoke approaching her, Fire flew at her and seized her in his hooves.

“Oh!” she exclaimed as he carried her safely to the floor below.

He then looked up to face the smoke which took on the form of a large dark pony wearing armor and moving and sparkling blue mane similar to Celestia's.

"Oh. My beloved subjects, it's been so long since I've seen your oh so precious sun loving faces…" the pony said.

"What did you do with our princess?" A pony with a rainbow mane asked angrily.

She made to charge in but was restrained by an orange Earth Pony who bit her tail.

The black pony laughed and said, "Why? Am I not royal enough for you?" Her tone immediately shifted. "Don't you know who I am?"

A loud talkative pink pony spoke now, "Ooh. Ooh! A guessing game! Ummmm… HOKEY SMOKES! How bout QUEEN MEANNIE? No. BLACK SNOOTY!"

“I know who you are!” Fire Sword said pointing his hoof. “You’re my mother’s sister that she banished to the moon! Aunt Luna!”

Many ponies gasped.

She looked at him with narrowed eyes. “Well well, I didn’t expect this! My sister actually had a foal? Hmm, I’m afraid you’re only half right! I was once your dear Aunt Luna, but she is gone now! Surely the legacy of who I am now remains? Did you not recall the legend? Did you not see the signs?”

"I did!” Twilight Sparkle said. “And I know who you are now! You're the mare of the moon! Nightmare Moon!"

Every pony gasped again.

"Well well well!" Nightmare Moon said. "Some pony who remembers me! Then you also know why I am here!"

Twilight shivered as she spoke, "You're here to…" She hesitated. "to…" She gulped.

Nightmare Moon laughed once again and announced, "Remember this day little ponies, for it is your last… from this moment forth… the night will last FOREVER!" She laughed evilly as thunder sounded and lightning flashed above her.